2.7 River of Slime

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Y/N sat in a small cafe with Grace on the other side of the table. The two had decided to catch up and talk after the events that occurred on Christmas Eve. They were both laughing as Grace finished telling Y/N a story from her childhood. 

Y/N: So, you're telling me that not only did you knock out your karate instructor, but you stole his gold medal and then called his wife to tell her he was cheating on her?!

Grace: Yep! He was so pissed afterwards! But he never find out about the medal!

The two burst into laughter with tears in their eyes. They eventually calmed back down after filling the whole dining area with their laughs.

Y/N: So what did you do with the medal?

Grace: I gave it to one of the younger students. They honestly did better than him even though he never admit it. 

Y/N: They should have given you a reward. I wonder if there's anything above a black belt.

Grace: If there was I would have beaten that too.

The two laughed again. Y/N listened to her. He loved the way her voice and especially laugh sounded. They settled down again and took a drink from their coffee. 

Y/N: We should do this more often.

Grace: Agreed. It's been ages since I've actually been able to sit down with someone and talk over coffee.

Y/N: We should make it a weekly thing. I may make drinking more coffee my New Years resolution. 

Grace: Are you sure your body can take that much caffeine?

Y/N: Well I need something to keep me going with the longer shifts. You'd never believe how many spirits decide Christmas is the best time to strike. 

Grace: Well you know what they say, "There'll be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories from Christmases long, long ago."

Y/N continued to sing the song with her as they finished the refrain together. Y/N once again listened to her voice, how it drifted over the lyrics like a sled in the snow. They stopped and startled giggling again. Y/N eventually composed himself.

Y/N: So, has your father allowed you to pursue career opportunities?

Grace: Yeah, he finally decided to let me pitch an entrepreneurial investment idea.

Y/N: That's good. Otherwise I may have had to walk up to him with a particle thrower. 

Grace laughed at his joke. She would have loved to see that image. She also found it sweet the man would do that for her.

Y/N: So what's your investment idea?

Grace: I was thinking a food drive and donation center. Something to help those who maybe can't afford items they need. It would especially help during these cold months. We may even expand it as a housing center.

Y/N: That's a wonderful idea! You'd be giving people hope during these trying times! And hey, everyone needs some positivity in this day and age. I think you're just the right person for something like that.

Grace: You think so?

Y/N: Yeah. You're nice, you're sweet, you're sympathetic towards others, and you're great at listening to others.

Grace slightly blushed at his statement. 

Grace: Well, if things don't work out, you got any need for another Ghostbuster?

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