3.4 Down the Mine Shaft

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Phoebe, Trevor, Podcast, and Lucky sat in the old steel cage as the metal winch slowly lowered them down into the mines. They were descending into Shandor's main mine vein, trying to uncover the secrets of their grandfather. 

As the shaft opened up, they all took out their flashlights and scanned the room. They were now in what appeared to be a large temple. There were twin statues of sentinel warriors, each with a grotesque dog head. Between them stood the largest statue in the temple. Literally carved into the inside of the mountain was the face of some woman with a tall hat, or maybe an odd hair choice? It overlooked the entire temple.

 Literally carved into the inside of the mountain was the face of some woman with a tall hat, or maybe an odd hair choice? It overlooked the entire temple

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The cart came to a stop by the floor of the cave. The four stepped out of it. Trevor held up his flashlight towards the large statue.

Trevor: Is that her? Is that Gozer?

Phoebe: Gozer isn't a he or a she.

Lucky: Looks pretty well for 50,000 B.C.

Trevor: Everyone watch their steps.

The four looked towards the center of the room. There appeared to be a large hole that descended into the bowels of the Earth itself. They couldn't even see the bottom with their lights.

Phoebe: Another hole?

Trevor: I wonder where this one leads to.

Trevor: I wonder where this one leads to

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Podcast finally realized what it was.

Podcast: The sacrificial death pit!

Phoebe: What were they sacrificing?

Lucky: Virgins, probably. Tough luck for you dude. Sorry.

Phoebe: Well, statistically most 15 year olds are virgins.

Trevor tried to shush her as Lucky looked back at him.

Lucky: 15? You're 15?

Trevor: I'll be 16 in February.

Lucky: It's June. 

Trevor tried to quickly change the subject. He pointed to a set of empty tombs that lined the wall.

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