By Winter201117

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What would happen if a good-looking lesbian had swept off a homophobic's feet? An old friend that Winter care... More

[M]Special Chapter woo-hoo


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By Winter201117

After getting the whole resort soaked, the rain outside slowed down to a faint drizzle. People started coming out from where they were hiding. Some kids went back to the beach side to play in the sand and sea water. Even though the rain hasn't fully subsided yet, everything was slowly going back to normal.

It has been an hour now since Minju left and the room is still lifeless. Winter is on the bed, not moving from the spot where Minju left her, still contemplating about what just happened. This time she knew it was real because she felt like Minju has taken a part of her body when she stepped out the door.

Winter heard her phone rang. She lazily stretched her arm to grab the phone on the bedside table. It was Ning who's calling.

Something from her peripheral vision caught her attention. She saw a familiar key on the table, the duplicate to her apartment door. She picked it up and answered the phone call.


"Dude, what's up? How are you?"

"I..... uh, not good? How about you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm currently driving back to Seoul. Is Minju still there?"

Winter clenched her hand with the key in it. "Nope. She left an hour ago."

"Oh. So, what happened?"

"It's over, dude," said Winter, sighing. "She already returned the key to me."

"Oh. Is she going away again?"

"It could be something like that. She said we should stay away from each other for now."

"Honestly, I was afraid that she'd do that."

"I wish I could do something about it but she already made up her mind."

"I may not like it that way but I think you guys did the right thing."

"You do?" Winter felt glad hearing that. At least she knows that there is another person who thinks that they've done the right thing.

"Yeah. It might not be that obvious but I can see that you are both having a hard time around each other. At least after this, she can now focus on Minho completely without thinking of your unofficial past."

"I'm sad, yes, but I have to admit that it kinda felt light at the same time because of it, said Winter, smiling a little now.

"I'm glad to hear that from you, dude. I'm worried that you'll go through another recovery process again because of her."

"Nah, that won't happen anymore. I'm sorry, dude."

"Huh? For?

"For bothering you so much because I was so low-spirited when she left before."

"Nah, don't mention it. What friends are for, right?"

"And I'm sorry that our friendship was badly affected because of what happened between Minju and me."

"Psh. Come on, don't worry. I believe that time can heal both of you. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it will happen soon. You two are going to get back together as friends and our trio will be completed in no time, okay?"

The optimism brought joy to Winter. "I hope so, Ning."

"It will happen soon, believe me. Let her focus to Minho for now and you should focus on Karina too."

Winter was jolted back to her senses after hearing that name. Karina's sweet smile suddenly crossed her mind. Winter may not have realized it right away but Karina is the person who made her feel whole again after Minju.

"And speaking of that, I'm actually calling to check on Karina too. Is she there yet?"

Winter's eyes automatically searched the room, as if double-checking if she's alone or not. "She's not yet here, dude. In fact, I haven't seen her since I woke up this morning."


"Why? Something wrong with her?"

"I... uh... I don't know if my intuition serves me right.. but I think... I have a feeling that Karina likes you, dude."

"H-how could you say so?"

"It's just a gut feeling, but yeah, I think she's jealous of Minju the way Minju is jealous of her."

"How did you know that?"

"I was with her this morning. We had a quick coffee talk about you and Minju. After that, she told me she'd get back to your room right away. I've been gone there for more than an hour now and she hasn't come back yet. I think she's not really okay."

"I... I don't get it, dude. Minju told me she left early this morning to give us time to talk."

"It may seem like that but i think it's not what she really wants to happen."

Winter gritted her teeth. "Did she say anything to you?"

"Not much. She keeps on saying she's okay but I really think she's not. I can see it in her eyes, dude. I don't mean to keep your hopes up, but I really have a hunch that she's afraid of losing you to Minju."

Winter rose up from the bed and walked back and forth while massaging a hand on her temples. "What should I do when she gets back here?"

"Observe her first. I don't think confessing is the best way to do yet."

"Weren't you the one who's telling me yesterday to confess?"

"Well, it's a different case this time. You just came from a 'break-up, right? You wouldn't want Karina to feel that she's a 'rebound!"

"Oh." Winter scratched her head. "Maybe you're right."

"Just observe her for now. Observe the things she'll do after you tell her what happened to you and Minju."

"I surely will."

"Alright, so... I guess I'll see you soon in Seoul?"

"Yup, yup. I'll see you soon. Thanks."


Karina is back walking down the beach side that time while enjoying watching the kids playing and running. She glanced at her watch and noticed that it's past 10:30 am. She didn't realize how time flew quickly. Her mind has been totally occupied with her anxiety.

She knew that the talk is over by now as what Minju had promised. However, she's afraid to go back yet. She's dying to know how the talk ended but she doesn't want to think about it because she's scared of the answer.


The sound of the running water from the bathroom is echoing in that silent room. Winter turned off the shower to check if she could hear any movement from the room. To her dismay there was none.

Winter went out of the bathroom, dried herself, and changed clothes. She grabbed her phone on the bedside table, planning to make a call, but was disappointed to see Karina's phone left in there too. She sighed deeply and sat down on the bed. After all the things that had happened, all she wanted to do now is to see Karina.


11:07 am

Karina checked her watch after roaming around the souvenir shop, looking to buy something for her mom. She knew she needs to go back now to pack her things. Although she's not really sure why she's acting the way she's acting now, she knows she needs to calm herself down. Whatever the result is, she'll face it with full courage.

Karina walked pass the lobby, into the elevator, and to her designated floor.

There was no one in the hallway when she stepped out to the floor, making her feel more tensed.

She took a stepped forward and felt her heart tightened. Every step leading to their room is giving her harder time to breathe. It was so silent that she can even hear her own heart thumping in her chest.

After few more steps, she finally reached their room. She stood up in front of the door, took a deep breath while staring at the label on it:

Room 707

She raised her hand but hesitated to knock, thinking if Minju could still be inside.

She put her ear up against the door to listen for any sound inside. To her disappointment, she heard nothing but the running air-conditioner.


Karina was caught unguarded when someone from the end of the hallway called her. The voice was soft and low but Karina heard it loudly. That's the voice she'd been waiting to hear her call her name since last night.

"Where have you been?" Winter walked towards Karina, hands holding on paper bags. "I was starting to get worried, you know?"

Karina's eyes widened, unaware that she partly took a step backward due to shock.

"I was... I was just strolling around," said Karina, raising the paper bag on her hand. "I bought souvenirs for my mom."

"Oh, is that so? I bought souvenirs too for dad and Yunjin."

Karina knitted her eyebrows. She still doesn't understand Yunjin's role in Winter's life. But then, seeing Winter's smile made everything felt right again. "I... I didn't see you at the souvenir shop."

"Yeah, I didn't see you too." Winter turned to the door and inserted the keycard to open it. She went inside right away and plopped down on the bed with her back. "Ooh, I'm gonna miss this bed so much!"

Karina left her paper bags on the floor, wondering why Winter seemed so happy. She's now contemplating whether she should ask how the talk went or just wait until Winter tells her about it

"Is there something wrong?" asked Winter, lifting her head.

"Nothing. I just... I just can't believe that two days had passed just like that," said Karina, trying to avoid Winter's eyes.

"Yeah, me too. Winter sat up on the bed, stretched her arms out and arched her back. "This is my most memorable visit here."

Karina may not admit it to herself yet but she's somehow hoping that she's one of the reasons for that. She felt the urge to ask again about Minju but swayed the idea last minute. Instead, she walked towards her closet and started taking out her clothes.

"How are you feeling by the way? Don't you feel sick or something? You were so drunk last night," asked Karina.

"I actually had a terrible headache when I woke up this morning."

"Do you want me to get aspirin for you?"

"Nah, I'm all cool now," said Winter, sounding cheerful. "I don't know why but my headache just went away. Maybe I got distracted."

Yeah, distracted by Minju. Karina rolled her eyes. "Oh, okay. I'm just worried if you're capable of driving us home later."

"Don't worry. I'm in perfect shape now." Winter bent her elbow at a 90-degree angle and tapped her biceps with her left hand.

Karina chuckled. "Fine, if you say so. Just make sure you'll return me to my mom with complete body parts."

"Of course. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you know."

Karina raised a quizzical eyebrow. For whatever reason, hearing the word

'hurt' reminded her of what she's gone through earlier.

"What?" asked Winter.


"Uhmm, Karina?"


"How did I end up here last night?"

Karina held the closet door with her left hand before looking at Winter. "She escorted you back here."

"Where.. where were you then?"

"Well, Ning's pretty smashed up too last night so Minho and I helped her book a room.

Winter's eyes followed Karina as the latter is putting her clothes from her closet and arranging each into the duffel bag. "Why didn't Minju help Minho with Ning instead?"

"I don't really know," said Karina, shrugging. "Minho asked her but she said she's dizzy. It makes me wonder how she was able to accompany you back here if she was really dizzy."

Winter tried to hold off her smile, staring at somewhat jealous Karina.

"But when I got here I realized why she did that," Karina continued before

Winter could say anything.

"W-were we doing something when you came?"

"Hmm, aside from her ruffling your hair while you were sleeping? I guess none."

Winter was staring blankly at Karina, unsure of what to say.

"I don't know if I should pretend to be jealous," said Karina, tapping her fingers on the closet door. "But when I saw her panicked I realize that I should just act cool."

"So, what did you say to her?"

"I thanked her for looking after you and then she thanked me for dragging you here," said Karina flatly. "That's when I realized that it's the best time to ask her about you. It turned out that she's also planning to talk to you over this trip so she used that opportunity to ask for my permission to allow you to talk to her."

"And you said yes?"

"Of course." Karina went back fixing her clothes. "That's what we came here for, right? To settle your relationship with her?"

"Yeah.. but is that what you really want to happen?" asked Winter.

Karina stopped for a second. She felt the melancholic feeling from earlier coming back. She continued arranging her back after exhaling her stress out.

"I don't have the right to say no, Winter. I'm only pretending to be your girlfriend, remember that."

"I know.. but I'm curious."


Winter scratched the back of her head, looking hesitant. "I'm just wondering... If ever.. let's just say that... I mean.. if you were my real girlfriend, could you have said no?"

Sometimes Karina wonders how Winter does it: asking questions like that without making her feel irritated. For sure, if other men have had asked her the same thing she'll answered back hard. But it's different with Winter. Karina is not sure if it's Winter's soft voice that does the trick, whatever it is, she doesn't have the courage to resist it.

"I don't know, Winter."

"Oh, okay." Winter nodded. She rose up from the bed and walked towards the couch near the balcony where her bag is located.

"But I think I'd be afraid," Karina whispered out of the blue. "If. if was your real girlfriend, I think I'd still allow you to talk to her, but it would really bother me."

That made Winter look back to Karina. "Why would you do that? Won't that make you feel uncomfortable?'

"I'd still allow you because I would want you to weigh your feelings for both of us. But for sure I'd be dead worried."


"She came in first right, and you've been together long. How am I gonna compete with that?" said Karina. Both of them are now standing, facing each other from across the room.

"Are you afraid that I might get back to Minju after our talk?"


Winter can't control her smile. "Really?"

"IF only I was your real girlfriend, Winter, IF."

"Yeah." Winter laughed. "But in case you're my real girlfriend, I'm telling you now that you shouldn't worry too much."

"And why is that?"

"Minju could have taken that space before for years, but it's free now," said Winter, opening her palms up.

"You mean..?"

"I'm free now, Rin, totally freed from her."

Karina felt that a huge weight has been taken off her chest. "You.. you guys called it off?"

"Yeah, something like that."

Karina dropped her clothes and walked up to Winter. "So.. so how are you feeling now? Are you okay?" she asked, squeezing Winter's shoulder. She felt worried because everything will be failure if the breakup will out Winter back in misery.

"I think I am," said Winter, smiling. "I've never been better. In fact, I felt like l've finished a journey that I've been traveling alone."

Karina couldn't help it this time. She reached her arms around Winter's neck and gave the latter a squeeze. "Eeee! I'm so happy for you. You finally made it, Winter!"

Winter staggered a little to maintain her balance, involuntarily putting an arm around Karina's waist. "Yeah, haha! I made it."

Karina pulled herself away, arms still draped around Winter's shoulders. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, honey, I'm fine," said Winter, beaming. "Thanks for your help by the way."

"You're welcome, honey," said Karina, avoiding Winter's eyes. She can't get the smile off her face though.

"How about I'll treat you to a snack in Seoul before I drive you home?"

"Snacks sounds great."

"Alright?" Winter lifted her fist asking for a fist bump Karina flashed out her sweet smile, bumping her fist with Winter's.


Karina came out of the room first and walked straight to the elevator area.

Winter closed the door behind her and noticed the door across the hallway. It seems like nobody is inside at the moment. She can hear no movements at all. She took a deep breath as she walked away.

Thanks, Min.


"Hey, cutie.

The tattooed woman called them as they were walking towards the parking area. Winter waved her hand. "Hey there, 'sup?"

Karina instantly grabbed Winter's arm tightly, hoping that the woman won't tell Winter about their discussion earlier.

"I'm good. I just came from my lunch." The woman noticed their bags. "I see you're leaving now, eh?"

"Yeah, it's gonna be another two to three-hour drive back to Seoul," said Winter.

"So, are you two okay now?"

"Okay?" Winter was puzzled.

"'Yeah, we're okay," Karina butted in, squeezing Winter's arm against her body.

"We're always okay, right honey?"

"Y-yeah." Winter wasn't sure why Karina is acting that way. Then she realized that Karina could just playing along because the tattooed woman thought of them as a real couple. "Why would we not be okay in the first place?"

"I'm just making sure that you're not having second thoughts about your girlfriend, cutie," said the woman, making Karina swallow something in her throat.

"Second thoughts?" Winter glanced at Karina and went back to the woman. "I wouldn't have second thoughts on this baby here."

Karina almost melted. She felt her hand being squeezed tighter which made her rest her chin on Winter's shoulder. Sometimes she's not aware of what she's doing. Her body is automatically doing things out of her consent.

"That's good to hear. Don't make your girlfriend cry, okay?" said the woman, lightly punching Winter on the arm.

"Haha! I won't."

"Alright. Drive safe. Take care you both."

"Thanks. We'll see you again when we come back here," said Winter.

After few steps, the woman turned back to them. "Oh, and by the way, I'm not sure if you've heard of this but that design you have on your hands right now, it was once used as a matrimonial tattoo by the first tribal inhabitants of this area."

Winter and Karina looked at each other, having the same thoughts on their minds.

Matrimonial tattoo?

"Butterfly totem is a symbol of powerful transformation," said the woman. "It is often used by wedding couples as a tattoo to symbolize their faith for each other no matter what changes they'd encounter. The butterfly spirit will guide your relationship to conquer any obstacles."

Winter let out a small chuckle. "That's nice. My honey really knows which to pick, huh?"

"I never knew that story behind the design. I just randomly picked it from the album," said Karina.

"Well, it's a good choice, just so you know," the woman said.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Karina smiled awkwardly.

The woman smirked. "It's not just coincidence. You two really meant for each other. Anyway, I hope you both come back here soon. Bye now."

Both of them were left standing as they followed the woman with their eyes, still holding each other's hands as nobody dared to say or do anything.

When Karina can't handle the pressure anymore, she freed her hand from Winter's grip.

Winter pulled her hand back. "Hey. Don't let go yet. You're still my girlfriend until this trip is over, right?"

Seeing Winter's crooked smile made Karina blush a bit. "Girlfriend your face."

"Hey, honey, you should cooperate," said Winter, raising their interlocked hands and pointing at the butterfly design. "You wouldn't want to upset the spirits, do you?"

Karina raised an eyebrow but eventually gave in. "Fine."

The couple walked towards the parking lot holding each other's hands.


"Drive safe, okay?" said Karina, bending down to see Winter's face, her elbow resting on the car door. Winter dropped her off in front of their house after their snack date.

"I will, thanks."

"Alright, uhm, text me when you get home, okay?"

Karina saw Winter's slightly surprised expression with what she said, making her feel a bit embarrassed. But when she saw Winter's lips curved upwards after several seconds, she was glad.

"Yeah, sure, I will, boss." Winter's hand rose to salute.

Karina raised an eyebrow to tell Winter that she was serious about it. "Cool. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." She pushed the door closed.


"How was your trip?"

Karina almost jumped when she unexpectedly heard her mom's voice. She didn't notice that her mom is sitting on the couch, reading magazines, when she entered the door.

"Oh, hi mom. It was great," said Karina, giving her mom a quick hug and peck on the cheek.

"I can tell. You look so cheerful now."

"Do I?"

"Yeah. I think you should do that once in a while. You're overly attached with your work," said the older woman who's busy scanning the magazine she's holding. "By the way, how come you never invite your friend inside?"

"Uhm, she's always in a hurry and she's pretty tired now," Karina replied quick, putting a hand on her neck.

"Well you should invite her next time," her mom said as she flipped another page. "I always see that red bmw dropping you off here but l've never seen your friend once."

"I'll invite her in next time."

Karina was glad that her mom didn't say anything after that. She excused herself and hurried back to her room. She arranged her stuff and went to the bathroom for a quick warm shower. After she went out the first thing she checked is her mobile phone.

Hmm, no text messages? Isn't she home yet?

She dropped her phone on her bed and walked towards the veranda. The events in the resort were running on her mind while she's drying her hair with a towel. She didn't regret pretending to be Winter's girlfriend because the confusing past between Minju and Winter has finally been resolved. Winter has finally been freed from her hopeless agony of waiting for Minju.

Before her thoughts could drift further, Karina heard her message alert tone.

She strode excitedly to grab her phone. A smile drew on her face when she finally saw Winter's name. She sat on the bed to check the message.

"I'm home, boss. 🫡"

Karina giggled. Trying to suppress a squeal from coming out. She can't get over the idea that Winter obeyed her. She typed in her reply quickly but eventually stopped.

Wait, should I reply right away? Would that give her an impression that I was waiting for her message?

She reclined back on her bed and decided to delete her composed message.

She spent the next five minutes flipping her phone on her hand, hoping to receive another message.

I'll surely reply after another text.

After ten more minutes, there was no message. Out of the blue, the phone rang.

Karina jumped out of the bed and stared at Winter's name flashing on her phone screen.

What should I do?

She walked panicky around her room with her hand raising the phone to her face.

Should I answer it?

Soon, she realized that she should answer it before Winter decides to cancel the call. She pressed the answer button and it took like five seconds for her to put the phone next to her ear.



"Winter..." Karina bit her lower lip to hold her smile.


"W-why did you call?"

"Uh, well... I'm checking if you received my message. I texted you like fifteen minutes ago."

"Ah, yeah, well, uhm... I just read it. I was busy downstairs and just got here in my room."

"Oh, I see.,"

There was a brief silence after that, Karina doesn't know what to respond so she waited for Winter to speak again.

"I guess you're still busy? I don't want to bother you for now."

"Wait, Winter.."


"Uhm, how are you? Are you tired?"

"Yeah. I'm dead tired. I haven't moved from the couch since I got here. I might doze off here, haha!"

Karina smiled as the image of Winter lying on the sofa formed on her mind. "I guess driving has finally taken its toll on you, huh?"

"It's alright. I enjoyed the entire trip. How about you?"

"Of course, I enjoyed it a lot. It was the most memorable trip I've gone so far."


"Yeah. I don't get out much, you know," said Karina, finally settling back on her bed. "Thanks for taking me there."

"I'm so honored to be part of the most memorable trip. I should be the one thanking you for what you did. You convinced me to go there, remember?"

"It is because the second time we met, Minju gave me a feeling that she's jealous of me. And I was right. Everything went well in the end, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Oh, by the way..."


"Since the trip is over, would that make you my fake ex-girlfriend?" The question was followed by a loud laughter on the other end of the line.

Karina covered her mouth with her hand when she laughed. "You're crazy, Winter!"

"Hey, pretending wasn't my idea. If I'm crazy, I believe I'm less crazy than you are."

"But we handled that one perfectly, right?"

"Surprisingly, yes. It's mostly because of you. Your acting is convincing. I thought it'll be awkward for us to continue pretending."

"Well, you made it less awkward for me."

"But you're still the best actress, haha!"


"Seriously, though, I can't imagine doing it with Giselle, even with Yunjin. It'll be hella awkward."

"Really?" Karina was glad to hear that.

"Yeah. Could it be that the spirits are guiding us in our acting? Hahahaha! What do you think, honey?"

Karina surely missed hearing that endearment from Winter. "Yah! You better go to sleep now, I bet you're tired."

"Yeah. I really am. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Okay. I had fun. Thanks."

"Me too. Goodnight, baby." Winter giggled.

Karina giggled in response. "Goodnight, honey."

"40 votes" for double chapter guys and i also read all ur comments luv u🖤
(i changed the cover of my book btw)

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