My 12 Older brothers

By Reader5102489

141K 1.7K 972

Experience the life with a Natalia, a 14 year old girl with 12 Older brothers. She is Italian and Hispanic. H... More

Authors Note!
Period 🩸
Realization, Attitude & Trouble Part 1
Trouble Part 2
Getting Ready for School
The First Day Of School
Car Ride
Cole, Attitude & Punished
Punished Part 2
Getting ready for the Musical
The Dress for the Musical Part 1
Jake, Cole and the Lecture
Jake & Dress shopping
The Musical
Cole Part 1
Cole Part 2
Insecurities + Getting Ready For The First Date
Attitude + Date
Attitude and Aftermath
Phone Call
10 Months Later! + Breakup
Theater + Heartbreak
Caught Off Guard
Almost 15th
New me + Nicos Girlfriend?
Nico girlfriend + Plot Twist
Birthday + Memory Pt.1
Birthday + Piano pt.2
Trouble + Grandparents Pt.1
Grandparents Pt.2
Henry + Punished
Meeting Zander
Nico Girlfriend + Punished
Natalia was right?
The Fight Pt.1
The Fight + Aftermath Pt.2
Insecurities + Piano
Grumpy + Musical Pt.1
Warning + Musical
Complete Chaos
Uncomfortable? Pt.1
Uncomfortable! Pt.2
Punished Pt.2
Lecture + First Date?
The Date
Kinda Blushing
Movie Date
Unexpected Pt.1
Report card Pt.2
London Pt.1
London Pt.2
Omg what is happening?
What Just Happened?
Pool + Punished Pt.1
Sorry guys important-author note

Skipping +Punished pt.1

1.7K 26 13
By Reader5102489

Natalia pov: 

Its like February now and I hate how Christmas break ended so fast. On top of that I'm in 4th period science class. Next period is math and I don't feel like going. 

I hate math class,I have a C- in that class. 

Are my brothers happy about that, umm no. Do I care? No not at all, well maybe a little.. but still.

Right now Leo,Theo, Henry went to this winter trip for boys in high school like hiking and  stuff. It's for a week. Cole on the other hand didn't want to go so he is home still.

The girl trip isn't till may. 

My other 4 brothers that are in college all got invited to this high honors class in Nevada like 2 hours away. We live in California.

Right now it's just Cole, Matthew, Ryan and Lucas, Noah and of course me. So I have a little bored. I mean the house feels empty.

The bell rings that determine 5th period. I don't really feel like going. I might skip. 

"Hey girly." Hannah says with a smile on her face as she spots Cole

"Hey girllll." I say smiling 

"What period you got next?" Hannah asked as she is raising her eyebrows

"I got math class ugh I hate that" I ask raising an eyebrow 

"Well I have English and I absolutely hate that class." Hannah says and then a grin show up on her face

"Whatttt?" I asked confused why she was staring at me like that

"I have an idea!" She says smiling

"And that is?"I ask intrigued 

"Well how about we skip." She says smirking

"We skip? I never done that you think my brother will find out." I ask confused 

"Not if we say we got loss." She says smiling

"Guess you got a point." I say grinning

"Well let's go." She says grabbing my hand as we go to one of the non popular bathrooms

As we are in there for a while just talking. We hear keys.

"Shh." Hannah says 

"Who is in here?"The security guard says 

With that we stay quiet.

"I know you guys are in here, just come out." The security guard says 

We don't. We just stay in the stall. 

"Alright than you guys are going to make matters worse, if I have to get Ms. Jackson (the assistant principal).

"Oh shit girl let's just go...we were caught anyway." Hannah whispers to me 

"I am so getting in so much trouble." I say as I gulp and we walk out of the stall

"Ms.marino? Ms. Lovett? I would never think you 2 would pull a stunt like this." The security guard says looking worried for us.

One thing for sure we have very strict guardians.

"Can we just go to class pleaseeee go to class." Hannah begged

"Absolutely not, you guys are going to the office."  Mother security guard says 

"That's some bullshit." I say a little louder than planned

"Excuse me? Alright now you are definitely going to the office." The security says in a serious tone

"Omg we are so dead girl." Hannah say sighing as we are now sitting in the office waiting 

After like a few minutes Hannah's parents come and they don't look happy. 

Once I guess there meeting is over Hannah looks like she either cried or is about to cry. 

With that I give her a sympathetic look.

"It's my fault don't be sorry." She whispers to me when they leave.

10 minutes past and now Noah and Lucas are here, I didn't look at there faces knowing they we're probably furious.

"Mr.Marino you can follow them into the room." Ms. Smith the secretary says 

As I follow them into the office I sit in between Noah and Lucas.

"I am glad you guys could make it, umm but a problem has arisen as you could tell, your sister decided to skip class today, which Ended up with her being caught and caused her to curse at the security guard." Mr.Oliver said 

"tu cosa!?" Noah said in a stern voice in Italian (you what!?)

"I- umm." I say bitting my lip

"What class did you skip?" Lucas ask in a scary tone 

"I-I um...math." I say quietly but loud enough to hear

"sei così nei guai, ragazzina" Noah said in a stern tone (you are in so much trouble little girl.)

"Is there anything else?" Lucas asked Mr.Oliver 

"Yes, she will have in school for 3 days and detention for 2, starting tomorrow." Mr.Oliver said writing it down in his notes.

"Okay that perfectly fine, it was a pleasure meeting you." Noah says shaking Mr.Oliver hand and then Lucas doing the same.

Then Noah asked the secretary to pick up Cole. As Cole comes down stairs minutes later looking confused he figures not to say anything. I guess by looking at the situation.

As we get in the car Noah starts taking.

"Little girl you are in a world of trouble." He says sternly 

What's going to happen now?

Hey sorry you guys, like I said my mental health isn't that great but I will get to all the recommendations eventually. 🫶🏾😩💕

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