The Path to Hell or Salvation...

By FCL-M-Trio

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You trapped yourself in a seal with Ryomen Sukuna. The seal is known to show the victims their fears, regrets... More

Prologue: Sealed
Chapter One: Astray
Chapter Two: Uncharted Land
Chapter Three: Arachnophobia
Chapter Four: Cabin
Chapter Five: The City
Chapter Six: Unwanted Resemblance
Chapter Seven: Inferno
Chapter Eight: An Old Face
Chapter Nine: Abomination
Chapter Ten: Hot Spring
Chapter Eleven: Hot Magma
Chapter Eleven Part II: Visitor
Chapter Twelve: Prison
Chapter Fourteen: Conflicted
Chapter Fourteen Pt II:
Chapter Fifteen: Only One
Chapter Sixteen: Promise
Chapter Seventeen: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Eighteen: Horde
Chapter Nineteen: Consume
Chapter Twenty: Consume Pt. II
Chapter Twenty-One: Consume Pt. III
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sad but True
Chapter Twenty-Three: Home
Chapter Twenty Three Pt. II:
Chapter Twenty-Four: Daylight
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Last Embrace
Chapter Twenty-Six: Yet to Come
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Hint of Nostalgia
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taken
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Double Trouble
Chapter Thirty: Blood Red Sky
Chapter Thirty-One: Be Safe For A Moment
Chapter Thirty-Two: Serenity
Chapter Thirty-Three: Bliss
Chapter Thirty-Four: A New Threat, A New Hope
Chapter Thirty-Five: Insanity
Chapter Thirty-Six: Broken
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Tension and Conflict
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Seesaw
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Whatever You Desire
Chapter Forty: Snowfall
Chapter Forty-One: Need 2
Chapter Forty-Two: Who Is She?
Chapter Forty-Three: Spirit Search
Chapter Forty-Four: It's A Start
Chapter Forty-Five: Tragedy
Chapter Forty-Six: Melancholy
Chapter Forty-Seven: Just One More Day
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Cost of Freedom
Meet The Monsters!
Chapter Forty-Nine: Carnage
Chapter Fifty: Destruction Among Us
Chapter Fifty-One: Gone
Chapter Fifty-Two: I Was Only Temporary
The Music for This Story / Author's Note
Chapter Fifty-Three: Kaleidoscope
Chapter Fifty-Four: Skipping Stones
Chapter Fifty-Five: UhGood
Chapter Fifty-Six: Down By The River
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Illness
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Unexpected Arrival

Chapter Thirteen: Possessive

1.5K 77 103
By FCL-M-Trio

Sukuna was playing music loudly downstairs. Your brows twitch in annoyance as you lie in his bed, the music vibrations can be felt through the floor. You rolled onto your side to try to get some sleep but the music was still loud. What the hell was he doing? You take a deep breath and smell a nice fragrance. It was soothing, and relaxing, making you feel comfortable. Like you could be swept away by this scent.

You couldn't help but nuzzle your face into the spot, breathing it in. Who the hell would have thought Sukuna smelled so nice? Nah, it's probably the soap he used.

Soon you hear the music turn off and it's silent.


Your eyes close, ready to drift to sleep you hear the door open and shut behind you. Alarmed it's Nanami, you shoot out of bed with a scared and worried look. Only to see Sukuna there. His brows furrowed as he saw your panicked state.

"It's just me, no need to be freaked out," Sukuna assured calmly. As odd as it is, you slowly relax. "Oh," you said, brushing your hair back. "Tired?"

"Just need to scout the room first," Sukuna said, shutting the door behind him.

"Why?" You asked him. You checked the room its safe.

"Can't a guy scout?" Sukuna asked "innocently". You raise your brow and just sigh, too tired to put up with his antics. "Sure, do your scout thing...scouter," you mumble, exhausted. You lie back down in the bed, curled up under the blankets.

With your eyes closed you can hear him walk around the room. No clue what he is doing, you're almost asleep as you listen to his footsteps moving around. Sukuna opened some drawers, looking for any hidden flasks so he could dispose of the alcohol. That's what he's been working on for the past thirty minutes, playing loud music so you will not hear him break the wine bottles. He left a mess down there, but whatever. Instead of finding a flask, he pulls out a lighter. Might be useful for later. You hear him stop walking around or even rummaging through the drawers. He must be done, he'll leave soon eventually.

Then you feel a dip in the bed. What?! You quickly turn around to see him lying in bed.

"What?" Sukuna asked as he stared back at you. "Why are you in the bed?!" You exclaimed, now wiggling away from him.

"I'm tired, why else?" Sukuna argued with a shrug.

"So why not sleep on the floor?!" you asked him. He groans as he steals one of your pillows. The audacity of this man to steal one of your pillows! "Don't you like sleeping on hard surfaces?" Sukuna remarks as he gets comfortable. "You sleep on the floor if my presence disturbs you so." It's clear he's not going to get up from his spot.

. "Alright, alright but stay on your side of the bed," you tell him.

Instead, Sukuna rolled over and swung an arm over you. "Like this?" Sukuna whispered with a smirk. You feel your heart skip a beat. What kind of game is he playing? "N-No not like this!" You said, annoyed. You try to ignore the burning feeling on your face. "Come on get off you're heavy!" That didn't deter him. Instead, he just lay on you more, smushing you into the bed. "Hey get off!" You exclaimed, as his chest was laying against your back. "I'm gonna get crushed to death!"

"I'm not that heavy, besides, I'm comfortable," Sukuna hummed as he nuzzled his face into your hair. Practically using you as a bed and pillow. Sukuna smirked as he listened to your muffled complaints as your face was squished into the mattress. He then rolls off of you and rests two of his hands behind his head, his other two hands grabbing the blanket and pulling it over him.

"Why did you play the music so loud anyways?" you asked him, glancing at him over your shoulder. Sukuna closes his eyes as he gets comfortable and ready for sleep. If you're going to plan to kill him, he hopes you're not going to use some lame method like suffocating him with a pillow. "Call it a temporary payback for playing your annoying music," he hums, feeling sleep calling for him. You let out a small mumble, clearly growing tired.

Sukuna didn't bother asking what you said, he felt his eyelids grow heavy. When was the last time he slept? It's odd because he doesn't need to sleep, he likes to but he's so busy staying awake making sure you're alive, he rarely sleeps now.

No, he needs to stay awake, this is not a safe place. He slowly sits up, slouching forward as he tries to stay awake. What was wrong with him? He's not that desperate for sleep. 'No, I need to stay awake and make sure that cursed human doesn't get anywhere near Y/N,' Sukuna thought as he glanced at your sleeping form. As long as he was around, Nanami would not show up. Coward only appears when you're alone to talk to you. It's clear the man was preying on your vulnerabilities, fulfilling your role to make sure Sukuna gets his due.

But how long can he keep this up? Perhaps Sukuna should get it over with and give you a "chance" to try to kill him. Of course, Sukuna will not roll over and let you kill him, but it should give you a sense of fulfillment that you tried everything you could to stop Sukuna once and for all. Maybe then you won't try to kill him after that.

"Ha, wishful thinking," Sukuna mutters, chuckling under his breath as he closes his eyes. Sukuna leans into his hands as he continuously pinches his leg, with his claws, to stay awake. His claws embed into his skin, droplets of blood running down his leg. The stinging, delightful pain keeps him awake. Should he falter or grow tired, he digs his claws further into his skin.



You wake up and see the sun rising. Oh, and the rain stopped as well. It's just a drizzle now. You feel so comfortable and warm you didn't want to move though. You nuzzle your face into the pillow and frown. The pillow feels a lot harder than you remember. Then there was a heavy breath against your hair, blowing right into your ear.

Your eyes snap open and you see that you're laying on Sukuna! What the hell?! And wait, his arms are wrapped around you, all four of them! Two are wrapped securely around your waist and the others around your torso.

"Mm..." Sukuna mumbled as he shifted in his sleep. 'He's cuddling me in his sleep?!' You thought, baffled. Who knew the King of Curses was a cuddler? Oh, you can't wait to tease him about this, the same way he teases you about the whole tongue intestine thing.

Slowly, you tried to unwrap his arms off of you while also trying to wiggle free from underneath him. But, instead, his grip got tighter around you and brought you closer to his chest. "Sukuna let go," you whisper in despair. Trying a different tactic, you try sliding out of his hold.

"Five more minutes," Sukuna grumbled as he nuzzled your hair. "Sukuna, you're cuddling me!" You whispered, trying to deter him. Then you smirk, now he's awake. "Who would've thought you were such a cuddler, man I wish Yuji was here to see this," you teased, even going as far as to poke his nose.

Sukuna opens an eye and then closes it, now pulling you tighter to his chest. This made you let out a strangled yelp, feeling your oxygen getting cut off! "Sukuna no let go!" You wheeze through your words. He does loosen his grip, but he doesn't let go of you. He's taking his little teasing game too far, normally he would let go by now.

"Stop complaining and go back to sleep," Sukuna mumbled as he briefly opened his eyes to give you an annoyed look. You furrow your brows, confused by his words. "The rain stopped, wouldn't it be better to leave now?" You said, still trying to get out of his arms. "And the sun is rising, we should keep moving."

"It's fine..." Sukuna mumbled as he closed his eyes again, doing his best to go back to sleep. That's when he shifts his position by rolling over and laying on top of you. In disbelief, you lose your patience and forcefully push him off, to no avail, he is too heavy. "Well I'm hungry, I want some food," you whine as your stomach growls. Does he just like to lay on you with his whole weight? Is this some kind of power move?

"I guess you can get food," Sukuna grumbled as he reluctantly rolled off of you. You immediately hopped out of bed and went to get breakfast.

Your eyes widen in shock when you see broken glass all over the floor, the kitchen, and even in the cabinets. And, is that blood? No, it's not you can smell the alcohol lingering in the air. What the hell happened? Did someone take a giant glass cube and explode it? You take a blanket and roll it up. With your feet, and as carefully as possible, you make a path by using the blanket to shove the glass out of the way. Just then you hear footsteps behind you and you quickly turn around.

"Ah, Sukuna wait there's glass everywhere!" You warn him.

"I know," is all he said. He walks through the path you made. "You know?' You asked, confused. You grab a broom and dustpan and start sweeping. Like hell, you'll leave all this glass around. "I know because I got rid of the bottles, it's why I played loud music last night," he answers, watching you sweep. Well, that explains why, he was drowning out the sounds of bottles breaking. Would it kill him to clean up after himself though? "For all I know you drink in the morning with a cup of coffee." You gave him a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah you're right, I drink with my pancakes," you said, sarcastically. As you clean up most of the glass, you catch a delicious scent lingering in the air. You turn around to see Sukuna plating some food. It looks to be French toast, with some bacon, and a fruit bowl. You had to blink a couple of times to see if what was in front of you was real. When did he even make that? He holds out the plate to you.

"Here, enjoy," is all he said.

In your shock, you put down the broom and dustpan and then slowly take the plate. "You cooked for me?" You asked, surprised. Then you give him a teasing smirk. "You know I can't be poisoned by you either, right?"

"Are you going to eat the food or not? Because if you don't, I'll eat it," Sukuna threatened, looking unamused. You shrug your shoulders, sit down and eat. When you tasted his food your eyes widened in surprise at the taste. It was delicious, no it couldn't be described in one word. "Holy shit that's delicious!" You said, surprised.

"You look surprised. You didn't expect it to be good?" Sukuna asked, looking offended. You quickly shake your head at the misunderstanding. "No that's not it, you always had Uraume cook for you, I just assumed you didn't cook a lot," you explain. "Maybe some basic knowledge but this tastes like you cooked for years."

"Cooking is below me, but it's a hobby I developed from boredom," Sukuna explained with a roll of his eyes. you let out a small scoff as you continue to eat. "Eating is never below anyone, It's a basic need for survival," you mutter.

"I said cooking, not eating," Sukuna corrected snarkily. "Never mind, you're cooking tastes like shit," you said, dropping your fork. You did clean up the mess and you noticed Sukuna was staring at you. Okay, that's odd and creepy. "What?" You asked him, feeling a little....uneasy.

"You're missing something," he comments, narrowing his eyes. You frown in confusion at his words and start looking everywhere at you. Was it your backpack? Yeah, you needed to find that. "I know I'll look for my bag in a second, I'll need it for when we leave," you tell him. He continued to stare at you and his eyes were glossing over you.

"Never mind, I'll get you another one," Sukuna said with a shrug, being oddly cryptic. You shrug your shoulders, walking up to him. "I'm fine with my bag, I mean yeah it's falling apart but I don't need a new one," you said, shrugging off the idea.

"What are you talking about?" Sukuna asked with a raised brow. Okay, clearly you both mean something else. "What am I talking about? I'm talking about my backpack, what are you talking about?" Sukuna sighed in annoyance placed two hands on your shoulder and led you upstairs. "I'm saying you're missing a very important piece of your body," Sukuna said, not allowing you any form of escape. You are completely baffled as he is taking you upstairs. Piece of your body?

As he leads you into his bedroom, alarm bells are starting to go off. You have no idea why they're going off, but something is unnerving you. Sukuna takes you to a drawer and goes through it. He has one hand gripping your wrist tightly as if you're not allowed to get further away from him.

"Clearly I was talking about this," he said as he pulled up a familiar piece of clothing that haunts you. Your eyes widen in fear and shock as he holds the black collar with a gold jewel attached to it. The collar belonged to him, the one that shows his ownership over you. The same one fake Yuji tried strangling you with a while ago.

"Looks like you just forgot to put it on," he said, smirking as he walked behind you. In your state of fear and panic, you stand still as you feel his fingers and claws glide against your skin as he puts the collar on you. As he fastens it around your neck, suddenly he tightens it causing you to yelp out as you are forced to lean your head back into his chest. His red eyes glared down at you all while having a sadistic smirk.

"A pet should never forget its place," he said, leaning down. At that moment, you realized, this was not your Sukuna.

This Sukuna is the Sukuna from the path you hated the most.

You become his pet.


1 Hour Earlier


Sukuna's eyes open as he turns to see Tenshi standing beside the bed. "What are you doing here?" Sukuna hissed at Tenshi, making sure you're still asleep. Tenshi gives him a small, yet sad smile as he doesn't move from the bedside. "Well...I sensed something bad was going to happen so as your big brother I wanted to check on you two," he said, fiddling with his fingers.

"Please, what are you really here for?" Sukuna asked in a hushed tone.

Tenshi motions to your sleeping form, you're still hugging the pillow. "Nanami is wanting your demise and I just wanted to make sure you were safe, little brother," Tenshi said, smiling. Sukuna scowls at Tenshi as he climbs out of bed. "Stop calling me that, you have no right to call me that you damn fake imagery," Sukuna lowly hisses at Tenshi. Tenshi backed away as Sukuna stalked him. "Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about Y/N and Nanami conspiring with each other if you hadn't left her alone that night!" Tenshi quickly shushes Sukuna and the two brothers glance at your sleeping form. You did shift a bit, and roll onto your other side. Sukuna grabs the thing by his forearm and drags him out of the room. The curse made sure to keep the door wide open so Nanami didn't appear.

"Now tell me, who really are you?" Sukuna growled as he got into Tenshi's face. Tenshi holds his hands up as he slowly backs up. "Listen, I can try to explain everything, but I have a feeling you won't listen. Whenever you have your mind set on something it's hard to change it," Tenshi said as he chuckled weakly. "Like the time you wouldn't change your mind about the nice lady giving out candy."

"Don't change the subject!" Sukuna exclaimed as he grabbed Tenshi's kimono and made him kneel before Sukuna. "Who are you?" He asked again in a more demanding tone.

Tenshi's eyes water as he doesn't bother to fight out of Sukuna's hands. "I'm your older brother, Sukuna," he muttered somberly. Such tricks will never work on Sukuna. "You are not my brother, my brother is dead," Sukuna hissed as he glared down at Tenshi.

"Tell me what you want already," Sukuna demanded, getting fed up.

"Not here," Tenshi urges his brother. "He's listening."

He squirmed free from Sukuna's grasp and quickly walked down the hall. Sukuna furrowed his brow, hesitant to follow "Tenshi". Sukuna glances back to your sleeping form. Is it really safe enough to leave you here? Just as Sukuna stands there, Tenshi peeks his head around the corner and frowns at Sukuna. "Psst, come on!" Tenshi whispers before leaving again.

Sukuna begrudgingly follows the copycat outside. Five minutes tops, no longer than that. The two of them stand right in front of the entrance door. "Explain, now I'm only giving you five minutes," Sukuna tells him with a glare.

"Nanami's trying to convince Y/N to finish her job and she's thinking about it," Tenshi whispers, leaning close to Sukuna. Sukuna can think back to the time you were giving him a massage. The way your fingers were steady and calm until you touched his neck. Sukuna can only assume you were planning to strangle him there. It makes sense.

"That can't be all, can it?" Sukuna asked with a raised brow. Tenshi looks to the side and shrugs his shoulders. "Brother I just worry for your safety, Nanami is taking advantage of her vulnerable state of mind," Tenshi voices his concern.

"Please, she can't hurt me even if she tried," Sukuna scoffed, with a roll of his eyes. Tenshi still has a worried gaze. There his little brother goes again, underestimating the people around him. It's how he got sealed in here in the first place. "Please just be careful, show her that you're more than a cyclical tyrant," Tenshi begs.

"I've been trying that," Sukuna said with an unimpressed look. "If she still hates me, then there's not much I can do," he said with a shrug. Tenshi made a 'really?' look at Sukuna. "Brother she doesn't hate much," Tenshin adds the last part. "She's slowly warming up to you like you are to her."

"Me? Warming up to a human? Funny," Sukuna remarked sarcastically. Tenshi raises his brow at Sukuna's words. It was small, really small but Sukuna is warming up to you.

"Is that all? If so, then I'm going back to the room," Sukuna said as he was getting impatient.

"Brother, are you not going to take this seriously?!" Tenshi asked, fed up. "Nanami is dangerous and you keep underestimating Y/N. If she managed to actually kill you I don't know what I would do!" Tenshi's bottom lip trembles, upset at the thought that Sukuna could die due to his carelessness.

"So? If she can actually kill me, I'd be impressed," Sukuna reasoned with a shrug. 'What?!' Tenshi thought with a disbelieving expression. And his brother said he wasn't warming up to you all the while he would be impressed if you killed him. Clearly, Sukuna is in denial about having a soft spot for you, even if it is small. Meanwhile, Sukuna thought the copycat was a good actor. Tenshi was this much of a worry wart years ago, this orb has done its research.

"Solid reaction, I'd give you praise, but any other tormented memory of you can do the same," Sukuna said with a smirk. Tenshi frowns at him and Sukuna's mental clock has counted down the five minutes. "Listen and listen well, that man is nothing but a coward hiding in the shadows and waiting for her to be alone," Sukuna said, insulting Nanami loud and clear. Sukuna lets out a mocking chuckle as he looks around the area. "I know you're listening you shit businessman, instead of using her face me!"

"Sukuna shh!" Tenshi said, hushing him.

"What? He's not going to do shit. Besides, what are you going to do? Run again?" Sukuna asked with a glare. Tenshi looks down with guilt, knowing if he had stayed with you that night Nanami wouldn't be in your ear.

Before Sukuna could crush this thing's spirit some more, they tense at the sound of something shuffling in the woods. Sukuna's eyes narrow as Tenshi whispers, "Oh no."

"Oh no? What the hell is out there?" Sukuna mumbles under his breath as he looks into the woods. It was pitch black and it was harder to see as some of the lights from the house were on as well. "Something very powerful," Tenshi mutters. "We need to get Y/N and go now, now!"

Just as Tenshi tried to shove Sukuna back into the home, multiple dark shadow masses emerged from the darkness. The web of shadow masses quickly attack and grasp onto Sukuna's and Tenshi's limbs. Without hesitation, Sukuna begins ripping off the shadow figures, but the more he rips off, the masses just grow from one another and entrap him.

Tenshi lets out a yell as he is immediately dragged into the woods, Sukuna is dragged after him. Sukuna's body collides and drags against the ground, continuing to use his claws to grip and rip the shadows apart.

Tenshi was dragged faster into the woods than Sukuna, he could hear Tenshi yelling,

"Stop, let us go!"

"My little brother will hurt you!"

"He's big and scary!"

Sukuna hissed in irritation as he ripped the masses off of him until he was lifted into the air. In the darkness, he can make out a giant round plant monstrosity. The plant opens up and reveals sharp rows of teeth as it lifts Tenshi over its mouth.

"If you eat me, you'll have to face Sukuna's wrath!" Tenshi yells out as he hands over the plant upside down.

Despite the thing's words, Sukuna was more focused on getting himself free than the fake copy of his twin. No matter how many times Sukuna ripped the shadow masses off of him, more would wrap around his limbs as a way to restrain him.

In a last attempt, Sukuna reaches into his kimono and with one hand he pulls out the lighter and flicks it on. Quickly, the shadow masses let go of him as the light from the fire dispersed the darkness. The shadows scurry back from the light and Sukuna glances around to see if any of the shadows will come for him again.

When they're not, Sukuna turns to leave even with Tenshi about to be eaten by the plant. 'Stop it,' Sukuna scolds himself. 'It's not Tenshi, your brother would never be trapped in hell, he's too innocent.' Just as Sukuna took another step forward he heard,

"Brother help me!"

The next thing Sukuna sees in his lower two hands is ripped plant fiber intertwined around his claws. In one hand the flame from the lighter is still lit, one hand gripping the back of Tenshi's kimono, and two hands just full of plant pieces.

The destruction in front of Sukuna, the plant that had attacked them both was ripped from the roots and it was shredded from Sukuna so badly one would think it was put through a paper shredder. The plant made some weak noises as it took its last breath and then died in front of the twins. Sukuna glares at his hands and wipes his hands clean of plant flesh.

"T....Thank you," Tenshi mutters. "I thought you wouldn't save me again-"

"Don't you dare!" Sukuna hissed as he immediately threw Tenshi to the ground. Tenshi wordlessly gets up, his gaze down but his soft golden eyes still on Sukuna. There was sadness in them, desperation, hurt, yet there was understanding.

"I really thought you were going to leave me behind, you were going to walk away," Tenshi murmurs, hurt in his voice.

"I was," Sukuna said bluntly.

Tenshi looks really hurt by Sukuna's words but doesn't say anything else.

Earlier Sukuna was going to walk away, planning to leave Tenshi to rot, but his body reacted. When he heard Tenshi scream, that horrifying familiar scream, his body reacted on its own.

Even after 1,000 years of his twin's death, it's still programmed in Sukuna to protect his older brother. Even this thing triggered that response.

"Leave before I gut you right here," Sukuna hissed as he turned his back away from the fake Tenshi.

"Sukuna....I just want to keep you safe as you did after all those years," Tenshi starts. "But I can't do it, I'm...I'm dead, so I need someone to look after you. Someone who can understand you."

Sukuna couldn't help but laugh mockingly at those words. "Someone relating to the King of Curses? Hilarious, I doubt there's anyone out there who is like me and even if there were, I would kill them where they stand. Now this is your last warning, stay away from me."

Tenshi went to reach out to stop Sukuna, but he had a feeling he pushed far enough. All he can hope is that you will open up to Sukuna and that both of you will overcome your pain, regrets, and trauma.

Tenshi can't be there for his twin, but maybe you can.

But to do that, both of you need to be honest with yourselves and each other.

Sukuna heads back to the home he left you in. He let out a sigh as he walked over the mud and fallen sticks. He can never stay clean in this place, can he? The storm lightens up, and now the rain is drizzling and Sukuna can see the sun starting to rise.

Odd, especially because it took a while for that to happen. His eyes narrow as he continues through the woods, he needs to get you out of that house now and continue moving. The house comes into view and Sukuna travels down a small hill, getting closer. Until he sees a movement in the kitchen.

Another Sukuna?

It wasn't a reflection, it was actually him walking around the kitchen and handing "What the hell?" Sukuna mutters under his breath.

How was there another him? You said you weren't afraid of him, was that a lie? No, maybe it wasn't entirely a lie. But he has to be honest he's glad his fake version hasn't had your guts displayed on the property while the real Sukuna was gone.

Sukuna practically charged forward to the house, if he loses you that's his ticket out of here gone. Just as Sukuna gets close to the house something pounces on him harshly, knocking him out of the window's view.


There was a thud outside, making you and 'Sukuna' turn to the window. He lets you go and moves to the window as you rub your neck, slowly backing to the door. So where the hell is the real Sukuna? Did Fake Sukuna kill him? You're not staying around long to find out. 'Sukuna' looks out the window and turns his gaze towards you.

"Let's get you to your room pet," he said, not leaving any room for argument. He grabs your arm and drags you out of the room, making you wince in pain. The amulet can't protect you against him and you can feel his harsh grip. "Ow, wait what was that outside?" you asked, struggling to keep up with him.

"Nothing," 'Sukuna' answered curtly, clearly in a rush to get you to the room. He practically shoves you down the hall and you nearly hit the floor if you hadn't caught yourself. "Well, maybe I could help with something?" you offer, trying to be a good 'pet.' Also trying to get a chance to escape. Or try to keep his attention on whatever is going on outside and away from you.

"Less struggling would suffice," 'Sukuna' retorted, ruining your attempt. That was not what you meant. "Sukuna I-" At the sound of you saying his name, 'Sukuna's' eyes stare you down. A look of irritation on his face, but his eyes tell a different story. They're full of anger and disrespect towards you. "I have put up with your insolence of using my name for a while," he said as he slowly walked to you.

Oh shit, oh shit, that's one thing you were not allowed to do on that particular path. Calling him by his name, you're supposed to call him master. Your eyes widen in fear as you walk backward, your back hitting a wall. "I think a punishment is in order, pet" 'Sukuna' hissed, almost in disgust. Without thinking, you quickly fall to your knees, pressing your head against the floor as you bow to him.

This is not the Sukuna you wanna try, especially when you have no safety precautions against him. "I'm so sorry Master, please forgive me!" you said, trying to not anger him any further.

You vividly remember on the path where you would rebel against him, his punishments were not to be taken lightly. You still remember feeling him branding your body in different spots or forcing you to consume human flesh as punishment.

Suddenly your hair was gripped and yanked upwards, forcing your head to follow. You wince from the pain as Sukuna bent down to stare at you. "This is why you're my favorite human, my precious pet," 'Sukuna' cooed mockingly as he used a free hand to trail his claws along your cheek. Trailing his claws until he reached your chin and gripped it. "Your pleas and begging are music to my ears."

Suddenly another hand then traces below your left eye. "I would have been bored of you sooner, had you not had a special gift," he hummed. That's right, just like the others, Sukuna saw value in your eyes. It's why you became his pet, look into the future to help him win against any situation.

"Be grateful I decided to spare your measly life, it's why I'll be merciful this once. Test me, I would be testing if you can still use your powers with one eye," Sukuna threatened with a snarl. You quickly nod, despite your scalp feeling like it can be ripped off at any second. "Yes master," you whispered in pain. Sukuna lets go of your hair and you immediately clutch your head in pain. There's a sticky feeling in your hair and you have a feeling it's blood.

He yanked your hair so hard, that the skin from your scalp ripped slightly. You whimper in pain, trying to stop the tears as you relive the nightmares from that path. "Oh darling," he coos, picking you up from the floor.

He pulls you to his chest as he hugs you, you hugging him back in fear he will hurt you again. "If only you obeyed me then you wouldn't get hurt," he said, his lips pressed against your earlobe. And unfortunately, he was right, in one path where you are his pet, if you were submissive, never challenging him, he would never hurt you. Instead, you would be treated like a good pet, bathed in riches, the best clothes, jewelry you name it.

It's why you despise that path so much, the thought of you willingly becoming Sukuna's pet made you sick. You wince when he presses a kiss against your head and you can even hear him lick his lips as he tastes your blood. "Delicious," he purred.

"Now, get to that room," he whispered to your ear before letting you go. You did as he ordered and slowly shut the door behind you. You let out a panicked breathing as you clutch your chest tightly. It felt like you could finally breathe. No, stop you need to get out, now.

Quickly gathering yourself, you rummage through the room, looking for any weapons. All you found was a can of hairspray and some scissors. You slowly look up to the bathroom, the same bathroom where the other fake Nanami died. Carefully, you entered the bathroom and it was clean. Dammit, there was a medical kit in here and it's gone. It had some sharp objects and you would need to stitch your scalp.

Feeling time running out, you made your way to a window. At first, there was just nature and the occasional wind blowing by. Quickly, you open the window and sit on the windowsill. It was pretty high, if you land wrong you're breaking something. 'Hopefully, my neck, just so fake Sukuna won't punish me later,' you thought.

Before you could act on your thoughts, a large glob of limbs and flesh flopped onto the ground before vanishing. "Fuck! Fuck!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Turning towards the voice, you spot Sukuna surrounded by curses. "Sukuna!?" you yell out on instinct. You quickly cover your mouth when you realize you yelled out.

Oh shit...

Who you think is the real Sukuna glances up at you, seeing you on the edge of the windowsill. "Brat what are you doing?!" He yells. "I swear if you jump, I'll go up there and kill you myself!" He exclaimed as he dodged the curses.

Yup, that's the real one. You never thought you would have been happy to see the real Ryomen Sukuna.

"Pet? What's taking you so long?" 'Sukuna' called from the room as you could hear him approaching the bedroom door. Despite Sukuna's words, you look down trying to get an idea of how to land. Sukuna can see you slowly stand on the windowsill, ready to jump.

Until four pairs of arms grabbed you from behind and dragged you back through the window. Your fingers quickly dig into the wall as you scream as you're pulled back inside. "No! No!" Your terrified screams spiked Sukuna's overdrive to go to you. And the fact a fake version of him harmed you. No one is allowed to harm you, but him.

Meanwhile, with you, you fought against 'Sukuna', trying to get out of his grip. "Let go of me you asshole!" you yelled, kicking and screaming. "Say that again?" 'Sukuna' asked in a dark tone as all four of his arms pinned you down to the wall.

"I believe she said let go of her, asshole."

You and fake Sukuna turn to see the real Sukuna, climbing through the window as he glares at the fake. Sukuna was huffing and puffing with his chest rising up and down harshly, covered in blood, and looked really angry. Sukuna then turns his face to you.

"He did that to you?" Sukuna asked, about your head injury. You slowly nod and Sukuna gives a low chuckle as he climbs into the room fully. Sukuna glares at the fake Sukuna. just as the fake turns to face the real King of Curses.

"What gave you the right to hurt what's mine?" Sukuna asked, looking at the thing with a dark scowl.

If there's one thing Sukuna hates is when someone or something touches what belongs to him. And you do, you're his brat to mock, to torture, to make fun of. You're his to do as he pleases and the gall this thing had to make you bleed. Whether you two end up killing each other or not, for now, you belong to him.

And he's going to teach this thing a lesson. 

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