
By kayalways

82.1K 1.9K 361

Zahra Shay, a humorous African-American girl with a shy side is just a small town girl who attends a private... More

Synonyms: Chapter 1
Synonyms: Chapter 2
Synonyms: Chapter 3
Synonyms: Chapter 4
Synonyms: Chapter 5
Synonyms: Chapter 6
Synonyms: Chapter 7
Synonyms: Chapter 8
Synonyms: Chapter 9
Synonyms: Chapter 10
Synonyms: Chapter 11 (Special Chapter)
Synonyms: Chapter 12
Synonyms: Chapter 13
Synonyms: Chapter 14
Synonyms: Chapter 15
Synonyms: Chapter 16
Synonyms: Chapter 17
Synonyms: Chapter 19
Synonyms: Chapter 20

Synonyms: Chapter 18

928 58 15
By kayalways

Wow! How long has it been?! A year since I've last updated! I know many of my fans are pissed >.< And I know a lot of them I lost due to such a wait. You may be asking what happened. A LOT has happened this past year. Between losing my mom, moving to nyc, starting college, and dealing with life's crazy struggles, I've found it hard to write. It's summer now, and I have way more time to write than I did during my semesters. 

Zahra’s POV

                 I pulled into Kenji’s driveway. I had been here before but it was always to drop him off. I never went inside. I unlocked the car doors and we all got out and walked up to the front door of his house. Before I could ring the doorbell, Mr. Moon was already opening it up. He glanced at Dante and Brooke and frowned.

“It was only supposed to be you.” He groaned as he walked back into the house, leaving the door open for us to come in and follow.

“You can leave your shoes in the corner by the door.” Mr. Moon called.

We did as he said and followed him into the kitchen.

I glanced around at the place. It was bigger than I’d imagined and quite modernized. We had to pass through the living room to get to the kitchen. All colors seemed to remain neutral with a hint of red here and there. The living room reminded me of those hotel lobbies you had to wait in while you were waiting to check in. There were no lamps; all lighting came from light fixtures inside of the ceiling and walls.

The kitchen was so immaculate. Mostly everything in this kitchen was stainless steel; stainless steel counters, stools, sinks, cabinets, even the silverware!

“Take a seat.” Mr. Moon motioned towards the round cushioned stools.

We took our seats at the rounded counter in the middle of the kitchen. I felt like I was at a bar.

“Coffee or tea?” Ki-Young asked as he began taking out glasses from the cabinet that was behind the counter.

I looked around at my friends.

“I’d love a coffee.” Brooke smiled.

“Coffee makes me poop, I’ll have a tea.” Dante spat, folding his arms on the counter.

My head snapped in his direction, eyes wide. He looked at me and shrugged.

Mr. Moon paused and turned towards Dante with a blank expression.

“Well at least I’m not the only one.” He joked with a smirk, returning to what he was doing.

“What will you have, Ms. Shay?”

“I’ll enjoy a cup of coffee myself, thank you.” I replied, swiveling a bit in my seat.

As we waited for our drinks to be ready, I couldn’t help but think about Kenji.  Where was he? Was he alright? Was he suffering? I needed to know.

“Mr. Moon, It’s killing me to not know where he is. Could I at least know?” I looked at him, my eyes pleading.

Mr. Moon carried the three cups to us as he finished and set each glass down in their designated areas. He picked up a stool from our side and brought it around to face us on the other side and sat down. I waited patiently for him to answer me, it seemed like he was taking his sweet time.

He took a sip of his hot coffee and then looked up at me.

“Do you love my son?” He asked bluntly.

I stared at him, my blood almost at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  Why was he asking me this? Was this a trick to avoid answering my question?

“Of course she does, can’t you see that?!” Brooke shouted.

I turned towards Brooke and patted her shoulder so she’d calm down. I took a deep breath and answered Mr. Moon.

“I do love him. I wish that I could be wherever he is right this instant.” I sighed, rotating my cup around on the counter.

“Then listen closely…” Mr. Moon took another sip of his coffee.

“He is at an abandoned building 256 miles up north. He was once at another place that I couldn’t trace before he ended up there. They hurt him at the place he was at before and then just dumped his body. I know this, because I know the people who took him and know how they  operate.” He took a longer sip of his coffee this time.

“He’s hurt?” I pushed the words from my lips.

“Zahra, you need to be strong for him. I know my son. He is a very smart and strong boy. If anything, I bet he doesn’t want you to go out looking for him.” Mr. Moon pointed at our cups.

“Now will you at least take a sip?” He asked.

I looked down at my cup of coffee, looking at my reflection in the liquid. I suddenly got an idea and looked up at Mr. Moon.

“But YOU can go and get him.” I leaned forward.

Mr. Moon shook his head.

“I’m not going to.” He said, looking me dead in the eyes.

“How could you not?! Don’t YOU love your own son?!” Dante screamed, standing from his seat.

“Of course I love my son! But he must learn on his own.” Mr. Moon screamed back at Dante, losing his composure.

“Mr. Moon….I’m just a bit confused. He could be dea-“ I tried to say the word but I just couldn’t.

He grabbed my hands and spoke softly.

“Trust me when I tell you, he will be fine. I’ve raised him a tough fighter. I’ve been in situations like this plenty of times and made it out myself.” He paused before squeezing my hand.

“But, if he’s not here in three days..I’ll suspect that something happened to him.” He let go of my hands and grabbed his glass of coffee again.

“This is absolutely crazy.” Dante whispered as he paced around by his seat. Brooke stood quiet, staring at the stainless steel counter.

“And what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait for him?” I asked, feeling my eyes well up with tears.

Mr. Moon stood up and chose a seat next to me.

“You can continue to go to school. Don’t tell anyone what you know-“

“And pretend like nothing is happening?” Brooke finally interjected.

“But why?” She continued.

“Because, Brook. You all including me can get kidnapped next if we aren’t careful.”

Brooke gulped and Dante stopped his pacing.

I started to tap my foot on the floor, contemplating if I should really take his advice. I knew Kenji didn’t want me looking for him. I knew he wouldn’t want me hurt. I knew all of this but it didn’t matter to me, as long as he was safe. But Mr. Moon had good intentions, I realized that much.

“Fine….” I nodded my head slowly.

“I will wait….but on the third day he doesn’t show up, we will go and try to find him- including you! “ I finished.

Mr. Moon put his hands up in a surrendering motion.

“I accept.” He spoke, before giving me a hug.

“Don’t worry, Zahra” He whispered before letting me go.


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