Elf, Self, and Inner Wealth

By ValentinaMccormick

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Harry Potter is on his own in Diagon Alley, what will he get up to? What secrets will he unravel? The Harry... More

Chapter One: The Letter
Chapter Two: Gringotts - Part 1
Chapter Three: Gringotts - Part 2
Chapter Four: Gringotts - Part 3
Chapter Five: Gringotts - Part 4
Chapter Six: The Ring(s)
Chapter Eight: The Lists

Chapter Seven: Introduction to Time Group

860 26 0
By ValentinaMccormick

Hadrian and Ragnok's conversation about different types of weapons that Ragnok has wielded in battle was interrupted by a sharp knock. Hadrian was fascinated and wanted to continue asking questions but the door opening ended the conversation.

"Director Ragnok, you called?" enquired a familiar voice. Hadrian turned to see Snapjaw, smiling he stood and waved awkwardly. Snapjaw smirked at him before opening the door further to let more goblins in.

"Hello Friend Hadrian," Snapjaw said, her voice sounding amused and Hadrian blushed, her smirk turning into a sharp smile.

"Yes, I requested you because you are the best choice for what I need. Friend Hadrian is in need of a Time Room and I want you to look after him." Ragnok says as he stands from his seat.

"Hadrian, you know Snapjaw, she will be your Healer. This is RoseTorn, she will be your Mind Healer. Master Six, is the Time Master that will do the Time Spell. This is General SwiftHit, one of our best warriors. And this is our best Crafter, Silverfang." Ragnok says introducing the goblins.

RoseTorn honestly looked like the goblin version of a kind old lady. She had a warm smile and kind eyes.

Master Six was old, his wrinkles had wrinkles. He was dressed in a black robe and Hadrian had a feeling if his hood was up, he wouldn't be able to see his face.

SwiftHit was a little taller than the other goblins and much thinner, less bulky but he had a look that dared someone to try him. Hadrian wasn't stupid enough to try.

Silverfang looked like a goofy goblin, he was all smiles and had an energy around him that made you giddy. Hadrian smiled in his direction, getting a beaming smile in return.

"I can't wait to teach you, Friend Hadrian! Just think of all the things we could make!" Silverfang enthusiastically declared bouncing in his spot. Hadrian had not seen many goblins before today but he felt that Silverfang was a rare gem among goblins.

"I can't wait!" Hadrian says with a big smile. He couldn't wait to try different types of crafts, he had loved art and crafts when he was in primary and was disappointed when they didn't have it at Hogwarts, never mind a magical version.

"Right, let's get back to business. I need everyone to read and sign the contract so we can start planning." Ragnok says. Hadrian, as the closest, reread the contract before signing it. Snapjaw was next, then Master Six, RoseTorn, SwiftHit and then Silverfang. The contract glowed golden and Hadrian couldn't help but smile.

"Now, that is done. I need everyone to get ready. Talk amongst yourselves while I get things ready." Ragnok said as he walked to the door. Hadrian felt a small bit of panic when Ragnok left.

Hadrian stared at the door, jumping when someone cleared their throat. Blushing, Hadrian turned back to the goblins still in the room. Snapjaw's smirk was firmly in place. SwiftHit had a slim eyebrow raised. Hadrian tried not to stare at the groomed goblin. He didn't think a warrior would be so... so.... groomed? Clean shaven? Shaking his head at where his thoughts went to, he looked around and noticed he was standing while everyone else was sitting at the meeting table.

Hadrian quickly walked towards the table, taking the seat at the head so he could see everyone equally. He missed the approving looks directed at him with his action.

"So... how is everyone?" Hadrian asked, not knowing how else to start the conversation. Snapjaw giggled, it sounding like a mix between bells and something harsh that he couldn't name but it wasn't a bad sound. In fact, he thought it was nice.

"I am good Friend Hadrian, may I ask if you have any previous experience in battle?" SwiftHit asked.

"Not really but I killed a basilisk with a sword a few weeks ago," Hadrian murmured embarrassed as he rubbed the spot where the fang pierced his skin.

Hadrian was confused as SwiftHit gaped at him, Silverfang looked horrified, Master Six looked impressed and Snapjaw burst out laughing confusing Hadrian even more. Snapjaw's loud laughs snapped SwiftHit out of his gaping and glared at Snapjaw, which only made her laugh harder. Hadrian and the other goblins watched as Snapjaw continued to laugh, tears rolling down her face as she gasped for air. It took a few minutes for her to calm down.

"You should've seen your face! I have never seen you react like that before!" Snapjaw giggled as she pointed at SwiftHit who rolled his eyes.

"Tell me, Friend Hadrian, how you managed to take on a basilisk, how old was it?" SwiftHit demanded, it took a second for Hadrian to realize that he was excited.

"Well it was in the Chamber of Secrets, she knew Slytherin so she had to be at least a thousand years old but she was crazy. All she wanted to do was kill muggle-borns. Fawks, Dumbledore's phoenix, scratched out her eyes and then I shoved the sword of Gryffindor through the roof of her mouth." Hadrian explained. All the goblins froze before turning to Hadrian, whose eyes widened at the look of outrage on their faces.

"Where is the sword now? How did you get it?" SwiftHit snarled as he stood slowly walking towards Hadrian.

"I-I pulled it from the hat! I don't know where it is Dumbledore took it!" Hadrian cried out scared.

"SwiftHit, leave the boy, you're scaring him." Snapjaw... well snapped at SwiftHit. Hadrian looked at Snapjaw with tears in his eyes. He really didn't want to mess this up. He really wanted to be part of Ragnok's family and not just because it was a chance to have a family. Now that Hadrian knew what it felt like to have support and help, he knew it wasn't just any family that he could be part of. He needed more than someone to love him, he needed someone to fight for him and Ragnok had already shown he was willing to do that.

"I'm sorry we scared you, Friend Hadrian, it was not our intention. It's just that the sword of which you speak of is and always has belonged to Gringotts. It was made for Godrick Gryffindor and his line but would be given back to Gringotts until the line died out. Goblin Steel is only ever loaned out, never sold or given rights to. The sword should have been given back when the line died out, but someone stole it and Gringotts has been looking for it for over four hundred years." Snapjaw explained and put like that it's no wonder they reacted like that. Hadrian nodded to show he understood.

"I don't know where it is but I do know that Dumbledore was the last one with it," Hadrian says.

"We shall talk about that with Director Ragnok so that he can get it back. Do not worry, you are not in trouble." Snapjaw reassured firmly.

"Shall we get back to what we should be discussing?" Master Six asked his voice like gravel. The other goblins nodded and looked at Hadrian.

"Um... are there any books or anything you could recommend?" Hadrian asked shyly.

"A fine question Friend Hadrian." Master Six stated, causing Hadrian to perk up a little.

"Why don't we all compile a list for Friend Hadrian for when he goes shopping?" Snapjaw asked 

The goblins nodded and summoned quills, parchment, and ink. Hadrian watched in silence for a while, the only sound the scratching of quills before he asked Silverfang for some extra parchment and a quill. Silverfang smiled before summoning them for him.

Hadrian stared at the beautiful dark purple quill, before gently putting the tip in the ink bottle surprised when it came out green. Hadrian smiled at Silverfang who winked at him in return.

Hadrian stared at the parchment before he started making a list. Half an hour later he had a list he was happy with.

Shopping List
Trunk? Expandable bag? Something to put my shopping in without having to resize it or drag it around.
School supplies!
Try to find a book on Goblins, no
, ask Ragnok for some.
Exchange gallons into pounds, for clothes and necessities
Get muggle and wixen wardrobe
Get muggle stationary
Books about the wixen world
Owl treats

Hadrian looked up when he was done and blushed when everyone was watching him. 

"I'm done, if you would like to show me what you suggested?" Hadrian asked. SwiftHit was the first to get up and strode towards Hadrian. 

"Friend Hadrian it is a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to training you," SwiftHit says with a short bow before giving the piece of parchment and turning and leaving the room. Hadrian frowned at him leaving, stupidly he thought they would talk more. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, I will have a whole year with him soon. 

Master Six was next, like SwiftHit he gave a short bow before handing the parchment to Hadrian. Once Hadrian had the list, Master Six turned and left. 

Silverfang bounced over to Hadrian with his parchment and handed it to Hadrian before bowing a little deeper than SwiftHit and Master Six. Was there a meaning behind the bows? Hadrian was determined to find out.

RoseTorn and Snapjaw got up from their seats and moved on either side of Hadrian at the table. RoseTorn smiled a smile Hadrian had only ever seen grandmothers make towards their grandchildren. Hadrian's heart started beating faster in hope. RoseTorn smiled even brighter and gently reached for Hadrian's hand. Hadrian let RoseTorn hold his now larger hand making the older goblin's hand look smaller than it was but RoseTorn had a strength that was not to be disputed.

Hadrian held his breath as RoseTorn squeezed his hand. Closing his eyes at the feeling of support, Hadrian felt calm and reassured. Another squeeze pulled him from his calming bubble and he opened his eyes and blushed when he realized that both goblin's were gently smiling at him. RoseTorn gave one more squeeze and then pulled her hand away, a piece of folded parchment taking its place. 

Hadrian squeezed the folded list in his hand as Snapjaw slid hers over to him. 

"Thank you," Hadrian said, nodding to both of them. 

"You are most welcome young friend Hadrian!" RoseTorn spoke, her voice calm, and had an affectionate tone. It made Hadrian feel as if he was sitting comfortably in front of a fire, that was calm and soothing but could turn visous and blistering if one they cared about was threatened. 

"Hadrian we stayed behind because we wanted to talk to you about your health plan," Snapjaw explained as she folded her hands together on the table. 

"Okay," Hadrian mumbled, embarrassed and ashamed. 

"Hadrian we need you to know that what has happened to you was not your fault, your fa--- Relatives should have protected and loved you. Instead, they tried to break you, they abused you and it was their fault." Snapjaw said, a tone of danger hanging in the back of her voice but Hadrian knew it wasn't for him but for his aunt and uncle. 

Hadrian knew it wasn't his fault, but he couldn't help but think it was. Why did they abuse him? Why didn't they love him? Hadrian clenched his jaw thinking about all the times Dudley fell or got hurt, his aunt and uncle would rush towards Dudley and comfort him. With Hadrian? They were the ones that hurt him, then sneered when he cried out in pain. 

"I know it isn't my fault. I just don't understand why they hurt me." Hadrian says with tears in his eyes, ones he refused to let fall. The Dursleys didn't deserve them. 

"That is the first step to our plan, you are already well on track... Hadrian, I can't tell you why they are such nasty muggles but know that you deserve to be loved for who you are." Snapjaw said as she rubbed his shoulder. Hadrian bit his lip to keep the tears back but they soon overflowed. Hadrian closed his eyes in defeat, as silently as possible cried while Snapjaw rubbed his back. 

Snapjaw didn't shush him or tell him everything would be okay, she just rubbed his shoulders and gave quiet support. Embarrassed Hadrian wiped the tears away and started to take deep breaths. 

"How do we do this plan?" Hadrian asked when he got his breathing under control. 

"First we decide what needs to be done and then plan it out. It's quite simple and not rigid. Mostly it is to show you what we will be dealing with." RoseTorn's calming voice said as she summoned a piece of parchment and quill and ink pot. 

"What do you feel needs to be worked on?" RoseTorn asked after writing something down on the parchment. Hadrian couldn't see but he presumed it was a heading. 

"I—well yesterday before I came in something strange happened. I was fine one moment and the next I couldn't breathe and the room was spinning. When it stopped I was heaving and got sick." Hadrian explained remembering the horrible moment. 

"What were you doing just before you started getting hard to breathe?" RoseTorn asked gently.

"I was reading my letter from Hogwarts—it said I had to be resorted," Hadrian mumbled, looking at the table.

"And how do you feel about being resorted?" RoseTorn asked Hadrian.

"I don't want to! The hat will put me in Slytherin and Oh god—Oh Merlin—Snape is going to kill me." Hadrian cried out pushing away from the table. It was happening again—Oh Merlin he was dying. He didn't want to die, not when he was finally getting a family, a proper one. 

"rian—Hadrian I ne—you to——Hadr—ake a deep breath—my breathing—Hadrian! Take a deep breath now!" RoseTorn demanded her voice deep and hard but not harsh. The surprise of the gently old goblin barking made Hadrian suck in a deep breath. 

"That's good, now follow my breathing," RoseTorn commanded, her voice gentle but hard. It was a voice that demanded you to follow instructions without complaining. Hadrian followed her exaggerated breathing. After a few minutes, Hadrian was calm again and sat back down. He could feel a cold sweat over his body and his head hurt but other than that he was fine.

"Hmm—Okay, that looked like a panic attack. A panic attack is when you are so afraid of something that your body reacts to that fear physically. You may feel like you are dying or having a heart attack but it's just your heart racing because of the adrenalin fueled by fear. It's normal for people who have been through a lot. It is nothing to be ashamed of and you can learn to control it." RoseTorn explained as she held Hadrian's hand. 

Panic attacks? It sounded strange to Hadrian but strangely enough accurate. Maybe he should look for a book about panic attacks while he was shopping. Hadrian reached for the parchment that had his list and added books about panic attacks to it. Hadrian frowned at the new line of writing, it was messy much like the previous sentences but it was more wonky. Putting the quill down he looked at his trembling hand, that was likely the problem. Now that he thought about it he felt exhausted. 

"Here Hadrian, eat and drink this," Snapjaw said as she slid a plate across the table to him. Hadrian looked at the plate, surprised by its contents. On the plate was a large cupcake with silvery icing nearly as big as the cupcake, beside the plate was a golden goblet of something. Confused Hadrian looked to Snapjaw.

"It's a calming draught cupcake. It will give you energy without you bouncing off the walls, the goblet contains water." Snapjaw explained. Hadrian eyed the cupcake. Before it looked delicious now he was hesitant to try it, after all, calming draughts were nasty. 

Slowly Hadrian pulled the plate closer to himself. Glaring at the cupcake he took a deep breath and reached for it. If he could face a hundred-foot basilisk, he could eat a cupcake. The cupcake was so big he wasn't sure where to bite without making a mess. He glanced at Snapjaw who was smirking at him, which told him nothing, and RoseTorn who had a smile. Looking back to the cupcake he decided to just go for it. Trying not to make a mess he took a bite of it.

Hadrian moaned at the taste. The icing was sweet and airy, the cupcake fluffy and tasted like oranges. It was the best dessert he ever had. He took another bite not worrying about making a mess and closed his eyes at the taste, the second bite was just as good as the first. Part of Hadrian wanted to stuff it down but he knew it would make him sick. Still, he didn't waste time between bites and soon finished the cupcake. 

A giggle distracted him from savoring the taste. Opening his eyes he saw that it was RoseTorn that giggled. Surprised, Hadrian blushed. This caused Snapjaw to let out a bark of laughter. 

"You look like that muggle—what's he called? Senta Claws?" Snapjaw asked as she continued laughing. Senta Claws? Did she mean Santa Clause?

"Santa Clause?" Hadrian asked. Snapjaw pointed at Hadrian and frantically nodded as she continued to laugh. 

RoseTorn rolled her eyes at Snapjaw and summoned a handheld mirror and gave it to Hadrian. Hadrian looked into the mirror and blushed even harder, which only made Snapjaw laugh louder. Hadrian had rosy cheeks and cupcake frosting on his chin and cheeks. He didn't really look like Santa Claus but it was close enough to see the resemblance.   

RoseTorn summoned a napkin and handed it to Hadrian who mumbled an embarrassed thanks. Hadrian used the soft napkin to clean his face the best he could. When he was done he looked to Snapjaw who was pouting. Hadrian blinked in surprise at the Medi-Goblin's reaction. 

"Why don't we call it a day and continue this later? Hmm? Hadrian can look through our lists and plan his shopping. How are you feeling now?" RoseTorn asked with a gentle smile. Hadrian started to say he was fine but stopped. He actually thought about the question. He was feeling light, good, and carefree for the first time in a while. His body has stopped trembling and he no longer feels like he needs a long nap.

"I'm surprisingly good!" Hadrian answered an excited tone could be heard in his voice. 

"Good, well leave you here to go through the lists, don't forget to drink your water. Your body needs it to recover." RoseTorn stated as she rose from the table. Snapjaw followed, sending a wink to Hadrian. 

Hadrian watched as he left before looking towards the lists, grabbing the goblet he drank before reaching for the first list.

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