Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

By silentMelody0101

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56 Epilogue


105 1 0
By silentMelody0101

Chapter 156 - The Young Boy Disappeared

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


Li Ming walked out of the room, leaving a dazed Crown Prince and his group of guards behind as they all tried to get a hold of their surroundings.

She wanted to meet the person who ended up buying all the four jars of the pills but looking at the situation she just decided to give up.

It took her barely fifteen minutes before she emerged out of the auction house along with Zi Yan, Jin Jing, and the young boy.

Her treasury was filled with millions of silvers and a golden token that she received from Miss Bao.

The token was used by the VIPs of the auction house. By using it she could get a free pass in all the branches of the Auction house in every Empire.

Also, she would get a discount of twenty percent whenever she would buy anything from these Auction Houses.

Not only that but the best perk that she found about the token was that whenever there would be another auction in any of the branches of the Auction House, she would receive an invitation and a list of all those items that would be going to get auctioned.

As the three of them entered into one of the Inns of the Capital city, a satisfied smile was decorating Li Ming's lips.

She completed her mission of the day. Not only she ended up becoming a VIP customer of the Auction House but she also earned a lot of money.

It was around four in the evening and they still had some hours left before night.

Li Ming sent the two girls to take some rest and brought the young boy along with her to the dining area of the inn on the ground floor.

The Inn was not too much crowded as most of the customers were still roaming through the market after leaving the auction house.

She found an empty table set for two people in one of the farthest corner of the room and sat down.

The young boy silently followed her and sat down opposite her.

A maid approached them to take their order. Li Ming noticed the woman passing weird glances at the kid, probably because of his dirty appearance and torn clothes.

"Is there something special that you want to eat?" Li Ming asked him in a soft tone.

Unfortunately, she didn't receive any reply from him as the kid stayed completely indifferent to her presence.

Li Ming sighed and just ordered on her own, making sure to pick tasty dishes for the child.

After the maid left, Li Ming turned towards the young boy and while using her thumb and index finger of the right hand, she pulled his face upwards and made him look directly at her.

"Stop being bratty. I'm asking you questions so you need to answer me. You can't live with that attitude, especially to someone who just saved you from that Crown Prince." Her tone was warm but strict.

This time the boy stared directly into her eyes and Li Ming immediately dropped her hand down.

"I didn't beg you to help me."

Well, what could she say to this?

The boy had a soft tone but it came out a little hoarse.

"Alright! You are not wrong about that. I think it's my fault that I thought about helping you." She replied with a disappointed tone.

She had already used a large portion of her powers due to all the unexpected things that happened during the entire day.

But looking at the appearance of the kid, she couldn't control herself. With a deep breath, she put her hand on his head.

The boy tried to dodge her hand but she made him sit still with her free hand and closed her eyes.

After muttering a simple chant she opened her eyes and found the kid transformed into a decent looking appearance.

His clothes were black and blue in color, paired with leather shoes. All the dirt disappeared from his body.

His long hair was tied with a black ribbon and was falling down on his back.

Li Ming took out a dark green pouch with black prints on it. The pouch was emitting the slightest fragrance of Lily and sandalwood combined.

She tucked the pouch in his belt and protected it there with a charm, making sure that it won't come out accidentally.

"What are you doing?" The kid asked as he stared at the pouch and then looked up at her.

His eyes were devoid of any emotions but Li Ming noticed how his fingers lightly grazed over the pouch like he was trying to keep it there protectively.

"You look much better like this." Li Ming replied with a soft smile as the maid returned with their order.

The look of surprise on the woman's face was visible even though she tried her best to control it.

Her hands even trembled as she poured the tea into two cups before scurrying away.

Li Ming realized that the woman's reaction was due to the surprise at the change in the kid's appearance and also because of fear.

It took her a few minutes to realize what made her afraid.

It was that beautiful pair of eyes that were glaring at her currently.

Li Ming raised her eyebrows as she looked at the boy. When he didn't say anything for the next few seconds, she just ignored him and raised her teacup to take a sip.

"Are you hitting on me?"

Li Ming choked on her tea as the question, more like an accusation, registered in her brain.

She stared at the kid with her jaw hanging open.

"What?? What kind of thoughts are filled in your brain, you brat?" She reprimanded him as she set the cup down on the table.

"If not that then why would you want me to look good?" The kid asked as he crossed his hands in front of his chest. His beautiful eyes glaring at her as he hurled accusations after accusations at her.

"I didn't tidy you up for myself, nor for the rest of the world. I did it for you. Don't you feel bad in those torn and dirty clothes? Don't you want to wear clean clothes and stay neat and tidy?" Li Ming asked him as she tried to explain her actions.

If she was expecting to see the boy realize his mistake and agree with her words, then she was probably disappointed by his reply.

"I love being dirty all the time and those torn clothes were my treasures!"

This was the reply that she received from the boy and she almost wanted to bang her head on the table.

Somehow, she plastered a smile on her lips as she said through gritted teeth, "My bad! I should have asked you first before taking such a step and assuming things on my own."

She was amazed to see the boy nodding his head as if he was accepting her apology.

"Good to know that you at least realized whose fault it is."

He didn't say anything more and picked up the chopsticks to fill his bowl with the dishes and started eating.

"By the way, don't go around stealing money. Not everyone is going to let you go easily," Li Ming said softly as she picked her teacup once again.

"They will need to catch me first to let me go." The boy replied as he continued to eat.

Li Ming almost rolled her eyes at his words but didn't comment. She was in no mood to argue with a little boy at the moment.

Therefore, after a few minutes of silence, she again said, "That pouch which you stole from me, use its money for now. It's enough for you to buy food for more than three weeks and if you want I can book a room here for you for an entire month..."

"Do you want it back?" The kid asked as he cut her off.

"What?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"Do you want your money back? Is that why you keep reminding me that I have stolen your money? Maybe you are too shy to ask for it straightforwardly..."

"You little brat! You seriously need to control both your tongue and your hands. Just finish this food and get lost from here before I change my mind and return you to the Crown Prince of the Han Empire." Li Ming whispered shouted at the boy as she stood up from the seat and stormed out of the Inn, leaving behind three silver coins as the payment for the food.

She was almost fuming in anger. The kid was really daring.

She had barely spent two minutes standing at the entrance of the Inn when the manager came looking for her.

"Miss, please complete the payment for the food." The old woman said in a polite tone.

Li Ming looked at the woman with confused eyes as she asked, "What do you mean? Didn't you find money on the table where that little boy is eating?"

"Miss, no boy is sitting there on your table. He probably left too and there was also no money there." The woman politely told Li Ming.

Looked like the young boy disappeared!


Chapter 157 - Don't Come Closer

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


Li Ming stared at the empty table. The boy didn't only take the three silvers with him but he also grabbed almost all the food and fled.

The question was how did he leave. Since she was already standing at the entrance, it was impossible that he left through the main door. No one passed by her side in those two minutes.

For a moment she thought about asking the woman if there was a back door or something like that in the Inn, but then she changed her mind.

There was nothing that she could do. After all, she couldn't keep him with her.

That's why Li Ming decided to forget about the little kid, just hoping that he would safely return to his world without getting into another problem.

She paid for the food and went to look for Zi Yan and Jin Jing. She found both the girls sitting inside their room as they practiced cultivation.

A soft smile appeared on her face as she looked at the hardworking girls. Deciding to not disturb them, Li Ming silently left their room and decided to visit the market.

The main market street was bustling as the sun prepared to slowly end the day.

She passed through an alley and felt an indescribable feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Her eyes immediately turned towards the south. She was almost at the end of the street and a few meters away she could see the City gate.

Beyond that gate was an endless field. Her eyes could see the slightest impression of a mountain or probably a forest far in the south.

She once again felt that little tug. Something from that side was calling her.

She stopped an old woman who was walking past her with two little boys. She looked like someone who actually belonged to a village.

"Old Madam, can you tell me what is that place?" She asked while pointing towards the faraway mountains.

The old woman looked in the direction where Li Ming was pointing and replied while nodding her head, "Miss, that's the Whispering Pinnacles."

"Whispering Pinnacles?" Li Ming asked curiously. The name grabbed her attention.

"Those mountain ranges are not very long but there's a strong ward around it which prevents everyone from entering into the forest."

The woman pointed at the mountains and continued, "Most importantly, on the other side of these ranges are the Snow Fields. No one knows who put the wards around the mountain and why, but for centuries other than the Immortal Deities no one was able to enter into it."

Li Ming looked at the slightest glimpse of the mountain pinnacles far in the south. Still feeling that tug towards it.

The woman told her that there was a small fishing village near the foot of the pinnacles at a walking distance of one day.

Li Ming thanked the woman and after giving a final glance to the mountain tops, she turned around and left.


"Miss Li, why are you suddenly changing the plans?" Zi Yan asked as they followed Li Ming inside the auction house.

The worry was visible on the faces of the two girls.

They were not expecting Miss Li to barge into their room suddenly and tell them to get ready to leave.

"I suddenly got some urgent work to finish and for that, I will need to leave the Capital city. I can't leave the two of you here. That's why I'm sending you guys back." Li Ming replied as they made their way towards the teleportation array in the back of the shop.

Li Ming paid the silvers and after two minutes, the three of them appeared in the Xi Qiu City of the Han Empire.

It took Li Ming some time to find a carriage that could take Zi Yan and Jin Jing to the Dongji village.

"I'll probably not be able to return early tomorrow. Don't wait for me and don't skip the morning lessons. Alright?" Li Ming asked as she ordered the two girls who immediately nodded their heads.

"Take care, Miss Li."

"Be safe, Master."

Zi Yan and Jin Jing both shouted as the carriage started to move forward.

A sigh left Li Ming's mouth as she stared at the back of the carriage which disappeared from her vision after a few minutes.

The day was ready to end and Li Ming once again started to walk towards the teleportation array to return to the Capital city of the Wang Empire.

She originally planned to return to the Dongji village after the auction but now she was once again stuck with an unplanned problem.

The tug that she was suddenly feeling towards the so-called Whispering Pinnacles, only increased with each passing minute. Making it hard for her to concentrate on anything else.

She needed to go there as soon as possible, but the question was, how?

After another five minutes, she returned to the Capital city of the Wang Empire.

She grabbed a map of the Wang Empire from a stall and returned to the Inn where she had booked the rooms.

Her head was starting to feel heavy as she registered that her body was drained of energy.

Unknowingly, she ended up overusing her powers, and due to that, she was now struggling to even open her eyes.

"Damn it!"

She cursed lightly as she almost lost her balance at the top of the stairs.

The fact that her body had suddenly lost all its energy was not a good thing. It took her spinning head a few minutes to realize that the pull she was feeling from the Whispering Pinnacles was also sucking out her energy.

Somehow, she made her way towards her room and opened the door.

However, the very next moment her feet got entangled in the rug that was spread on the floor and lost her balance.


Li Ming closed her eyes tightly as she let out a scream at the sudden gravitational pull on her body, waiting to land on the hard floor.

Though it never happened. Rather than the cold hard floor, she found herself engulfed in the arms of the one and only Second Demon Prince.

Her body which was drained from all the energy suddenly felt alive at the touch of her mate as he held her protectively in his arms.

However, she also realized something, something that made her immediately push the Demon Prince away.

Hei Long scurried back a few steps at the sudden push from the young girl. A frown appeared on his face as he looked at her disarrayed form.

He had no idea what he was doing here in her room. He just saw her figure entering into the inn and his leg automatically brought him here too.

When he caught up with her, he found her about to fell on the ground. Without thinking twice, he immediately ran forward to protect her.

"W-what are you doing here?" Li Ming asked the Demon Prince. Her tone though a little hoarse but it carried no hint of warmth in it.

The sudden change in her behavior made Hei Long raise his eyebrows at her.

"I just saved you from breaking your fragile bones. You have a nice way of saying thank you."

The mockery was clear in his tone as Hei Long smirked at her with his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Thank you so much for your help. Can you please leave now?" Li Ming asked as she pointed at the door which was closed now, enclosing the two of them inside the room.

Suddenly his eyes gleamed bright red and the very next second Li Ming found him standing right in front of her.

There was barely any space left between the two of them as his hot breath caressed her cheeks.

Li Ming relaxed on the wall behind her as she tried to put some distance between the two of them.

Her mind was struggling between the fight of the pull that she was feeling from the Whispering Pinnacles and the pull that she was feeling from the mate bond that was binding her to Hei Long.

"What's wrong, Sweet prey? Are you suddenly afraid of me?" Hei Long asked in his husky voice as he closed the distance between the two of them that Li Ming had created.

Li Ming sucked in her breath as she once again felt the same imbalance in her energy.

The pull that was sucking out her energy was also trying to get its hand over the energy of Hei Long. That was exactly the reason why she pushed him away before.

"Don't come closer." Li Ming said hurriedly as she pushed herself more into the wall. She couldn't let anything happen to her mate.

She felt dark spots appearing in front of her eyes and the wall behind her was the only thing that was keeping her from falling on the floor.

"What happened to you suddenly? I thought you wanted me to enter into your harem." Hei Long asked with a soft smirk on his lips.

However, his eyes were observing the way Li Ming's complexion had suddenly paled, and the way her eyes appeared dizzy.

He could feel that she was struggling to even open her eyes. Something was very wrong with her.


Chapter 158 - I'm Not Your Servant

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


"Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you."

Li Ming almost didn't recognize his voice. She was used to hearing him talk in his usual rough, deep, dangerous, and dark tone that had suddenly turned soft and smooth.

She looked up at the Demon Prince and came across the worried expression in his beautiful eyes.

A small twitch appeared on her lips as she asked, "I thought you hated me. Why the sudden concern?"

In return, she watched his eyes taking in a darker shade as he replied, "That's because there is only one person who can hurt you and that is me. This Prince won't allow someone or something else to take my happiness away from me."

Both of them kept staring into each other's eyes for quite some time. No one wanting to back down first.

Out of nowhere, Li Ming suddenly winked with a soft smile on her face. She had taken off her veil when she reached the top of the stairs to make her breathing easy.

Therefore, Hei Long watched as her soft rosy lips spread into a beautiful smile, making his heart flutter inside his chest.

He lost his calm the second she winked at him. The girl really was weird and unique. She had no boundaries when it came to boldness.

Unknowingly, he shifted a few steps back at her sudden actions.

A soft chuckle left her lips as she said, "You talk about making me suffer but in reality, you can't even handle me for a few minutes. Are you forgetting my Prince that I can make your skin burn with a single touch?"

Her tone was filled with mockery as her laughing eyes tried to hide her exhaustion from her mate.

Hei Long took in a deep breath as he kept staring at the girl. He almost wanted to take out his flute and finish the girl off for mocking him.

But of course, his hands didn't even move from their places. Instead, he found himself checking her for some sign of discomfort or pain.

Something in his heart was telling him that she was hiding something behind her facade.

He almost asked her about what was wrong with her but then caught himself at the very last moment.

Knowing her personality he was sure that rather than telling him the truth she would only use his question as a reason to taunt him.

Therefore, he went towards the table that was placed in the very center of the room and sat down.

Li Ming watched as the Demon Prince sat down with that carefree expression on his face like he was in his own room and not in hers.

She was patiently trying to wait for him to leave her alone but the man was hell-bent on sticking with her.

What an irony!

Till a few hours ago, she was the one who wanted to be close with him and he was the one trying to get rid of her and now, he was the one sticking to her and she was praying for him to disappear immediately.

"What are you doing?" Li Ming asked as she watched the Prince taking out a wine bottle from his space.

Hei Long replied as he didn't even look up at her, "Can't you see? I'm enjoying my free time here."

If not for her spinning head, she would definitely have rolled her eyes at him.

"If you want to enjoy your free time then please do it in your own room. You should leave immediately." She said in a calm but strict tone.

Though, her words did nothing to make the Demon Prince leave the room.

Rather he turned to look at her and said, "I like this room. So, I'll be staying here. If you want you can find another room or maybe another Inn according to your comfort."

Li Ming wanted to argue with the Immortal but then thought better of it. She didn't give enough energy to waste it on the Demon Prince.

She was barely able to keep her eyes open and it was clear that Hei Long was trying to irritate her, probably taking his revenge for their previous encounter.

She just let out a sigh and turned around to leave the room. She wanted to get to a bed as soon as possible.

She was barely a few inches away from the door when it suddenly closed right on her face, making her stop immediately in her tracks.

"What the -"

Li Ming tried to pull the door open but suddenly she wasn't able to even open a door.

She turned around to look at the Prince who was pretending to be busy playing with his beautiful flute.

"Open the door!" This time there was no softness in her tone, rather it carried a hint of anger in it.

Hei Long looked at the girl and replied with a scoff, "What do you mean? I'm not your servant. Why would I open the door for you? Open it on your own."

Li Ming once again felt another heavy wave of dizziness passing through her and it made her blink her eyes rapidly a few times to not fell asleep there and then.

"Listen, we can continue this argument some other day. For now, please open the door. I need to leave." Li Ming said as she placed one of her hands on the door behind her for support.

If not for her drained state she would never have begged the hot-tempered Demon Prince but her current situation left her completely helpless.

When she got no reply from the Demon Prince it made her lose her mind.

Couldn't he find some other time to continue with his animosity? Why did she have to end up with him in such a state?

She stepped forward to let out her frustration on the Demon Prince but once again she hit by a sudden wave of dizziness.

This time she didn't get the chance to pull herself together as her world started spinning around and blackness appeared in front of her eyes.

Just as she thought that the darkness would engulf her in its depth, her world suddenly filled with sparkling red dust that surrounded her from all around.

Giving her drained body an energy boost. The coldness that had started seeping into her body was slowly leaving her as it got replaced with warmth.

Slowly she opened her eyes and looked directly into two dark orbs that were surrounded by glowing red rings.

Her hands itched to touch those beauties but just as the fog of darkness disappeared from her mind, she realized that it was Hei Long who was carrying her in his arms. Once again!

"What are you doing? Let me go!" She said as she tried to wriggle out of his arms that were clutching her tightly.

"Cut the crap. You are the last person who would be feeling uncomfortable in my arms. So just stay silent and let me see what's wrong with you." Hei Long said in a dark tone.

She didn't even realize it but she was half lying in his lap and half on the carpet that was spread on the floor.

She again tried to get herself away from the Demon Prince but didn't succeed.

"If you don't calm down, I'll put a binding seal on you that will leave your body unable to move for a few hours. If you want me to do that then you can continue with your stupid dance." Hei Long threatened as he looked directly into her eyes.

Somehow, Li Ming knew that he was not bluffing. But she also couldn't stay close to him as she could feel that weird thing trying to pull on his powers.

"Listen. I'll take care of myself. You don't need to worry about me. Just leave me alone for now." She once again tried to get her words in his thick mind.

However, the Demon Prince pretended like he didn't hear a single word that she said.

He put his palm over her forehead and was about to channel his qi inside her when Li Ming caught his hand in a tight grip.


The Demon Prince was actually getting angry because of her childish behavior. He was trying to help her but she was not listening to him.

"What now?" He sure sounded irritated.

Li Ming had no more choices left, therefore, she decided to go with the truth.

"Something is suddenly sucking out all my energy. If you mixed your energy with mine, it can also affect you. So, don't. Don't waste your energy on me. Just leave me on my own. I'll find a way to get myself out of this situation." Her voice came out hoarse and tired.

Hei Long stared at the girl in shock. Was she worried about him?

"Just let me take a look. Maybe I can..."

"No! I said don't." Li Ming immediately cut him off as she clutched on his hand tightly.

"You are freezing. We can't leave you like this. At least let me warm you up. I won't do anything else." Hei Long promised after the silence of a few minutes.

"H-how? How can you help me get warm without using your qi?" Li Ming asked with confusion.

She got her answer as she watched with wide eyes as the outer robes of the second Demon Prince came undone.


Chapter 159 - Fifteen Is A Marriageable Age

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


"W-what are you doing?"

Li Ming asked in a shaky whisper as her eyes slowly take in the way the robes were falling from his shoulder.

Her eyes grazed over the bare skin that appeared in her vision. His chiseled collarbone was suddenly making it hard for her to breathe.

Her eyes traveled towards his right shoulder where she could see the slightest glimpse of the soul mark but it was hidden underneath the inner robe.

"Keeping you warm."

Hei Long softly answered as he lifted her in his arms, making Li Ming clutch him tightly.

She was still too shocked to process what was happening around her. Her mind wasn't as foggy as before but it had still to start working.

Hei Long softly laid her on the bed on her side and after a few seconds, Li Ming felt the bed shift behind her.

She was about to turn around to see what the Demon Prince was doing but the very next second she found herself pulled into his arms as he laid behind her.


Li Ming almost squealed at the sudden shift as she found herself pressed to Hei Long's chest.

His hot breath fanned over her neck sending electric tickles throughout her body.

The dizziness, the weird pull, and the lack of energy that she was feeling a few minutes ago, suddenly disappeared.

Her mind was full of thoughts that she was lying in the arms of one of her mates who didn't even like her that much.

She had no idea what was the reason behind this sudden change in Hei Long's behavior.

The only reason that she could find was that he probably was doing all this because the bond was making him worried about her.

"Now relax and keep silent." Hei Long softly whispered in her ear as he inhaled her sweet lilac fragrance.

Li Ming was about to reply when her eyes landed on the hands that were circling around her waist.

Within a second she was out of Hei Long's arms as she sat up on the bed and turned towards the Demon Prince.

"Why are you naked?" Li Ming asked in a surprised tone. Her doe eyes turned into small round balls due to shock.

Hei Long only raised his eyebrows at her words. A soft smile grazing his lips as his beautiful eyes kept looking at her.

"I are completely naked from the waist above. But why? Wear your clothes." Li Ming somehow fished out the words.

Her heart was beating rapidly and she even felt her breathing quickening.

The image that the half-naked form of Hei Long was presenting to her eyes was too much for her to take in.

His body was built like that of a well-built model. His long dark hair cascading down his shoulders and collarbone as a direct contrast to his milky skin.

And the most lethal was his eyes and that soft smirk that played on his lips most of the time.

Rather than following her words and covering his naked upper body, Hei Long pulled her back into his arms.

"Looks like you are already feeling better than before." He softly said as he brushed her long hair behind her ear.

Though Li Ming wanted to find more about the sudden pull that she felt and the energy loss that followed it, but currently she had a more important problem in her hands.

Hei Long's behavior was not normal anymore. The sudden change in his attitude, the warmth in his tone and eyes, could no longer be categorized as a result of the soulbond.

Her eyes traveled to his right shoulder to look at the soul mark but after looking at the ending curve of only one tendril, she realized that the soul mark was carved on the back of his shoulder and not in front.

She had a perfect chance to look at the soul mark. Who knew that she would not have to do much to make the Demon Prince took his clothes off?

"Yeah, I'm no longer feeling dizzy. You can let go of me." She replied in a normal tone this time.

Hei Long started tracing some kind of character on the back of her right hand. The light touch of his fingers made butterflies emerged in her stomach.

"What if you start feeling dizzy again when I let go of you?" Hei Long inquired.

Li Ming had no idea how to deal with this attitude of Hei Long. She had a very bad feeling about the sudden change in his behavior.

She took in a deep breath as she asked, "What do you want?"

This time her tone and her expressions were back to their original cold and indifferent self.

"I like the way you can suddenly change your attitude within the blink of an eye. One moment you are flustered and confused, and the very next minute you can be your proud, confident, and controlled self. You really amaze me, Sweet Prey," Hei Long softly said as he continued to carve the imagery characters on her wrist.

"Thanks for the compliment. Now, answer my question. Don't try to avoid it," Li Ming said in her icy tone.

A soft chuckle left Hei Long's lips as his eyes sparkled with the bright red rings.

"Your question doesn't even make any sense. What I'm going to answer to then?" He asked with his raised eyebrows.

"As far as I know you don't like me at all. Why are you suddenly being so caring? It doesn't make any sense." Li Mung muttered as she tried to look anywhere but at the man lying beside her.

His closeness...especially, his naked closeness was making her uncomfortable in a very wrong way.

"Not everything needs to make sense in this world."

This was the reply of the Second Demon Prince.

Now, someone please tell Li Ming how she was supposed to deal with this person.

"Please wear something first. How can you be so shameless?" Li Ming said as she ridiculed him.

"It's not easy to get you so flustered. Never knew that my naked appearance can have such a strong effect on you. The pink tinge in your cheeks and ears looks good on you."

Li Ming felt his hot breath on her nape as he said those heart-wrenching words.

Her hands immediately flew to cover her cheeks and her ears. Though it was hard to cover both with only two hands.

"Stop it! How can a Demon Prince be so shameless? Do you love to go around and flirt with little young girls?" Li Ming asked as she tried to change the topic from her flustered form.

"Who's little and young here?" Hei Long asked with an actual confused look on his face.

"Of course, it is me. I'm barely fourteen and a half years old. Show some morality." Li Ming replied with a scoff.

However, Hei Long's next word made her choke herself to death.

"In the mortal realm, fifteen is a marriageable age. You are already there, so you can't be categorized as a young girl anymore."

Li Ming stared at the Immortal with her mouth hanging open in shock and her eyes staring at him.

"Are you kidding me? What rubbish! Getting married at fifteen? You guys are fucking insane for goodness sake." Li Ming ranted out her frustration.

She was seriously lucky to not end up transmigrating into the body of some fifteen years old young miss of some family. Who knew if she would have ended up as a wife of some weird psycho.

The mere thought of some other man as her husband made her recoil from inside.

"Why are you calling us names when you aren't much better yourself?" Hei Long asked with a scoff.

At Li Ming's questioning eyes, he continued, "To remind you, you are the one who offered me to join your harem just a few hours ago. A girl like you who is already collecting men to fill her harem at the age of fourteen and a half, should not be complaining about the marriageable age."

Li Ming had no idea how to reply to this. He wasn't completely wrong but there was also the fact that she was not actually going to do anything with her mates. After all, her body was still in the puberty phase.

She felt the fingers that were grazing her hand punching her lightly to get her out of her thoughts.

After seeing his smirk and the satisfaction in his eyes, Li Ming had enough.

"You know what, I'm not that free to waste my time here like this with you." She was seriously losing her cool as the Demon Prince continued with his stupid behavior.

She tried to crawl out of his arms to get out of the bed but with a sudden jerk, she was back in Hei Long's arms.

However, this time she saw something far too different in his eyes which made her breath stuck in her throat.

Someone, please save her!


Chapter 160 - Hot Sexy Piece Of Meat

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


Li Ming tried to take a deep breath but the tight grip around her throat made it hard for her to breathe.

She looked directly into the glowing eyes of the Demon Prince. Her hands lightly clutching his wrist, though she didn't try to make him lose his grip.

"I told you to stay still. You don't know how to listen, right my Sweet Prey?" His voice was deep and full of fire as his eyes stared deep into hers.

Never had she imagined that Hei Long could be the dominating type. But the fire in his gaze and his hand that was circling around her throat made her see her mate in a new light.

She should not be thinking about those things since she was technically a fourteen-year-old girl, but the images surfaced in front of her eyes, almost making her moan.

Though she caught herself at the very last moment and started coughing lightly to cover that lewd sound.

She felt the grip around her throat loosening as the Demon Prince softly whispered in her ears, "I don't like it when people disobey me. You better not move anymore. Just relax and sleep."

It was like he was so worried about her that he wanted to keep her with him at any rate and that didn't make any sense.

She was about to retort back when a very disgusting voice entered her ears.

"My my, never knew someone can turn you into a submissive. Must I say that I'm impressed with this Devil boy."

The tone was filled with amazement and mockery as the irritating smirk played on the red-coated lips of the banshee.

'What are you doing here?' Li Ming asked through their mind link.

Since the banshee was also a ghost she could not be seen by those whom she didn't want to see her.

In short, the Demon Prince was unable to see the banshee, neither could he hear her.

"Nothing. I just came here to ask you to accompany me somewhere. Wasn't expecting to see such a hottie here in your bed. Tell me, how much fun did the two of you had in my absence. Wanna share some with this friend of yours?" The banshee asked as she eyed the half-naked Demon Prince.

Hei Long was observing Li Ming's expressions very keenly since she had suddenly turned silent.

He saw as a frown appearing on her face. She immediately turned towards him and stared at his body.

"Let's go to sleep."

Li Ming said to the Demon Prince as she pulled the duvet over the two of them, snuggling closer in his arms as she made sure that he was completely covered.

"It's you who is freezing even though the winters are still a month and a half away. Why are you covering me up then?" Hei Long asked as he tried to get the cover off him.

But of course, Li Ming didn't let him take off the duvet. How could she? There were horny witches in the room eyeing her mate as if he was a piece of hot meat.

"Since you are keeping me warm, let the duvet keep you warm too." Li Ming said as she again pulled the cover up to his neck.

"But I'm not cold." Hei Long replied as he once again tried to take off the cover but again got stopped by the lilac girl, his lilac girl.

"Don't you dare take off this cover. I don't want anyone leering over your naked body. I mean half-naked body." Li Ming said with an authoritative tone.

The Second Demon Prince stopped as he stared interestingly at the girl.

She never stopped to amaze him. Her words, her actions, her boldness, her kindness, and even her cuteness was too much for his heart to take in.

She was like a mystery box, filled with limitless mysteries and puzzles. Always surprising everyone with her actions.

"What about you then? Who will save me from you? After all, in this closed room, you are the only person who is a danger to my chastity." Hei Long asked with a questioning raise of his eyebrows.

His words made Li Ming scoff.

"Let me remind you. It was your idea to take off your clothes. I never asked you to do that. I even asked you to put them back on several times. That's why you don't have any threats from me." She replied while rolling her eyes.

"Hard to believe. After watching you almost salivating at my bare chest, I'm seriously not believing in your words." Hei Long said as he shook his head lightly.

He was lying beside her on his side facing her as she laid on her back. He had put his head on his hand as it gave him a better angle to look at her face.

His dark hair gliding around his shoulder and collarbone, making Li Ming's finger twitch to run them through his long smooth silky hair.

His words made Li Ming's hand fly to her lips as she tried to check if she was actually drooling.

To her relief, she was not, but then she realized that she was tricked by the Demon.

She turned her face sideways as she glared at the Prince who was smirking at her. Though, his smirk looked more like a soft smile this time.

"Go find someone else to play with." She said as she turned around to face the opposite side from him.

However, the hand that suddenly circled around her waist stopped her and even made her turn to face him fully.

"No, I'm not finding anyone else. You are much more fun to play with." He said with that rare soft smile as he pulled her closer in his embrace, tucking her face against his naked chest.

All the words that Li Ming was about to hurl at the Demon Prince for his last comment died as she realized that her lips were barely a few centimeters away from his naked chest.

"Can you stop making out and come with me? You already ruined my scenery of his hot sexy body. Now, you can't go around kissing his naked form in front of my eyes."

The banshee whispered somewhere from behind her, making Li Ming curse in her mind.

'Then leave.' She replied with an irritated tone.

"Not until you will follow me too." The banshee shrieked into her ears, making Li Ming push her face closer to Hei Long's chest.

'Just go. I'll follow behind you in a minute.' Li Ming said as she tried to distance her face from his chest but got stopped by the warm hand that was resting on her nape.

"You will owe me for this babes." The banshee replied with smoky laughter as she disappeared from the room.

"I told you to not move." Hei Long softly whispered in her ears.

"I'm almost about to kiss your chest. Do you still want me not to move?" Li Ming asked with her raised eyebrows, though Hei Long couldn't see her face.

A soft laugh escaped Hei Long's lips at her words, making a soft smile appear on her lips too.

It felt good to know that she could make the cold-hearted demon laugh.

She was still not sure what to think of his behavior. Something was telling her that she was not being able to look past the reality of the scene.

However, after trying so many times, the Demon Prince didn't let a single word escape through his mouth.

Since her powers were drained because of that sudden pull, she also couldn't use her powers to try and find out what was wrong with the Demon Prince.

The last resort that she was left with was the soul mark. But how could she take a look at it without alarming the Demon Prince?

Hei Long's reply dragged her out of her thoughts.

"Just sleep. It's already turning dark outside. You will get a few more hours to rest today."

Li Ming didn't try to speak a single word this time. She just let out a deep breath and relaxed in his arms.

After closing her eyes, she concentrated on leaving her clone in her space and entered into her magical space.

Since her energy was already depleted, it won't be easy for the Demon Prince to recognize that the person in his arms was no longer a real person.

If not for her drained powers, it won't have been easy for Li Ming to fool the Demon Prince with such a trick.

But again, if not for her depleted energy she would not have ended up in his arms in the first place.

Should she be happy then that she ended up draining her energy? After all, due to this, she got to enjoy the warmth and closeness of her cold-hearted devil.


"My Lord, are you going to visit him?" The man in the white long robe asked as the two men flew over the Snow Fields at the border of the Wang Empire.

The Immortal sighed as he replied, "Not today. He won't be happy to meet me only for an hour or two. I'll probably need a few free months to visit him. Let's head back for now. I'm planning to visit him soon."

And with that, the two men converted into two shining balls of light and disappears into the night sky.

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