Highway to Heaven 🔞

By kyukyu_ji

132K 3.7K 1.7K

"We'll take the highway to heaven And I can't wait to love you all alone" -NCT 127 > Zhang Hao x Sung Hanbin... More

1. 만남
2. 입맞춤
3. 첫째
4. 시도
5. 쿠키
6. 성적
7. 쇼핑
8. 겁나
9. 바이올린
10. 영상통화
11. 편안
12. 춤
13. 다른 춤
14. 영화
15. 반전
16. 취한
17. 믿음
18. 샤워
19. 직면
20. 후회
21. 설렘
22. 얘기
24. 조절
25. 촬영
26. 시작
27. 기회
28. 축하
29. 위아래
30. 바다에
31. 지켜
32. 고통
33. 의심
34. 소중한
35. 냥
36. 푸른색 밤
37. 달빛
38. 더럽게
39. 더럽게 (2)
40. 슬픔
41. 모델
42. 뉴스
43. 행운의 부적
44. 피크닉

23. 노래방

2.8K 91 43
By kyukyu_ji

Gunwook had always been a good observer. Even under difficult situations, he had been clam and observant, oftentimes finding solutions faster than expected. It didn't take a genius in him to realize that the guy he had eyes on, Kim Taerae was upset. He was debating on whether to approach the guy or let him be for the time being, but seeing how fast Taerae had finished the drink in hand, he decided to interrupt. So when Taerae refilled the glass, Gunwook held his hand before taking that to his lips. Annoyed, the former guy looked up; he was pretty surprised to see the younger male.

"What are you doing here?"

Gunwook didn't answer directly. Pretending to think, he asked, "So either Zhang Hao or Sung Hanbin... Who is it?"


"The one who makes you frown so much." Gunwook said, "My bet's on Hao hyung though. Seeing him going after Hanbin hyung like that, you must feel down."

"Like you know anything at all." Taerae mumbled on his own, but he was a tad bit louder than he thought. So Gunwook heard it. With a chuckle, he asked, "So, Sung Hanbin then? Right? Is it a recent crush or was he an ex?"

"Leave me alone." Taerae said upon utter annoyance. He was about to drink again, but Gunwook held his hand firmly.

"What's your problem? What do you want?"

"First let it go." Gunwook calmly said. Knowing he was stronger, Taerae let go of the glass. Gunwook kept it aside, then said, "You really wanna know what I want from you?"

The elder stayed quiet.

"Follow me then." The other said. Taerae didn't even get a chance to hesitate, well, he probably wouldn't even if he was given a chance. Gunwook brought him outside, then a few steps, and he found a good spot right by the quiet street. He took a seat, asked for Taerae to join. Sitting down, the latter asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

"No reason." Gunwook smiled, "But ain't it better than that chaotic party?"
He leaned and whispered in Taerae's ears, "The party was hella boring anyway."

Taerae couldn't but chuckle. Gunwook had that in him, to make anyone feel at ease. However, his smile was replaced with a sigh soon. Gunwook noticed, hence asked, "So, mind telling me now?"

"There's nothing to say."

"But you had a history with Sung Hanbin, right?"

Lying would get him nowhere. So Taerae gave him a nod.

"Is it bad?" The younger asked, "Or do you still like him?"

"Let's just say, it's a bitter memory."

"Okay." Gunwook kept the curiosity to himself. He figured out a good portion of it though. He knew why Taerae had been off lately. Of course, who likes to see his close friend with some sort of past nemesis?

"Hyung?" Gunwook asked a while later. The elder hummed.

"Wanna do something fun?"

"Like?" Taerae asked, being all skeptical. Gunwook only grinned as he stood up. He offered his hand which the other hesitantly took. They walked along the street for a while, then the younger called a taxi.

"Where the hell are we going?"

"You'll see." Gunwook said, and then hopped on. Taerae once thought of turning around and going back to the party house, but he also wanted to run away from all the heartaches. Therefore, he took the risk. He took the seat by Gunwook.

And in no time, they were standing outside the door to a popular karaoke place.

"You like to sing, right?" Gunwook asked, eyes glittering in excitement, "Let's sing our hearts away, hyung."

And Taerae never felt so free. He took the mic with a smile, searched for his favorite songs. He sang the first one. Gunwook anticipated, a lot, but he was still astonished to hear the man sing. Like Taerae was crazy good. Even when he sang playfully, he hit all the notes perfectly. And who knew that the feeble body could hold such great vocal abilities?

"Come on! Your turn!" Taerae passed the mic to Gunwook who was sitting in a daze. He shook it off with a smile and broke into praising the previous singer.

"Damn! Hyung! You should go for an audition, you're so good!" Gunwook said, taking the mic. Taerae looked a little shy. Hearing compliments about his voice wasn't new, but hearing it from Gunwook felt different somehow.

"Alright, I'll go now .." Gunwook chose his song, "Don't judge me, okay? I'm not as good as you."

"Who's here to judge?" Taerae crossed his arms, "We're here to have fun."

And Gunwook did. Even when he was singing alone, or for the part they sang together, soon holding each other by the shoulders- they did have fun. By the end, Taerae was full on smiling.

And he looked angelic!

"Ahh! I forgot last when I sang so loud!"

"You were loud indeed." Gunwook poked inside his ears, "I'll be glad if I can still hear."

Since Taerae was in a good mood, he didn't hit the other for the lame joke. As they got out of the house, Gunwook asked, "Mind if I accompany you home?"

Taerae narrowed his eyes, "You're not having any weird thought, right?"

"Do you want me to?"

"No! Of course not!" Taerae became defensive.

"Relax then." Gunwook smiled, "I won't. I just wanna talk to you, I guess."

Taerae took a pause before asking, "So you're still trying?"


"You know, what you told me that day."

"To date you? Yeah. Why?"

"Is it because you're stubborn or you genuinely think I'm worth your time?"

Gunwook took a few steps to get close to Taerae's face, "Both." He said, "I don't have much to lean towards the second option, so I'll base it on your appearance only." He took a quick look at that face, "Yes, I think you're worth the efforts."

Taerae laughed, "Be a little romantic, will you? You speak everything with logic."

"Well then," Gunwook suddenly grabbed his chin and pulled his face, so close that Taerae could clearly see small sweat beads on his face. "Shall we do something fun at your place, Kim Taerae?"

"What the-" Taerae pushed him, "That's dirty talk!"

"What?" Gunwook shrugged, "I meant we could watch something fun, what's dirty about it?" He smirked, "Ain't it you who's dirty?"

"Just shut up, okay?" Taerae chuckled, "Let's go, if you want."

"So you're up for it?"

"I'll only allow you to escort me home. Didn't say I'll let you cross the doorframe."

"But it's dark and cold."

"Too bad, I don't trust you yet."

"You're too strict with me." Gunwook said. They had satarted walking, probably because Taerae lived nearby. Their little banter filled the road, and it was good. It diverted Taerae from all the hurtful memories. For the very first time, he felt valued. Hanbin had crushed his pride once, he probably slowly regained it. It's not like people never approached him, he never let anyone in. But Gunwook seemed to cause a crack to that exterior wall, sneaking his way into the tender soul of the angelic human being.

"Gunwook ah, thank you for tonight." Taerae said, as they both stood in front of his apartment building.

"I still think you should let me in." The younger sulked, "Do you really think I'm gonna do something you won't like?"

"It's not about that, I don't want to rush things... I know that the consequences of impulsive actions ain't good."

"Kay, fine." Gunwook said with slumped shoulders, "All I wanted was your company, that's it."

"And I appreciate it." Taerae said, "Let's meet later, hm? You have my number, so text me."

"Oh that I will." Gunwook grinned, "Thanks for giving me the contact number."

Taerae gave him a small nod. And then, there was nothing more to say. Inch by inch, Gunwook stepped back, ready to turn around. Taerae stood there, suddenly feeling sad. Shit, he wasn't even attached to the younger.

"Gunwookie?" He called.


"I haven't thanked you enough." Taerae said, taking two steps ahead. The younger waited, and then it happened. He felt a pair of lips on his, and his eyes widened like never before.

Taerae gave him a peck on the lips. The sound of it still afresh, even after Taerae moved away.


"Good night, Park Gunwook. Thanks to you, I enjoyed so much." Smiled Taerae, that mesmerizing, dazzling one.

Like a puppet, Gunwook only nodded. He still couldn't believe he was kissed like that.

"Y-you too..." He said. Taerae chuckled watching him like that, then disappeared inside the building. Gunwook only stared, subconsciously bringing a hand towards his lips.

'Holy... Kim Taerae, you're such a tease!'


Gunwook and Taerae weren't the only ones who wanted to ditch the party. After the half reconciliation, Hanbin wanted to go somewhere quiet as well, just to talk to Hao, just the two of them. He had his house to go to, since Matthew was at Jiwoong's place, or even Hao's who lived alone. But he couldn't bring himself to say that out loud- in fear that it might show intentions he didn't have.

He was lucky, cause Zhang Hao brought it up instead.

"I don't want to go back to that house."

"Shall we go back home instead?" Hanbin asked immediately, as if he was waiting to hear that.

"Hmm we can do that, but Ricky... He won't mind, right?"

"I can bet this party was arranged so that we can make up." Hanbin said, "So yeah, he won't mind I guess."

Even so, Hao called Ricky to say that they were going home.

"Tell Taerae that I'm going back." He added once Ricky ensured that he wouldn't mind.

"Oh, Taerae hyung had also left." Ricky answered from the other end of the call.


"That I don't know, he's not picking up calls. But he had gone with Gunwookie."

"Park Gunwook?" Hao asked, "Damn! They're kinda fast."

"No one's faster than you though." The younger teased, got death threats in return.

"Anyway, I'll get going with Hanbin." He said one last time and cut the call. When he turend, Hanbin was smiling.

"Why are you smiling like a fool?" Hao asked.

"You sound really cute- threatening him like that."

"When I punch the hell out of you, you'll know what cute is."

Hanbin didn't budge, he took one step and gently held Hao's waist, "But can you really punch me, hyung?"

Zhang Hao wanted to set himself free from that shivering waist hold, but he also liked it, therefore, didn't protest much.

"Where to?"

"Anywhere you like." Hanbin smiled, "Matthew's out though, we can crash at my place."

"Alright, let's go then."

Hanbin brought them to the car, Hao had used the younger's car multiple times, so he habitually got in and took the passenger's seat. Hanbin got in as well, he was really happy to see Hao had not put on the seat belt.

"Ah, hyung, the seat belt." He said. Well, deep inside he wanted to create a cliché moment, but feared that it was too soon.

"There's a reason I haven't put it on, can't you take a hint?" Hao smirked, pulling the belt with his thumb, "Help me with it."

So Hao was also up for that. With a grin, Hanbin leaned towards the Chinese male. As he pulled the belt, he saw how intense Hao's stare was. It rendered him so weak, yet, he kept up the resolution. He wasn't going to ruin the chance given to him. So he silently locked the belt and was about to go back to his seat, but Hao grabbed his shirt tight.

"So you'd rather want the tatse of his lips on yours?" Zhang Hao asked, his eyes filled with desire.


"Why won't you kiss me?"

"Because you- just now you said... that you wanted time to decide whether to date me or-" Hanbin spoke like a confused young man.

"You don't need to date someone to kiss him." Zhang Hao pulled Hanbin until he lost balance. The younger somehow held the seat to keep him from falling face down on Hao's stomach. "Or were you dating that scumbag from the party, huh? Whom you so happily made out with?"

"You still ain't over it?" Hanbin felt happy inside. The thought of making Hao jealous was giving him so much joy.

"No, now kiss me or-"

Hanbin didn't let him finish, as he clasped both of those lips inside his ones, feeling the familiar taste of Hao's lip tint after what felt like eternity. He fumbled with his hand to find the lever, once found, pulled it up to drop the seat down. Hao was almost lying, Hanbin was hovering over him, and they kissed like there's no tomorrow. Hanbin's hands moved to touch Hao's face, and the elder he pulled Hanbin down so that their chests were stuck together.

They wouldn't take the session all the way home, because Hao wanted to believe that the kiss was solely for removing any trace of the stranger from Hanbin.

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