Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

By silentMelody0101

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56 Epilogue


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By silentMelody0101

Chapter 146 - The Auction (Part One)

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


"Miss Li, you are finally here!"

The same man, who previously met Li Ming at the reception, greeted their group at the entrance of the auction house.

There was barely three minutes left before the auction would officially start. The Crown Prince really wasted a lot of time.

They all greeted the shopkeeper and Li Ming said, "We apologize for making you wait here. We got stuck with some matters. Hope you won't mind."

The shopkeeper immediately shook his head negatively. How could he be angry at one of their special guests of the auction that was starting soon?

Miss Bao had already informed him to treat Miss Li and her companions with respect and to make sure that she would be comfortable during the auction.

What he was not expecting was to see an entire group of people to come along with the Young Miss.

"Miss Li, are these people accompanying you in the auction?" The shopkeeper asked as his eyes roamed over the man who was wearing high-quality robes and nearly a dozen royal guards.

"Oh! Actually, he is the Crown Prince of the Han Empire. We coincidentally met on our way here. We will be attending this auction together." Li Ming politely replied to the shopkeeper, without even giving any chance to the Crown Prince to open his mouth.

She could feel his eyes glaring at her from her right side but she completely ignored it, pretending to be completely oblivious.

The shopkeeper bowed to the Crown Prince while greeting him as he replied to Li Ming's question, "Sure Miss Li. Also, the Eldest Young Miss has made sure that you won't face any discomfort here. Please come this way."

The shopkeeper took them towards the third floor where the private rooms were prepared for the high-status visitors.

A faint smile appeared on Li Ming's face as she followed behind the old man.

If not for the veil that hid her evil smirk, the Crown Prince would definitely have noticed the trick that she just played, but fortunately, no one noticed anything.

Everything went exactly according to Li Ming's plan. After seeing the Crown Prince of the Han Empire with her, the shopkeeper was even more curious about the young girl's identity.

They already knew that the young girl belonged to a powerful background and after seeing her casually entering into the shop with the Crown Prince of an Empire, her identity had become a mystery.

But the shopkeeper happily took the group to their private room as their auction house was already considering to invest in the Young Miss. The final decision would be taken after the auction.

In short, according to the information that the old shopkeeper had received from Miss Bao, it looked like Miss Li would become one of their special customers and investors if her pills sold out at a high price in the auction.

The smirk on Li Ming's lips stretched into a soft smile as she heard the thoughts of the shopkeeper.

Her plan was going exactly how she wanted. And though she couldn't listen to the Crown Prince's thoughts due to his higher level of cultivation, just looking at the frown that had appeared on his face assured her that her plan had succeeded in luring the Prince into her trap.

Li Ming was definitely not wrong about the Crown Prince. Just like how the shopkeeper mistook Li Ming as a friend of the Imperial family of the Han Empire, similarly, the Crown Prince mistook her as a close friend or at least one of the VIP customers of the auction house after hearing the conversation between the shopkeeper and the young girl.

He was currently in a dilemma. He could not punish the young girl if she really belonged to a high-class family, but he also could not let her go so easily otherwise his reputation would be at stake.

They reached outside a room and he turned towards the young girl while saying, "Let's leave your companions outside."

Only seven guards were going to enter into the room while the other guards stood outside the room to guard the Prince.

Li Ming folded her hands in front of her chest as she replied to the Crown Prince, "Thanks for the offer, Your Highness, but I'll like to keep my people with me."

And with that, she entered in the room along with Zi Yan, Jin Jing, and the little boy.

The Crown Prince stood there with his mouth left open at the audacious behavior of the Young girl.

It took them barely a few minutes before all of them settled down in the private room.

Li Ming and the Crown Prince were sitting around the main table while Zi Yan, Jin Jing, and the little boy were sitting around another table that was placed behind the main table.

The last table was placed a little far behind the main table where four royal guards were sitting.

The rest of the three guards were standing at the door as they made sure to protect their Crown Prince.

Li Ming looked at the crowd that was sitting down below. A platform was set at the center of the floor where a high podium was sitting empty.

A few people who were wearing the same colored uniform were guiding the people around the room to settle them on their tables.

This was the first time when Li Ming had seen so many rich people from various Empires of the mainland.

Though everything was happening in her favor but there was still a problem that had surfaced.

Since the Crown Prince unexpectedly by.ped into her and she ended up as his prisoner, for the time being, she couldn't interact with Zi Yan and Jin Jing openly.

Therefore, her plan of bringing Jin Jing along with her to learn more about the high families of the mainland was of no use.

Unknown to her, exactly above their room was another private room. The highest level of VIP rooms of the auction house was present on the fourth floor.

There were a total of three rooms on that floor and currently only one was occupied.

Two men who appeared completely opposite to each other were sitting in the private room of the fourth floor.

One of them was wearing a pair of beautifully designed golden brocade robes with a single golden hairpin decorating his silky smooth long hair.

He was just sitting there silently looking at the crowd down below, observing the mortals as they prepared to start the auction.

The shopkeeper of the auction house was currently standing on the platform, explaining the rules of the auction to the people who had come to participate in the auction.

He could tell that many had arrived there just to enjoy the show that was going to start any second.

These auctions were more like a chance for the high families to show off their wealth and power to the world and they were going to take full advantage of this chance.

On the other side of the table was sitting the man in black and red brocade robes. Half of his hair tied with a red ribbon and a black jade hairpin was loosely inserted into it, while his hands were busy in playing with his jade flute.

While one was emitting sunshine then the other was emitting the very essence of darkness.

But even after carrying auras that were polar apart from each other, they still held a powerful bond of brotherhood that had been unshakeable through thousands of years.

"What are you busy thinking about?" The golden robes man finally asked while breaking the peaceful silence of the room.

He noticed that ever since the two of them had entered into the auction house a few minutes ago, the black robbed man had wandered off into his own world.

"Nothing special. Just saw someone here whom I was not expecting to meet. But looks like that person is always appearing in front of my eyes no matter how much I try to stay away." The Second Demon Prince replied. His tone was neither cold nor warm, rather it carried a bored edge into it.

A small switch appeared on the lips of the golden robed man. "Why it looks like it is really something special? You know that you are bad at lying, right?"

Hei Long shook his head at the mocking words of his friend and brother.

He just could not help himself from thinking about the lilac girl. She always pulled him towards her like a magnet.

No matter how much he tried to stay away from her, but in the end, he always ended up meeting her at the most unexpected places and in unexpected situations.

To distract himself from the thoughts of the lilac girl, he tried to change the topic as he asked, "Forget about me since it's nothing important. But I'm still curious to know what you are doing here in this auction house. You are the last person to take part in the mortal affairs. Want to share the secret?"


Chapter 147 - The Auction (Part Two)

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


"I'm not sure either. I just felt a tug towards this auction house, as if something important is going to happen here today. That's why I decided to attend this auction." The golden robed Immortal replied in an indifferent tone.

Three people who were bound to each other with their souls were sitting under the same roof, unknown to each other's presence.

Though all of them were feeling that lightest tug in their hearts which was trying to enlighten them about each other's presence.


In one of the private rooms on the third floor of the auction house, Li Ming was listening to the rules which the old shopkeeper was explaining.

Within the next five minutes, the auction officially started and the first item that was brought up the pedestal for the auction was a scroll that carried the formula of sleeping pills.

Li Ming sighed as she settled down in her seat. Her bored and uninterested behavior caught the attention of the Crown Prince.

"You look bored."

Li Ming looked at the Crown Prince, not sure how to reply to the Prince who either was a real idiot or was still trying to hide his true colors.

Finally, she ended up replying with one of her snarky comments, "Thank you for telling me the obvious. Otherwise, I would have thought that I'm actually enjoying this."

She really wanted to end up in the prison, didn't she?

But rather than the usual dumbfounded or shocked expressions, this time a small smile appeared on the lips of the Crown Prince which he did his best to hide.

"You are really interesting, Young lady. It's very rare to come across both daring and stupid people. You are a perfect combination of both." The Crown Prince said after a few minutes of silence.

Li Ming watched two servants taking the scroll away from the pedestal as it was finally sold out on 5000 silver taels.

A light chuckle escaped her mouth as she heard the words of the Crown Prince.

"You also think so? Looks like I'm seriously a combination of both. Too many people have certified me as one." She said with a soft sigh, emphasizing on her words.

The Crown Prince turned towards the Young Miss and watched her carefully before asking, "Are you mocking me?"

His tone was neither shocked nor angry. He actually looked curious which was not the right emotion for the situation.

Li Ming cleared her throat as she put on a serious expression on her face.

The other people in the room were silently observing the auction that was going on downstairs. None of them had any idea what the two of them, Li Ming and the Crown Prince, were discussing about as a shield was placed around them to give them privacy.

What was both shocking and amusing was that the royal guards were happy after seeing the Young girl not messing with their Prince, or at least that was what they were thinking after seeing their calmed expressions.

On the other hand, both Zi Yan and Jin Jing were also reassured that their Young Miss had left the Crown Prince alone for the time being and had not sent him flying out the open window yet. In short, everything was going fine for the time being.

Both the parties were praying for peace but the person from whom they wanted peace was none other than the precious Li Ming.

(Didn't you guys inform these people that our Fl had no idea what the word peace mean?)

While these people were busy praying for peace, the auction continued to progress downstairs as the second item, which was a third level low-grade sword, was brought up on the podium.

It barely took five minutes before the sword was sold out at merely 3500 silver taels.

"Even my food costs higher than that." Li Ming murmured softly as she stared at the departing figure of the sword in both confusion and shock.

She was seriously shaken after seeing a sword being sold only for 3500 silver taels.

Though she had lightly whispered those words but of course the Crown Prince heard them.

Her words made him scoff as he asked with an irritated tone, "Are you trying to boast about your wealth and family background now?"

Li Ming turned towards the Prince with a scowl decorating her pretty face.

"What are you trying to imply? Why would I have to boast? If I seriously wanted to boast about my wealth and family background, do you think I would have let you drag me here with you? Do you think I would be sitting here silently listening to your stupid questions? You seriously love to judge people, don't you?"

The Crown Prince was surprised to hear such words but the person who was the most shocked was Li Ming herself.

She knew that something was making her a little antsy and she had been on edge ever since she entered into the auction house.

The feeling only intensified with each passing moment but she ignored it as she thought she was only anxious about the auction and her plan that was being ruined by the so-called Crown Prince of the Han Empire.

Moreover, she wasn't exactly enjoying her company. But as she let out her frustrated rant on the Prince, the realization dawned on her.

Nope, her heightened feelings were not caused by either the auction or the Crown Prince, rather there was another presence in the auction house that was making her trade on edge.


The Crown Prince was about to speak but Li Ming just glared at him, making the Prince shut his mouth as he silently settled down on his seat, facing away from her.

The Crown Prince didn't know what to do with the girl. She was younger than him, could be of lower status than him, and also she was behaving pretty rudely as she kept insulting him. But he still could not make himself punish her.

In the end, he decided to do the right thing. He was going to ignore her throughout the entire auction which would probably cover the next one and a half hours.

He left the rest for later. His focus returned on the auction as the fourth item of the day was being placed on the podium to start its auction.

He didn't even realize that the young girl who had been sitting beside him, had very quietly and precisely, placed a barrier around herself which blocked her actions from being observed by others.

To the rest of the people who were sitting inside the room, including the Crown Prince, they appeared to be silently sitting in her seat as she sipped her tea occasionally.

While in reality, she had placed herself in a lotus position as she closed her eyes to focus on her internal energy to calm it down.

But even after trying for the next several minutes, she failed in calming down her powers which were about to burst out of their bubble.

Li Ming immediately entered into the magical mansion/space as she left a clone of herself behind in the private room of the auction house.

As her legs touched the grassy floor of the backyard of her mansion, she was almost kneeling down while she tried to get a grip on herself.

Her body was starting to get covered in sweat and her head was spinning.

It took barely a few seconds before she was surrounded by a worried Snowy, Mallow, and the pixies.

"Ming! What's wrong?" Mallow asked worriedly, though she got no response from the young girl.

Snowy and Mallow were the most worried as they could feel a little amount of pain and discomfort that their Master was going through.

"Li, tell me what's wrong? You are scaring us!" This time it was Snowy who shouted in panic as he felt a huge wave of pain hitting Li Ming on her spine.

"N-nothing mu-much! Just leave m-me a-lone. I'll be...alright in a f-few minutes!" Li Ming finally replied to everyone's relief but her words brought anything but a relief to their panicked selves.

"Wait! What are you doing?"

It was Alvina, the little fairy in her beautiful white dress, who shouted at Li Ming in alarm as her keen eyes noticed something, something that none of them realized in the starting due to their panic.

"Li! Are you purposely letting it cause you pain?" Snowy was almost on the verge of tears as he observed his Master going through so much pain.

Li Ming closed her eyes tightly as another wave of sickness passed through her. She was not really in pain as she could bear it, but more like her body had lost all its energy.

She wanted to assure the others that she was alright, but she could barely get a hold on her senses.

She more or less missed what they were saying to her and from the little that she caught through her half-conscious mind, made her regret her decision of appearing into the magical mansion in such a state.

"Don't worry guys! I-I'm trying to find something. J-just give me...a fe-w minutes. I'll b-be alright!"

Li Ming tried to calm them down as she focused her mind on her plan.

This time she was going to get some answers!


Chapter 148 - Supreme Majesty

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


After ten minutes, Li Ming was still lying on the grassy lawn as she took deep breaths to calm herself down.

For a moment she had almost lost her control on her magical powers which were ready to shot out of her.

"Did you find anything?" Snowy asked when he saw Li Ming settling herself in a sitting position on the ground.

She looked anything but the definition of beautiful and perfect at that moment. Her hair was messy as they fell around her face in tangles, her face and body were covered in sweat, and her dirty dress was sticking to her body. A few specks of grass was also got tangled in her hair.

"It was the same dark power that I found in the world of my dreams." Li Ming replied as she tried to clean the sweat off her face with a handkerchief.

"And...?" Snowy knew that there was more that Li Ming wanted to tell, she was just not sure how to explain what she had found out.

When she had felt that slightest brush of the dark powers outside the auction house, she just assumed that she was imagining things but then during the auction, she again felt the presence of the dark powers.

It was trying to find something or someone. Was it there for some kind of item that was going to be auctioned or was it tailing her?

She couldn't let go of such a chance to find out more about that dark power and its secrets.

That's why after making sure that she was hidden from the rest of the world in her protection shield, she let out a very small portion of her energy and let it flow through the auction house.

This was a new trick that she learned about recently. The energy was so low that most of the people, no matter how powerful they were, won't be able to feel it.

Her target was the black power and just as she planned it took her bait the moment it felt the positive essence of her energy.

What Li Ming didn't know was that though her plan of keeping her energy hidden from the other cultivators in the auction house did actually worked, however, there were two Immortals present in the auction house who couldn't be deceived by such tricks.

Their thousands of years of cultivation and experience almost made them invincible, almost!

The two Immortals not only felt the presence of the euphoric energy that suddenly appeared in the auction house and then disappeared but they also felt the presence of the dark power that was about to enter into their private room but unexpectedly it changed its route and left.

The two Immortals looked at each other for a second, contemplating whether to follow the energies or not.

After a few seconds of silence, the man in the golden brocade clothes said, "I don't want to leave this auction house without finding out what pulled me here."

At his words, two golden shadows disappeared from the room as they trailed after the two energies.

Hei Long nodded his head as he settled down on his seat.

His mind was in chaos as he felt so many emotions and questions arising.

His mind, without his consent, went towards the lilac girl. This was the second time in the past seven years when the dark mist had crossed the threshold of the Demon realm. The first one was when it attacked Li Ming in the Xiao Tiantang when she was in the Dongji village and the second one just happened.

He was trying to find out the reason behind the black mist attacking the lilac girl as it went far enough to cross the boundaries of the Demon Realm.

It wasn't like he was worried about that girl but because the black mist was related to his Demon Realm and he wanted to open its

every secret.

The presence of that mist in the Wang Empire was questionable. It was trying to enter into the private room. Was it there for the Immortal Lord that was sitting in front of him? If yes, then why did it suddenly disappeared when the other energy appeared for barely a second?

Didn't know why but he felt some kind of familiarity with that second energy. Something deep that connected him with it. But that couldn't be possible, right?

"Did you...felt the presence of that other energy too?" The Demon Prince finally asked as he couldn't hold his words inside.

He needed to find out more about what just happened. He wanted to run after that energy and find its owner but his instinct was telling him to stay with the golden robed man.

And in the farthest corner of his mind, a very little part of his senses was trying to remind him that the lilac girl was also present in the auction house.

Could it be possible that the black mist was once again trying to attack her? Suddenly his heart started quenching in pain at the very thought of his lilac girl getting hurt.

But a stubborn part of his mind started getting angry at him for thinking of an unknown woman who was trying to deceive his brothers with her pathetic charms and dark powers.

He couldn't let himself become a target of her darkness. He needed to save his brothers from her and at the current moment, he was the only one who was trying to find their real mate.

"Of course, I did. It was..." The man in the golden robe stopped as he tried to find the right words to explain that energy.

"Kind of familiar? Like we have known it for a long long time? Refreshing, healing, exciting, and an unimaginable pull that tugged you towards it?" Hei Long tried to help his friend while telling exactly how he felt about that energy.

The golden robed man let out a sigh as he lightly shook his head as he asked, "Is that even possible to feel all those things in a mere second through a trail of an energy?"

The Demon Prince looked at his friend as he asked with a small twitch on his lips, "Are you trying to say that you didn't feel any of them?"

The golden robed man passed the Demon Prince a heated glance. His eyes trying to find some answers in the depth of the beautiful eyes of Hei Long, but of course, he got nothing.

After a few seconds, the Immortal finally replied, "I felt it too. Just amazed that it's even possible to feel so many emotions through an energy in just a mere second. Do you know whom that energy belongs to?"

This time it was the Demon Prince who got silent for nearly an entire minute before answering, "Though it felt really familiar, but I still can't pinpoint anyone whom it could belong to."

The two Immortals fell silent after that, both lost in their thoughts.

After a few restless minutes, Hei Long stood up from his seat, making the other Immortal raise his eyebrows in confusion.

"I will be back in a few minutes." And with that being said he rushed out of the room. Not caring about the several pairs of curious eyes that followed him.

"What's up with this kid now?" The man in the golden robe asked out loud to no one in particular as he watched the door through which the Demon Prince just disappeared.

A man in white and royal blue clothes appeared beside the golden robed man, taking a seat beside him. Though his posture remained stiff and on guard.

"How long will it take you to get used to being normal around me?" The golden robed Immortal asked the other man.

The man in white and blue robes, who was known as Senior Shen throughout the Immortal world, immediately bowed down to his Master, apologizing for not being able to perform his task properly.

"Aish! I told you to loosen yourself a little bit around me. To behave more like the childhood friends that we are, rather than my guard. But look at you right now, it looks like I'm asking you to kill yourself." The golden robed man said with a shake of his head.

"Supreme Majesty, you can order me to spend an entire year in the depths of the devil's volcano and I will take it happily without uttering a word, but this servant seriously can't do what you are asking me to do." Guard Shen immediately replied as he kneeled on the floor with his head bowed down in apology.

"You can't complete such a simple mission. How can you boast about spending an entire year in the devil's Volcano? The golden robed man said with a shake of his head.

The devil's volcano was one of the most dangerous places in the three realms and it resided in the depths of the Demon Realm.

Senior Shen accepting an entire year's punishment in that dark and horrible place just explained how difficult it was for him to act like a normal friend around the Supreme Being of the Immortal World.


Chapter 149 - Made For Each Other

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


The silhouette of a man in dark black and red robes was standing behind the oak tree in the backyard of the magical mansion.

His keen eyes sharply observed the girl who looked like she had just survived a disaster. He found himself looking at her to find if she was hurt anywhere and to his relief, other than her not so good appearance and the frown that was plastered on her face, she looked completely fine.

With a swift leap, he was sitting on one of the higher branches of the old oak tree, hidden from the sight of the girl and her weird creature friends.

He only wanted to take a look at her in the auction house to find out whether the black mist was really after her or not.

What he was not prepared for was to find a clone of the girl sitting in the private room of the auction house.

Though the others in the room couldn't find anything strange about the girl that was silently observing the auction from her seat, but his sharp eyes couldn't be fooled by such a simple trick.

Due to some unknown reason he didn't like seeing her with a strange man, even though this stranger was the so-called elder brother of Zhang Yong.

In the end, he made himself believe that the reason behind his dislike for seeing her with the Crown Prince of the Han Empire was because he knew exactly what kind of girl she was.

He just didn't want to let another man get himself entangled in her dark clutches. There was no doubt that she was collecting powerful men for some kind of her voodoo dark jinx.

He was not sure what made him think to find her in the Xiao Tiantang but somehow he found himself at the entrance of the Godly Maple Tree.

The moment he appeared in the spiritual dimension, the energy there rushed to inform him that the girl was not in a good condition.

Without thinking twice, he rushed towards the Maple Tree which had the portal in its very center.

He was not supposed to be able to enter into her world. If he remembered it right, only Ruoshan had the allowance of entering into her space without asking for permission.

Of course, Xiao Tiantang was an exception since they all shared a history with that place. This gave them a free entry in that magical world as long as they didn't have any bad intentions towards its Master.

However, as he stepped his foot towards the other end of the portal, he felt the energy of the magical mansion too welcoming him with open arms.

Though everything was so weird but Hei Long's entire focus was on the girl, whom he found lying on the grassy lawn in the backyard.

It was the words of the little girl with those amazing wings, who shouted at Li Ming in alarm, that stopped him in his tracks and made him hide himself out of their sight.

He could see that she was struggling to even breathe properly and somehow it made him worried and panicked.

All he wanted to do was to rush at his lilac girl and get her out of her discomfort but something was holding him back. Of course, it was the part of his mind which despised that girl with its entire being.


Hei Long focused his entire attention on the conversation that was going on between the little snowball and the girl.

It was his first time seeing that furball speaking as most of the time it behaved like a normal puppy.

"Remember what I told you guys about the Demon Realm? How there was a dark power that has taken over it and it's sucking out all of its life energy every day?"

Li Ming's question caught Hei Long's attention. He had no idea that the girl knew about the state of the Demon Realm, but again, looking at the way his brother was wrapped around her finger it was not really surprising that he finally let out his deeper worries in front of her.

Scratch that! It's more than surprising that the Evernight Lord told anything about the Demon Realm and its condition to someone.

The fact that he, Ruoshan, told all these things to a girl who he had met barely for a few months was even more shocking.

Situations like these only confirmed Hei Long's doubts about Li Ming. He couldn't see any other reason for his brother and Senior brother to suddenly show such trust and closeness to a strange girl.

If it was their Chosen One, he would never have questioned it but she was not even their mate, then the only reasonable answer he could find was that the girl had used some kind of dark arts on his brothers and she's even trying them on him.

He shook his head, planning to confront his brother later as he focused back on the conversation.

"Yeah, but what about that?" Snowy asked in confusion.

"Well, that day...I felt some kind of familiarity in that black mist. Like either, I have encountered it before somewhere or if...I-I don't know to be honest. I have been trying to remember or find out exactly why that dark energy feels so familiar but no matter how much I'm trying, the results are fruitless."

Li Ming irritatedly brushed her hair away from her face.

The mystery behind the black mist was slowly but surely driving her crazy. Neither did she succeeded in finding even a single lead about that mist nor was she able to completely forget about the mist and focus on her other important businesses.

"Hey! Calm down. Just tell us everything. Maybe we can't help you but sharing it will give some relief." Alvina softly murmured to Li Ming.

The pixie had flown near to Li Ming's face as she reached out with her small warm hands to lightly rub them against Li Ming's cheek.

Her actions brought a small but soft smile to Li Ming's lips.

"Thank you, Al." Li Ming softly whispered as she showed her gratitude towards the little fairy.

Alvina just beamed in return before flying back to her initial position where she sat down on a wooden log along with two other fairies.

On the other hand, the Second Demon Prince who had always disliked Li Ming from the very start was currently looking at his lilac girl with soft eyes as he took in her sweet interaction with the winged creature.

But as the scene in front of his eyes changed as the fairy flew back to sit beside her other friends, the Demon Prince also came out of his trance.

The soft look in his eyes immediately changed to an empty stare as he continued to listen to what Li Ming was telling her friends.

"So, I told you guys about how that dark energy possibly got a taste of my energy that day. I didn't think too much about that initially but from that very night, I started getting weird dreams."

Li Ming looked at the group of pixies and then at the two little snowballs. All of them were silently listening to her, giving her the chance to share her worries with them.

But what warmed her heart the most was the person who was currently hiding behind the thick veil of the leaves of the old oak that her great great great grandmaster had grown in the backyard of the magical mansion thousand of years ago.

Though the two of them, Li Ming and Hei Long, were not really close to each other but that didn't mean Li Ming couldn't feel the very presence of her mate around her.

Whatever was stopping Hei Long from recognizing her was only working on his side of the bond, while the bond that Li Ming shared with him was working perfectly fine.

Since her senses and powers were already surfing on the edge and he was the only mate present near her, the soul mark that was etched on her wrist immediately recognized him.

Also, both Xiao Tiantang and the magical mansion had alerted her about the presence of an Immortal inside her space, though they never specified which Immortal it was.

A small smile appeared on her lips as a warm feeling took over her heart. No matter how much the Demon Prince tried to hate her but he couldn't stop himself from loving her more and more with each passing day.

His worry for her and her well being just spoke how much he cared about her even though he boasted about hating her and getting rid of her.

This only made her promise herself to win her mate's heart and make him fall in love with her.

She was not going to give up on her mates so easily. They were hers, just like how she was theirs...!


Chapter 150 - Target Or Companion

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


After taking a deep breath, Li Ming continued, "At first those dreams were not clear. Other than those uneasy feelings I couldn't remember anything about the dreams but then that day in the Xiao Tiantang when I was refining pills with Mallow and suddenly something tried to enter into the Godly Maple Tree, I felt the same dark presence there."

Li Ming heard loud gasps from her audience. With a break of a few seconds, she once again continued, "That energy was probably not able to enter into the Xiao Tiantang but they left behind that note like thing. Unfortunately, that note got destroyed. By the time I returned back the next morning, all the traces of the previous night incident has evaporated into nothing. I tried to find out more about what exactly happened that night, but there was not much for me to do."

The place quieted down as everyone was busy in their deep thoughts.

"Did your dreams stop?" Mallow finally asked after a few minutes.

The others also looked at Li Ming curiously as the later shook her head in negative.

"Nope. Rather than stopping they increased after that incident. As the days passed I started remembering some of the scenes of those dreams but nothing ever made any sense."

" Until that night a few days ago when I suddenly ended up in a completely different dimension. It was only black and white, full of decaying smell. There was even a hint of sulfur in the air. And the worst in there was a three-headed monster who appeared out of nowhere. Before much could happen, or before I could find anything about that place, I was back in my bed, completely fine. But I'm sure that the same dark energy was also present there."

"Woah, are you saying that you got teleported into a different dimension in your dreams and then you were back here when you opened your eyes? Is that even possible?" Terra asked with a surprised tone.

The little pixie's words made Li Ming chuckled, "At this point, anything is possible sweetheart. Magic has no boundaries, it's just we still have to explore it to it's fullest. I think the same could be said about the spiritual cultivation and the secrets of this world."

Everyone nodded their heads at Li Ming's words. Indeed, after coming to this new world and finding more and more secrets that sounded impossible to be believed, now it was hard to say what was possible and what was not.

Who knew if after some days, months, or years, they would find out that this new world also held the secret power which could turn a dead into a living person.

On the other hand, even though there was such an important discussion going on but Hei Long's mind was stick on only one word, sweetheart.

For some unknown reason, he wanted to listen to the girl calling him that, but again he felt disgusted by his own thoughts.

Why his mind got stuck on that particular word was beyond his understanding. But he didn't like to see her using that word so casually for random people.

The most confusing thing that he realized was that after getting to know the girl in the last weeks and listening to her talk with her friends, sometimes it appeared like she didn't belong to their world.

As if she had been sent in the Immortal world from another beautiful world which was quite identical to the three realms of the Immortal world but also different.

He had found out about her past through his shadow guards who did their best to find more information about Li Ming, but other than her journey of the last six months, they were unable to find out about anything.

It was like one day she appeared out of nowhere and started living a completely new life in the Han Empire.

There were far too many secrets that Hei Long still had to unveil about his sweet prey. He's just waiting for the right chance.

He checked the situation of the auction that was still ongoing in the outside world. It had been barely twenty minutes since the incident of the dark mist in the auction house and in the meantime, not much had happened in the auction.

The total of seven items that had been auctioned off so far was nothing much in his eyes.

Though he didn't confess it, but the reason behind him sticking with the Heaven Emperor to join him in the auction house was due to the pull that he too was feeling towards that place from the previous morning.

All that came to his mind was that the auction house would probably be going to auction off something important and that's why his instincts were telling him to attend the auction.

What he didn't prepare for was to come across the lilac girl, the young lady who had become a haunting spirit in his life.

"That three-headed monster, was it a Cerberus?" Snowy asked Li Ming. His eyes sparkling with curiosity. And why not? After all, not everyone could get the chance to see the hounds of Hades.

Li Ming looked at Snowy and after a second shook her head in negative.

The spark in Snowy's eyes immediately died as he once again started thinking about the current case.

"It was more like a wolf than a dog. Not exactly a wolf, but if I have to compare it with a real-life animal then I'll definitely choose a wolf. Moreover, just like I said it was a world built with a black and white theme, I was not able to see much of its body in the dark." Li Ming told everyone.

Her eyes slowly looked towards the oak tree where she could feel the presence of the Demon Prince and within a second, she was again looking at the group of sups sitting in front of her.

"I was too busy with all the work that I didn't get a chance to visit the Demon Realm again, but I have a feeling that I can find many answers about the black mist and my dreams there. I was planning to visit it a few days after this auction. However, I didn't expect that dark power to suddenly appear in the auction house." Li Ming told them as she lightly rubbed her temples.

"What about today? Did you find anything important?" Mallow asked.

Her question made everyone straightened up as they looked at Li Ming, waiting for her reply.

Hei Long also put his complete focus on the young girl.

Was his doubt right? Did that evil mist appear in the auction house of the capital city of the Wang Empire to attack the lilac girl?

He felt his anger rising as his qi tried to break out and finish whatever or whoever was trying to harm his lilac girl.

For a moment, he couldn't recognize his own self as all his heart, soul, and most of the mind was thinking about destroying the enemies of his sweet prey.

It took him a few seconds to get a hold on himself as he heard the girl replying.

"The dark energy that entered into the auction house was too weak. It was like someone intentionally send only a lightest essence of it for some purpose. I couldn't catch it but for the few seconds where I got my hold on it, I saw some vague images. Like it was trying to find someone in the auction house."

After a break of merely two seconds she continued, "What I saw was very blurry. I couldn't make out the face of that person but I got the slightest glimpse of their getup and aura. I think I will be able to recognize that person if they came in front of my eyes."

A frown appeared on Hei Long's beautiful face as he heard Li Ming's reply.

According to her, the dark power was looking for someone else, but who?

"What do you think? That mysterious person for whom the dark mist was searching, are they a target or a companion?"

Hei Long heard the little furball asking the question to his Master.

"Looking at the aura of that person, it was full of positivity and righteousness, is it even possible for someone like that to be a partner of something so dark?" Li Ming asked out loud as she looked at the pixies and the two furballs in front of her.

In return of her question, she received a raised eyebrow from the blonde.

Li Ming rolled her eyes as she replied, "Fine! Fine! Anything is possible when it comes to this world and the word magic."

This made everyone chuckle softly. The light bickering environment between Li Ming and Terra had always been a medium of entertainment for everyone.

Though the environment cooled down a little at the sweet chuckles, the seriousness of the situation still could not be ignored.

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