RWBY and Shonen Jump characte...

By TheGDFProject

11.9K 231 288

With only a few days left of Summer someone summons the most of the cast of RWBY to a strange theatre and has... More

Revan Vs Darth Vader
The One They Fear
Death Battle!!!
Jaune: Maker of Man's best Friend!

Bring Them In.

2.1K 58 35
By TheGDFProject

???: Time to bring them in isn't it..."

As the voice snaps his fingers as several people appeared before him.

Ruby: Hey where are we?"

Weiss: How should I know you dolt?"

Nora: Ren! Have we been abducted by Aliens! I don't want them to probe Uranus?!"

Ren:  ... I refuse to answer that question." 

Pyrrha: Were is Alastair?"

Yang: I don't know P-money?"

???: I can tell you where he is."

The Group look over to were the voice came from and saw the person who had summoned him.

The figure was taller then them. he was dawned with White rusted Armour with faded Golden accents, he wore a armet helmet. On his back was a rusted scabbard and sword. 

???: I sent him to the field of Punishment to make him pay for his sins." 

Yang ran at him.

Yang: You bastard!" 

Nora: I'll break your legs!"

they both roared as they got close to him.

The man simply signed and snapped his fingers and both Yang and Nora where tackled to the  ground by a large white blur, The two opened their eyes to see a large Jackalope glaring down at them.

Ruby: Yang!" 

Ruby rushed to her sister and Ren went to check on Nora, but they were stopped dead in their tracks as the large Jackalope Glared at them.

???: You done?"

 the stranger asked as the group nodded.

 he waves his hand and both girls stand up, but he looks at them both with a glare.

???: do that again and I will send both of you to join him in the field of punishment, do I make myself clear?." 

Both girls nod.

The stranger smiles and gives them a gentlemanly bow.

???: Hello Team RWBY and Team PRN My Name Is -"

Blake: Your the Rusted Knight?! One of the most famous Fairy tale heroes to ever grace Renment! I grow up reading 'The Girl Who Fell Through the World' when I was a little girl!"


 Rusted Knight: Yes, I am the Rusted Knight, and the large Jackalope pinning those two down is my Friend and steed Juniper. And brought you here to react to someone you all know, or should I say 'Used' to know."

The now named Rusted Knight snapped his fingers and a large logo appears on the screen.

Ruby: Wait? Isn't that Jaune's families Symbol?"

Weiss: WHAT! You Kidnapped us! Just so we can watch that fraud?! that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!"

The Rusted Knight gave her a stone faced look.

The Rusted Knight: I don't care what you think, plus I want to tell you Jaune has the potential to do great Good and Great Evil, he could be the greatest Hero or the worst Villain Renment has ever seen."

Pyrrha walked up to the God before looking in with a narrowed brow.

Pyrrha: Jaune simply has no aptitude for the lifestyle and will never make it as a Huntsman."

The Rusted Knight's eyes narrow from inside his Helmet at her.

The Rusted Knight: Who are you to desided that? You think just because you one a few measly tournaments you get to decide who is right and who is wrong for the life of a Huntsman?  Don't make me laugh! The only one to decide that is the Headmasters, isn't that right Ozpin?"

The students looked over to where the Knight was looking to see Headmaster Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch where standing across the room, Ozpin was calmly sipping from his Mug while Miss Goodwitch had one of Her arms in a sling.

The Students: Headmaster Ozpin?!"

Ozpin: Hello Students, I see that you still doubt my decision to allow Mr Jaune to remain in Beacon?"

Weiss: Why is he still a student?! He faked his way in to Beacon and should be locked up for what he did?!"

The Rusted Knight: That will only make Jaune grow to hate Huntsman and you all even more."

The Group look at the Knight as he continued.

The Rusted Knight: I have seen a world where you all Abandoned him and he got sent to Gu Prison for a Ten year sentence but on the way the bullhead was attacked and freed one of the other prisoners and this allowed Jaune to escape. While he was on the Run he found an item that held the Spirit of an old enemy of the Headmasters."

Ozpin's blood turned cold hoping it wasn't who he thought it was.

Ozpin: Wh-Who was it?"

The Rusted Knight: It was the Heylin Witch Wuya and was able to convinceJaune to turn away form the light and join her on the Heylin side as her apprentice and help her find some powerful Items.

The Screen lite up showing a picture of Wuya, The witch had a ghostly appearance with a mask were her face once was.


A chill ran down the spines of the Students as they looked at the Ghostly Woman, while Ozpin breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't Salem that was sealed away. 

The Rusted Knight: When you all later met up with Jaune he ignored you all and focus on the Item he was after, he even attacked the Headmaster and his Former sister to get back at them both."

Ruby: W-Why did he attack Headmaster Ozpin and his sister?"

The Rusted Knight looked at her with his Aura burning around him burning making Ruby run behind her sister in fear.

The Rusted Knight: I said 'FORMER' Sister! He was exiled from the Clan was banned from ever contacting them ever again, they won't even let him visit his Former Grandparents graves, not that he care anymore..."

Weiss: Hmph! He deserved it for faking his way into beacon."

The other nodded.

Ozpin shakes his head, he was disappointed in his students.

The Rusted Knight: You think that but really Jaune is happy to be exiled form the clan, he is free to due what ever he wants, Plus he has done something that you and every other Hunter has failed to do."

The caught the students attention.

Ren: What did he do?"

The Rusted Knight smiled.

The Rusted Knight: Jaune had learned that their is more to Aura then what you all know before, He expanded his knowledge of the principles of Aura and has created many new Aura Techniques that could be confused for a Semblance."

The Floored both Pyrrha and Ren, the two were the most skilled when it came to Aura Techniques, while Ren used them in his Marital arts Pyrrha used them to help control the about of Aura she used when using her semblance. Blake too was surprised since she used Aura Techniques while not a often as the other two she still was proficient at it.

Nora: Your lying! their is no way that faker is better then Renny and Pyr-Pyr!"

The Knight looked at her before pointing at the screen as the screen began to show Jaune fighting someone.

(A/N: This is going to be a little sneak peak at one of Jaune's fights in another world, also this part takes place around the Third week of Summer so Jaune has been going to a few diffrent worlds.) 

Jaune was standing in the pouring rain as several marines with their swords draw surrounded him.

Looking him he sees Luffy and Zoro ran toward the ship after Jaune told them to go, he smile before looking at main Marine at stood across from him with a scowl.

The Marine was a large man with white hair and two cigars in his mouth, this was Captain Smoker a Marine that was stationed at Log town.

Ruby: Why is Jaune surrounded by Marines?"

The Rusted Knight: Because He is part of a Pirate Crew and he has a bounty for Killing a Corrupt Marine Officer."


This surprised the group and the teachers, While Ozpin noticed when he went to go See Jaune before he went on a trip around the Four Kingdoms he saw the look in his eyes.

It was the look of someone who took a life.

Ozpin: How many People has Mister Jaune killed?"

The Rusted Knight: So far? Quite a few. Let's see... He killed a Murder, sevreal Bandits in Mistral, a branch of the White fang in Mantle and that Corrupt Marine. So I would say.... about Forty to Fifty give or take, and before you all start calling him a Murder, he has only Killed people who deserve it."

Ruby: B-But you shouldn't kill! It's wrong?!"

The Rusted Knight looks at Ruby with Coldness in his eyes.

The Rusted Knight: Tell that to all the people that those Bandits, white Fang and that Marine have ether killed or allowed to suffer due to their Greed or that they have some much hatred that they don't care who they hurt as long as they feel better about themselves. Now, Shut up and continue to watch!"

Smoker: Sunlight Jaune, you are wanted for piracy and for the killing of Captain Nezumi. Surrender now or we will put you down."

Ruby: Sunlight Jaune?"

The Rusted Knight: In this world Pirate's are given nicknames, i.e. The boy that ran off is called 'Strawhat Luffy due to the straw hat he wears, and Jaune is Called Sunlight thanks you one of his signature moves callled 'Sunlight Yellow Overdrive'.

Jaune looked around at the Marines and got a look at their levels, seeing that they where only at level 30 to 35 he smirked.

Jaune: I'd like to see you try..."

As the Marines advanced towards him he channelled his aura into his back and separate from his body and began to take shape,

Ren: Is Jaune's aura separating from his body? Aura can't do that?"

The Knight sighed.

The Rusted Knight: It can but no one bothered to really try and do it, I mean they tried it once a long time ago but the person realised that the Aura was weaker the farther it got from the body and throught it was useless. I mean Belladonna uses this of Aura type when she sends a sword slash, but it is weaker compared to someone who is a natural Emitter."

Blake: Emitter?"

The Rusted Knight stands up a pulls down a screen in front of the other one as a symbol appears on it.


The Rusted Knight: This is the Nen ring, each of the coloured circles is a Nen Type. The top yellow one is Enhancement, this one allows a person to increase their strength, Endurance or even the power of other Aura abilities. We are going clockwise, next to it is Transmutation, Transmuted aura can be made to take on the properties of natural elements, man-made substances, and even animals, among other things. Altering the shape of one's aura also falls in this Nen category. Next we have Conjuration, This one allows the user to Conjure Items, weapons and even create Beasts that will follow your command. now at the bottom of the ring we have Specialist, This one can be broadly defined as any abilities that do not belong to any of the other five categories, making it the most vague Nen type. Specialist abilities also tend to have more steps and conditions than abilities of other Nen types. next to it we have manipulation with this the user can control living and non-living things even things created through Aura. Lastly we have Emission, With is the user can separate his or her aura from their body to preform ranged attacks, it is even used when using Conjuration. Plus the farther your affinity is form Emission the weaker the power and range is." 

The group look at him with a look of Confusion, a side of Ozpin.

Ozpin know that Aura got weaker the farther it got from the body, but he didn't know that it was weaker attack is. the group look back at the screen. 

the Aura began to morph behind Jaune creating a Mask of a Demon with glowing yellow eyes, a wicked smile and two large horns on the sides of it.

Jaune: Demon Aura Level...1!"



The students and teachers look at the large demon in shock and fear, the all could fell the malice and bloodlust coming off the Nen construct.

The Rusted Knight: Whoops! I forgot to turn off 4-D."

The Knight snapped his fingers and the group calmed down. 

Meanwhile Juniper was sitting behind him scratching her ear.

Ruby: W-W-What was that?!"

The Rusted Knight: That is one of Jaune's techniques, this one is called 'Demon Aura'. With it Jaune creates a Nen Construct that acts as a medium to boost the range and potence of his Ren, he uses it to scare, knock-out or even kill people that he targets with it."

Blake: H-He said 'Level 1? how many levels are their?"

The Rusted Knight: Five, on each one the attack get more potent and can even make feel like they are in the presence of a Demon. Level one will only-"

The Marines look at the large Demon head in fear, as the Marines backed away from the Demon a wave of hostile Ren passed over them all making them collapse to the floor and pass out.

Zagreus: make them pass out."

Smoker looked at his men concerned for them.

 Jaune: Don't worry they aren't dead, just knocked out. I don't like killing Men who are just trying to do their job."

Smoker puffed his cigar and looked at him.

Smoker: Oh yeah? What about Captain Nezumi? you killed him?"

Jaune's eyes narrow at the Marine Captain.

Jaune: That rat took bribes from the Fishman Pirate Arlong to allow him take over a small town and torment the People their for eight long years and killed a former Marine RIGHT INFRONT OF HER TWO DAUGHTERS?! Then he enslaved the younger one to become a map maker and even lied to her telling her if she got a hundred Million Beli she could buy her home back from him, but instead that Bastard got his pet Rat to steal all the money she stole from Pirates and even shot her sister. If after all that you think that Rat was doing his job then we are going to have a Problem Smokey." 

Ozpin: Is that why Mr Jaune killed that Marine? Because he was a corrupt?"

The Rusted Knight: Correct! Jaune let the grunts live so they could tell the Marines about what had happened, but the grunts lied about what really happened, so Jaune gained a bounty."

Nora: How much?"

The Rusted Knight: He was given a Fifty Five million Beli bounty at the start but since then it has only gone up."

The screen turned off and Zagreus turned to the group.

The Rusted Knight: That was just a little peak into the Multiverse, the is more Worlds then their are stars in the sky. Are you ready to see more?"

The Students Reluctantly nodded while Ozpin nodded.

The Rusted Knight smiled inside his Helmet.

The Rusted Knight: Alright I guess we will start with a Galaxy Far, Far away!"

And done!  

I know we only saw a little bit of a sneak peak into a future chapter of My Shonen Jumper story, but I wanted to show what will happen when when Jaune meets that Rat! And before you ask, No the next chapter is based on a fan-made work I saw on Youtube and I will show it in the next chapter. So stay turned for that.

But until then...



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