Tough Love

By KentroKreations

346 7 3

Life on Nova Terra has been perfect for the Decepticons, but as former criminals, karma is right around the c... More



14 1 2
By KentroKreations

A sudden jolt brings Thunderhoof back to consciousness, partially. He knows that he's no longer in the ocean, but the whole process is a blur. The last thing he distinctly remembers was being rescued by some mechs he didn't recognize. He couldn't pick out any details other than their coloration and size, sense of sight not at its best then due to exhaustion and pain.

There's a commotion in the background. Thunderhoof can't make out any words, but based on tone alone, whoever's talking doesn't sound pleased. The whole thing is making his helm ache even worse, souring his already foul mood.

Thunderhoof moans as he shifts awake. The movement must have caught the attention of whoever else is there with him as they suddenly go quiet. He forces his optics open, vision cleared, and what he sees doesn't surprise him in the slightest.

"Autobots," Thunderhoof sneered. "Of course it's fragging Autobots."

He catches flashes of movement from around the Autobots' legs and looks down.

"And humans. Great. I'm assuming yous know I'm a Decepticon?"

The Autobots and humans remain silent, but they don't have to answer. Thunderhoof already knows what they would say, which brings him to his actual question...

"Why'd you help me?"

This time, a red mech stepped forward.

"We're a rescue team," he answered. "It's part of the job description."

"Rescue..." Thunderhoof gave his helm a little shake. "I's thought you were extinct."

"You wouldn't be the only one, believe me. Now, why is a Decepticon all the way out here?"

Thunderhoof snorted in amusement.

"Like I'd tell you! It ain't your business!"

Not like any of you would be much use, anyway.

"Fine by me!" The red mech said. "We'll call Cybertron and have someone come grab you."

"If yous gonna call anyone, make it Bumblebee," Thunderhoof vented.

"Bumblebee?!" An orange and white mech exclaimed. He immediately covered his mouth when all gazes turned to him.

"Uh, I mean, why Bumblebee? That seems awfully specific."

"Cause we have some history," Thunderhoof answered. "I's expect him to hear me out."

The Autobots quickly formed a huddle and discussed what to do, the humans joining in as well. Although, the smallest human seemed more interested in Thunderhoof than anything else. Just at a glance, Thunderhoof could tell that this kid is different, at least compared to the one he was used to seeing back on the outskirts of Crown City. The face, the eyes. This human looked more open-minded and curious, wanting to know who he is. Not just taking him at face-value.

"Then it's settled," a blue and white mech said. "The humans and I will return to the firehouse and get in contact with Bumblebee."

"And the rest of us will stay here to keep an eye on him," a green mech added, politely gesturing to Thunderhoof.

The kid was still staring at Thunderhoof when the sound of transformation broke him out of his trance. He shook his head and looked over at the Autobot the other humans were entering.

"Wait!" The kid called out as he dashed over to the driver's side window. "Dad, I want to stay here!"

Immediately, there was an uproar of protests from both the Autobots and the other humans.

"Cody, having any one of you around a Decepticon, albeit a tired and injured one, is a terrible idea!" The red mech reprimanded, kneeling down to be at eye-level.

"I know, but..." Cody hesitated. "I think he might need some company, and I know you won't hold a very friendly conversation. No offense."

That came as a surprise to Thunderhoof.

I knew there was something about this kid, but seriously. How'd these Autobots get so lucky with a thoughtful human?

The other mechs were just as surprised by Cody's answer, but didn't say anything.

"Are you sure, son?" The white-haired man in the driver's seat asked.

"Don't worry, dad, I'll be careful," Cody reassured.

More words were exchanged, but Thunderhoof didn't hear any of it. What that older human just said triggered a reminder.

Ah scrap!

Thunderhoof readjusted his posture and focused on trying to open his subspace. It took a hot minute before the windshield moved out of the way, giving him just enough room to stick a servo in. He didn't have to rifle around blindly for long. Once he felt a little snout touch his palm, he grabbed the owner and pulled them out.

Steeljaw's daughter looked around, yellow optics taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Her paws curled against her chassis and tail dangled in the air as Thunderhoof held her by the scruff of her neck. He gave her a quick look, determining that she's fine, and placed her in his lap.

Good, she's still intact. If Steeljaw thought I didn't keep a good enough optic on his bitlit, then he'd send me to the scrapheap.

Thunderhoof vented and shook his helm.

I don't even want to think about what Ramulus would do.


Thunderhoof startled, not expecting to be addressed so casually. So friendly. Then he saw who it was. The human boy.

"I understand if you don't want to talk, but I hope you don't mind the company," Cody said. He looked at Steeljaw's daughter, still taking in the sights from the safety of Thunderhoof's being.

"I've seen mini-cons before, but none like them, and I don't remember any of them coming out of another bot."

Cody cringed and averted his gaze.

"Sorry, I could have worded that better."

Thunderhoof tilted his helm. He may not want to talk to the Autobots, but this human of theirs is actively trying to talk to him, and be nice about it. The least he could do, for now, is give the kid a chance. After all, he doesn't have as much of a problem with humans as far as Decepticons go.

Heck, he probably tolerates the squishies more than most Autobots!

"S'alright," Thunderhoof shrugged. Cody's smile grew, just as much as the Autobots' surprise.

"And she ain't a mini-con. I'm just watchin' her for a close associate of mine."

"Wow, that's certainly nice of you!" Cody remarked.

"Is this associate of yours on the planet? And is he a threat?" The red mech questioned, taking what would be considered an intimidating step closer. The thing is, Thunderhoof doesn't get intimidated easily.

Still, he might as well cooperate, just a bit, until Bumblebee shows-up.

"No, and only if yous get on 'is bad side," Thunderhoof answered.

The red mech cocked an optic ridge, clearly suspicious of the Con's sudden want to talk. Cody took note of the tension and decided to break it.

"You know, you might feel a little more comfortable if we introduced ourselves, so you know who we are!"

Cody pointed to everyone and introduced them to Thunderhoof.

"I'm Cody, and this is Heatwave! That's Blades, Boulder, and High Tide! The 'Bot who left earlier is Chase, and the people who went with him are my dad, who everybody calls Chief Burns, my brothers Kade and Graham, and my sister Dani!"

Having run a huge organization with hundreds upon thousands of members spread out all over the galaxy, remembering names is one of Thunderhoof's specialties.

"I'll remember that," Thunderhoof said.

"And what about you?" Cody asked.


"What's your name? And hers, too?"

Cody pointed to Steeljaw's daughter, who was spread out on Thunderhoof's plating, enjoying the bright, warm rays of the sun on her frame.

"Eh, yous will find out my name eventually, so no point in sayin' it now. As for the bitlit..."

Thunderhoof trailed off, remembering that Steeljaw and Ramulus wanted to wait a while before naming her.

"She doesn't have one yet."

"How come?" Cody asked, his long-held smile turning into a confused frown.

"Hasn't been around that long. My associate wants to see what she's like before naming her."

Cody hums, pondering over the information.

"Since we're talking..." Heatwave spoke as he drew closer to Thunderhoof. "Something's been bugging me once we realized that you're a Decepticon."

Thunderhoof didn't particularly want to indulge the Autobots, but the red mech's wording and gruff yet genuinely curious tone of voice dragged him in.

"Which would be?"

"Your insignia," Heatwave said, pointing to Thunderhoof's chassis. "Why is it slashed?"

Thunderhoof chuckled, remembering the day – or rather night – that he first met Steeljaw.

"Long story."

"Care to give us the short version, or are we going to have to wait till later for that as well?"

This guy. What is it with me and the color red? Never seems to go well for me when there's a red paint job involved!

"Come on, Heatwave, give him a break," Cody pleaded, turning to the red mech. "He's clearly had a hard day. I'm sure this isn't any easier on him than it is you."

The two held a firm optical stand-off. Eventually, Heatwave relented, taking a step back.

"Fine, but if he tries anything, don't expect me to hold back," the Rescue Bot said.

"You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?" Thunderhoof mused.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Your kind was made for rescuing, not fighting. I'm guessing that's why you still exist. Must have been kept secret, out of all the fighting, 'cause yous wouldn't have lasted long if you were involved."

The whole time, Heatwave somehow managed to keep his anger in-check. Thunderhoof couldn't help testing the red mech's patience. It greatly entertained him to see the other try.

"Just because we didn't fight doesn't mean we don't know how to fend for ourselves!" Heatwave defended.

"I ain't sayin' that yous don't," Thunderhoof replied. "I's just merely implying that yous wouldn't stand a chance against me, even in my current state."

Heatwave grinded his jaw and punched a fist into his open servo.

"You wanna test that theory?"

"Heatwave!" Blades exclaimed, rushing forward to stop his team-mate from doing something stupid. "Calm down! We're supposed to wait for Bumblebee, remember?"

"I'd say let Grumpy Gills go," High Tide commented, smirking as he crossed his arms. "Should be quite the show."

"High Tide, not helping!" Boulder grunted out as both him and Blades struggled to hold Heatwave back.

Thunderhoof will give these Autobots one thing, they are determined, and definitely more mature than most of the ones he fought back in Crown City.

"I'm sorry about Heatwave," Cody apologized, sidling next to Thunderhoof. "He means well, but sometimes his temper gets the better of him."

"Eh, don't worry 'bout it," Thunderhoof dismissed. "My associate has quite the temper, too, though he loses it for different reasons. Anything directed at him, personally, usually goes ignored."

"So you're saying he listens to his brain more than his heart?"

Thunderhoof had to mull over the wording before answering.

"In human terms, yes."

"Ah. Okay."

A beat of silence passes between the two.

"Sounds like you and your associate are close. Why don't you just call them your friend?"

If he was drinking Energon, Thunderhoof would have spit it out. He burst out laughing, startling both Cody and Steeljaw's daughter, and catching the Autobots' attention.

"By the stars, that is the funniest damn thing I've heard in a long time!" Thunderhoof managed to say. He eventually calmed down and cleared his vocalizer.

"We aren't friends. More business partners, and even then, that's quite a stretch."

"I'm guessing you two don't get along," Boulder stated, his grip on Heatwave loosening.

"Not really. It's impossible for us to agree on anything without nearly killing each other first."

"If you two hate each other so much, then why are you here, on Earth, with her?" Heatwave questioned, gesturing to the surrounding landscape before pointing to Steeljaw's daughter.

Only three words came to mind.

I had to.

Thunderhoof knew he had a choice, and he decided to follow Steeljaw's orders, something he almost never did in the past, let alone happily or willingly. However, things have changed since then. They like each other now about as much as they did before, which is barely, but they're willing to let bygones be bygones.

Not to mention, after all that Steeljaw did for them, the Ex-Cons owe him big time, including Thunderhoof, and, for once, it doesn't hurt to admit it.

"He did somethin' good for me, so I'm returning the favor," Thunderhoof answered genuinely, looking down at Steeljaw's daughter as he placed a servo over her.

This moment of peace between Rescue Bots and an Ex-Con didn't last, though, as a yellow and black car sped onto the beach out of nowhere and transformed into a very familiar mech.

"Thunderhoof! What are you doing here? How did you get here? Who authorized you to leave Nova Terra? You know you're not supposed to leave without an Autobot escort! Do you know how much trouble you're in?" Bumblebee reprimanded.

"Spare me the riot act and let me explain before you go about saying that kind of stuff you just spat out," Thunderhoof retorted.

The two glared at each other. No one else present dared to speak.


Chase had returned with Cody's dad and siblings. The latter group got out before the former transformed.

"May I ask, why did you drive, as the human saying goes, like a bat out of hell?" The blue and white mech asked.


"Bumblebee?" Blades asked, placing a servo on his crush's shoulder plate.

"What is going on here?" Heatwave demanded.

Bumblebee sighed. He turned away from Thunderhoof to face the Rescue Bots.

"It's a long story, and with Thunderhoof here, I'm afraid it's not going to end well."

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