Fate/Order of OOO

Bởi FIREscale

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Fate is a strange thing... It often works in weird and bizarre ways, but the end result is always the same. I... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

538 33 16
Bởi FIREscale

[Hundred Years' Dragon War – Orleans / Part 1]

{3rd Person POV}





The sound of boots tapping on a stoney floor echoing across the walls of an empty church...

Glistening golden candelabras illuminated this otherwise darkened hall. The house of God, a place of worship and faith... Was devoid of believers and hope...

''Heed my words''

As the tapping came to an end, a voice spoke in a hushed tone. A soft yet bleak voice, a women's voice, but without anything resembling feminine charm.

''My will creates your body. And your blades create my destiny. If you head the grail's call, and obey my will and cause, then answer me''

Her words echoed with power, calling forth on forces beyond human life and beyond human power. Inside the church the wind picked up, fires of life emerged in the form of magical circles pulsing with power as the one to call their names continued to speak...

''I hereby swear to purify the world of evil. But let your eyes not be clouded by fog. Your minds will be trapped in a cage of turmoil and madness, and I shall be your jailer''

The intensity in her voice ramped up turning from a hushed whisper to a great roar. The power she called upon manifested as chains wrapping all the circles into a binding contract, one meant to twist what was about to be born into something else...

''Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power! Come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the scales!''

And so... The magic circles took form. Becoming real mass shaped into a human look.

Several new figures stood before the woman, each a different person on to themselves. Making her full of glee.

???: ''Thank you for coming my fellow servants. I'm your master and I've summoned you for one reason only, Destruction and Slaughter. If a town is celebrating burn it, if a town is mourning crush it... No matter how evil or cruel, God will forgive your every transgression. And if he were to deal out punishment however... Well, that's fine as well''

The women spoke full of venom and spite, poisoning the minds of those she had summoned to share in her hate.

While she addressed the beings called forth by her power, another being approached her. Someone equally as wrong as the woman herself.

???: ''Jeanne... The priest is ready''

Jeanne: ''Ahh, good timing. I trust you've not harmed him, Gilles?''

Gilles: ''Of course not. Have you considered what you will to do with his holiness?''

Jeanne: ''............''

Gilles: ''My, oh my. Do you perhaps require a suggestion from me?''

Jeanne: ''Oh? You've noted distress in me in your infinite concern for my well-being? Perish these thoughts least I kill you...  When you eat a meal, do you think about how to use your fork? This is the same, what I decide to do with him is so trivial it does not merit any thought''

The one named Jeanne dismissed whatever worries her companion had for her, instead choosing to move and meet with someone, someone the woman kept waiting for long enough...

The church had much free space since no one besides them was present in it, and in one of those rooms a terrified man waited in silence. Clad in robes and holding a cross in hand, desperately so, the one held prisoner was a man of God.  A priest perhaps, but the quality of his robes showed he was of a greater status than a regular priest...

The door to his room opened, there the two appeared before him as the aging man turned in fear to gaze upon his captors.

Old Man: ''W-Who are you people? What do you want from me?! Answer me will you! You- E-Eep!''

The old man shouted in fear and anger, but his outburst was silenced as his gaze fell upon the woman. Her footsteps inched closer as her mouth twisted into a smirk.

Jeanne: ''Oh Pierre... Bishop Pierre Cauchon! How I have missed you!''

She spoke his name like an old comrade who had known the aging man for a long time, yet the old man did not share her enthusiasm. No, what he felt was rising dread in the pits of his stomach, his face turning white like he'd just seen a ghost.

Old Man: ''N-No... No! No! No! No! No! Impossible! THIS CAN'T BE!... You shouldn't be alive!''

Jeanne: ''Oh I can assure you; I am VERY much alive''

Old Man: '' I-I thought you died t-three days ago! I thought I killed you! I thought-''

Jeanne: ''{That I would be burning in hell}? Perhaps I am Your Grace''

Old Man: ''No... This is a dream! A nightmare! What else could this be?! A nightmare, that's all this is!''

Gilles: ''Oh dear, he's started to flee from reality. That won't do at all, we must snap him out of his delusion''

Something impacted the bishop in the back of the head, and as much as he'd want to not believe any of this is real, the pain was very real.

He had no choice but to face the truth, the one he himself had seen burn before his eyes,  the truth that stood in front of him as if the burning had never happened at all...

Jeanne: ''Well Your Grace? The one whom you accused of heresy, stands before you. Should you not grip your crucifix and offer a prayer?  Should you not mock me? Scorn me? Trample me? And tell everyone the wicked Jeanne is here?''

Old Man: ''Eiiieeeee!''

Jeanne: ''Should you not roar at me like the brave lion you're supposed to be? Go on, do it! Do it! Do it!''

Old Man: ''S... S-S-Spa...''

Jeanne: ''Louder, I can't hear you!''


The old bishop fell on his knees, his hands clasped together begging the woman looming over him for mercy. Tears streamed down his face; he'd abandoned the faith he stood for all for a desperate chance at salvation.

Jeanne: ''... Pffff, Hahahahaha! Did you hear that, Gilles? ''Spare Me!'', he says, the one who tied me up, mocked me and burned me alive! The one who told me with kind eyes that I was going to be killed! That same man is now begging for his life! Hahahaha!''

The woman let out a howling laughter full of mirth and glee, descending deeper and deeper into fits of demented joy... The two men watched her in silence, one smiling wide the other shaking in fear.

Jeanne: ''Hah... Oh, that won't do at all... That paper thin belief of yours will not reach the heavenly father. Someone who has forsaken their God and clings to his life by begging a witch, is unfit to be a believer... Do you understand Your Grace? You just gave testimony that you are now one of the Heretics!''

That demented joy turned to sadistic delight, as she watched the bishop squirm beneath her gaze.

Jeanne: ''Now, think back, Your Grace. You do remember what sentence awaits Heretic such as yourself, don't you?''

Old Man: ''... N-No! Spare me... Please spare me!''

The bishop weakly tried crawling away.  All the while spouting endlessly words of apology and forgiveness as he tried to pitifully escape from the clutches of this woman, no... This {Demon} whose shadow consumed all the light around them.

Jeanne: ''I am so sorry, Your Grace... I'm afraid I ran out of salvations for today. Indulgences are not for sale in this era. Now, where shall we start hmm? At your feet maybe?... If I was burned alive by holy flames...''

With a tap of her foot, the ground erupted in flames. Crimson black fires that circled around the bishop, trapping him in a cage that got smaller & smaller.

Jeanne: ''... Then you shall be scorched by the flames of hell''

The dancing flames enveloped the bishop, his screams drowned out by the melody of fire burning through living flesh...  So thoroughly had the fires devoured their prey, that not even ashes remained of the aging old man.

All that was left in the fire's wake was a small rosary whose cross all but turned black...

Jeanne: ''... Hah. It is done... Apologies for taking up your time, Gilles''

Gilles: ''What do you mean? That was a meaningful punishment... What should we do now with the rest of the clergy?''

Jeanne: ''Good question. It would be too tiresome to question them all. Let's just feed them to the servants''

As the two discussed what fates would befall the rest, they had moved back to where the 'Witch' had summoned her new warriors. None had moved from their spot, all waiting with dazed empty eyes for their new master to return and give them orders.

Jeanne: ''Rejoice, my ignoble servants! The surviving clergy are yours. Devour their souls, feast on their flesh, savour their blood. I personally shall forgive all of your sins''

Her voice triggered their minds to obey, eyes now glowing with hunger the likes of which they've never known before.

Jeanne: ''As your master I give you but one order. Wipe out this country, this mistake that is France. Trample it, burn it, reap it. Our conquest will begin with our dear Orleans, and together we shall turn this fruitful land into a baren wasteland!''

Her words brimming with hate spread to her servants, trapping them in the same haze of maddening rage that ravaged the 'Witch' herself. Now, she was surrounded by beings wishing to paint the country red, just like herself. The perfect soldiers to carry out her demented agenda.

Jeanne: ''Humanity has all but lost its value, for it has failed to prove its love for our Lord. They are guilty, and as the righteous hands of the Lord we shall purge the world of them, both sinner and saint alike. That is my order to you as your master!''

Gilles: ''Oh, Oh! Such marvellous resolve! No doubt, no fear. Such is the saint of salvation!... Jeanne. My sweet Jeanne is back, my precious light has returned... Oh but we need a symbol, our army must have a flag! Oh Jeanne, what should our crest be? A demon perhaps?''

Jeanne: ''Hmm. Let's make it a dragon. Be it coincidence or divine work at play, this summoning has brought many with close ties to dragons. In the name of dragons, the symbol of catastrophe, we will burn this world to ash''

With a satisfied smile the woman turned away from her followers, intent on beginning her rampage as soon as possible. But before she would've taken her first step forward, a thought entered her mind, a delicious and cruel thought too good not to do.

Jeanne: ''Oh, and one more thing... When you burn cities, take lives, and destroy everything in your way... Make sure to laugh as if you're enjoying it from the bottom of your hearts...''

''Heh heh heh... Ahaha- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!''

The 'Witch' of calamity laughed joyously.  Innocent like a child getting to play with their favourite toy, yet devilishly cruel like a psychopath letting loose every twisted desire within them.

The world faded to darkness with only the sound of the Witch's laughter remaining as the smell of death and fire clung to the church before it too became nothing but ash...

{1st Person POV}



Mmmm, oh yeah... Keep going baby. Daddy loves it when you go all slow and romantic on him...



That's the spot, don't be shy now. You can go lower... Yeah, just like that, you beautiful woman who I don't know the name of...

''Fou! Fou!''

Huh? Okay... I didn't know we were doing some weird kinky roleplaying beautiful, but I'll take it. Though why does that sound familiar?



Rex: ''WHAT THE FU--- Huh?... Fou?''

Fou: ''Fou! Kyu, Fou!''

Rex: ''Oh, it's just you... Were you licking my face just now?''

Fou: ''Fou? Fou!''

Rex: ''I see... I didn't tell you to stop''

Fou: ''Fou! Fou!''

The little critter started smacking my face with his little paws like a furry cat smacking a toy mouse.

Rex: ''Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! I was just joking you little shit! Get off me will you?!''

I had to grab the alien squirl before it left marks, this little furball is hella vicious when he wants to be...

I got him off my bed before I got our myself, stretching rather nicely. This place got very comfy beds I'll give them that, now if only that heater was working things would be better...

Rex: ''Nn... *Yawn* Damn... I think I just had the weirdest foreshadowing dream ever. Or maybe I've finally started going bananas from all the shit going on around me... Nah, that would imply I was sane to begin with...''

The door to my room opened as a cute little eggplant walked in. Looking fresh as one can be.

Mash: ''Good morning senpai. Did you sleep well?''

Rex: ''Meh, good enough. The heater is busted though''

Mash: ''Sorry about that senpai... The boiler still needs fixing''

Yeah, thanks to that jackass Lev. I swear, next time I meet him I am going to deck him straight in the face...

Rex: ''Eh, its okay. Worst case scenario I just cover myself until I look like a sandwich made of clothes, but speaking of sandwich... I'm starving, so our first stop of the day is the kitchen''

Mash: ''Oh, well... We can't senpai. Romani is expecting us''

Rex: ''I'm sure he can wait a few minutes, my gullet unfortunately can't''

Mash: ''Ah, well, we can have something light so that's fine''

Rex: ''Mash... Today is Tuesday. You know what that means, right?''

Mash: ''Uhm... No?''

Rex: ''TACO TUSEDAY MASH! It's taco Tuesday! You do not just skip taco Tuesday Mash''

Mash: ''O-Okay?''

With that I took Mash and Fou to experience the greatness of spicy sauce and Tacos on this wonderful taco Tuesday. Halfway through, I wondered why I felt like I was forgetting something, then the taste of succulent and sweet pork filled my mouth, and I forgot once again...

{3rd Person POV}

Elsewhere in Chaldea, what Rex was forgetting had to do with the man wearing a doctor's coat impatiently tapping his finger on a table as the resident genius watched from across the table.

Romani: ''Where are those two? It's already past twelve...''

Da Vinci: ''Oh, relax Romani. They're probably just having breakfast''

Romani: ''They should've been here two hours ago! I get it if it's like one hour past schedule, but this is too much!''

Da Vinci: ''Maybe they're just getting held up, who knows?''

Romani: ''Ughh... We're already late and the other staff members are all still waiting... God, how did the director deal with all this?...''

The poor doctor hanged his head tired. The problems of the day had not even started, and he was already exhausted...


Just then, the door to the room opened (rather violently at that) and the source of the doctor's exhaustion appeared before him fully dressed in a rather large sombrero, carrying a bunch of tacos in hand.

Rex: ''HEYYYAAAA! Hola Hermano! I bring the gift of deliciousness on the table today amigo! Hermoso dia~''

The doctor watched the sombrero wearing master with a look that could only be described as 'Confused as fuck'. Awkwardly standing behind him was Mash, who held on to some maracas and shook them, attempting to make music.

Romani: ''... I have so many questions I don't even know where to start... Where the heck did you get that sombrero from?''

Rex: ''The storage room weirdly enough... There was like loads of stuff in there, I haven't even gone through all of it''

Romani: ''Right. And why are you speaking Spanish?''

Rex: ''Dude, its taco Tuesday! You're the one who said you wanted sweet BBQ sauce for your chicken tacos, how could you forget?''

Da Vinci: ''Ohhh! Is that like a special weekly holiday?''

Rex: ''Something like that, except instead of giving gifts we eat tacos''

Da Vinci: ''Sounds fun! Can I have one as well?''

Rex: ''Si senorita! We got enough for everyone in Chaldea!''

The master spread tacos and cheer to his friends, singing and dancing as Mash continued playing the musician even if she wasn't so great at it.

Romani looked down at the taco in front of him, still bewildered but also kind of hungry. Eventually, the delectable smell wore him down. Romani realised first hand that no one on this earth can resist the call of tacos on a sacred Taco Tuesday.


Romani: ''*Cough**Cough* Okay, now that we are all seated can we get on with the meeting?''

After having their fill of Tacos, the doctor managed to sit everyone down to begin the briefing.

Rex: ''Oh yeah, you wanted to see me, right?''

Romani: ''Correct. As I have said before, the goal of the {Grand Order} as well as Chaldea's goal as a whole, is to investigate and fix singularities. A singularity affects a turning point in human history, without these rather important events the world wouldn't be as we know it today. That's why we must resolve these anomalies in time and return human history back on its proper track''

Rex: ''Yup. And again, no pressure...''

Romani: ''Right. Secondly, I'd like to say that although your first priority is the singularity itself, I took the liberty of adding a secondary objective for you two to look into, namely the [Holy Grail]. My theory is that these two phenomena are linked in some way, with the grail being the wishing device it is... It's likely Lev got his hands on it and is using it to create the singularities. Rather, it's likely impossible to travel through time without the grail''

Rex: ''Ok, so: Find the shiny cup. Got it''

Romani: ''Exactly. Even if you manage to repair history, leaving the holy grail will likely put us back at square one. You must either secure it or, if that proves to be impossible, destroy it. Any questions so far?''

Rex: ''None from me El Capitan''

Mash: ''I'm good too doctor''

Romani: ''Good. Now that we're all on the same page, the reason why I had us all gather is because... We've found a Singularity''

Like a hammer dropping on the ground, the whole room was silenced as the doctor's revelation hit both Rex and Mash. Suddenly the atmosphere had become a lot more serious, with this news things were about to kick into high gear again.

Rex: ''So, its time huh?

Romani: ''Indeed. Thanks to [Sheba], we've located the next singularity. This one is the closest to Fuyuki timeline wise, but that's still 500+ years into the past...''

Rex: ''Hot damn! Will I need to be vaccinated for polio? Wait, do we even get healthcare? You're not going to make me pay for bandages, right?!''

Romani: ''C-Calm down! No one's going to make you pay anything! That is why I'm here remember?''

Rex: ''Oh, that's right... Well, if I don't need to take a tetanus shot, I'm all set to begin''

Mash: ''If senpai is ready, so am I doctor''

Romani: ''Good. We have coffins prepared for you. This time you will be able to Rayshift safely and quickly. The singularity you'll be going to will be much greater in scope than Fuyuki, so make sure you both get all the things you need before we begin''

The master and servant nodded, accepting their mission, and leaving for a moment to gather and prepare. The doctor watched the two leave, an almost sombre look on his face appeared as he lamented having to send these young children to fight for the fate of the world.

Romani: ''(No... It's a bit late for regrets. All I can do now is give them the support they need to succeed...)''

The doctor rose form his seat wiping away any sadness, though he was a simple replacement, he was Chaldea's director. He had a duty to look up and keep his head high, for Chaldea, and for the world.


The halls were filled with loud noises, footsteps moving from location to location, Chaldea had kicked into high gear...

The surviving personal had gathered in the command room, typing, and adjusting every little thing to ensure this Rayshift would be successful. A busy Romani directed each and every one of them as best as he could. A working Da Vinci finally finished preparing the coffins for the master and demi-servant.

Mash was the first to arrive, fully equipped in her servant armor with her shield awaiting to be summoned.

Da Vinci: ''Did you get everything Mash?''

Mash: ''Yes. I packed some small rations and a few small necessities''

Da Vinci: ''Did you remember to bring your toothbrush as well? You may be going back in time but that's no excuse for improper hygiene''

Mash: ''I did. I brought one for senpai as well!''

Da Vinci: ''How thoughtful ♪ I'm sure he'll praise you lots!''

Mash: ''R-Really? I mean... It's nothing important, I'm certain senpai will bring his own anyway...''

Da Vinci: ''Oh nonsense dear! That boy is more scatter-brained than you think. I'm sure he'll appreciate your consideration''


And speaking of the devil. The master had finally arrived, but as soon as he stepped foot inside the room, Romani had almost fallen over looking at him.

He was covered in a tactical outfit with metal plating adorning his knees and shoulders, along with that multiple guns were strapped on him as if was an American Christmas tree. Needless to say, Romani was confused as hell...

Romani: ''W-What the hell?'

Rex: ''What? You've never seen an average American civilian before?''

Romani: ''Don't make it sound as if this is something normal! Why in the name of God are you strapped to the teeth?''

Rex: ''Doctor... If Fuyuki thought me anything, is that vibe checks will be a regular occurrence. I will NOT be caught lacking again!''

Romani: ''That's... Where did you even get these guns from anyway?''

Rex: ''Da Vinci's workshop''

Romani: ''I- Tha- Wha... You let him tinker in your workshop?!''

The genius servant stuck out her tongue and did a little 'oppsie!' gesture at the doctor. That didn't exactly make him feel better.

Rex: ''I don't get it, why is me carrying a gun an issue?''

Romani: ''One, I don't think you're responsible enough to carry a gun''

Rex: ''That's-... A fair point, continue''

Romani: ''Two, the coffins cannot transport more than a limited amount of matter during Rayshift. Three, you'd stand out like a sore thumb so an intelligent foe could easily tell that the weirdly dressed guy might be the person their looking for''

Rex: ''Ahh, Dagnabbit...''

Romani: ''Do you understand? Now, give me the gun''

Rex: ''No...''

Romani: ''Rex, give me the gun''

Rex: ''No!''

Romani: ''Give me the gun!''

Rex: ''You will not take my second amendment rights! I shall never bow to the whims of the government!''

The two started a tug of war trying to pull the gun in different directions. Mash and Da Vinci watched the two argue like a dad and his kid fighting over the tv remote, or like two collage roommates fighting over the very last slice of pizza.

After a bit of back and forth, the master relented and gave up his gun but not without grumbling all the while. Unfortunately, he was also required to change his outfit as well, same issues as brining a gun to the past.

As he returned from his room muttering under his breath how 'they may take our guns, but they cannot take our freedom', he noticed someone is waiting for him outside the command room...

Olga: ''.........''

The 'inactive' director waited with her back against the door, hands held behind her back and eyes downcast at the floor... To see her outside was a bit more than unexpected.

Rex: ''Boss? What are you doing out here?''

Olga: ''... What? Am I not allowed to wonder?''

Rex: ''That's not what I meant. You do you boss''

His mock surrender made the director roll her eyes, he always tended to act rather nonchalantly even in front of her and Olga wasn't sure if being used to it by now was a good thing or a bad thing.

He gave her subordinate a look over, which strangely enough she hadn't done so yet. She had memorised his look but she'd never truly gave him a full examination.

Raven black hair, lapis blue eyes, and slightly sharper facial features that made him look just a bit older than he likely was. He was rather tall, and Olga herself barely made it past his shoulder. It hurt her pride to have to look up a bit whenever she spoke to him, not that she'd say it out loud...

Overall, he didn't exactly look like someone you'd entrust the fate of the world to, but it's not like they had much choice in the matter... Although, his choice of outfit didn't help either.

Olga: ''What are you wearing?''

Rex: ''Like the look boss?~''

Olga: ''You look like a hobo. How is looking like a dirty homeless person supposed to help?''

Rex: ''Ahh, but that's just the thing! The hobo is a Universal look, outfits change across each time period, but the hobo remains unchanged. This is called 'hiding in plain sight', after all, who would think to look twice at some random beggar?''

The fact that this made a semblance of sense made Olga feel even more exasperated than anything. Still, she was not here to tell him what to do, she was not here to tell anyone what to do anymore...

The inactive director continued to stare at him as if lost in her own mind, something wished to come out of her mouth but was held back by some sort of indecisiveness on her part.

Rex: ''Is everything okay? If you need to say something you should say it fast, I've got a rayshift waiting for me''

Olga: ''... No... It's nothing. Forget about it''

The director shook her head and turned away giving up on whatever she wanted to say.

She was about to leave, but before she could take a step the master had placed his hand on her shoulder, not to stop her but to let her know he'd want to tell her something before she left.

Rex: ''Olga... It will be fine. Everyone is giving it their everything to make sure this works, there's no way we'll lose. And there's always more room for another pair of hands...''

The director's mind was an enigmatic thing, but the worry on her face is hard to hide... He let her go, understanding that it's not his place to force a choice from her. But he let her know that she'd be welcomed still.

Olga Marie didn't turn around, whether she was happy to hear his words or not would remain a mystery... But she did leave him with a few choice words.

Olga: ''... Good luck''

With that, the director disappeared into the darkness of Chaldea. Part of Rex wanted to see her alongside them, but what could he say to rouse a shattered spirit from its cage?... He knew far too well what is like to have no will to face anything...


The time had come... The command room was buzzing madly, Chaldea's personal was agitated, the rayshift was about to begin...

Rex and Mash had been moved to the coffins that would transport them across time, capsules of cold steel safely secured to the ground. 'Coffins' was an apt term; it would certainly make any claustrophobe scream like hell if they were trapped inside it.

Rex tried not to think about that, he wasn't claustrophobic but thinking about being trapped inside made him think of all the masters that could not join him right now...

He opted to occupy his mind with something else. Thankfully, some last-minute checks meant there was someone next to him to talk to.

Rex: 'Sooo... Whatchu doing there buddy?''

???: ''... Huh? A-Are you talking to me?...''

Rex: ''Oh, I don't know Jimbo. That wall over there seems like a very fun guy to talk to, I heard he's got a 'solid' character''

???: ''Pfff... Right''

Rex: ''But seriously, what magic malarkey you're working with mate?''

???: ''It's nothing serious. Just making sure the breakers are working''

Rex: ''Neeto. You know... I've got no idea how any of this mumbo jumbo works. Boy, am I glad you guys have my back''

???: ''Really, this is nothing important. Frankly, compared to the others here I'm kind of unremarkable. Which is why I tend to get the least work around here...''

Rex: ''Nonsense mate. I don't know how any of this shit works so to me, you're all doing an amazing job''

???: ''Hah... If you say so... Anyway, everything's ready''

Rex: ''Righto. By the way, what's your name?''

???: ''Meuniere''

Rex: ''Rex. Nice talking to you buddy. If you see Da Vinci, tell her she can have the pudding I left in the fridge if she wants to''

The man nodded and removed himself from the coffin. Soon in his place Romani had come, likely to give some last minutes advice before he was about to be plunged into the past.

Romani: ''So, how are you feeling?''

Rex: ''Like I'm about to be shot out of a cannon into a pile of horseshit... All things considered, it could be worse''

Romani: ''Haha, I know what you mean. We've double checked almost everything and I'm still a little worried something is going to blow up...''

Rex: ''Hey, no pussying out now. We have got a pile of shit waiting for us, and we're diving in this mess together. Speaking of mess... Where's Dusa and the two hungry kings?''

Romani: ''In the summoning room on standby. You'll need to first find a leyline and establish connection with us, once you do the servants shall be able to materialise inside the singularity, though only for a brief time unfortunately...''

Rex: ''Copy that. *Sigh* Well, I'd say wish me luck but honestly, God will need to fart a miracle our way...''

Romani: ''Ahh... I wouldn't hold my breath. God tends to work in bizarre ways''

Rex: ''I didn't peg you as the religious type... Fair warning, I haven't been to church in a LONG while, so my belief is a bit on the fritz right now''

Romani: ''Heh... Same here''

The doctor gave him a pat on the shoulder, it wasn't much but it was the best he could give him.

Now alone, the master waited with bated breath. The fate of the world is hanging over him, and despite him thinking 'No Pressure' he did feel the anxiety such monumental task held. He peeked outside of his pod for an instant, deciding to check on Mash one last time.

The girl was waiting with about as much anticipation as him, and just as much worry as him if not more so. Her eyes wondered until the two met, giving a simultaneous nod of understanding. Whatever comes, they'll be there to face it... Together.

''WARNING: Unsummon program, start. Spiritron conversion, start. Prepare for Rayshifting in T minus 20 seconds...''

''Coordinates: June 2nd, 1431, CE. Orleans France''

It was time... The coffin started to close with a pneumatic hiss, soon the pod locked down and countdown began. Each second ticking down felt more stressful than the last.

But he had to face this. For the sake of the world, his new friends, his life and the lives of those burned away... He had to step up and bring an end to this madness...

''3... 2... 1... All procedures clear. Grand Order, commencing operation''

Rex: ''All right... Game on''







This would be the second time he had been flung across time, and it was not any easier mind you.

Rex's senses were scrambled unable to tell up from down. He felt like he was moving, but he made no movements himself... No, it would be more accurate to say that the space around him was moving, what small bit of sensation he could feel amidst the blinding light had left him so weirded out that his brain couldn't process things properly.

Eventually the light just poofed out of existence, plunging him into a pit of darkness where his senses could return to normal.

Slowly, he opened his eyes.  No longer was he in a metal capsule, but on a lush green field surrounded by trees and dirt. The master looked down at himself, his hands and everything else was where it should be making him let out a sigh of relief.

Mash: ''Senpai? Is everything in order?''

To his side, his companion called noting his absent mindedness. Turning to face her the servant girl was now in her full battle outfit with her great shield by her side.

Rex: ''... Yeah. I'm fine, just not used to this rayshift thing yet''

Mash: ''That's good. Last time we did not transport via coffins, but using them should always bring us to our destination without any issues''

Fou: ''Fou! Fou!''

Mash: ''Fou? What are you doing here?''

The little fuzzy friend appeared out of nowhere prompting both to give a look of surprise at the little critter.

Rex: ''Huh. This is the second time he came with us, can he rayshift with us as well?''

Mash: ''I think so. He seems unharmed so that's a good sign. He should be able to return as well if he is close to one of us''

Rex: ''Good to know... Guess your coming with us on another adventure you little furball''

Fou: ''Fou! Kyuuuu!''

The master picked up the white creature and let it perch on its favourite spot on top of his shoulder. No good squad is complete without a rather marketable mascot after all.

Mash: ''Okay... I've confirmed our coordinates. It's the year 1431, France. Which means we're in the middle of the [Hundred Years War], though it's the period of respite towards the war's end''

Rex: ''Didn't know wars could get time-offs, I though a cold war might've been the norm...''

Mash: ''Well, despite its name the war did not last the entirety of the one hundred years. Things were relatively carefree around the time... Senpai are you listening?''

Rex: ''.........''

Mash: ''Senpai?...''

The master's eyes were glued to the sky almost without thought, as it he was stunned to silence. Following his gaze, the source of his silence had become apparent to Mash and she too fell into the same stunned silence as him.

Romani: ''Hello? Finally, we got through! Not the best quality but we have video feed now too! Wait, what are you two doing? You're both staring at the sky''

Mash: ''... Doctor, I'll send you visuals''

Romani: ''Okay, your kind of worrying me. What's got you bot- HOLY HELL!''

Once the video feed connected to what the two were seeing, Roman had to hold himself to not fall out of his chair...

In the sky lay something unnatural, impossible, downright outlandish. A gigantic halo of light, burning with white light so bright it could blind... It stood there, with clouds circling around it, making it look more like a big hole in the sky. Whatever it was, it was not natural...

Romani: ''A ring of light? No... Some sort of magecraft maybe? In any case, it's gigantic! I estimate its almost as big as north America''

Rex: ''Should we be worried?''

Romani: ''I don't think so? There's no records of it in 1431, we'll have to analyse it on our end.  But... I bet its related to the incineration of humanity''

Rex: ''Right... Ignoring God's eye looking down on us for now, what's our first step?''

Romani: ''I suggest surveying the area. You will need to search for a leyline so we can send you supplies. Until you find one, getting to a city and making contact with locals is your priority''

Accepting the new objectives, the master and servant looked away from the ominous ring in the sky instead focusing on finding a city. Since the terrain looked mostly the same, the two picked a random direction and went with it hoping to find some civilisation.

Thankfully, they eventually ran into some people. Armored individuals, likely soldiers carrying lances at their side.

Mash: ''People senpai! They look like a French scout brigade. Should we approach them?''

Rex: ''Shh, I've got this. Just stand back and observe the master''

Rex strode forward with the confidence of a lion and the suaveness of a duck trying waddle its way forward. When the soldiers noticed him they didn't immediately grow alarmed, likely being more confused as to why a random homeless person was approaching them.

Rex: ''Bonjour gentlemen! I see you return from glorious battle, no? Ho Ho! I bet those English rats ran at first sight of you!''

Soldier: ''... ?''

Rex: ''Oh, no need to be modest monsieur! You'rs going home right now are yus not? Looking to have some deliciose baguette along with a bit of Poisson no doubt! Would yus be so kind to direct me and mademoiselle over there? We need to get to a priest to uhhhh... Manger Les cendres de grand-mere? (Shit, I forgot what that last one means!)''

Putting his best bullshiting face on, but that last sentence made it more or less impossible to walk away.

Soldier: ''What the... Okay, who the hell are you? Are you even French?''

Rex: ''What do you mean monsieur? Coures I'm proud Frenchmen! I was bout to et some Fromage and Baguette, Qui Qui!''

Soldier: ''I don't believe you. Where even is this cheese you speak of? I don't see either of you carrying bags''

Rex: ''Ehehe, well you see...''

The soldiers were growing more suspicious, but it was okay, Rex had an Ace in the hole for situations like these.

Rex: ''*Cough* Omelette du Fromage~''

He put on his best sexy voice and spoke so deeply he almost felt like his balls dropped twice. This was sure to work, no one can resist the French words of power!... Or at least that's what he thought.

Soldier: ''... What? The hell are you on about?''

Rex: ''... (Fuck! Dexter's Lab lied to me! This is the last time I trust what a Saturday morning cartoon says!)

Soldier: ''You know what? You're way too suspicious. You're both under arrest!''

Rex: ''Crap baskets! Mash, we've got a Mayday situation!''

Mash: ''W-What should I do? Doctor!?''

Romani: ''I don't know! Hit them with the back of your shield! We've got to limit bloodshed as much as possible!''

Rex: ''With a shield?! We'd be lucky if they don't gain lasting brain injury! And I refuse to get sued for that!''

Mash: ''I-I'll think of something!''

Though panicked from having to fight regular people, putting a magical servant against a bunch of normal humans was still an unfair thing. The soldiers tried to use their spears to intimidate the two, but Mash lugging around her giant shield made quick work of them.

Thankfully, she restrained herself just enough to not kill or maim them...

Mash: ''Phew... The physical fatigue is nothing, but the mental fatigue is something else... I didn't know I could use the back of my shield like the back of sword''

Rex: ''You learn something new every day''

Romani: ''Indeed, I for one didn't know how great of a 'fake' French man you could be''

Rex: ''Oh piss off dude''

Romani: ''More importantly... Looks like Mash didn't hurt them hard enough, they are retreating. See if you can follow them and do try to not aggravate them with fake accents, okay?''

Rex: ''Yeah, yeah. Tete de bite...''

The time traveling duo marched on, following the sounds of the armors' clanking. They kept a respectable distance and followed behind until an hour later, they had come upon a small fort.

The structure looked like one of those medieval castles, with high walls and towers keeping unwanted guests outside. However, the state of the towers spoke of much wear and tear, of battle wounds and lack of care.

Whatever had attacked this fort had left it in disarray and it was simply a miracle it hadn't collapsed.

Inside, soldiers were patrolling, guarding, or licking their wounds. What little liveliness could've come from the people living here was muted by the grim image of a broken army.

Mash: ''This is... Awful''

Romani: ''The Outer wall seems intact, but it's so ruined you cannot call this a fort''

Rex: ''There's only wounded soldiers here... Is it because of the war?''

Mash: ''Unlikely. In 1431, Charles VII of France made a peace treaty with Philip III, an ally of England. There were skirmishes sure, but still...''

Rex: ''Hmm. Better we ask the locals for details''

Saying that the master surveyed the area, looking for anyone not laying on the ground covered in bandages. He spotted a well looking man and decided to approach him, this time Mash chose to engage the talking as to avoid a repeat of last time.

Mash: ''Bonjour sir! We're travellers and wondered if you could spare a moment to answer some of our questions''

Soldier: ''Oh... How can I help you?''

Mash: ''We would like to know why everyone here looks so beaten up... Has Charles III not signed the treaty yet?''

Soldier: ''King Charles? You don't know?... The king is dead. Burned by a witch's flames''

Mash: ''... Excuse me but, what do you mean?''

Soldier: ''It is [Jeanne d'Arc]. She has risen from the grave as the Dragon Witch. England has retreated a while ago, but where are we supposed to go? THIS is our home...''

The soldier spoke in a hushed and tired voice, a hint of fear was present in his voice as he spoke of the 'Dragon Witch'. The duo thanked the man and excused themselves to make sense of what they were told.

Rex: ''Jeanne d'Arc... He's talking about the saint who was burned at the stake right?''

Mash: ''I'd assume so. Saint Jeanne d'Arc is a world-renowned hero that fought in the hundred years war as a woman. At the age of 17 she saved France from being conquered and liberated Orleans in just one year, but she was caught by the English army who put her on trial and burned her at the stake...''

Rex: ''(Ahh, good ol' England. You've always had a bit of trolling streak)''

The master tried to recall as much info about this part of the story as he could, but he didn't come up with much. At least he could remember the saint, or more specifically her fanarts...


His mussing was broken by the shouts of a man warning everyone in the fort, the soldiers got up as best as they could and they rushed outside as marching could be heard from beyond the wall.

Romani: ''I'm detecting multiple magical signals heading here! They look like... Skeletons''

Rex: ''Oh, you've got to be kidding me...''

Exasperated at the idea of fighting more undead, the two still decided to rush outside and aid the soldiers... Upon exiting the fort, the clam plains had turned into a battlefield where the few soldiers who could still stand fought against walking fleshless skeletons.



Wasting no time the two engaged the enemy, and given their experience in dealing with these types of monsters, the duo made quick work of the undead force.

The soldiers were left in awe at the display, they took on the small army by themselves and tore through them with relative ease. The weird look of the man had them a little worried but seeing him cut down skeletons on mass eased whatever concerns they had.

Some stragglers got passed them, but the remaining soldiers were able to kill whatever undead managed to slip through. In a few minutes, the attack force was reduced to nothing and the soldiers felt relief for once.

Rex: ''Hah! Serves you right you stupid bags of bone. I becometh Death, the slayer of skeletons!''

Mash: ''Good job senpai! It looks like the enemy will have to send better forces if they want to challenge us''


Rex: ''... Mash... Why did you have to jinx it?''

Mash: ''I-I'm sorry!''

The bellowing screech reverbed through the battlefield. Up in the sky, a multitude of wing beats formed something like a war drum encroaching upon the land.

Mash: ''Visual confirmed. But that's... It can't be!''

Rex: ''Dragons...''

With cruel talons and scaled bodies, beasts of fire and death descended like a rain of destruction. Their roars a promise of annihilation...

Mash: ''Wyverns, a dragon sub-species. They should not exist in the 15th century! Senpai, what should we do?''

Rex: ''Damn it, give me a second!''

Engaging enemies that could fly and shoot fire would be dangerous with no plan, but there was little that they could use to fight them with. Soon the horde would be upon them, which meant they needed a miracle and soon...

''Soldiers! Douse yourselves in water! You can repel their flame for a moment if you do! Now pick up your weapons and follow me!''

Answering their prayers was a voice shouting with conviction to catch all of their attention. An armor-clad woman holding a flag met the horde of monsters head on, rousing the spirits of the soldiers to fight. Her Golden hair waving as she moved with inhuman speed to battle.

Romani: ''I'm detecting magic energy from her, she's a servant! But a really weakened one''

Mash: ''Master, should we help her?''

Rex: ''Well, she's stopping those lizards from turning the place into a big barbeque party. So, I say we give her a hand!''

The two joined once more in battle, this time taking on winged dragons. Brandishing their weapons, Mash and Rex clashed with the razor claws of the dragon horde. Surprisingly enough, the beasts met them head on instead of keeping their flight, perhaps out of pride or maybe out of the desire to feast on their flesh.

Either way, it made reaching them easier. With his blade in hand, he cut through the scales of the flying beasts. Whenever they would try to use their wings to escape the master would leap to smack them down to the ground.

Whenever a breath of fire would try to catch him off guard, Mash arrived to intercept the attack with her shield. And with the soldiers being led by the golden-haired woman, the dragons would find their wings priced by arrows.

What looked like an imminent defeat turned into a resounding victory as the strange superhuman individuals led the French soldiers to victory. It as not long until the dragons were either dead or fleeing.

Romani: ''Nice job everyone! I was watching with sweaty palms and sweets in my hands!''

Mash: ''... Doctor. Those wouldn't happen to be the sweets I got, right?''

Romani: ''Huh? What? I found them in the command room next to a tea set, so I though...''

Mash: ''I got those as a token of gratitude for when we return from this mission. Needless to say, those were for senpai!''

Romani: ''*Sniff* Ahh, my little Mash is such a thoughtful person... *Munch**Munch* Man, are these really sweet! I'm sure Rex will be thrilled; I know I am~''

Mash: ''... Senpai, please remind me there's one more enemy I'd like to test the 'back of my blade' on when we return to Chaldea''

Rex: ''Noted''

Moving away from the doctor, the two approached the strange woman. She was still on guard, surveying the surroundings for any enemies like a sentry. When she noted that everything was clear, she moved to help the soldiers. But her attempts at help were met with a... Less than happy response.

Soldier: ''Y-You're!... RUN, THE WITCH HAS COME!''

The fear in their eyes was evident, they all ran after picking their fellows and barricaded the entrance to the door. The woman did not give chase and instead stayed motionless, looking somewhat sombre as the people she just helped ran away from her...

???: ''.........''

Mash: ''Uhm, excuse me? Thank you for your help earlier''

???: ''Oh! You don't have to thank me. If anything, I should be giving you two my thanks, even I wouldn't have been able to hold back all of those dragons by myself''

Mash: ''Right, we're happy to have helped. Miss?...''

???: ''Ahh, my name... I am servant: Ruler – My true name: Jeanne d'Arc''


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