Learning To Love Him (COMPLET...

By Blazedarkness

57.5K 1.9K 1.4K

Can Kyle forget the past and learn to love Stan? CONTINUATION TO LET ME LOVE YOU ... More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 15
chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19 (A/N)
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 25
Chap 26
Chap 27

chap 14

1.8K 74 53
By Blazedarkness

Kyle's pov

I stand outside tweek bros smiling. I'm a little nervous, but I don't know  why. Maybe it's the fact that I said to Stan do what you want to me. And I'm kinda embarrassed and kinda scared. What if he wants to have sex?! I noticed that what I said before was totally stupid. I don't want to have sex!!! What if it actually does hurt?! Bebe said it didn't hurt her and Kenny Sao  it didn't hurt him. But gay sex is different!

But Stan is a reasonable guy. When we were best friends he always let me have my opinion on things, so if he does want sex... he should let me have my opinion on that, right?

I sigh and walk towards tweek bros and walk in. Let's forget about sex and just have a good, non sexual date with Stan.

I walk past Craig and tweek kissing over the counter and sit down at a table. Wow, I'm early. I look at the clock. Half five. He's coming at six right? Damn my nerves, I don't even know why there like this. It's not like a haven't been one a date before, I've dated Rebecca, bebe, Nicole and I had this thing with Clyde. But I can't tell anyone about that or he'll bash my face in. His words exactly.

I lean back in my chair swinging. What if something goes wrong? Like we argue or something. Or he tells me that he loves me? But is that so bad? Stan Marsh loves me. I've been listening to my brain so much lately that I almost forgot how I used to feel about Stan. I used  to love him. But now, I only think I love him.. or I maybe love him. My brain tells me to say maybe or I think whenever I say I love you to Stan. Love is so damn confusing!! Tweek walks over to my table and smiles

"You want anything Kyle?" I shake my head.

"No thanks, go back to your kissing." I tease and blushes walking back over to Craig. The door opens and loses and I look to just see Clyde and a girl. I don't even know her name, Jessica maybe? I'm not sure, Clyde nods at me and I smile.

Maybe Stan won't turn up. Even though he wrote the message and kissed me.  Would I be glad if he didn't turn up? No. Would I be mad? Yes. Would i hit him when I see him tomorrow? Yep.

My thoughts are interrupted when the door opens and closes again. I smile when Stan walks in and sees me. His face lights up he walks over to me and I stand up. He brushes his lips against mine.

"Was I late?" He asks

"'No, I was way too early"

Stan laughs. "So what are we doing tonight?" I ask

"I didn't really have anything planned since I didn't know if you'd come or not." He say sheepishly

I roll my eyes "typical Stan marsh, is this how you treated your girlfriends too?"

"Maybe. But your cuter and hotter then any of my girlfriends. What do you want to do?" I blush.

What do I want to do? There isn't really a lot of good places to have a date in south park. The only attraction will be the carnival that's coming in a few weeks.

"What about the arcade?" Stab raises an eyebrow.

"You want to go to the arcade on a date?"

"Sure. We can get KFC after."

"That actually sounds tempting. Only if we can go to Starks pond after"

"Sure. Well lets get going." Stan smiles and takes a hold of my hand. I blush lacing my fingers with his. Thank God it's snowing and we have gloves on, my hand is sweaty. As We walk out of tweek bros Craig and tweek give me a thumbs up.


Updates will be slower until I get my phone back...


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