Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

silentMelody0101 द्वारा

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NOT MY STORY FOR OFFLINE READING ONLY. ALL CREDIT BELONG TO THE AUTHOR. "Set up all of these hundred items fo... अधिक

56 Epilogue


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silentMelody0101 द्वारा

Chapter 121 - The Mysterious Person Is Back

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


The evening had already started to turn dark and the open circular area of the cave where all of them were gathered, was now illuminated by dozens of lanterns that were hanging on the vines that were covering the walls of the cave.

The pink glowing flowers too were growing inside the cave and the presence of the spiritual qi could be felt as it flew inside the cave through the flowers.

The mouth-watering aroma of freshly prepared snacks was making the pixies and Snowy gulp their saliva.

Mallow was snuggled into Li Ming's lap as the little fox was still feeling a little bit weary in the presence of so many weird people.

Li Ming picked up the wine glass from the table as she admired the beautifully excavated dishes.

She could tell that the wine was of high quality and its very smell could make anyone swoon over it.

She had already made sure that the supernaturals were not playing games with her.

The area where they were currently sitting, the wine, the dishes used for serving them, and the food, everything was normal.

Li Ming inhaled the fruity fragrance of the wine before taking a small sip of it.

She was amazed by the pure rich taste of the wine. It could easily surpass the million-dollar wine that she had in store.

"It's so good, right?"

Li Ming hurriedly nodded her head at the question as she took another sip of the wine but soon ended up choking as her mind registered the identity of the person who had just spoken to her.

Miraculously, as she was coughing her life out, no one around her gave her a single glance. All of them were busy talking with each other as they enjoyed the wine and the snacks while waiting for the arrival of the dinner.

At some point, Mallow too had left her side and she (the baby fox) was currently sitting beside Snowy and Terra, enjoying the bubble game that a siren was showing to them.

"What are you doing here?" Li Ming asked through gritted teeth as she glared at the figure who was sitting beside her.

It wasn't a surprise that no one was paying them any attention. The mysterious person here was none other than the same person who appeared in the Magical Mansion a few days ago to warn Li Ming about her dreams and her mate bonds.

If this person didn't want someone to see them, then no one could see them and if they wanted everyone's attention on them then no one would be able to move their eyes off them.

"Hey, Win! Why are you always in such a bad mood? Don't you feel happy after seeing me?" The person asked with a beaming smile as they flicked their shoulder-length brown hair with her hand in a dramatic manner.

"Why do you even have this misunderstanding in the first place that I would be happy to see you? Have I ever failed during our past encounters to make it clear that you are the very last person I want to meet or talk to?" Li Ming asked with a roll of her eyes.

"Ouch! That seriously hurts! But again, how can I let you enjoy such a party all alone? So, I'm here to have some fun." The person replied as they filled their empty glass with wine.

"For goodness sake! Just tell me why are you here. Don't keep me hanging!" Li Ming let out a frustrated sigh as she tried not to knock her head on the table.

"If you insist. Well, the nymph leader is going to propose you a bargain after this meal. I'm just here to make sure that you don't end up rejecting it." The person replied with a half shrug of their shoulders.

"Wait, what?" Li Ming was completely shocked as she tried to form some words.

After a few tries, she finally came up with a question to ask, "How can you be so sure that I'll reject it?"

The person gave her a sweet smile as they replied, "Because sweetheart, I know you and I'm well aware of your habit of making stupid decisions."


Li Ming just stared at that person with a scowl. She seriously didn't know how to deal with this walking goddess of bad luck.

How would you feel when your bad luck tell you that it's there to help you in making some important decision of your life?

"Well, what's the deal then?" Li Ming asked as she picked up her glass of wine.

"Should I tell you?" The person asked with a confused look as they looked at Li Ming for her reply.

The later only raised her eyebrows as she tried to not let out a few very unique words out of her dictionary which would possibly not end in her favor.

"Ok. I think I should tell you then. They are going to ask you to take over the ownership of this Enchanted Forest and..."

The person stopped speaking as Li Ming once again choked on her wine. It took a few seconds but she got herself collected.

"...take care of them. In return, they will serve you." The person finally completed their sentence.

"But why?" Li Ming asked loudly but again no one paid her any attention. It was like all of them had already forgotten about her existence for the time being.

"Isn't it simple? This community though looked organized and small, they still are afraid of this cultivation world. The fear that any second a powerful cultivator can enter here and end all of them, is residing in the heart of every single of them. You are like a hope for them. Someone, who is a part of both the magical and cultivation world. They can sense the immense power inside you and that's why they want you to take them under your care." The person calmly explained.

"Wait, no. You are not getting my question. Why they even need someone to ensure their safety? I mean look at them. They are thousands and hundreds of years old supernaturals who are powerful and smart. Moreover, this world has been safely hidden from everyone for such a long time and no one found out about it." Li Ming tried to explain her point.

"They are thousands of years old and powerful but at the same time, there are people in this world that are too thousands of years old and even more powerful. A few hundreds of supernaturals won't last for even a day if the people of this world find out about this Enchanted Forest. And just because no one found out about this place before today doesn't mean that it can't happen in the future too."

The person stopped as they took a sip of their wine before continuing, "In you, they are seeing a leader. Your soul carries that aura, Win. The aura that shouts that you won't fail them as their leader, that you will always be there for them, that's making them put their trust in you."

"Well..., whatever their reason is, I'm not going to agree with this deal. And don't even start with your stupid logics in order to make me agree with this stupidity. I already have too many problems in my hands, I can't handle more at the moment." Li Ming shook her head as she tried to clear her mind.

"See! I told you that you will say no to this deal the moment they will propose it. Win, you are a businesswoman. Don't you think you should check the pros and cons of the situation before making the decision?" The person asked with a disappointed tone.

"What prons and cons? I can't see a single benefit, just a bunch of new problems," Li Ming said drily as she folded her arms.

"True. There will be some problems that you will need to take care of. But if you can't see the benefits then you are just blind and stupid."

This gifted that person with a sharp glare from Li Ming.

"Gosh, let's just start with the wine. It's clear that they had brewed this wine on their own because unlike you none of them have previously stocked wines. If you can launch this wine into the cultivation world, you can easily sell a single glass of it in thousands of silvers," The person said as they swirled the wine of their glass before taking a small sip.

Li Ming totally agreed with every single word of that person but still, just the wine was not enough to get her to say yes to such a big decision.

"Then let's take a look at these dishes and cutleries. The cutleries that you have in your mansion are of top quality and you can probably sell them for millions but unfortunately, you have limited stock. But these cutleries are handmade by these sups. In short, you will always have a stockpile."

The person said as they clinked their fingers on the plates of snacks that were now empty.

Li Ming looked at that person with a frown. Just how many benefits would they be pointing out? But she's not agreeing to this deal, right?


Chapter 122 - The Song Of The Sirens

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


"Are you seeing those long beautiful gowns?"

At that question, Li Ming's eyes flew to the supernaturals who were present in the room.

"They were definitely made of fine high-quality materials. The design, the prints, everything is beautiful, comfortable, and eye-catching. The most amazing thing about all of this is that they have made these clothes on their own."

Li Ming actually nodded her head because no matter what, even she was impressed. Of course, she noticed these things before too but it never came into her mind that the supernaturals had made all these things from scratch, no magical mansion, and no cheats.

"And then look at these snacks. Even they are delicious and mouth-watering and I can guarantee you that the dinner would surpass it and you would be left wanting more."

"Then there is that jewelry which is handmade by the sirens and the mermaids. Look at them, they already looked so unique and mysterious. I'm sure you can give this jewelry a last finishing touch and BOOM, they will become the love of the ladies of these Immortal Realms."

As that person stopped after pointing out the fifth benefit, Li Ming immediately spoke up, "What's next?"

Her tone sounded a little bored and uninterested.

"You are seriously something, Win! Five, you can already open five different businesses, and each will be a hit but look at you, still not convinced." The person said with a huff.


Li Ming was sure not going to listen to any stupid complaints.

"You...! Fine! So, there's wine, dishes, clothes, jewelry, and food. Now, take a look around. The drapes that are hanging here, the beautiful and differently designed lanterns, their boots, the furniture, the aromatic candles, and all those statutes that are placed around here. Can you see how talented these people are? They have mastered these skills throughout the past years, even when there was no one to guide them. These things can boost your business in the market of the Cultivation world." That mysterious person pointed out all the things one by one, giving Li Ming enough time to process the information.

"You want me to take advantage of these people? How can I use them for my own benefits?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

Her question gifted her with a smirk from the mysterious person.

"I thought you are looking out for your own benefits here." There was a mocking edge in their tone.

With a serious tone the person continued, "But since I'm trying to convince you for this proposal, therefore I'll give you the ultimate reason for saying yes today."

Li Ming just silently waited for them to continue. She was completely clueless that the said 'Ultimate Reason' would actually make her say yes to the proposal.

"This place can be a perfect place to open an Academy. You have already hundreds of children whom you needed to train and prepare for a better future. What could be the best solution than an Academy? The sects of this world train the children in cultivation, martial arts, alchemy, weaponry, and scholarly. But what about those who don't want to pursue these fields? Shouldn't there be more options for the coming generations? You don't want to take advantage of these sups but in return for helping them, you can always ask them to work as the teachers and guardians of the Academy. You will train them in cultivation and the sups will train them in these skills."

Li Ming was deep in thoughts as she pondered on the new idea of the Academy. She indeed needed to find a place and people who can train the children in her absence. The idea of building the Academy in the Enchanted Magik Forest was really a great suggestion.

"Are you still having doubts?" That person asked Li Ming.

"I..." Li Ming wasn't sure how to reply. She actually could see the benefits of taking over the Sups and the Enchanted Magik Forest. But something was still making her a little suspicious about this entire situation.

Like she was stepping her foot in a trap.

"I'm going to leave now. I have already told you what I needed to and if you still are going to act like a stupid little girl, I can't do anything about it then." That person said as they emptied their glass full of wine.

Li Ming didn't reply, neither she looked up from her own glass of wine. Her mind was full of many possibilities, plans, and questions.

"Remember one thing, Win, you will need all of these people beside you when the right moment will come. They are an important part of your future and they have their own roles to play in it. Make your decision smartly."

And with those final words, the silhouette of that mysterious person disappeared from the cave.

Li Ming was about to throw the empty glass of wine on the floor in frustration when suddenly the area around her became lively once again.

A Gnome came towards her table and took the glass from her hand, filling it with the wine once again and replacing the empty plates of snacks with filled ones.

Were they trying to fill her up with the wine and those snacks so that she would be full by the time of dinner?

Li Ming shook her head to get rid of the stupid thought. She needed to calm down before the supernaturals decided to propose the so-called deal.

The last words of that person were still ringing in her head, giving her a headache.

That's why she never liked to come across that person. The fact that they knew too much about her future, past, present, and literally about anything and everything, just made her want to stay away.

"Miss Li, there are some very talented people among us. If you will grant permission, may we start the entertainment show for this evening?" Aislinn asked after a few minutes.

Li Ming's eyes landed on the group of sirens who were preparing their musical instruments.

"Yeah, sure. I'll love it," Li Ming said as she smiled softly.

With a flick of her index and middle fingers of the right hand, an invisible energy passed through the area and covered every single one of the pixies, Snowy and Mallow.

She knew that the coming performance is a test. The sirens were known for their alluring voice which could take over the minds of the listener, taking complete control on their actions.

They were testing her to see if she would be able to save herself and her companions from the sirens' singing.

Li Ming almost used up to seventy percent of her energy in casting the most powerful protection that she could at the moment.

The lights suddenly dimmed as the group of sirens took their position in the center of the area.

A few seconds later, the melodious tune of piano and zither filled the room.

Li Ming was surprised to see the musical instruments which looked exactly like the ones made by a professionalist.

The tune of the flute also joined the musical play, boosting it and making Li Ming's mind travel to the thoughts of the Second Demon Prince. She remembered the black jade flute with golden carving that he was carrying with him.

Her mind returned to the present when the first siren started singing.

The others started joining the first one and soon, the group of sirens was singing a beautiful song. Their voice was so soothing and calming that the instant thought which crossed Li Ming's mind was to close her eyes and let go of all her thoughts, just to enjoy the song and the beautiful melody.

But Li Ming immediately shook her head to get rid of the temptation. Doing exactly that would be her biggest mistake.

Her eyes traveled to the pixies, Snowy, and Mallow. They all looked perfect from outside but Li Ming could feel that the sirens were building their song which still needed to reach its peak note.

She opened the mind link between herself, Snowy, and Mallow.

"Don't pay too much attention to the song. The sirens are trying to lure you all into their trap. Pull up your mental shields." Li Ming immediately gave the order through the mind link and she felt the two furballs following her directions without any delay.

Now the pixies were left and unfortunately, Li Ming didn't share any mind links with any of them. This just made the pixies even more of an easy target.

And as soon as Li Ming saw the drowsiness in Fawn and Beck's eyes, she knew that she needed to take actions immediately.

Without any care, Li Ming settled down in a crossed leg (lotus position), her hands crossed together to form the lotus seal.

The sirens too increased their tone as their notes started getting higher and higher.

The first wave hit the cave as for the first time in thousands of years, both the magical and spiritual energy of the Enchanted Magik Forest felt a strong pull and both raced to reach the one who was behind that strong command.

Just when the sirens hit their highest note of the song, a bright golden light boomed through the room, throwing everyone out of their seats.

The lanterns dropped to the ground, shattering and leaving the area in darkness and complete silence.


Chapter 123 - The Glowing Egg

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


A small ray of light flickered for a second before once again everything went black once again, filling the area with darkness.

The silence of the area was even more unsettling than the darkness itself.

"What the hell is this now?"

A loud voice filled with confusion and a little bit of shock boomed through the darkness.

Suddenly, a purplish light started illuminating the inside of the cave.

The area which somehow survived through the explosion of magical and spiritual energy a few minutes ago started filling with that purplish light that was coming from a round thing which Li Ming was holding in her hands as she stood in the middle of the area.

The ball was about the size of a light bulb but Li Ming was holding it in both of her hands with so much care as if she was afraid that it would break any moment.

When she didn't get any reply to her question, she finally moved her eyes from the ball and glared right at the silhouette of the mysterious person who was standing in the shadows of the room.

Once again, only the two of them existed at that moment while every single other supernatural being was deep in sleep or maybe just unconscious.

"I think it's an egg." The person finally decided to speak after a long moment of silence.


This was Li Ming's next question. Her voice was deep and to the point.

"How can I know that?" The person asked with a frown.

"Don't test my patience. Tell me what the hell is this thing and why it suddenly appeared in my hands out of nowhere." Li Ming was on the verge of shouting at that irritating person who was trying to play innocent.

"I already told you that it's an egg and as for your second question, it's because, in all those thousands of years that it has been kept in this forest, it never felt the presence of a person who holds spiritual qi inside them. But when you called on the energy of this forest a few moments ago, it felt your presence and appeared here." The person finally managed to speak out some important information.

"Where does it come from? And what kind of egg is this?" Li Ming asked as she started at the egg with suspicious eyes.

"Well dear, I'll advise you to ask all these questions from these sups. They will be able to tell you about the history and geography of this egg better than me. I just came here back only to thank this egg for solving out my worry." The mysterious person said while pointing their chin at the lightly glowing egg.

"What do you mean?" Li Ming asked with confusion evident in her tone.

"What I mean sweetheart is that, even if you don't want to agree with Aislinn's proposal anymore, even if you are planning to reject all the benefits but now you don't have a choice anymore."


Li Ming looked at that person with a frown. She didn't understand a single thing.

"Can you explain?" Li Ming asked in a monotone.

"You can't take that egg out of this Enchanted Forest. It's forbidden." The person replied.

For a moment Li Ming wanted to crush that person's head in a wall to open it and see exactly what was filled inside it because she was damn sure she won't find any brain in there.

She took a deep breath and plastered a small forced smile on her lips as she asked, "Did I ask about that? Why would I want to take it out?"

"No, no, no. You didn't understand. Let me explain it a little bit more clearly. This egg is forbidden from taking out from here and now you are connected to this egg. So, in short, you will need to stay here because of this egg. That means you will need to agree with Aislinn's proposal." The person tried to explain but the smirk on their lips was a clear giveaway that they were actually mocking Li Ming.

"What rubbish are you spouting? What connection?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

"Congratulations Win, you are now a guardian angel. The caretaker and keeper of this magical egg. Whatever resides inside it is a mystery that will only be revealed when this egg will hatch. I just know one thing and that is - you are bound to this egg and with that to the Enchanted Magik Forest too." The person said with a smirk playing on their lips.

Li Ming felt the world spinning as her mind was suddenly overloaded with a lot of questions, but unfortunately, before she could voice out even a single one of them, the silhouette of that annoying person disappeared from the cave.

Immediately, the area started filling with grunts and pained voices as everyone came back to their senses.

Li Ming flicked her fingers and around a dozen lanterns lit up the cavern. The lightly gleaming egg itself was providing sufficient glow.

"Miss Li..."

Li Ming fixed her cold eyes on Aislinn and the nymph leader immediately stopped speaking.

The pixies, Snowy, and Mallow, all had surrounded Li Ming as they tried to stay closer to their Master.

"You need to realize when you should stop. Don't take things too far when you are not prepared for the results." Her voice came out full of power and control.

The sups bowed their head in shame, the sirens even shivered a little but all of them stayed silent.

"Miss Li, they were following my orders. It's none of their faults. I'm the one who went too far without even realizing that the outcome could be so horrible," Aislinn said as she turned her eyes downward, too ashamed to look directly in Li Ming's eyes.

"Weren't you aware that those high notes will clash with the spiritual energy present here and will cause a blast?" Li Ming asked the group of sirens who in return immediately shook their head in negative.

"Seriously? Let me tell you all one more thing. I wasn't planning on saving any of you, especially when you would have been the reason behind hurting me and my family. It was pure coincidence that I decided to summon the spiritual qi to form a shield and it was accompanied by the magical energy it. I don't know exactly how it happened but somehow the shield didn't only protect us from the blast but you all too. I hope you all will learn something from this incident." Li Ming told all the supernaturals that were present there.

Li Ming didn't realize but the moment the word family left her mouth, something changed in the environment.

The pixies looked at her like she was the Goddess herself, Mallow curled around her legs and Snowy rubbed himself against her left ankle.

No one uttered a single word, nor they looked up. What made Li Ming calmed down was the guilt and embarrassment that was visible on all of their faces.

Her ears picked on the lightest growling that could have been gone unnoticed if not for the pin-drop silence.

"Are you still going to feed my poor familiar or should we already take our leave?" Li Ming asked loudly as she looked at the sups and especially the nymph leader with accusing eyes.

It was like lives returned back in the supernaturals as everyone immediately started cleaning the room.

Snowy gave her a toothy grin which Li Ming ignored completely as she pushed a little bit of her spiritual energy out in the air which formed a circle around the glowing egg, keeping it safe as it levitated in the air.

Within the next five or so minutes the room was clean and ready for serving the dinner.

As everyone settled down to eat the delicious dishes that the Gnomes had served on the table, Li Ming picked up a tray filled with food and a jar of wine.

She signaled Aislinn to follow her and started walking out of the dining area.

Both of them appeared at the entrance of the cave. Li Ming flicked her fingers for the umpteenth time that day and the rocks that were placed around the entrance formed a table and two smooth-surfaced rocks for them to sit on them.

She placed her tray on the table and settled down on one of the rock made chair, Aislinn followed her and settled down too.

As Li Ming uncorked her wine jar, she noticed that the nymph leader wasn't touching her food at all, she was sitting there with her head down.

Well, at least she brought the food with her and not followed behind empty-handed.

"Let's eat, you will need the energy to explain to me about this egg," Li Ming said as she started eating the dinner that alone made her take over the Enchanted Magik Forest if she would get to eat such delicious food often.

The glowing egg accompanied both of them during their dinner as it kept floating around Li Ming.

In another part of the cultivation world, the mysterious person was planning a new episode for Li Ming's future.


Chapter 124 - She Needs You

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


As the night sky filled with the countless glowing stars and the bright shining moon, the silhouette of a man in white long brocade clothes could be seen standing at the foot of an enormous volcano.

"What are you doing here?" Wen Guiyang asked the person who was hiding behind their dark red cloak and the shadows of the night.

"Supreme Immortal, it's been a very long time since we last met, I can see that you haven't changed even a single bit. Still cold, tough, and straight forward. Will she like a cold-hearted person like you?" The silhouette in the red cloak asked with a smirk.

Wen Guiyang almost pulled out his sword to slaughter the person who was trying to test his patience especially when he had no control over his soul who was dying to flew to the only person that mattered to it.

"I don't have time to spend answering your unimportant questions. If you don't have anything serious to talk about then I'm taking my leave." Wen Guiyang told the person but before he could disappear from there, the next words of his visitor stopped him.

"She needs you."

The three words ringed repeatedly in his head. His fingers gripped his sword tightly as he tried to control his inner self.

"She already has others taking care of her. I don't think my absence will matter." He finally replied after a few minutes of silence.

The person chuckled at the Supreme Immortal's words. All of Li Ming's mates were trying to avoid her like she was a plague. How accurate!

"Don't you understand? You just mentioned the very reason for which she needs you even when she has others around her, especially since she has others with her," The person said as they finally stopped chuckling.

This made the Immortal to finally turn around and look at the cloaked person with a frown.

The fact that he couldn't see the face of the person also made it impossible to read their expression.

If not for their history, Wen Guiyang would not even have given a second glance to such a skeptical person.

"What are you talking about? You know it very well that I don't like it when you start talking in riddles." Guiyang's tone was cold and a slight edge of irritation could be heard too.

The Supreme Immortal was known throughout the three realms for his high status as the Master of the Guixian Land. He was known as a cold-hearted and tough personality.

It's rumored that no matter what it's impossible to make the Guixian Lord lose his calmness.

But right now, Guiyang was anything but calm. His powers were trying to fight against his control. The same with his mind and soul as they were feeling an intense pain due to the distance that he had created between himself and the other half of his soul, his mate.

But looking at his face, no one could even guess in their worse thoughts that the Guixian Lord was fighting with himself to stay sane.

"And did I ever say that I care about what you like and what don't? I'm not here to impress you. To be honest, you and your Ice Queen, both are probably carved from the same iceberg." The person replied with a scoff and a half shrug.

Guiyang stayed completely silent, waiting for that person to finally get bored of their own nonsense and finally explained about what they were trying to say.

Nothing in his expressions gave away what was he thinking inside his mind. The happy dance that his soul was doing after hearing the last sentence of that person, could not be guessed by looking at his cold expressions.

"Well, I don't have too much time to waste either. Let's get directly to the point. As I said she needs you with her. Though she had the other four and Zhang Yong with her but unfortunately, that's not enough."

"Zhang Yong is already wrapped around her finger. I'm not going to say that he is completely useless but he definitely won't be able to handle her temper."

The person stopped to take a deep breath and then continued, "Ruoshan already has the Demon Realm in his hands and he would rather protect her than be tough on her. Though I have to agree that he has his own way of making her follow his orders."

Guiyang stayed silent but his ears keenly took in every single word spoken by that person.

"Then we have our Moon Deity. Let's be honest, he's the last person who will ever agree with me and my plans. If I even went in front of him in hope of explaining my point, I'm damn sure he would fry me in boiling oil the moment I'll utter my first sentence. He's the most caring and protective of her. He would rather kill everyone and anyone than seeing his mate in pain or any discomfort." The person shuddered at their own words, probably imaging being fried in the Royal kitchen of the Moon Deity.

"There's also the option of the Heaven Emperor and I'm sure he can complete this task without any difficulties. But he already has too many things to take care of. In between all his duties, I don't think he would have enough time to spare."

"The last but definitely not the least, the Second Demon Prince. To tell you the truth, according to me he could have been the perfect option for this task but unfortunately, everything got ruined due to the curse that someone had placed over him. Right now he couldn't even recognize him and his only mission is to get rid of her before she destroyed his brothers and their soul bonds. He's the last person right now, whom I'll choose for such an important task." The person finally stopped talking.

Guiyang was definitely surprised after hearing about the curse and Hei Long's behavior towards Li Ming. But he didn't show anything on his face, neither did he ask her about the curse nor to elaborate about what was happening with the Second Demon Prince and their mate.

There was actually nothing to ask. That person was only trying to rile him up by giving only a little bit of information. If they really wanted to tell him more they would already have.

"So, you are trying to say that whatever your plan is, I'm the perfect person to complete it." It wasn't exactly a question but Guiyang's voice could make anyone shiver under the imaginary cold.

"Actually, I don't have another option left. That's why I have decided that you are the only one now who could do this." The person replied with a scoff.

"What are you planning? What is that thing which according to you, is very important for her?" Guiying asked as he stared at the person, trying to get a hold on their energy.

"All of the others are busy pampering her, making her feel safe, protected, and happy. I know that none of them would think twice before killing for her and nor would they let anyone harm her. But what they are forgetting is that they can only help her in her fight, they can't fight it for her. She needed to be prepared for the coming future and for that she needed someone who would make sure that she's preparing herself."

Guiyang felt his throat dry at the mere mention of her being in any kind of danger.

"She's giving her entire time to the business world that she's trying to establish which is actually a good thing. This world needs some changes and she's playing her part in that change but in all that, she's getting away from the cultivation."

The person sighed and stopped working for a moment, the area became completely silent for a few seconds.

"I know that you will be the perfect person to train her. You won't become a prey to her emotional blackmail nor you will ever forget your goal. You can be that cold-hearted, strict, unmoving, and unforgiving instructor that she needed. But during all this, you will also be that mate who will always make sure that she's been taken care of. That she's not hurt, not mentally exhausted and she has her fair share of normal life. I'm giving you the most important task and placing my trust in you. Now, it's up to you about how you gonna handle this."

That person finally cleared everything and without wasting a single more second disappeared from the foot of the huge volcano.

The Supreme Immortal was left standing there under the night sky as he progressed the words of that person.

A sad smile appeared on his lips as the words of a certain person appeared in his mind.

'You can try to stay away. You can try to avoid the fate and run from your destiny. But no matter which way you will choose, she will be the only one standing at the end of those paths. You can run from your destiny, you can try to avoid it but you can not hide from it.'


Chapter 125 - The History Of The Glowing Egg

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


Back in the magical world of the Enchanted Magik Forest, Li Ming and Aislinn eventually finished their dinner.

A nymph took the dirty dishes away and left the two women alone to talk.

"I'm seriously amazed to see the level of creativity of your people. Everything that I can see is so unique and beautiful. The fact that you have learned it all on your own and created everything from scratch without any kind of technology seriously deserves praise," Li Ming said after a few minutes of silence.

"When you have not even the basic necessities of life and limitless time, I think it's not hard for anyone to come up with their ideas to fill those necessities. When we first came here, we had nothing. We just used our knowledge and experiences to build and create whatever we can." Aislinn replied as her eyes looked like they were thinking about their past.

Who knew how much struggle the sups had gone through in their starting days in this world.

"Do you miss your life back on Earth?" Li Ming asked in a soft tone.

"Not exactly. Back on Earth, we were afraid of the humans, feared that one day they would find out about our existence and a war would breakthrough. Here we are afraid that someday the Immortals would find out about our existence and swiped us out. On Earth, we mostly stayed away from human societies and lived in our closed protected worlds. The same is happening here too. We are staying away from everyone in this closed protected world. Back on Earth, we used technology to pass our times. Here we have found our own ways to do the same. The only difference that I can see is that back there the supernatural community was huge and vast but here we have a very small number."

"So in short, no I don't think I miss my life back on Earth too much. For me, there are not too many differences in either of these worlds. We aren't accepted in either of them."

Aislinn's words were pure truth but at the same time, they held so much weigh in them.

Li Ming cleared her throat to distract herself from the sudden sad feelings that had taken over them.

She was also a supernatural and she knew too well exactly how painful it was to live your lives on eggshells.

And being the Head of an entire supernatural clan increased that fear because then you were not responsible only for your own life but for all those lives that looked up to you for guidance and protection.

"Well, then tell me about this egg which suddenly appeared in my hands at the time of the blast." Li Ming said as she looked at the nymph leader to start explaining about the glowing egg.

The woman sighed as she looked at the egg. "It's been around twelve thousand years since we have this unique egg with us here in the Enchanted Magik Forest..."

At the mention of the number of years, Li Ming's jaw almost dropped to the ground. Even an egg was thousands of years old and she was still a young teenage girl. Life could not have been more unfair!

"...I still remember that morning when after setting my foot out of this cave, the first thing that appeared in my vision was a basket in which a small purple glowing egg was placed. It was accompanied by a letter that left our small group of supernaturals shaken to our core." Aislinn shuddered lightly as she talked about the day she first found the egg sitting in a basket at the cave's entrance.

"What was written in that letter?" Li Ming implored.

"It stated that the egg is our responsibility from that day onwards. We all needed to keep it safe until the day it's true guardian will appear. It was too mentioned that we can't throw this egg out of the Enchanted Forest and that the egg would need a very heavy amount of spiritual qi to grow. A bag of seeds was also placed in the basket along with the egg and the letter."

Aislinn stretched her right palm out and closed her eyes, the very next second a scroll appeared on her palm.

She offered the scroll to Li Ming who immediately took it and started opening it.

It was the exact same letter that Aislinn had found in the basket that day. The content was exactly the same as the nymph leader had told her.

"At that time the Enchanted Forest had no spiritual energy inside it. As you can see there are some instructions written at the end of the letter about how to plant the seeds that I found in the basket. It took us a few days to finally digest that we suddenly have a new responsibility in our hands. After many failed attempts, we finally figured out about how those Qi Channeling flowers worked. We grew them all over the Thundering Peaks and in that way the problem of the lack of spiritual qi inside in this world finally solved. Come, let me show you something." Aislinn said as she stood up.

Li Ming silently followed behind the nymph as they started walking deep into the forest.

It probably took them around twenty minutes or something before they finally stopped outside another cave entrance. This one was much smaller than the other one.

The nymph silently entered the cave with Li Ming following right behind her. After another few minutes of walking, they came across a ward.

Li Ming looked at the nymph with unasked questions in her eyes.

"The nymphs have a special gift. Ten nymphs who are older than five hundred years can use their collective powers to form a very powerful ward twice in their lives. This is formed by me and the others." Aislinn told Li Ming who was clearly surprised by this new knowledge.

"Wow, I didn't know about that. You used such a precious power to keep this egg protected." It wasn't a question, rather Li Ming's words came out amazed and with a touch of admiration in them.

"We needed to do our best to protect it. Someone who could enter into our world to leave this egg in front of the entrance of the cave where we live, someone who knows about our existence in this world, who knew what would have been the consequences if something happened to this egg." Aislinn sighed as she told the reason behind her step of forming the ward.

"Did that person ever returned?" Li Ming asked as they both crossed through the ward and entered into a narrow path that took them deeper into the cave.

"Never. In the past twelve thousand years, no one came here looking for the egg. Once the Qi channeling flowers started working and we securely put the egg here, only I and a few others came here from time to time just to check that it's alright. Everything has been going smoothly until an hour ago." Aislinn answered as they appeared inside a circular area at the end of the path.

Li Ming noticed the pink flowers throughout the cave and as she entered into that circular area, her gaze landed on the floor, walls, and the ceiling which was covered with those flowers.

In the very center of the room was a pedestal which too was covered with the pink flowers.

Li Ming watched as the egg, which had been following both of them, circled around her once while giving her hand a soft passing touch before it finally settled down on the pedestal.

Immediately, the pink flowers released the spiritual qi stored inside them, and the egg hungrily sucked the qi inside it.

"So, this glowing bulb is the reason behind the disappearance of the spiritual energy from the Thundering Peaks." Li Ming said with a little shake of her head as she looked at the flowers and the egg.

The mystery behind the lack of spiritual qi in the Thundering Peaks was finally solved. But in the end, she ended up with many new mysteries.

How did the supernaturals end up in this Cultivation world? Since none of them died and transmigrated, then did they all got teleported here?

Who was the woman who gave the Enchanted Magik Forest to the nymphs and what did she take in return?

Who left the glowing egg in the Enchanted Forest and why? And exactly what type of egg was this glowing bulb?

After solving one mystery, Li Ming was left with many as a gift. So many questions plagued her mind and she had no idea where she could find the answers.

And the worst part in all this? She could no longer leave and pretend that nothing like the Enchanted Magik Forest existed because now she was bound to a fking egg.

Talk about making your own life a hell!


Wish our dear Li Good luck. She seriously needs some motivation! Sigh...


Chapter 126 - The Academy

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 



Aislinn's question ranged through the silence of the cave room where all of them were sitting after dinner.

When Li Ming returned to the dining area everyone had already finished their dinner and they were sharing some funny incidents of their lives.

Within the next few minutes, Aislinn proposed the deal that the mysterious person had notified Li Ming about earlier.

"Do I even have another option? I'm bound to that light bulb now and that means I'll have to stay in touch with all of you guys," Li Ming said with a little pout as her expressions appeared a little tired and frustrated.

"And that means...?" Aislinn pressed her question so that they all could hear the final words of Miss Li.

"And that means I'm ready to accept your proposal..." She didn't even finish her sentence before the entire space was filled with cheers and clappings.

"...First, hear me out!"

Her loud voice made the room filled with silence. Aislinn's happy expression had turned into one of worry as she fretted over what Miss Li was going to say next.

She had already told Li Ming everything about their own and the Enchanted Forest's history. But there's one thing, one secret that she hadn't shared with her yet.

That same secret was the reason why she proposed the offer to the Young girl. The sups and their little Magik Forest needed a Master and Aislinn couldn't have found someone more deserving than the young girl whose aura shouted her status of a leader.

"Though I'm ready to take over the ownership of this Forest and lead you guys in the future while keeping you all protected, but in return of that I want something from you all." Li Ming told the group of sups.

The sups passed each other confused but curious glances, though none of them spoke.

After a few minutes of silence, it was Aislinn who finally dared to speak.

"What do you want us to do?"

Everyone looked at Li Ming, waiting for the Young Miss to place her requirements on the table.

"First, I want to open an Academy here." Li Ming said in a loud and clear voice which boomed through the room, leaving the sups gaping at her after hearing the words.

"What?" A siren let out a confused and shocked response as everyone stared at Li Ming like she had suddenly turned into a two-headed monster.

Li Ming sighed before telling them about the group of hundreds of children and what she was planning for their future.

"Suddenly opening a sect in this world would bring too much attention to me and right now I don't want that. That's why I can't open an Academy in the outside world. Moreover, the spiritual energy of the Han Empire is nowhere near good. This place would be perfect for the Academy." Li Ming told them.

The sups though understood Li Ming's good intentions but there was still some hesitation in their eyes.

Li Ming already knew the reason behind their uncertainty but she kept quiet, waiting for one of them to voice it out.

"Miss Li, we respect your decision but won't that be dangerous for us?" A mermaid who looked the oldest of their group finally asked the question that was flowing through everyone's mind.

Li Ming smiled softly at the group of supernaturals as she replied with a soft but assuring tone.

"Don't worry. I already have a plan for that. I'll make sure that your identity will not be revealed in front of them...but also, I want you all to teach them that just because you are not the same as them, doesn't make you a freak or an abomination."

Her words carried so much power and purity in them that the sups immediately broke into soft smiles, nodding their heads as they agreed with her words.

"You all are skilled in different things and different areas. You all have your own perks and I want you all to share your knowledge with your future students." Li Ming said with a soft smile.

"Future students?" A Gnome asked and everyone looked at Li Ming with confused eyes.

"Of course, if not for you guys then who will teach my students?" Li Ming said while shaking her head at the stupid supernaturals who couldn't realize something so obvious.

"What will we teach them? We have no knowledge about this world or the cultivation thing that the people here do. How are we going to teach them something we don't know ourselves?" Aislinn asked with confusion evident in her expressions.

"Gosh! You are really stupid, aren't you? When did I ever say that you will be teaching them the geography, history of this world, or cultivation?"

Li Ming's question only confused the sups even more as they looked at each other, trying to find if anyone was able to understand what Li Ming was actually trying to say.

"Listen carefully, guys. You are not responsible for teaching them about these things. What you will be teaching them are your mastered skills. I don't want these children to be limited to the option of the future that this world holds open for them. Rather I want them to learn the skill they want so that they could master it and make their own future."

"We will let them choose what they want to do or what excites them, makes them happy as they spend their time doing it? There are limitless options. Of course, cultivation, alchemy, weaponry, and scholarly would be a part of it. If some of them want to pursue these as their careers, I'll make sure to help and guide them. Though at the moment, I don't have any teachers for them in those fields."

"Then come those who don't want to choose any of these fields. We will introduce them to the other options - agriculture, business, music, wood carving, jewelry making, cutlery making, fashion designing, architecture, cooking and there are so many more. Let them find something that they would love to do for the rest of your life and that's where your duty will start."

Li Ming looked through the several faces in the group as she spoke those words.

All the sups looked deep in thoughts and after passing each other hundreds of glances, secret messages through eye gestures, and a few silent hours later...just kidding!

Aislinn finally spoke, "If you can promise to try your hundred percent to never fail us or our trust in you, we are ready to help you in this beautiful idea of yours."

"Perfect! Deal!" Li Ming shouted excitedly as she immediately forwarded her hand out for a handshake.

Aislinn looked at the young girl who was beaming as she waited patiently for her to complete the handshake and Aislinn did exactly that as she clasped her hand around Li Ming's small warm hand, sealing their promises.

"Alright, then. From tomorrow onwards we will start our preparations. First, we will need to start building the Academy. Though there are only a few hundred children at this moment but the number will possibly increase in the future, therefore the Academy should be built by taking this point into consideration. I will also need a proper tour of this Enchanted Forest and the resources that are present here so that I can plan everything perfectly."

Aislinn nodded her head in agreement as they all noted everything down in their minds that Li Ming was speaking.

"Next, I'll need to find a way to connect this place with my mansion. That will sort out many problems." Li Ming noticed the confused gazes of the sups at the mention of her magical mansion but she ignored them for the time being.

"Also, you all will need to show me exactly how you guys work here. How you all have set everything up here? It will take some time for us to prepare the Academy and for that, I'll need your help."

The sups immediately nodded their heads as Li Ming looked at them and when she got their agreement she continued, "For now continue with your daily life. I'll be busy in the outside world for the coming few days, so we can't start with the Academy plan immediately but I will visit you guys soon to take a look around this area. In the meantime, I will bring some books which could provide you information about this world and how it works. It's necessary to know your enemies or your friends."

"The children will continue with their basic cultivation training for now. Let's hope by the time the Academy would be ready to be opened, I would have a proper batch of teachers for my students." Li Ming said with a sigh.

Aislinn touched her shoulder as the woman gave her an encouraging nod.

"I'm sure you will find a way to achieve that." The nymph leader said with a soft smile.

Li Ming only nodded her head and as it was already past midnight, she finally decided to take her leave.

With final goodbyes, the young girl disappeared from the land of the Enchanted Magik Forest while taking the pixies, Snowy and Mallow along with her.


Chapter 127 - The Scared Li Ming

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


The sudden darkness that engulfed her started giving an ire vibe.

One moment before she was safely tucked in her comfortable bed under a comfy duvet and the next second she found herself standing in the middle of a blank space.

A loud gasp left her mouth as Li Ming felt something crawling around her ankle of the right leg.

Her gaze landed on her bare feet which were getting engulfed by some creepers which appeared decayed and completely black.

Their touch sending jolts of pain in her legs as she hurriedly stepped backward to get out of their reach.

But that was probably not the best choice because then Li Ming ended up standing in a puddle of black glue-like thing.

"What the-?"

Li Ming's eyes traveled from her bare feet to her surroundings. The darkness had shifted and she found herself standing in the middle of a place that looked like a forest to her.

Everything, the trees, the plants, the bushes, the grass, every single thing appeared black and decayed.

A sour rotting smell entered her nose, making her gag. She also noticed a very faint smell of burning sulfur but it was too faint, barely noticeable.

Li Ming pulled her legs out of the gooey poodle. The sight making her sick. She wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad for not knowing what was the gooey thing that was sticking on her feet.

There was no moon or stars in the sky which appeared pure black with a little hint of red here and there. But even without any source of light, Li Ming could still see everything around her.

Though everything appeared black and white.

Li Ming didn't know exactly what she was supposed to do. Should she return to her mansion and forget about this or should she try to find more about this place where she had landed out of nowhere?

After a few minutes of mashing her limited brain cells, she decided to go with the second option.

But before that, she needed proper clothes and shoes as the air was chilly and she was wearing only a thin pair of pajamas.

She also had a feeling that the temperature would lower more and more as the time would pass.

She imagined a pair of leather pants, jackets, and boots, and clicked her fingers but she was in for a surprise.

Absolutely nothing happened. She was still in her light blue pajamas with bare feet.

A frown appeared on her face as she first looked at her feet, then at her nightdress, and then finally glared at her hands.

A sigh left her lips as she again tried the spell to change her outfit but the result was still the same.

For the next few minutes, she constantly tried to use her spells and even spiritual qi, but it was like she had suddenly lost the ability to use them.

She could still feel the presence of qi and magical energy inside her, therefore the reason behind their lack of response at her commands was not making any sense.

She finally gave up after who knew struggling for how many centuries.

If not for those creepy creepers that were once again moving towards her feet, then she probably would have wasted some more precious time.

"What a traitor!" Li Ming cursed her powers as she kicked one of those creepers, immediately regretting as it burned her skin.

With a deep sigh, she started moving forward, without any idea of where she was going.

She probably walked for an entire hour before she came across a bridge made of huge black stones.

Whatever laid below the bridge was completely hidden in the shadows. All Li Ming could pinpoint was that the fall would be steep and soul-wrenching.

All this time, she didn't come across even a single insect. The only moving things in that forest-like place were those creepers that were covering almost all the forest.

But the silence of the forest and the drop in the temperature was giving her bad feelings.

Though everything appeared silent but her instincts were telling her that something very dangerous was lurking in the shadows.

A loud growl disturbed the silence of the forest. Li Ming even felt the ground slightly shaking beneath her feet.

She looked around to find the direction from where the sound of the growls was coming, but without her powers, she was unable to pinpoint any specific direction. It was like the sound was coming from all the three directions except the one where the bridge would lead her to.

Li Ming focused on the ring on her index finger which was carved in the shape of a half-moon with a sapphire set in its middle.

But then she realized that since she wasn't able to use her powers, she could also not use the weapon charm.

Other than her internal force, she was left completely vulnerable and she sure didn't like the situation.

Something more powerful than her was stopping her from connecting with her powers.

The sudden crack that appeared just a few inches in front of her finally made her feet move.

She stumbled backward trying to stay away from the crack which was increasing in size with every passing second.

The growling sound once again boomed through the area and this time it was even louder than before.

Li Ming looked up and her eyes met with three pairs of red glowing eyes and three mouths with sharp teeth and saliva dripping from them.

It took her a moment to realize that whatever that monster was it was more than twelve feet tall and she appeared like a ragged doll in front of it.

"Holy moly, what kind of monster are you?" Li Ming let out her shocking question as her eyes tried to grasp the rest of the creature's body but unfortunately, rather than the monster's body, her eyes landed on the crack which was only a single step away from her.

Li Ming immediately scrambled backward, first staring at the huge crack in the ground and then looking up at the monster.

The monster let out a gruff like sound and immediately the crack started enlarging.

Li Ming immediately started backing, she was already at the middle of the bridge when a cold chill on her back made her stop in her tracks.

She looked behind and nearly got a heart attack as she looked directly down a huge gap in the bridge behind her, a dark abyss waiting to engulf her.

She looked back to see that the bridge had stopped breaking a few inches away from her feet. It was a miracle that a small piece of the bridge was floating in the mid-air and she was standing exactly on it.

But the relief was short-lived as another growl from the monster sent her tumbling down into the dark abyss.

A loud shriek left her mouth as she felt several hands pulling her downward. The burning sensation returned to her body as she felt long sharp nails scratching her skin.

The disgust and nausea returned as her powers tried to go away from the darkness where she was heading.

The last thing that she remembered was a white glowing orb that was floating at the opposite end of the bridge, urging her to go towards it.

With an ear-piercing scream, her eyes finally flew open, meeting a dimly lit room.

She was back in her room in the mansion and looking at the soft sunlight that was peeking inside through the gap in the drapes over the windows, informed her that the morning had already appeared.

"Are you alright?"

The sudden question and the familiar voice made her look at the Evernight Lord who was standing beside her bed, a worried expression covering his handsome face.

Without thinking twice, Li Ming immediately rushed towards the Immortal. Shocking him as she engulfed him in a tight hug.

Her hands snaked around his waist as she pressed her face in his chest. She was shaking lightly as she breathed in the scent of her mate which immediately started calming her.

Roushan's hands were immediately around her. Pulling her closer in his embrace as he tried to calm her down.

His soul-crushing as he felt the tremors in her body. He had known her for five months and all this time he never saw her scared or timid, not even when she nearly died.

But seeing her shivering in his arms as tremor after tremor passed through her body, made him want to erase the existence of the reason behind her current state.

"You are alright, Xingan. Don't worry, I'm here with you. I won't let anything or anyone harm you." Ruoshan promised her as he rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

Li Ming finally pulled back a little away from the Demon Lord and stared at him with scrunched eyes.

"What nonsense are you spouting? What harm? Do I look like someone who is scared or something? I'm just freezing right now and I want warmth. Now don't spout any more rubbish." And with saying these beautiful words she again snuggled into the arms of a shocked Evernight Lord.


Chapter 128 - Breakfast Time

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


"Are you sure that you are okay?"

Li Ming almost banged her head on the cabinet filled with dishes as she once again heard Ruoshan asking the same question for the umpteenth time within the past two hours.

Currently, she was in the kitchen, about to prepare breakfast.

She had taken a long hot shower to get rid of the imagery dirt and that black glue-like thing.

Imagery? Yeah, because when she checked her body after shooing Ruoshan out of her bedroom, she found that there was nothing on her skin. No dirt, no scratches, her feet were also completely dirt free.

For a moment she almost thought that it was only a dream, probably a part of those dreams that were haunting her for weeks now.

But then the coldness that had seeped into her bones and was still freezing her, didn't make any sense.

As she scrubbed her skin and hair under the burning water, her mind was busy to understand if whatever happened was only a dream or a reality.

It took her around forty minutes before she finally felt that her body was not freezing anymore.

By the time she turned off the shower her skin had turned bright red due to the scorching water.

It was a miracle that she wasn't crying her eyes out because of the pain.

A hiss left her lips as she finally registered the pain of her burnt skin while drying herself. Looking at her body in the full-length mirror, she found herself looking at a living and walking tomato.

With a huff, she let her healing powers do their work, and within a few minutes, her skin was back to normal.

She put on a lemon yellow colored dress, accompanied by her favorite pair of white sneakers.

After blow-drying her hair she pulled them up in a high ponytail and gave them the final touch by inserting a few clips designed in flower shapes, a few loose strands falling around, giving her a cute look.

After applying lip balm on her lips to keep them moisturized she grabbed her veil to put it on later and left the bedroom.

She was in for a surprise when she came downstairs and entered the kitchen. Not only Ruoshan but the Fourth Prince was there too and God knew what he was doing as he stared at the open fridge.

At least he opened it without breaking anything.

"What are looking for?" She had asked Zhang Yong as she opened one of the cabinets to get a cup.

"What's that thing?" Zhang Yong had asked as he pointed at something inside the fridge.

When she moved next to him to look at whatever he was pointing, she realized that he was asking about a tray filled with fresh sweet potatoes.

She turned around and stared at the Fourth Prince who was actually waiting for an answer.

"You don't know what that is?" She had asked the Prince who immediately shook his head in negative.

She took a deep breath before asking, "Are you sure that you don't know what that is?"

"Xingan, we really don't know what that thing is." This time it was Ruoshan who answered her question and supported Zhang Yong.

"Seriously? Are you guys kidding me? You can't recognize sweet potatoes. Can you even tell apart a potato and tomato?" Her tone was mocking as she glared at both of the Immortals.

"Of course, we can differentiate between a potato or a tomato. Still, what's that sweet potato is?" Zhang Yong asked after reprimanding her for her stupid question.

"Yeah, I can see your knowledge about fruits and vegetables. Where did you two study? And please don't tell me that you have got your degree from Guixian Land." Li Ming said while making a not so cute face.

The two immortals were completely clueless about what was going on.

Was she trying to say that they couldn't recognize vegetables and fruits? And what that degree thing meant? And why did they couldn't take it from Guixian Land?

When none of them spoke for several minutes, Li Ming shrugged off the topic and

made both of them sit on the chairs that were placed around the kitchen isle and then started making herself a cup of dark coffee.

She was taking out utensils to start preparing the breakfast when Ruoshan asked that question.

She closed the cabinet door with a bang and turned around to glare at the silver hair Immortal.

"Will you please stop! Do I look like I'm not okay? Is there something wrong with me?" Her tone came out a little angry but mostly irritated.

She didn't want to lash out at him but his questions were constantly reminding her of the dream which she was trying to lock in the furthest corner of her mind for the time being.

She still needed to spend the morning hours with the children of Dongji village for their cultivation classes and for that she needed her mind clear of any kind of distractions.

Zhang Yong slipped out of his seat and cane around the isle to pull her softly in his arms.

For a moment she wanted to pull away but the warmth and care that seeped into her body at his soft touch made her change her mind.

But she still passed him a heated glare which made the Shadow Lord gulp down his saliva.

"Ming'er don't be so angry at us. We are just worried about you. First, we suddenly lost contact with you yesterday and we can't find your location. Neither we were able to pinpoint the location of Xiao Tiantang. Then later in the night, we suddenly felt the discomfort..."

Zhang Yong stopped at the coughing sound of Ruoshan who was glaring at him. His eyes were clearly warning to shut up which didn't make any sense until the moment he looked back at the girl in his arms who was looking at him with a frown on her face.

"What are you trying to say?" Li Ming asked as her eyes were plastered on the fourth Prince to take in every single change in his expressions.

If it had been Ruoshan saying these words, she could have understood the reason for why he was feeling those things because it would have been the bond that alerted him and probably the others.

But since it was Zhang Yong who said it, Li Ming was a bit confused. Was he talking about Ruoshan and the others? Maybe they felt the changes and told him about them?

Zhang Yong looked surprised and out if words as he continued to stare at her, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly.

"What he meant to say is that we wanted to meet you yesterday but couldn't find your or Xiao Tiantang's location. And when we finally connected back with Xiao Tiantang after midnight, it was passing a hint of negative energy which just gave us even worse feelings. So, both of us just rushed here to make sure that you are okay. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Xingan."

Ruoshan spoke softly from behind her as he gave her a back hug.

Did she already tell you guys that back hugs were one of her weaknesses?

Her anger and suspicion immediately melted under his touch and seeing that Li Ming was buying Ruoshan's half-truth, Zhang Yong immediately nodded his head in confirmation.

"Alright! But don't worry, I'm okay. And most importantly, I'll get late for the morning classes. Now, let me work." Li Ming said after a few minutes of silence as she finally pulled away from the comforting embrace of the two Immortals.

She pulled out three packets of ramyeon from the storage and started preparing breakfast.

"Can I join you?"

"Can I accompany you today?"

Both Ruoshan and Zhang Yong asked at the same time as they tried to help Li Ming set the table but were met with her glare which set them quietly sitting on their chairs.


Li Ming bluntly refused as she placed the bowls filled with hot spicy ramyeon along with hot steaming tea for the immortals and her cup of dark coffee.

She completely ignored the pouty face that Zhang Yong was making at her.

"It's too spicy..."

"...and hot..."

"...but tasty..."

"...yes, definitely tasty..."

The two Immortals said as they gulped down the ramyeon which was making them turn red due to its hotness and spice.

Li Ming only chuckled at their words as she finished her breakfast and then cleaned the dishes before putting them back in the cabinets.

If not for her fear that the two would end up breaking her precious dishes, she would have left the two of them to clean up the kitchen but unfortunately, she didn't trust them when it came to her mansion.

She could see the wariness in their eyes as they departed after their breakfast. Them returning to only God knew where and she headed to the foot of the Thundering Peaks.

She knew that both of them wanted to know about what happened the previous day but she was happy to see that neither of them pressured her to tell them the truth.

Moreover, she didn't think that she was obliged to share every single personal detail with them even though Ruoshan was her mate.

The reason was clear, her mates had their secrets and pasts while she had hers.

Of course, all of them would need to come clear at some point with each other about all those secrets but that day had still to arrive.


Chapter 129 - Haunted Dongji Village

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


When Li Ming reached the foot of the Thundering Peaks, the group of children was already there, waiting for her.

She didn't waste much time on unimportant things and immediately started directing them into the right postures.

Though the spiritual qi in the Thundering Peaks was far too low for a mountain ranges covered in forest, but it still was higher than the spiritual qi present in the Capital City or the Dongji village.

They started around seven in the morning and continuously practiced for two and a half hours before finally wrapping up.

Only two children, one around eight years of age and another girl around eleven, were able to breakthrough.

The children returned to the Orphanage and Li Ming went towards the vacant area of the town.

There was a large portion behind the town which was completely vacated by the villagers.

When Li Ming first stumbled into that part around a month ago while taking a stroll, all that she found was six or seven vacant houses which were almost at the point of crumbling down at any moment.

"Why those houses are left in such a state in the back of the village?"

She had asked that question to Sir Liu later that day but the answer that she received in return made her knock some sense in the villagers who could seriously be the stupidest person alive at some points.

"Miss Li, that place is haunted."

Yeah, this was the answer that she received in return from one of the old ladies of the town.

And when she looked at Sir Liu for the confirmation, the old man only sighed and didn't say anything.

Well, she would not say that ghosts didn't exist. Why? Because back on Earth, there was indeed a society of ghosts.

Yeah, go figure!

However, she wasn't sure if there was actually a ghost or ghosts living in those houses or if they had built up their own theories.

To check out the truth she visited those houses again that night.

Well, ghosts were supposed to be active during the night, right?

Yet, she didn't find any kind of presence there except the insects and rodents.

The very next day she formed a group of twenty people from the village and assigned them their new task.

"I want the back area completely clean within twenty days. Get those broken houses cleared and pile all the debris. I'll take care of it."

She had instructed them.

"B-but Miss Li, w-what about the ghosts?"

A man in his early forties had asked and she had noticed that almost all of them looked a little afraid even though most of them tried not to show it.

"Well, you will probably like to know that I've talked to that wandering spirit last night. Not only they agreed to leave this place but also apologized for scaring you all. Now, since we have their permission, do you think you can start your work?"

The shocked looks on their faces told her that they were suspicious of her. Not sure if she was mocking them or actually telling the truth, but none of them dared to say anything. They just silently started working on their task, praying to every deity for their lives.

Though she had already checked the area on her own but she still asked Snowy to keep an eye.

Since everyone went off from their work between 5 am - 6 pm, there wasn't much to worry about.

The villagers too stopped worrying about the ghosts after a week since they found nothing abnormal there.

Some of them actually thought that it was Miss Li who had made the ghost leave that place.

The time limit of the twenty days had finished already the day before and currently, Li Ming was going there to look at the work done by the team.

After a few more minutes, she finally reached the alley which led to the back area and came across a large area which was now completely barren.

The workers were sitting in a group at the entrance as they all enjoyed the rest after completing their work.

All of them immediately noticed Li Ming and started standing up to greet her.

"Hmm. You all did the work efficiently and I'm happy to see your hard work and dedication." She said as she praised them for their hard work.

She took out a pouch and handed it to the Yue Chen whom she had assigned as the Supervisor of the task.

"But Miss Li, we have already got our payment two days ago from Sir Liu." Yue Chen said as he confusedly looked at the heavy pouch in his hands.

"I know. This is a gift for your hard work. Distribute it equally among all of you." Li Ming told the man who thanked her immediately, followed by the rest of the group.

He opened the pouch and after counting the silver taels inside it, he gave seven to each person.

Li Ming dismissed all of them after that. She was the only one left in that silent area.

Her eyes landed on the enormous pile of debris that was placed in the center of the clearing.

As per her instructions, the villagers had piled up all the remnants of the broken houses.

She took out one of those iron balls with special runes carved on it and placed it on the ground.

She channeled a small bit of her spiritual energy to activate the ball and when the runes that were carved over it started to glow bright yellow, she stepped back and let the ball do its job.

A huge beam of light came out of the ball and fell on the pile of debris. One by one all the broken pieces of the houses disappeared into that tiny iron ball, leaving a huge empty area that was nearly equal to more than half of a Football ground.

Li Ming picked up the ball which had turned a lot heavier and placed it in one of the shelves inside the spell room.

She dusted her hands to get rid of any imagery dirt and looked at the huge empty area in front of her.

"Let's see where the famous evil spirit is going to sleep tonight. Just hope you won't haunt me for taking down your haunted houses." She said out loudly before turning around to leave the area.

Before going to the Black Jade Inn during lunchtime, Li Ming made two more trips. One was to the Jewelry shop in the main market of the Capital city of the Han Empire.

There she also collected the two iron balls that were lying on the ground.

The shop and everything else had vanished from the area, leaving it completely barren, just like how she wanted it to be.

Her second stop was Jin Jing's clothes shop in the Capital City of the Wang Empire. There were also two iron balls lying on the ground. She picked those up and deposited them with the other three.

The iron balls that she had used for the two shops were much more powerful than the one she had used in the Dongji village.

It had taken three nights to work on those balls which were actually supposed to work on technology.

She was no scientist and that's why it took her two days to come up with a solution to make those balls work on magic or spiritual energy.

Luckily, even if she was no scientist, she still succeeded in activating the balls with her magic and spiritual energy after changing a few things in them.

Just when she was about to teleport back to the Han Empire, suddenly she decided to check the market.

She was roaming on the streets when her ears picked on the conversations that were going on in a group of five men who were sitting around a table beside a tea stall.

"Haven't you noticed that in the past three or four days, many people have arrived here? Almost every single Inn is filled with customers right now." One of the men said in a hushed voice.

Li Ming silently took a seat on the other table beside them with her back towards the men.

She nodded lightly at the old man who immediately served her got steaming tea. Her entire focus back on the conversation that was going on the table behind her.

"Of course, everyone has noticed. It looks like all the high profile families have sent someone to take part in tomorrow's auction. Someone even noticed a group of disciples from the Guixian land. Looks like they are going to auction something rare and precious tomorrow." Another man said.

"Well, we can only watch those rich families compete against each other with their money. Let's see tomorrow what has lured so many hungry wolves out of their forests." Someone from the group said and the others chuckled while nodding their heads.

After that their topic of discussion changed to the Imperial family.

Li Ming finished her tea and after placing two copper wen on the table, she stood up and left the booth.

She still had a few things left to prepare for the auction.


Chapter 130 - Familiars And Spirit Beasts

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist


"Li, what are you working on?" Snowy asked as he strolled into the Library of Alchemy where Li Ming and Mallow had closed themselves for hours by now.

After having her lunch, she returned to the Xiao Tiantang and started preparing a new batch of pills with the help of Mallow.

This time she had chosen to refine healing pills. Just like the Body Cleansing Pills, she also combined the selected potion and pills ingredients together to get a better result.

It's already past six in the evening which meant that they had been refining pills for nearly six hours.

When Snowy entered the library, Li Ming was lining the jars filled with pills on the coffee table.

There were a total of four jars, each containing a hundred pills inside them.

Two jars were stocked with Body Cleansing Pills, one with First rank low-grade pills and another with the third rank middle grade pills.

The highest rank of pills that she could refine at the moment was the second rank middle grade pills but she was only able to refine about ten to twenty such pills.

Therefore, she decided to not sell those pills until she could break through to the next level.

Similarly, the other two jars were carrying Healing Pills. Just like the Body Cleansing Pills, one jar was filled with the First rank low grade Healing Pills and the second with third rank middle grade Pills.

"I'm finding ways to earn more money so that I can keep up with your demands." Li Ming answered Snowy.

The little furball gave Li Ming a disgusted look as he said with a huff, "Don't put your greed on my head."

Li Ming picked up the little Pomeranian in her hands and started walking out of the library, Mallow following behind them.

"Don't be so rude." Li Ming told Snowy with a pout.

"So dramatic," Snowy said while shaking his head from left to right, emphasizing his point.

"By the way, do you think that these pills will earn you enough money? I mean if I remember correctly they aren't really of high grades." Snowy asked as he turned his head to look at her devilish face.

"Well, you are right about the pills being of lower grades. If I will try to auction a low-grade pill, I would probably be kicked out and laughed off. But can you imagine hundreds of low-grade pills being available to a rich audience? Most importantly these pills are much better than the normal pills of this world because of the mixup of the ingredients. Maybe I won't make millions out of it but that's not a problem. Right now, my aim for this auction is a little bit different." Li Ming answered Snowy's question.

"What is the plan, Li?" Mallow asked her.

"You both will know it tomorrow. Have some patience," Li Ming said and didn't speak after that, leaving the two furballs confused.

Li Ming left both Snowy and Mallow with the pixies. All of them had grown closer to each other and both Snowy & Mallow mostly ate with the pixies.

She had no problem with that because this had taken off a lot of her worries.

She had always felt bad for not giving Snowy enough of her time back on Earth as she was always busy with her work as the head of the mage clan.

After coming to this new world, she got busy with the businesses and other problems, once again not spending enough time with her familiar.

When Mallow became her spirit beast and she got busied with her daily life just like usual, her guilt only increased.

She was really thankful to the fairies for the love and care that they were showing to both Snowy and Mallow.

Her mother always used to tell her that a familiar, or the same could also be said about a spirit beast, was one of the most important bonds of a witchmage.

Their bonds also needed the care and attention that a soul bond needed, if not more than definitely not less. Especially when the bond was newly formed, it was very weak and vulnerable, at that time the master needed to spend as much time as possible with their familiars.

She tried her best to give Mallow the same attention and care that she had given to Snowy back when their bond was first formed.

But she made sure to make Snowy a part of it. She didn't want her little furball to feel left out.

She bathed the two every night, blow-dried them, and combed their soft silky furs. She even let the two sleep in her bed. Made their favorite dishes and made sure to not lose her cool at any of them, though Snowy made it impossible.

The two of them had been dining with the pixies for the last three or four days. Maybe they were giving her time to rest properly. One thing that she could say proudly was that both of her little furballs were as intelligent as they were cute.


She returned to the magical mansion and entered into the dark living room which immediately lit up at her arrival.

Her immediate stop was the washroom where she took a short shower and then changed into a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top with a grey cardigan just to be safe.

She was almost scared of wearing shorts at this point.

She fixed her hair in a bun and left her bedroom to prepare a quick dinner.

She ended up making mouth-watering creamy mac and cheese pasta with a glass of hot chocolate to give herself a boost.

The fact that she liked...sorry, loved, both dark coffee and hot chocolate was beyond believable.

After finishing her dinner and washing the dishes, she decided to start her cultivation.

After the auction, her next mission was to build the new shops and the plan that she had prepared for the Dongji Village.

For these new missions, she would need a lot of cultivation energy.

If everything went with the flow, then all the three missions would be completed within a month.

"Are you free now?"

Li Ming almost got a heart attack at the sudden question when she was about to step onto the Divine Lotus.

She looked at the man who was lying comfortably in the Divine Lotus, in her Divine Lotus.

She was so busy planning her next few days that she almost didn't notice him.

She entered into the enormous lotus and stood a few feet away from the black and red-robed man.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice came out irritated as she didn't try to hide her feelings.

The Demon Prince only smirked at her as he turned on his back and put both his hands beneath his head, looking up at the night sky as he replied, "I'm still curious to know exactly what method did you use to get your hands on this Godly Maple Tree. Mind to share?"

He completely ignored her question and looked at her, waiting for a reply.

Li Ming scoffed at his words and when she noticed him scanning her from head to toe, probably because of her otherworldly clothes, her irritation level only increased.

"None of your business dude. Now, get lost from here. I don't entertain strangers."

Her tone was deep and full of authority, clearly stating that she was the owner of the flower where he was currently relaxing.

The Demon Prince gave her one of his cold glare which did nothing to scare her and this only made him angrier.

Before Li Ming could even blink her eyes properly, a cold gust of wind disturbed her balance and the next second, the Demon Prince was standing a few inches away in front of her.

"You sure are a stupid little girl. But you can't fool me like you had fooled my brothers. Maybe you are under their protection for now, but not for long. I'll make you regret your existence." His voice came out cold and huskier as he warned her.

If she was not distracted by the strong scent of the Prince, she sure would have given him a perfect reply for his delusions.

But the musky scent of Hei Long with a little touch of citrusy fragrance in it made her head swoon.

They were so close, barely a few inches away from each other and it was like her soul was trying to grab the handsome male in front of her.

When the Demon Prince didn't receive any response from the girl who was looking a little shaken as her eyes turned a little dreamy, he didn't know what to do.

At a point, Li Ming even swayed a little, and his hands immediately reached out to balance her.

The cold-hearted Prince who was rumored to dislike the very mention of the word woman, first time touched a lady and immediately regretted.

On the other hand, the warm and happy feeling that took over Li Ming as two hands, Hei Long's hands, touched her shoulders immediately informed her about what was going on.

As Hei Long tried to jerk his hand away, somehow his hand slightly touched the bare skin of her wrist, eliciting a sharp gasp from Li Ming and a curse from his mouth.

What a contrast!

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