One special friend. (Male aut...

By fearmegu

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not paying attention where he was going. a 18 autistic human falls through a portal , Blitz deices to take hi... More

Enter Y/n
meeting Millie and Moxxie
Murder family
Loo loo land
hanging with Octavia
Spring broken
a date with a Hellhound.
What are you Thankful for
Helluva Christmas
Truth seekers
Queen bee
Meeting Revenant
Loonie, I shrunk your boyfriend
Valentine date
seeing stars

harvest moon festival

3.2K 52 76
By fearmegu

A/n: New chapter enjoy

In the morning, in Loona's and Y/n's apartment, Y/n is sleeping peacefully on top of Loona since she wasn't wearing any close.  He could feel her fur against his chest. Loona was on her phone, not caring if her boyfriend was on top of her, She looked down at him from her Phone smiles how adorable he is. brushes his hair, seeing his eyes, and gives a licked his cheek.

Loona: So adorable, I don't know how a human won me over, but a special human that is.

Y/n slowly groans wake due to her doggy lick. he tiredly smirked as he fingers her belly button, making her moaned, puffing out her chest.

Loona: *pouts* You always get me there even if I'm not in human disguised.

Y/n chucks kisses her on her lips as she returns the favor before things can get heated between the two. Their moments were ruined. As Loona's phone ranged. She groans, to see it was blitzo. 

Loona: Grr.. What!

Blitz: Hey sweetie, we are going to the wrath for the harvest moon festival for stolas. And we need to get ready.

Loona: *sigh* Fine.

Blitz: Also, take Y/n with you! Octavia, I would want to see him again.

Loona: Okay bye * she hangs up* Fuck! righ when we are about to have another round Too.

Y/n gently pets her back, rubbing it up and down calming her down which it was working. She turns to him. He manages to crack a smile from her.

Y/n: It's fine babe, we can always have sex when we get back, Or at what is a wrath. if it's like earth we can always have sex in there barn

Loona sees where he's going with this loving the Idea.

Loona: The wrath is, just like the farms on Earth but except the animals Down here are mostly meat eaters, So basically It won't be really safe and there sports are really dangerous.

Y/n: awe gotcha, * pets her head* If it makes you feel Better we can always have sex in a barn or some where when it's private.

Loona blushes never thought of having sex in another place other then Here, she leans over to him licks his entire face. having her Drool all over him. 

Loona: Oh I'm so.. not holding back.

Y/n blinks gives her the stank eye. She catches it, she thought back of the Doggy kiss she gave him.

Loona: Babe, lets be reasonable. here.

He pokes her belly button, starts doing circles around her navel making her laugh as he tickles her. He then turns her around, Picks up her feet.

Loona: No no no, Not my feet!

He starts to tickle her, hellhound feet making her squeal even louder, as she was kicking her other free feet pounding her fist to the pillows.

Loona: Fuck! Your not going get away with this, ha ha ha! Please we have to get ready!

Y/n stops tickling her, as she begins to calm down.

Loona: Oh that was so good, * playfully glares at him.*  Now I know I'm going to get you back when we do have sex in a barn.

They both get up from the bed, Got in dress, Y/n remembered, the cowboy outfit, Millie got him when she went out of town for a day. he goes over their closet as Loona was in the shower getting every thing. ready for today, Y/n was looking for a cowboy hat to wear. As Loona got out of the bathroom. Y/n Turned around to see her in a new outfit he never seen her in, his jaws dropped as She notices it

Loona chuckles at his expression, If she was being honest this was the outfit she wanted him to see.

Loona: Someone, is happy to see me with this on

Y/n shakes his thoughts off, as he slowly walks up to her, tilted his cowboy hat down to her, making a cowboy accent. as He wraps his arms around her waist making her blush. he blushed as well.

Y/n: Hello pretty lady, * Loona blushes as her tail wrapped around them* that's a cute out fit you got there. makes you sexier.

Loona: * Chuckles at his impression*  Well, Your out fit makes you super hot. 

She trails a finger down his chest, making him shiver to her touch, as He slides don his hands into her shorts. rubbing her ass Up and down. as the two went for a kiss. 

Y/n: we still have time, on our hands before the others get here, we could, do a make out session.

Loona takes his hat puts it on her head, as ears were making her adorable. she slings her head back. as She then kisses him again rubbing his man chest.

Loona: I like the way, You think.

The two leans over, with there mouths connecting, Y/n's hands were exploring her body, as he his arms all over her body. Loona was doing the same thing Y/n then jumps up, wraps his legs around her front legs as the two were moaning and groaning. Tongues wrestling.  The moment was ruined when they heard a honk. Y/n got down.

Y/n: Does that me there here.

Loona: *annoyed* Yep.

They both hold hands Y/n puts his cowboy hat back on, walks down the stairs to the Van. They got to the van They were greeted by Millie.

Millie: Oh my stars, Y/n You just looking darn adorable!

Y/n: Thanks, Millie.

He sits Besides Blitzo. Loona then sat on his lap pulling her phone out, taking a selfie with them in cowboy gear.  She Looks at it.

Loona: This is so going on my wall paper.

Y/n shakes his head. Starts to scratch her back Blitzo drives of, making the van Shake and her tail wagged.

Blitz: For fuck sakes, Y/n! Your going to get us killed Before we get there!

Since it was going to be another long ride, Loona deiced to turn around kisses him on the lips, Just like with thanksgiving the two then went into  another make out session

Blitz: Hey! I'm driving here, can't see with a bushy tail and with all the Moaning.

Moxxie: Don't you two there are others in the car. for fucking.

Loona separates from, Y/n takes a breather,

Loona: Go sit on a Dick Moxxie.

Moxxie: You go sit on a dick.

Loona gives him a smug look, raises her middle finger at him, Pissing him off even more, not giving a shit.

Loona: IF you can't tell, Fat ass, I'm already on one.

Y/n laughs at the joke and So Did Blitzo, as he was speeding through the highway on the way to the wrath.

Blitz: She's got you there Moxxie, His dick is way bigger then yours. and I should know.

Loona then gets suspicious about that, As Y/n forgot to tell her about the security cameras in her room.

Loona: How the fuck do you know, That!

Blitzo is staring down the road, as Sweat was going down. Y/n then whispers into her ear making her eyes widened.

Loona: You have cameras in My fucking apartment! and you have fucking watching us having Sex! Your just sick! 

Blitz: *turns To Y/n while driving* Oh come On, Y/n I'm on your side!

Loona she then turns back To Y/n with lustful smile, giving him a big kiss on the lips leaving her lipstick on imprinted on his lips.

Y/n: Now that was a kiss.

Loona: Yep! remind me to kick, Blitz's ass after the car ride.

Blitzo then widen his eyes, as he feared about what happened last time, Like with the tracker on her phone, He had a lot of broken bones that day.

Blitz: Just drive slowly, And everything well be okay.

Loona then snarls at Blitz.

Loona: Drive faster!

Blitz: Okay!

meanwhile in the back seat, Millie tapped Moxxie on the shoulder, to get takes out the paper that says Y/n's name on it was adopted paper.

Millie: Should we tell him now.

Moxxie looked over to see Y/n and Loona taking  a nap with Loona's head on top of his shoulder.

Moxxie: Wait until the festiveal is over sweetie.

He drives off to he farm.

I.m. P  arrived at the wrath to see older Imps, doing farm work. Y/n felt nervous he never met before. Millie was the first to rush out. really happy

Millie: Mama! Daddy!

she rushes over to hugged her If Y/n had to guess was her parents as He got out of the Van with Loona standing beside him, He sees Her father picked her up spinning. 

Joe:  Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?

Y/n had tears coming out of his eye wishing his parents were like that to him, Loona notices it puts a paw around he looked to her wrapped return the hug.

Loona: Yeah, It does hurt to see her with good parents like that.

Y/n: Yeah better then mine abusing me like that, I'm just lucky you guys entered my life.

Loona chuckles as they both gave each other a kiss.

Loona: Us too. babe.

Just then Millie gets done introducing Moxxie and BLitzo. Y/n then step behind Loona nervous about meeting her parents.

Millie: Y/n you can come out, My parents are nice folks.

Y/n took a deep breath walked out from behind loona her parents were shocked.

Joe: a human! What in Tarntion is one doing down here.

Millie: ma PA this our co-worker a human  Y/n and my boss's Hellhound

Lin: you have a human working for you.

Loona put her hands on her hip glares at her, offended 

Loona: Hey, he's not just a human. And I'm not just

Blitz: Yeah! * Pulls Y/n and loona closer together* she's also his girlfriend. She also my daughter!

Loona sighs annoyed.

Loona: Only on paper. *pulls out smartphone and begins typing* Y'all don't deserve to know my name

Y/n was about to say something when Loona covered his mouth, making him look up at her confused on why they don't deserve her name.

Loona: *whispers* I don't really know them that well, so I'm keeping my name private.

Y/n nods She then lets go of his uncover his mouth, Only to get a kiss on the cheek. Making her blush. as He leans back on her. 

Loona: I didn't say!

She sees him relaxed, smiles at her Boyfriend leaning his back on her belly she wraps her tail around him keeping him comfortable. as the grown ups started talking. starts typing back on her phone again.

Blitz: It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory *shoves Moxxie away* that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a *playfully elbows Millie* sturdy bitch!

Joe: *chuckles* That we did! So... Blitzo, is it? Heh heh. That's a fine name.

Blitzo and Joe shake hands.

Lin: It reminds me of war.

Joe: *sighs happily* Nothing like a little war to make a strong man! *flexes bicep*

Blitz: I like you people.

Moxxie: Y'know... more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively, and it's inspiring how... for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative...

Millie makes a "cut it out" motion with her hands. Joe crosses his arms.

Moxxie: I mean... *deep, awkward voice*  War fun!

Joe: Guns get the job done... but a man ain't nothin' if he can't tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare... hands!

Blitzo: HAAAA! He's right, Moxxie! *speaks baby talk * You got cute wittle baby hands like your baby dick!

Blitzo grabs Moxxie's hand and reaches toward his crotch. Moxxie slaps his arm away.

Moxxie: Refrain... sir.

Joe:  Speakin' of strong hands, y'all should meet our newest help. Hey! Striker!

Just then Y/n something like a horse galloping, he turns away from Loona Black flaming hooves clop rapidly on the ground. An Imp's spiky tail whips a black horse flank. An Imp wearing a cowboy hat rides a black hell horse with a fiery mane. The horse leaps over a fence. The horse rears up and roars in front of the group. Striker tips his hat in greeting, a stalk in his mouth.

Striker: Well, howdy! Oh, lookie here! You must be the famous Mildred!

Striker gets off his horse walks over to Millie.

Striker: Heard some good things about you from your folks, little lady. *winks*

Millie: Ohhh! *laughs sheepishly*

Striker shakes Millie's hand.

Striker: What're y'all doin' so far away from Imp City? Heh. The free workin' finally slowin' down?

Millie: Oh, no! Freelance isn't free! It's a--... Never mind. We're just visitin' for the festival. The prince is our boss' *in a dramatic voice* boyyyyfrieeeend!

Blitz: Millie, I am not above hitting a female in front of her daddy.

Y/n gets off Loona walks over to Blitzo.

Y/n: But Would you do it if she was a human.

Blitz looked at Millie, the back at Y/n and Her family as he was looking for a answer even Loona who was typing on her phone, Looked up wanting to know if he would still do it they weren't even a target.

Blitz: Umm, That's different are human woman are just like cats, They always take adventage over you

Y/n: That's one way to describe it.

Striker walks up to Y/n

Striker:  Well I'll be damn, A Human in hell, how did you get your self down here.

Y/n feeling a little uncomfortable with him being around.

Y/n: Lets just say, I ran or fell Into a portal, found myself in a room with Four friendly demons.

Blitz: He's one our best employees and the nicest human we met so far.

Loona didn't need to say anything she knew who Y/n was talking about she notice a barn remember to got an idea. 

Striker: Boss, huh...? Ohhh, so YOU'RE the bold imp to start his own killing biz?

Blitzo: Yeah, well if you're good at somethin', you should probably capitalize.

Striker: Not many Imps start businesses on their own. That's pretty impressive, sir.

Blitz: Oh...! Yeah? It is-- I- I- I guess- I guess it is, isn't it?

Striker: So you even conned that ditzy blueblood into gettin' you to the surface?

Striker and Blitzo shake hands.

Blitz: Well, it's long and complicated, but the short answer is yes. But he's not like, you know-- W- We're y- We're not, like... We're not doing it... We w- What's betw- It's a transactional fucking, you see.

Blitzo makes a sexual motion with his hands. as Y/n was snuggling into Loona's shoulder as she wraps a arm around his shoulder as he life  his hand scratching her back under her jacket. making her feel relaxed  being here that was the one thing he was glad for him.

Joe: Y'know... you boys should enter the Pain Games!

Blitzo scuttles sideways over to Joe.

Blitz: I heard games! What games? I'm in!

Lin: Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Wrath!

Millie crosses her arms and pouts.

Millie: Yeah! Wish I could play!

Lin: Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in fifteen separate funerals.

Millie: I'm aware, but I only caused nine of them! How come still gets to compete?

Lin: Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood head count.

Millie: She so does!

A female Imp wearing a red and white checkers Bandana, leaning against a fence with two bars in the middle. 

Sallie May: (sing-song voice) It doesn't count if they don't find the bodyyyyyy!

Millie seethes.

Lin: Still, you get to root for her and your brothers, and now you can cheer on your boss!  as I heard you say before Who is this cutie.

Lin walks up to Y/n scratches his chin making him uncomfortable He walks back over to Loona, who had just looked up from her phone, snarls at her. she puts her phone back in her pocket, wrapping her arms around him. he calms down.

Loona: Back off Bitch! He's my man!

Lin: Oh really, How did a human won over Bitchy hellhound like you.

Loona: Oh that is fucking it!

She stomps over to Lin about to put her in her place, But Y/n holds her back by scratching her ears, as Tongue starts to stick out.

Loona: Ooh yeah that is the spot right there!

Millie: Lin leave them alone! It's clearly you haven't learn from the last man you fucking stole from me. before Moxxie. and He's perfect for Loona.

Moxxie puts a hand on Lin's shoulder.

Moxxie: Y'know, she can also cheer for me.

Joe: *wheeze-laughs and slaps his leg* ...Wait, you?

Moxxie: Yeah! I can compete, can't I?

Lin elbows him hard in the side. Moxxie tears up in pain.

Joe: Sorry, boy. But, I don't think sensitive, thespian types would last very long in the games.

Moxxie: I was born here, too! *drawls* I have some fight in me!

Striker puts a hand on Moxxie's shoulder.

Striker: Huh. Well then, little fella... Why don'tcha help me wrangle one o' them hogs for dinner?

Striker mentions to a large sleeping hell hog in a pigpen.

Moxxie: Simple. Watch me!

Striker grins and hands Moxxie a dagger and rope.

Striker: Nah... with these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife underneath and pry yourself an openin'.

Moxxie gulps.

Moxxie: Oh! Right, right. I knew that.

Blitzo leans in toward Moxxie and grabs his shoulders. Moxxie's eyes twitch.

Blitzo: Now, just remember, your rep with the in-laws is on the line here! So, no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life. Go get 'em, tiger.

Blitzo shoves Moxxie forward.

Moxxie: Ohhh.

Millie: Mox, you don't need to do this!

Blitz: Oh, he totally does. KICK ITS ASS, MOXXIE! YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Blitzo cheers as Moxxie enters the pen. He nervously walks forward, knife in hand. Moxxie leaps forward and wraps the rope around the hog's neck. He moves the knife down and it strikes harmlessly against the hog's hide. The hog roars and runs around, trying to buck Moxxie off.

Blitz: FUCK yeah, Moxxie! Ride it, Moxxie! Make it that bitch you won't call back in the morning!

Loona grins and records a video on her phone. as Y/n was being a good person cheering Moxxie on as he was hugging his girlfriend from behind.

Loona: This is fucking beautiful.

Blitz: Doin' great, Moxxie! *whispers to Loona* Send me that video later.

Millie watches in concern as Moxxie yelps and looks up. Striker leaps and pushes him out of the way. Striker twirls the dagger in his hand and lifts it in the air with a smug grin. He brings down the knife and slaughters the hog. Y/n on the other hand was terrified of Striker as he walked out w

Moxxie rubs his neck.

Moxxie: Ow... My clavicle!

Striker stands over Moxxie, his spade tail rattling like a snake.

Striker: Don't worry, little one... You never stood a chance.

Striker walks away with the dead hog over his shoulder. Moxxie growls at him.

Striker: Hey, boss man! You wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?

Blitz: Oh, I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!

Loona walking from behind with Y/n walking beside her smiling typing on her phone posting the video online on her sinstagram.

Loona: That's what she said!

Blitz: What "who said"? Wait, what bitch is talking shit about me?!

Y/n ignoring Blitzo and his randomness then notices the barn, He was bored so he deicied to go to the barn to explore and also getting away from striker as possible. Loona notices him walking away.

Loona: Hey where you going, The group is that way.

Y/n: Not really want to be near Striker, he's giving me some bad vibes.

Loona could tell He was telling the truth, when ever someone made Y/n feel uncomfortable He walks away, or just go to Loona he trusts her the most, even Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie, They both made a promise to make Y/n feel safe. Loona looked over to the group having the pain game competition, She wasn't really interested in it anyways.

Loona: Wait for me.

She fallows him inside the barn as He sits down laying in a stack of hay, Loona does the same her tail sticks out. She sensed how Y/n was being nervous around Striker when he showed up

Loona: You okay? You didn't say anything when striker showed up, well when he introduced himself to us.

Y/n: *sigh* He was just giving me this, weird vibe I get around before I got here I would get this weird feeling when I'm around sketchy people Like Striker.

Loona: Weird how.

Y/n: Like the Villain type of weird.

Loona couldn't think of anything else to say as she lays down next to her boyfriend. as he wraps his whole body on top of her. catching her by surprised.

Y/n: Ha caught my self a hellhound!

Loona rolled her eyes.

Loona: Oh no! What ever shell I do.

She gets a sneaky grin, leans over to Y/n giving him a kiss on the lips, he does the same, as tongue enters both of there mouths started to wrestle. Y/n slips his hand under her checker jacket.  making her Moan.

Loona: Oooh, Is someone wanting to have fun time with a little old me.

Y/n sticks his hand into her shorts gives  getting the strap of her panties her a wedgie, as it drags between making her yelp in a good way. ears perked up.

Y/n: Does that answer your question.

Loona: Yep! 

Loona goes over to the barn doors closes them for their private time.

Kinky Lemons alert

Loona leans Into y/n giving him a pressure Kiss, making him fall back on the hay, as her tongue enters his mouth. Making him moaned as he trailed his hands to her ass, squeezing them making her moan as he returns the same his was winning. Drool comes out of there mouths. 

Loona: mmm now that is

Y/n: savior the moment.

He then kisses her back, Pushing her down on her back, as he grabs her checker jacket short sleeve. takes it off.

Loona: Stripping, alright lets make this the best ones out of the sex we have.

Loona takes out pair of hand cuffs gives it to Y/n.

Loona: How about we get Kinky.

Y/n Blushes as she wanted this, to happened. He grabs the and cuffs Loona lifts up her wrist, as she whispers. Her tail swifts

Loona: Make it tight so I can't break free

Y/n: Wrist or Feet.

Loona: Of fuck, defiantly my wrist!

He cuffs her hands lifts them up. as She tests it, it was hellhound break proofed alright, Y/n then leans down to kiss her lips starts to lick her neck making her moaned. once he got to her chest, he remembered his girlfriend hates Bras.

Loona: You don't need to ask me, every time we have sex, Just lift up my shirt.

Y/n: Did what she says.

He goes by the tip of her tank top, lifts it up, to see He tits sticking out hard, she was already turned on, He leans down to her making her moaned. Licking her nipple while the other was groping the other making her moaned.

Loona: Mmm, Y/n just like always keep doing that.

Y/n grunts he was getting hellhound milk out of her jugs inside his mouth like they were his toys. he started circling her boob with his one of his hand while the other went into her shorts and Panties, rubbing her pussy making her moaned louder.

Loona: Two at once, That's the first time you done it.

Y/n lets go of her tits.

Y/n: These are amazing, like always. 

He then lowers down to her shorts starts to Pull them down to her knees, showing her panties. Loona bites down her teeth. he slips down into them, he could feel her Pussy being wet. as he rubs it making her squeal. lucky the others are doing the competition Well Moxxie is.

Loona: AHHHH! my sensitive down there, Ooh Keep rubbing it!

He does what she ask as he takes his hand out, starts to tase her juice they tasted sweet, as he drops down his pants his dick come flying out, Making Loona look at it.

Loona: Woof, Woof. that for me you shouldn't have.

Y/n: just for you babe and only you.

Loona: awe that's the most fucking sweetest thing I heard from you.

Y/n then strips down her panties, to her knees starts to stick his tongue into her Pussy, starts to Lick it, her womb opens up as his tongue went down Deeper. Loona eyes shot up as he was going to town on her pussy. Y/n kept getting good spot after spot, making her pant like a dog with her big tongue sticking out.

Loona: Oh fuck yes thats the spot, * shit you cleaning out my pussy*

Tenison starts to build up in side her as she feels cum about to come out of her. She looks down at Y/n.

Loona: Babe, I'm about to cum!

Y/n: do it! Do it on my face.

Loona chuckles. as She grins with excitement at him as her tail was wagging and ears perked up. looking down at him she playfully glares at him.  Her hands opened wide

Loona: Okay You ask for it Ahh!

White cum squirts all over Y/n's face most of it got in his mouth she had the best juice of all time.

Y/n: You taste great.

Loona pants looks up at him.

Loona: Oh that is so thought full of you. * stops resting*  Now it's my turn.

Y/n does what she says, grabs the key unlocks her cuffs. she then grabs Y/n then flips him around on top of the hay stacks Lucky no animals were in the barn. As she cuff Y/n lifting his hands up shirt up. as Her tits was hanging down. she takes her shirt and shorts all the way off. To make it more interesting she puts her collar on Y/n's neck. She trails her finger down his chest.

Loona: who's the dog now!

Y/n chuckles as she got to his dick started giving him a blow job my stroking it with her hands causing Y/n to roll his head up.

Y/n: ohh babe that's the spot keep on pumping me out.

She then licks the tip of his dick, as she puts it in her mouth, plunging up and down like a plunger.  She takes it out.

Loona: Just the right size.

Y/n: Glad you are enjoying yourself.

Loona: OH I'm going to fucking enjoy this, from the last time we had sex.

She then puts it back in her mouth as she plunges her head up and down, and Bobbing her head She then deepthroat it, making her gag  a little Y/n then felt cum coming out of his dick.

Y/n: Babe, I'm about to cum!

Just like Y/n did, he came straight in her mouth she swallows it, as his juices drips from her jaws to the ground.

Loona: now that was the spot.

She then uncuffs Y/n as he pulls her to the ground, trialed his finger to her belly button starts to finger it. looking at her straight in her gorgeous eyes giving her a kiss with her cum still on his lips.

Y/n: Ready for the main course.

Loona then rolls over on her belly sticking her ass in the air, raising her tail to show her asshole.

Loona: You don't have fucking to tell me twice.

Y/n sticks his dick in her asshole starts to Pump into it, as she grunts and moans as her white ass, starts to jiggle up and down.  

Loona: Ooh fuck, shit shit shit! Keep pumping me * Shit he's tearing my ass, I might not walk for another minute.* Smacking her ass*  eep! That's right smack me like a horse!

Y/n then started to feel tension coming from him.

Y/n: Babe I'm about to cum.

Loona: Then do it cum inside my ass hole, don't worry about me getting prego, I took a pill.

Y/n nods as he releases his cum inside her asshole, Loona then feel relax after Y/n pulls his dick out, collapse besides Loona  she turns to him.

Loona: This is the sex I won't forget. * shit this one nearly destroyed, me But still the best sex of my life, should of met him when i had the chance!*

kinky Lemons end.

After there sex session, Y/n rubbed her cheeks with cum on it, making her Loona does the same to him.

Y/n: I love you, Babe.

He scratches her ear.

making her tail wag.

Loona: I love you too.

Once they were feeling all rested up, Loona grabbed some spare panties she took with them put them on. she turns to Y/n stands up with his pants pulled up.

Loona: I'm going go get cleaned up, You go see how the others are doing.

Y/n: Okay babe.

He slaps her rear, making her giggle.

Loona: Keep that up, and You would have me for seconds.

They both walked out of the barn, once Y/n was close to the bleachers he couldn't fine Millie and Moxxie. He notices Blitzo. was about to walk up to him to see where everyone is. But then he felt a dart, He pulls it out, turns round to see striker, smiling evily.

Striker: Nighty night Human.

Y/n goes down to the ground on his back, cowboy hat falls off. Striker picks him up, carries him to the house, where he's going to Kill Stolas.

Moments Later, Y/n woke up all bruised up, looking around panicking, gagged up he looked to see Striker. laughing evily.

Striker: Morning sleeping Beauty.

Y/n widened his eyes and fear, as he was calling for help but he was in a closet not knowing what to do.

Y/n: Mmm mm 

Striker takes out a knife, makes Y/n's hand a little making drawing blood.

Striker: Nah I'll do you last, Stolas the main price, Your just a secondary. but I guess I could torture you a bit.

He the tears Y/n clothes and Pants making holes. Y/n was in tears hoping His imps Or Loona could find him.

Y/n: * Loona, Blitzo anyone please help.*

Outside the House, Loona was fully clean as she was looking around looking for Y/n. She went over to Millie and Moxxie to see Where Y/n went. Blitzo was gone too.

Loona: Y/n, where are you!

She notice Y/n's hat On the ground she then starts to panics.

Loona: Shit FUCK! where could he run off to he would never leave this behind. 

She picks it up and sniffs it.

Back inside the house, Y/n was tied up being tortured By Striker, with cuts all over him bleeding.

Striker: oh It's time.

He takes out his case, takes out a holy sniper, he aims it at stolas who was on stage right now.  as He was about to shoot. a Gun went off. Y/n turned to see Blitzo standing by him pissed off.

Blitz: Uh, excuse me? The FUCK?!

Striker turns around. looking nervously.

Striker: Bliiiitzo! I thought you were still at the ceremony!

Blitz: You thought I wanted to stand around with a buncha hillbillies excited about corn n' shit with a thirsty owl on stage?!

He then notice Y/n tied up and gagged to a chair.

Blitz: and don't think I saw you shoot a sleeping dart at Y/n Dick move,  Cow dick

Striker then stands on his feet, having a stand off between him and Blitzo, Blitz is being careful not to get Y/n in the cross fire. he kicks the the chair to the door behind him but it was close.

Striker:  Huh. And now you seem disappointed in me.

Blitzo glares at him deadly.

Blitz:  Yeaaaaah. Well, I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to Earth behind my back. and Kidnapping some one who touched my heart ever since the first Fucking day he got here!

Striker: Blitzo, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. And you were so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords.

striker walks around Blitzo. Blitzo's eyes move and he appears conflicted. He aims his gun as Striker moves in the shadows Y/n was groaning in pain lucky the cuts weren't deep enough Striker was probably going to do it anyway.

Striker: Why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you? When you could partner up with me and kill... the unkillable?

Striker pins a frightened Blitzo against the wall. making Y/n worry for him as he was struggling trying to break free. as he hear striker talk.

Striker:  Starting with the one that treats you like a plaything?

Blitzo then gets a grin look on his face making Y/n gagged wishing the tape wasn't on his mouth. 

Outside, Loona was searching for Y/n as worry as her ears flattened down, gritted her teeth, She called out to him, she even tried calling him on her phone. She then gets in idea, But hears a whistle ears perked up, coming from the house Y/n was in.  she sniffs the hat, picked up Y/n's sent it led to the house. She picked up the paste as Y/n could be in trouble.

Inside the house Striker was about to End Blitzo when Moxxie ambushed him but failed as Y/n sees the knife hops over to It to grab it, Blitzo whistles for Loona doesn't get a response. 

Blitz: Ugh, fuckin' damn it, Loona.

Striker: It's a damn shame, Blitzo. We might actually've made a good team... Ah well

Blitzo swings his foot under Striker and trips him. Blitzo kicks Striker away, causing him to drop his rifle, which Moxxie grabs. Blitzo races toward Striker and knock his head with a lamp. He lands punches at his face and swipes his tail at him. Blitzo uses his tail to toss Striker to the side. Moxxie fires a warning shot near Striker's head. Blitzo and Moxxie close in on Striker and Blitzo pulls out his pistol, Y /n widened his eyes now seeing Blitz in trouble, He gets the knife cuts the manages to cut the rope, To set him free. 

 Striker: I still think it's embarrassing. You're wastin' a lot of potential relyin' on a weak little--

Y/n then  jumps out of the chair, throws the knife at Striker hitting him in the shoulder. Striker yelps in pain. 

Blitz: Shit nice throw, Kid.

Striker: Vermin!

He stabs Y/n in the arm with his tail, making Y/ cry in pain blood starts to drip. Moxxie widened his eyes. Blitzo was Livid.

Moxxie/Blitz: Y/n!

Just then the door Kicks opened to reveal Loona, at the entrance.

Loona: Y/n! You in here.

She looks down at him on the ground holding his arm, with blood gushing out of his arm, she panics.

Loona: Y/n! * rushes to his aid* please stay with me.* tears was coming out of her eyes*

She snarls at Striker jumps out of the window making his escaped, she then looks down at Y/n hoping he would be okay.

Loona: Please stay with me!

Moxxie rushes to get Y/n some pain killers y/n took them it stopped the bleeding, as Loona was crying into his chest stopping on his arm. Blitz showing sympathy to there human.

Y/n: Loona I'm okay.

Loona sighed in relief.

Loona: Sorry I didn't make it.

Y/n uses his un hurt arm, rubs her face making her calmed down. the two kiss,  Blitzo stares out the window Striker escaped from.

Once everyone was outside, Octavia heard what happened rushes over to hug Y/n not hurting his hurt arm while Loona was holding him in her arms. As Moxxie packs the luggage back to the van.

Lin: I can't believe you let him trap you, Millie! Haven't we taught you better?

Millie: I was seein' red, Ma! And he was slippery!

 Lin: Excuses! You're better than that, Mildred!

While the Imps were talking Y/n grunts in pain as the arm Stolas healed up was going to be completely heal for the next 3 weeks. 

Loona: You okay babe?

Y/n: Sorry for worrying you babe,

using his other unhurt arm, rubbing her back.

Loona: It's not your fault babe, The Cow fuck, caught us both off guard, and i'm sorry not getting to you on time.

Y/n Kisses her on the lips, the two melt.

Y/N: No matter what happens, we well always be together.

Loona sits on his lap. tail flapping 

Loona: fuck yeah we are

Millie and Moxxie walked up to Them, with a paper behind her back, with a huge smile on her face making Y/n confused.

Y/n: What's with the grins

Millie took a deep breath.

Millie: Y/n ever since you came to are office that day, after we killed some mugger, on earth, You have impacted me, well Not just me and us due to your autistic, You have touched all of our hearts, with that Me and Moxxie have deiced to adopt you.

Y/n was forming tears coming out of his eyes, as Loona got off of him, crossing her arms she knows what that is like, Blitzo smiles at the scene. Stolas and Octavia almost cried to all of this. as Y/n rushes over to his new mom and Dad. Catching them off guard, but returns it.

Y/n: Thank you, both of you, that's the best news I heard all day.

Moxxie: Can't believe I'm saying this but welcome to the family Y/n.

A/n:  alright thats it for this chapter, this one was a tough decision, I had to make, at first I wanted it to be Stolas, to adopt Y/n but at the same time Millie worked to, so at then end I made Millie since she's like a protective mom to me. the next chapter might be a Christmas  special or the truth seeker 

Also,  6.7k reads and 140 votes man I had no idea this book would get popular fast thanks guys yall rock.

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