Star Wars Shadow of Evil

Door theillusiveman6

898 29 24

what if Darth Sidious didn't exist in the Star Wars Galaxy what if a different entity took his place? This s... Meer

Part 1 Naboo
Part 2 The Queen
Part 3 past and future
Part 4 swoop bike racing
Part 5 loading
Part 6 travel
Part 8 spy vs Sith
Part 9 senator

Part 7 dichotomy

111 3 3
Door theillusiveman6

Third person Pov

Jedi Temple Coruscant

The years have been slightly kind to the shadow as he moved through the Jedi Temple Marik was on his second term as the Supreme Chancellor. Dorian had been elevated to coach Chancellor of the Republic. Dorian's appointment had not gone completely unnoticed by the Jedi he was slightly happy that he had some of the Jedi's support mainly Mace Windu's support along with a few other Jedi Council Members. Despite the Jedi's belief in not getting involved in politics, they do like to pick their favorites Dorian had noticed this early on. But being the coach Chancellor put Dorian in the best place possible he would be the military strategist when the war broke out. Dorian smiled internally as he walked towards the balcony looking down at a training session with other padawans. His little brother had been born and had been given up to the Jedi because of his Force sensitivity. Dorian's visit to the temple hadn't been to see his little half-brother it had been to see Anakin as he looked down at the padawan's training he noticed Anakin going through the motions of form five lightsaber combat he was dueling a training Droid surrounded by other younglings. The boy definitely had skills and the boy was also becoming more talented as the years went on. But that being stated the boy also was hiding his real gift the gift of Fury and rage. Anakin went through the motions of his lightsaber combat Obi-Wan Mace Windu and the Supreme Chancellor approached the balcony to watch the display. Mace Windu and Obi-Wan were speaking directly to the Supreme Chancellor I was transfixed on Anakin. Anakin changed the programming of the Droid midcombat and the droids then resembled Darth Maul. Even though the Droid had a dual-bladed weapon Anakin quickly dissected the Droid I could just barely make out what Obi-Wan was saying.

Obi-Wan- Anakin has been asking me for weeks about my duel with the Sith Lord on Naboo asking me technique and also asking me speed. I had thought that it was merely the Curiosity of a boy but this I had never expected this.

Dorian quickly turned to look at the two Jedi and the Supreme Chancellor.

Dorian- I see nothing completely wrong with this a young man wanting to seek the approval of his betters. I wouldn't dissuade this kind of training in fact I would find it most intriguing.

Marik- I'm hoping my son is making similar strides in his training.

Mace- he is adjusting to life it was right of your wife to give him her last name rather than yours simply to make sure that no complications during his upbringing here.

Marik smiled at the Jedi Master

Marik- as always Master Jedi I thank you for your candor.

Just then Anakin ripped two lightsabers away from younglings pointing it directly at them in a threatening way. As quickly as the boy's anger had shown it disappeared retreating back into the deepest corners of his heart Obi-Wan quickly had jumped down to stop Anakin from doing anything. Dorian took the opportunity to walk down to speak with Anakin.

Obi-Wan- Anakin we've been through this before you're letting your emotions get the better of you.

Anakin had just turned 14 no more than a few months ago but already he was showing signs of what he would be in his adult life. Dorian smiled internally to himself he was absolutely a terrible Jedi but perhaps he would be a perfect Sith he was now the correct age to take.

Anakin- I'm sorry Master I

Dorian- Master Kenobi if I could interject just a little bit.

Anakin and Obi-Wan turned to face Dorian. Obi-Wan slightly inclined his head as the coach Chancellor of the Republic made his way into the area.

Dorian- if you wouldn't mind perhaps Anakin could spend some time with me I could show him more of the Galaxy I wouldn't be taking him off world of course. I would simply be showing him other things outside the temple allow him to cool his head and gain a different perspective.

Obi-Wan looked at Dorian this hadn't been the first time that he had done this. If Obi-Wan was being truthful he didn't like the fact that it always seemed like Dorian was going out of his way to undermine Anakin's training. He didn't raise objections Anakin and Dorian were friends Anakin in a real sense looked at Dorian as an older brother. But still, there was more to this than meets the eye and Obi-Wan was certain of it. Just then Mace Windu came down the staircase along with the Supreme Chancellor.

Mace- what do you intend to do while Anakin's out with you?

Dorian turned to regard to Jedi Master.

Dorian- I simply want to show Anakin Coruscant itself and for him to cool off

Dorian could see the look in Mace Windu's eyes the Jedi Master was going to relent to his request if not begrudgingly. Dorian looked to his foster father the man was weak months of meditation had allowed Dorian to take periodic control of the Supreme Chancellor in order to move forward certain bills that had to be pushed. It was only a matter of time before The Supreme Chancellor's office was as powerful as it had been during the times of the Old Republic.

Mace- you have our permission but Anakin has to be back at the temple for lights out.

Dorian inclined his head in a bow of respect to the Jedi Master.

Dorian- it will be as you Command Master Windu.

Dorian and Marik left the Jedi Temple returning quickly to the Senate Office Building that had just been constructed. Although Dorian didn't stay at the Senate building he did have an office that was just as big as the Supreme Chancellor's office which he was quite happy with the wall-to-wall red carpeting suited him he had also gone out of his way to hang up his antiques a lot of them being Sith in origin but only a small handful of people knew that and only a very small number of Jedi historians would know that. However, this wasn't his main office he didn't like to be in the Senate building his sister had never quite liked the fact that she had been told off by him and she still on many occasions tried to search the office unsuccessfully. But there was something else that was bothersome dorian's Foster mother had also started trying to retrace his steps she wanted to find out about his childhood where he had originally come from. The woman along with most of the family would have to be dealt with it would only be a matter of time. As Dorian was walking towards his office he noticed his sister his little little sister by his office door being held in place by his Red Guard.

Dorian- serene what brings you here?

Serene turned her head to look at her older brother.

Serene- I'm part of the Senate internship I represent Naboo Padmé Amidala is asking if you are still available for your appointment tomorrow afternoon? 

Dorian had almost forgotten that he had to see the young woman it had been years since he had actually spoken with her face to face. In fact, the last time he had spoken to her she had still been Naboo's Teenage Queen but now she was a Senator and the same age as him. He had remembered the conversations he had had with Anakin when the boy had first come to the Jedi Order and how he had thought about her since the day he left Naboo a plan formed in his mind instantly.

Dorian- yes by all means let the senator know that I will be waiting for her at my usual building.

Serene looked at her older brother with a look of longing Dorian had long since associated this look with asking for permission for something.

Dorian- I'm leaving for my other office building if you would like to join me for tea while I wait for my guests to show up you're more than welcome to it's been awhile since we've been together as a family.

Serene smiled at Dorian the two of them quickly left both of them being flanked by Red guards they instantly took a shuttle to a newly constructed building. Serene didn't exactly like the building it seemed foreboding in a way.

Dorian had made this place his permanent office building and location. The structure was for all intents and purposes very beautiful but it was very foreboding there was something not quite right about it Serene didn't know how to put it into words. The two of them got off the ship and quickly went into the structure both of them took the turbo lift up the moment they got off more Red Guards surrounded them walking them towards the room that was Dorian's office.  The room itself was a mixture of black and gray architecture with a large window at the very end of it the chair and the large expanse of desk also was at the far end four other chairs were placed in front of the desk although lower. Dorian took a seat at the desk that almost seemed like a throne to Serene. What Dorian didn't know was that Serene had been working with Kallen to try to bring evidence against him of wrongdoing. However, what Serene didn't know was that the building they were in was completely and totally a black hole all communication devices and spyware devices were automatically sabotaged. The two of them started to drink tea as they sat down at one of the office's furnishings.

Dorian- so how's Mom doing these days I haven't heard much from her since I left.

Serene looked at her brother

Serene- she's fine she's gone a lot but she's doing okay.

Dorian takes a sip of his tea not taking his eyes off of his little sister.

Dorian- she has been leaving off the world quite a lot lately.

Serene looked at him somewhat questioning.

Dorian- part of my responsibilities of being co-chancellor is that I have to see the requests of security for other members of the Senate mother leaving the planet hasn't exactly been a secret for me Senate guards have to go with her all the time.

Serene- what happened between the two of you I mean I know you guys didn't get along a lot.... But we are family.

Dorian- yes we're family but sometimes families don't get along with each other due to unforeseen circumstances.

Dorian smiled at his little sister.

Dorian- but don't worry little sister you'll still always have a special place in my heart I promise.

Serene couldn't explain her reaction but she felt all of a sudden very cold and very disconnected. She was starting to see what Kallen meant by devoid of emotion. She didn't want to admit that her mother and her sister were right about her brother he had been nothing but kind to her since the day he came to live with them and he had been kind to her brothers it was just her older sister and mother that didn't like him.

Dorian- are you okay little sister you look very pale and slightly unwell.

Serene- I just I have a lot of responsibility you know. And I feel like some of my duties are making me a dishonest person or not making me feel honorable.

Dorian looked at her with a more sympathetic look.

Dorian- why would you feel that way little sister where you asked to do something dishonorable?

Serene didn't say anything instead sipped on her tea.

Dorian- Kallen asked you to spy on me, didn't she? 

Serene couldn't meet her brother's eyes and simply looked down at the ground.

Dorian- you don't need to confide the truth in me little sister but I'm very well aware of what's going on. I don't hold it against you nor do I find ill with Kallen. You're both doing what you believe is right and that's all that matters.

Serene- so you're not going to chase me away you're not angry at me.

Dorian- angry why would I be angry at you you're a victim in this you were manipulated by your own family to do something horrible and that's unfair.

Serene could feel her head swirling she felt dizzy she felt sick. What Dorian was saying made sense it made too much sense. She could see Dorian and her world seemed to be spinning around and around until her entire world went black.

Dorian looked down at his younger sister her unconscious body he had put too much pressure on her mind. He Shrugged he called one of his red guards over to have her take him back to the Senate Tower discreetly. But before Serene was taken back to the Senate building Dorian took from her a location Beacon he had a very suspicious feeling that Kallen was looking in on it. It was time to send a permanent message. With a small mental command, he called one of his allies Sate Pestage. Pestage entered the office immediately I gave him the Homing Beacon and showed him a hollow image of Kallen.

Dorian- set it up as a separatist assassination I don't care if it's through sniper rifle or poison but she's been a thorn in my side for too long it's time that it was removed.

Sate Pestage smiled in a very devious way.

Pestage- does it have to be public or can it be private? 

Dorian- I'm taking young Skywalker into the night District I'll carry the Homing Beacon with me you will follow me and with any luck she'll show up.

Pestage- I'm assuming you and the young boy will be disguised and excellent plan.

Dorian- I believe it's a good plan myself if it has to be done in private use poison but if you can do it in public set it up so that it is seen as a move by the separatists.

Pestage- it will be done my Lord.

Pestage bows his head and leaves the room no to have to grab the equipment that he needed. So in the end two things were going to get taken care of a political rival was going to get removed and a Troublesome family member was about to pave the way for more instability. But this outing was going to serve another purpose it was going to test Anakin's training if Anakin could be persuaded to leave the Jedi Order then his Sith training could begin immediately. However if he didn't leave that was just more time for him to learn. Dorian walked towards his desk and sat down on what was essentially is thrown and looked out at Galactic City. Anakin was already being Shackled by the Jedi Order they were already trying to restrict his powers it was obvious he was Stronger now all that remained was how much of a push would be needed. Dorian sat at his desk waiting for Anakin eventually the boy did come. Dorian smiled internally to himself.

Dorian's internal thoughts- let the first test begin.

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