Cureless (h.s)

By doersandbelievers

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"The worst part of loving a girl who is cureless isn't dealing with the hospital visits and the medication, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 20

62 3 0
By doersandbelievers

Sorry for the religious stuff in the last chapter of you don't practice Christianity.

Pretend the voice was her dad or something if you aren't Christian

Shane (left) and Joey (right) are off to the side

Carry on

Chapter 20:

Emily's POV

I woke up at around six am to Deb switching out my IV bag and writing down what my vitals were and whatever nurses do.

She smiled sheepishly at me when I opened my eyes. She apologized quietly, not wanting to wake up a sleeping Harry on the bed next to mine, and I assured her it was fine. I did get eleven hours of sleep.

She was pretty much done with her job when I woke up, so not after long I was left in my room to do nothing but think so I wouldn't wake up Harry. It was barely even light outside at this point and I really think he should get his sleep.

I picked up my phone from the small table beside me and went onto my messages to see who had texted me in the past few days.

Most were from my friends, even the ones who lived in America, asking if they could come over and visit. I replied to everyone saying that I would most likely be stuck here for another week without anything to do, so of course they could visit.

I also went on Twitter to see that most of my fans were concerned at the lack of videos I have been posting. I might've missed two days when I would regularly post videos up, so Twitter was going crazy. Some of my friends tried to cover it up by saying I've been busy and stressed out lately, which was true, so I tweeted out an apology.

@/Emily_Horan: sorry for disappearing for a week! I've been busy and stressed out and haven't had time to film
:( I promise a new vid very soon!

Not too long after I hit the send button, I got a call from Joey Graceffa. Trying to stay quiet, I answered it, "Hello?"

"Hi Em! So sorry to hear about the news. How are you feeling?" He asked in that energetic voice of his.

"I'm doing good. M' not really in any pain because of all these drugs they've got me on." I answered.

He laughed, "Great! So, I'm in the London area right now with Shane actually. We were wondering if we could come to stop in and visit you?" I could hear Shane yelling something in the background to let me know he was there as Joey spoke.

"Yeah, that would be great! Visiting hours start at eight so if you want to stop by then that would be awesome." I told him.

"Shane wants to know if the One Direction boys are gonna be there." Joey spoke quickly and I could hear Shane protesting in the background.

Smiling, I said, "Yes, all of them will be here. In fact, Harry is sleeping in the bed next to me right at this moment," I glanced over at the bed to my right and widened my eyes to see a head of blonde hair instead of brunette, "actually, that's Niall not Harry."

Joey started to laugh and I bit my lip as a grin formed on my face.

"Okay, I guess we'll see you in a couple hours. Bye Em!" I said goodbye back and took my phone away from my ear when I heard a beep signaling that he had ended the call.

I sat back in my bed and let out a sigh. I know for a fact that Niall will not be waking up in the next two hours by himself, so I just plan on getting him up when Joey texts me again.

Glancing out of the windows to my left, I started to think of a way to tell my viewers and the world what was going on with me. I didn't have my camera with me, and I planned on making a high quality Q and A type of thing to answer their questions. I did have my laptop and maybe I could just make a low quality video that's unedited of me just talking. Maybe that will be enough to satisfy my fans and to let the world know. It's not like I don't want them to know, I just don't want to go out in public when I get cleared here and have everyone asking about how my left arm is missing.

My eyes flickered over to Niall for a moment, and by the soft snores that were emitting from him, I assumed that he was completely out of it. If I just stay quiet I bet I can get this thing filmed.

I leaned over to the right to grab my laptop with a multitude of stickers on the cover of it, and managed to pick it up with one arm. I got settled back in and typed in my password which was strange with only one hand. I managed to get onto the editing software I used and clicked the button to film with my laptop, which I never have used before but I knew of its existence. I let out a breath of air before pressing the record button, kind of not wanting to explain everything all at once.

"Hi guys," I said quietly, waving to the camera, "I know that this is an unusual video, but I need to explain myself and it needs to be short."

I didn't say much for about thirty seconds. I took that time to think of everything that I wanted them to know and needed to tell them.

Running my fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes for a moment then began speaking.

I explained everything from when I had kidney cancer as a child, had slight bone cancer in my left arm, had a tumor in my left arm, had chemo, what the doctor told me about my arm, and why my arm wasn't there anymore. I spoke of my dream and the choice thing and how that was truly astonishing, and just thanked my fans for not giving up on me. I thanked them for all of their support throughout my years of YouTube. I thanked my friends as well as my family. Louis, Liam, Zayn, Harry, Greg, and Niall being my family. I didn't forget to mention Harry and I's relationship in there somewhere.

When I ended the video, I realized that it ended up to be almost fifteen minutes of just me sitting in a hospital bed talking. Without editing it, I immediately uploaded it to YouTube and called it 'What I Haven't Told You'. I think that the title explains the whole gist of it.

It took some time to upload, but when it did, it didn't take long for people to start replying to it and reacting. I read through as many comments as possible, ignoring the hate ones and sometimes laughing at how stupid they were. On the other hand, my fans, that are known as the Horanators (I didn't pick it, don't judge me), were freaking out. They all told me to get well and stuff, but they were surprised. It's almost as if they were over exaggerating about how I'm gonna die or something. I had to tweet several times about how I'm not dying and that I'm okay.

I was scrolling through my comments and trying to reply to each one so intently that I didnt notice my phone buzzing from Joey calling me, and was a bit scared when I heard someone knocking on the door.

I grimaced, looking over to Niall and realized that I forgot to wake him up and let him get ready and whatnot for my friends.

"Come in!" I call to Joey and Shane who I knew was on the other side of the door.

The door opens to Joey, Shane, and a large bouquet of flowers that was being held by Joey. He was also holding his vlogging camera which made me wonder how he opened the door.

"Hey Em!" He exclaims a little too loudly. I put a finger to my lips, indicating him to be quiet, and nodded my head to Niall who was sprawled out on the small bed with his IV chord tangled around his arm.

Joey shoots me a sheepish look, setting the flowers on the window sill and coming over to hug me whilst Shane tries not to laugh at him. I notice Shane is holding a bag that seems to be full of something. I really hope it's food.

I hug Shane as well and we greet each other before they sit in some chairs next to my bed. I also sat criss-crossed so I felt like I was actually hanging out with them in a normal room and not a hospital room.

"Thanks for the flowers, Joey. They're really pretty," I told him as I looked at the brightly colored daisies and tulips in the large bouquet.

"Well I got you something too," Shane says, looking down at his bag of who knows what. "I got you candy from America so we can eat and get fat," he says thoughtfully, trying to be serious. He fails, however, when I begin cracking up as he hands me the bag and I look inside.

I immediately take out a Snickers bar, always loving the taste of them from when I got them when I was in America for Playlist Live and Vidcon. They were, no doubt, my favorite candy of all time. Milky Ways were a close second.

We began talking and Joey pulled out his vlog camera at some point after putting it away earlier. I was totally fine with him filming because I just put up my video earlier and he probably wouldn't post his until tomorrow. Shane also brought out his camera and started filming Joey filming me.

At some point when they both were filming me, I decided that Niall should be woken up being that we have company. I motioned for Joey to give me his camera, which he did, and I got up from my bed to film Niall's reaction.

"Hey Ni, the doctor came in earlier and I said I was feeling funny and they ran some tests and they figured out I was pregnant with Harry's child. I want you to be the godfather," with that, he bolted upright and widened his eyes at what I had said. I started cracking up at his reaction when he saw Joey and Shane sitting there, laughing their butts off. Obviously knowing this was a prank, he covered himself in the white blanket they provided and tried to hide his shame.

"I hate you," he muttered before sitting up once again and running his fingers through his hair, letting it fall across his forehead. I've noticed he's been wearing it like that more often. I think it makes him look like a little boy in primary school once agin, or when he was in X Factor. His hair is turning more brown too, which makes us not so identical anymore.

"Love you too," I said, giggling. I then proceeded to fix my brothers hair myself because it looked pretty terrible. Just being honest.

Joey and Shane had stopped vlogging after Niall woke up at last and we had had our laugh. Shane had explained that he just wanted to meet all of the boys before leaving because it was apparently his 'dream' to get them in his vlog. He already knew Niall because he has done a collaboration video with us before and has met him several times. Shane is strange, but his sense of humor is hilarious and he's just all around a nice guy. You just need to get to know him in person.

Not too long after Shane mentioned his 'dream/life goal' Harry texted me saying that he was downstairs with Louis and was heading up and couldn't wait to see me. I decided not to tell Shane this, but I did text Harry back saying that two of my friends are visiting.

Almost as soon as Shane pulled out his vlog camera and started filming, from my request, Harry and Louis walked in, leaving Shane speechless and cussing and whispering under his breath so that only the camera and Joey could hear him.

Harry was holding a bag that I assumed had a change of my clothes in it because I had asked him before he left yesterday to grab some clothes for me and some other necessities; including my camera.

Louis was still staring at his phone, too engrossed in it to look up and see a weirdo, YouTuber, fangirl, or Shane, filming him and whispering about how hot he actually is in the flesh, but kidding of course.

Joey seemed pretty normal about it when I introduced the two. Harry of course set down my bag before greeting Joey and Shane with a hug.

"Harry, this is Joey Graceffa and Shane Dawson, two of my best friends on YouTube. Joey, Shane, this is Harry, my boyfriend," I tell the three boys in front of me.

I hear Shane whispering about how good Harry actually smells in real life before he asks, "Wait, can that boyfriend part be in the vlog, or not?"

Before I could answer his question, Harry speaks up, "Of course it can, I've already put stuff on social media about it. It's all good," he smiles over to me, making my cheeks feel warm.

Louis is still typing on his phone and doing whatever it is so intently that he still doesn't notice the two complete strangers in the room sitting only two feet away from him.

I roll my eyes when Harry notices it too and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oi! Boobear!" I call over to him, which in turn makes the blue eyed boy snap his head up to me and frown at the use of his old nickname.

"Wha- oh," he pauses for a moment, just realizing now that my friends are here and are holding cameras, filming him. They wave awkwardly to him as he looks at them, then over to me. Finally, he introduces himself, reducing the amount of awkwardness in the air.

They introduce themselves back and explain that they're my YouTube friends.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, my mum and I were going back and forth on dates where I could meet up with her and my sisters to do something fun," he apologizes sounding very genuine.

Then they start talking about family and junk which leaves Harry and I speaking quietly to each other as he both sit on my bed, side by side. We would talk to Niall, but somehow he fell asleep again. Maybe it's the medicine he's on for the stress he's been having.

"You're friends are very nice. I'm glad you have friends who make sure you're okay," Harry mumbles to me as he presses light kisses to my cheek.

Trying to ignore the burning sensation on my cheek from his lips, I glance over to Shane and Joey, who seem to be getting along with Louis, and grin.

"Yeah, they're great," I say.

He hums against my skin and intertwined our fingers together, "Are any more of your friends coming today?"

I nod, "Yeah, Tanya, Jim, Alfie, and Zoe are going to be here later on in the day," I felt kind of weary that Zoe is coming, but we have to make up one way or another.

The door then opens and in comes Deb with Zayn and Liam trailing behind her. The plump old lady smiles brightly to me, "I was just coming in to check on your brother here and I found these two as well, thought I'd bring them along,"

As Zayn, Liam, Joey, and Shane introduce themselves to each other, I hop off of my bed and tap Niall's forehead a few times for him to wake up, "Hey Nialler, the nurse wants to check up on you, wake up!"

His eyes open and he sits up groggily, letting Deb do whatever she needs to do as she chuckles at him.

"All of this medicine is making you drowsy, but I'm here to take you off of it and have you switch to pills instead for your stress, alright?" Deb speaks to my brother as she takes his IV out of his hand and heart monitors off of his chest.

Niall mutters a 'thank you' to her before she leaves which makes me return my attention towards the other four boys that are engrossed in a conversation.

"I just can't believe I met One Direction! Can you believe it Joey?" Shane is speaking to his camera and filming Joey at the same time. What he says makes the rest of us laugh at his sense of humor.

Two hours later, I'm saying goodbye to my two friends. It was great seeing them, being that the next time I see them will most likely be at Playlist Live which is in another five months.

The boys all decide to leave as well to go get food. It makes me jealous that they can eat out and ever since the doctor found out about me eating Nandos that one time he put me on a strict diet of gross organic hospital food.

It was about one in the afternoon when the boys decided to leave. I wasn't left alone for long because the knock at my door proved otherwise. In came the other four I expected to see, probably four of my greatest friends I've made from YouTube.

I'm not exactly sure what will happen with Zoe, but I only hope to clear up everything and mend our friendship. I could not stay mad at her, ever, so I really hope that she doesn't think I won't forgive her.



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