~Dollface~ Helluva Boss Chara...

By AshleyBue5

78.7K 1.4K 552

I've really been into the Helluva Boss series and I instantly loved Crimson for some reason so I wanted to tr... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Deleted Scene~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
another update
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
Name a list of characters
~Chapter 36~
idk guys


5.3K 72 15
By AshleyBue5

Before Reading

Their may or may not be smut in this book but if their is I will put a warning up.

About you

You live in the Greed side of Hell, your mother died as soon as you were born and you were raised under your father's wing but it wasn't all peaches and cream.

No oh no...it was another version of hell, you were beaten and abused until you were bleeding black blood that would occasionally make you pass out due to big losses of it.

This kept happening until you were about 18 or 19 you choose. But anyways I was blamed everyday and night for as long as I can remember, I wished my mother was still around but I knew she wasn't coming back, I was to blame after all, she did bring me into the world and she left it.

I may deserve this.

Ever since I can remember I've lived a shitty life, we weren't rich at all we were poor as hell, to the point where I would have to steal food and things to survive on.

It wasn't much but it was something.

If only I could find my path to starting my life...

Little did I know it was gonna change really soon.

Start of the Story

I groaned in pain as I was beaten down to the ground really hard.

I couldn't cry anymore because I'm use to the pain and suffering I've endured every single day.

Kick "if only!" Pant, kick "your mother didn't die!" Kick.

"She would still be here with me and you would be dead you little shit!" Kick!, I held back my tears as I felt one of the ribs in the body snapped in half.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and screamed in pain.

Father got the satisfaction from this.

"Yes cry for me..." he says in a low growl and picks up a broken beer bottle and throws it onto me.

I could feel the shards slipping into my red Imp skin.

The black blood from my body was seeping out.

Oh how I wish I could end myself from this misery but something keeps telling me to stay alive.

It feels like my life is about to change in some way.

And I stand corrected when I heard the door to our small broken house fly open, I had my head to the door as I laid on the ground wincing as my dad kicked once more hard time and gasped as he saw who was at the door.

"Times up "dad's name" your payment is due" an Italian yet husky accent said.

That's odd I don't remember father ever borrowing money from anyone, let alone having to make a payment.

"W-wait please g-give me a few more days sir!" Father begs as he gets on his knees.

What a pathetic scene, I never knew he was a scardy cat.

I coughed up some blood as I gripped ahold of my side tightly.

I knew I would either heal or die from this injury.

"No, you've had your chance now it's time to pay up or I take your life you useless piece of shit" that same Italian voice says.

I could hear my father whimper slightly from this.

"W-wait how about an exchange??!!!" Father asks aloud.

I heard a gun click that sounded like something was about to fire.

"Hmmmm I'm listing" the other male says.

"I will give you my daughter if you let me live!" I hear dad say and my eyes went wide.

I can't believe this selfish asshole!

I would rather have seen him get shot. He deserves it from all the pain he shot at me throughout the years.

If he lives I'm gonna get revenge.

I try and say something but my chest started to hurt and I coughed up more black blood.

"You mean that little dollface? That you beat the shit out of before we got here?" The other male asks.

"Yes sir I swear you can have her!" Father yells.

I hear a chuckle from behind me.

"My friend you have a deal....but not the living part" the other male says before pushing the fire button on his gun and blood splatters onto me from my father's now bleeding chest.

I actually was shocked and I smiled wickedly because now I won't have to worry about that sorry piece of shit now.

"These imps never learn do they boys?" I heard that same voice say as I could hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Now.." he says as he slips his hand under my head and makes it to where I can see him.

He was a red Imp like me, but much more serious looking, white hair, yellow eyes and a fancy looking outfit that would usually be worn by mafia members.

"Now your mine dollface....but first you gotta heal" he says as he looks me up and down.

I try and say something again but end up coughing more blood.

"Just rest now, I will take care of you dollface~" he whispers to me.

His voice is almost like a trance to me in someway.

My eyes started to become heavy when I finally realized that I've actually been saved.

Maybe my path has officially started.

I could feel myself being picked up carefully, and heard the same voice yell, burn the house down so we don't leave no evidence.

Good thing I didn't have anything of value in there then.

I felt myself growing more tired by the minute and I didn't wanna fight it anymore so I let myself sink into my savors arms.

I at least hope I'm saved for now.

Authors note.

OK please let me know what you think, this is my first helluva boss story and I wanna know your opinions, I can't wait to write more chapters! I've been so excited to make a story like this.

Also leave a comment down below which your favorite Helluva boss character is and why

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