7 Hybrids Moved in With Me

By Lillsisamarshmallow

51.5K 2.3K 259

When the dog hybrid who visits her bakery starts taking extra food Y/N follows it through the alley's to find... More

Teaser (0)
Bake, Eat, Run (1)
Trespassing (2)
Bunny boy (3)
Nurse Y/n (4)
Roommates? (5)
Living Arrangements (6)
Water Fountain in the Kitchen! (7)
Rainy days, mysterious notes, and wet apologies (8)
It's over...?(9)
Working boys (10)
The plan (11)
Fair day (12)
The betrayal (13)
House guests (14)
Hickeys, Houses, and Heated gazes (16)
Moving day! (17)
Getting back to Normal (18)

Jealous! Jealous! Jealous (15)

1.6K 104 26
By Lillsisamarshmallow

Summary: Y/n wakes up surrounded by her hybrid companions who have become even more clingy since they started staying with Jisoo. Y/n searches for houses as she is unsure how to talk to the boys about it. With the two new hybrids in the house, just how clingy and touchy can the boys get?

Word count: 3.2k

Warnings: None? Let me know if I missed any!

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The sun was shining through the window and lighting up the room. I moved my hands up to rub at my eyes before breaking them open to look at my surroundings. The room was quiet, the only noise being the light breaths from myself and the others. I looked up at the weight that was pressing on my chest, already knowing what it was. The black cat was sleeping peacefully as he faced me directly, his paws tucked under him, causing him to resemble a loaf of bread. I cracked a smile at the thought. As I tried to move my head to see more of the room I felt something in my way.

Reaching up to the left side of my neck, my finger sunk into some soft fur, knowing immediately what it was, I sighed slightly, remembering how the menace of a bunny hybrid had kept crawling onto my face, over my mouth and nose causing me to wake up from lack of air, I'm pretty sure at some point Yoongi had had wacked him in the head over it because everytime I woke up it woke the sleepy cat up too.

Sinking my fingers further into his fur I picked up the chocolate brown bunny and hauled him up until I was holding him above my chest. His little nose twitched but he remained asleep as I moved him back down and onto the other side of my body. I was doing my best to not wake anyone up as it was early in the morning, earlier than I would usually wake up but my body urged me to get out of bed.

I tried to wrap one arm around Yoongi and use the other one to push myself up, but as soon as I started to get up the cat hybrid also woke up, he stood up and stretched whilst still on my chest before looking at me quizzically. I gave him a half-lidded, tired smile as he seemed to understand what I was doing, he got off me and moved over to where I had put Jungkook down, and curled up beside him.

I fully sat up now that I didn't have to worry about the other 2 hybrids. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, Jimin was sitting at the foot of the bed and I quickly gave him a pat on the head before I stood up fully. I only have a small amount of space on the floor as the rest was being used by the large wolf hybrid, the panther hybrid, and the fox hybrid.

Reaching up to my hair I reached for the smallest hybrid of the bunch, Jin, who had somehow managed to make a nest-like thing out of my hair. I scooped up his small form before bringing him in front of me. I leaned over the bed to put him down between Yoongi and Jungkook. I watched as he moved around before snuggling into the fur of the two younger hybrids.

I smiled at the sight as my heart melted at how cute they were together, I had to tip-toe my way out of the room being careful not to step on any of the hybrids on the floor, I finally made it over to the door and I opened it slowly before slipping outside.

I sighed through my tiredness as I trudged into the kitchen hoping to make some tea, I spotted Jisoo standing by the bench and staring out into her back yard. The sun was rising and you could see the light emerging from behind the trees and lighting up the yard, the grass was sparkling from the morning dew and I could see flocks of birds flying through the sky.

"Morning" I mumbled in my croaky voice, I pulled open her fridge in search of milk and honey and when I found it I pulled them both out, placing them onto the bench behind me. Jisoo turned to face me as she gave me a polite smile, she didn't look like she had been awake long either.

"Morning." She started. "I just boiled the kettle so it should still be hot."

I hummed as I began to make myself a cup of tea. We stood in the kitchen watching the sunrise for what felt like an hour. It was quiet, probably because all the hybrids were asleep, and the bright sun shone into the house, wrapping everything in a warm glow.

"So." Jisoo started and I turned to face her. "You remember Jeonghan right?" She asked me out of nowhere.

"Yeah, of course I do." I replied to her, confused as to why she would bring him up out of nowhere. Jeonghan was an old friend of ours, more Jisoo's friend than mine but we still got along, he was a few years younger than us and honestly I hadn't spoken to him since high school.

"Well, his father owns a real estate company, I don't know if they have the type of place you're looking for. He mostly deals with large properties outside the city, like mine." She beamed at me and giggled. "I could tell him that you're looking for a place if you want, I'm sure he'd help out."

"Seriously? Jisoo, that would be great, thank you." I said to her as I gave her a quick hug as we laughed together before I cleared my throat. "So... h-how is Jeonghan?"

"Well since you turned him down he's been on a bit of a power trip." She laughed as she seemed to be thinking. "He's not bad or anything, he just has a lot of goals that he wants to accomplish, you know?"

I nodded as I understood what she meant, I remember back when we were younger how he would always follow us around, tagging along wherever we went. He had a crush on me, and at first I didn't mind, I thought it was cute, until he proposed. I shot him down and we haven't spoken since, it was awkward at first but after we got older it was just because we had our own things going on.

The calming silence of the morning didn't last long as soon enough I could hear the thundering of footsteps and tumbling down the stairs along with yelling.



I was sitting on the couch, balled up in a fluffy blanket with a mug of hot chocolate and my laptop as I scrolled through the website the Jisoo had told me to, Jeonghan's dad's company, two cats curled up on my lap, Lisa and Jennie, they had been extra clingy recently but I guess it's because I haven't seen them in a while. Come to think of it, the boys had been very clingy recently too, weird...

I clicked on a house that looked interesting, it was far out from town, a little further than I wanted, but not so far that it couldn't be an option. The house was large and the land included the forest surrounding it, so far it was checking all the boxes, taking a closer look I saw that it said 5 bedrooms. I bit my lip as I thought about the amount of bedrooms we needed, there was 8 of us, but pack mates often shared sleeping areas I had learnt from a quick google search, but I also wanted the boys to have their own areas where they could do whatever they wanted by themselves, I groaned out loud as I threw my head against the back of the couch, waking up the 2 hybrids in my lap.

I hadn't said much about a new house to the boys. Did I have to re-invite them to live with me? Or do I just assume that they will? My thoughts were interrupted as Lisa had stood up on my chest and was now nudging her head into my neck, I huffed and snickered at her behaviour as I sat up straighter.

The house was surprisingly quiet at the moment, Jisoo had gone out to do something and the boys were around. Suddenly a black cat jumped down beside me causing the other two to jump away. I was surprised at the sudden appearance of the jet black cat, but welcomed his presence. He sat down on my lap as he glared down at the other felines, Jennie and Lisa growled at him but he hissed back and they jumped from the couch and left.

Their interaction confused me but I shrugged it off since nothing bad had happened. I began petting Yoongi as he turned to face me, he closed his eyes and flattened his ears as I pushed my hands over his head and down his back. He stretched out his back before circling on my lap and finally curling up, his back pressed against my stomach and his head tucked under his paw, facing towards himself.

I cooed at how cute he was before trying to get back to looking at houses, I clicked the small 'save' icon so that I could come back to it before I started looking at other houses, I kept scrolling through and a few more caught my eye so I took a look at them, saving some and going past ones the would absolutely not work. I finally closed the lid of my laptop and took a slow breath in and out as I lifted myself to adjust how I was sitting before leaning back into the coach and throwing a hand back with my head, keeping the other one patting Yoongi.

We sat in the silence for a while as I sipped on the cooling hot chocolate before Hoseok came into the lounge to join us along with Jimin, Jimin sat down next to me and I pulled the blanket to make room for him to share too, Hobi sat to the other side of me but he didn't want any of the blanket.

"Hey, guys." I spoke tiredly. Because I had woken up earlier than normal, I was starting to get tired. Hobi reached out so he could also pet Yoongi and I moved my hand for him. "Everything alright?"

They both hummed in hello then again letting me know that they were fine. I sighed as I relaxed into the couch more, wiggling my legs slightly, making me slump down some more. I felt a weight on my shoulder and I glanced to the side to see Jimin was resting his head on my shoulder as he played with Yoongi. I smiled softly at him, but as soon as he had put his head down, he sat back up abruptly and looked at me confused, before I could return the look he leaned in again towards my neck for just a few seconds before pulling away again.

He looked stunned at whatever was going on and peered around to Hoseok who looked up at him questioningly. It seemed as though they were having a whole conversation with their eyes, a conversation I could not understand, but before I could ask, Hobi learned towards my neck as well.

He pulled away after a few seconds, I was starting to become embarrassed at how they both seemed to know what was happening yet I knew nothing, and they kept getting closer to my neck. They both seemed to just keep looking at each other, almost like they were unsure what to do in the situation, I could feel my face heating up at how they both turned towards me.

It was when they both leaned in at the same time that I finally said something.

"What is going on?" I asked them hastily, incredibly confused and not understanding any of what had happened. Neither of them seemed to know how to explain what was happening so they just looked at me weirdly. I huffed, hoping it was just a one time thing as I moved Yoongi from my lap and over to Hoseok. "I...I think I'm going to go take a nap."

I crawled out of the blanket and off the couch before telling the boys that I would be in the room if they needed me. I dropped my now empty mug into the sink before trudging upstairs trying not to think of the weird interaction I just had. I could feel the sleep pulling at me so I hurried up my pace to the room.

I pushed open the door to see that it was in fact empty, which meant I could have a nice quiet nap. I peeled off my top and discarded it on the floor, making a mental reminder to pick it up after I woke up, that I most definitely would forget. I picked up a random hoodie from the floor and slipped it over my head. It was over sized and clearly not mine but I didn't mind. I shimmied out of my pants before finally crawling into bed and pulling the covers over me and up to my ears to keep me warm and comfy.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice speak out, followed by footsteps that seemed to get closer to me. I recognised Jungkook's voice as I felt his presence standing near the bed. I opened up one eye to look at him. Judging by how I didn't hear the door open or any knocking I figured he must have already been in the room and I had just missed him, he was probably in the bathroom or the closet.

I hummed back at him tiredly, wondering what he needed. He didn't say anything but he pulled back the blankets half way down before stopping. I nodded my head as I moved back in the bed towards the wall to make room for him. He pulled the rest of the blankets back as he slipped himself in beside me.

I moved myself back towards him on auto pilot, maybe it was a hybrid thing but I had learnt that they liked to embrace people when they slept, Hobi did it, Yoongi did it too. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and he wrapped his under mine, snaking them around my waist and holding me tight before he nuzzled his head into my neck. I could feel his heart beating in his chest and his hot breath fanning over my neck.

His breath hitched for a second before returning to normal, he nuzzled his face further into the crook of my neck, so much so that I could feel his nose and his lips pressed against the base of my neck. I didn't pay much attention to what he was doing. I was trying to sleep but all these thoughts kept flooding into my mind. I tried to calm myself by reaching up and stretching my fingers into Jungkook's long hair as I started to play with it and twist a strand around my finger.

I could feel something moving on my neck, almost like Jungkook was mumbling something against the skin, where his face touched my neck it felt hot but it wasn't from his breathing. The sensation was oddly calming so I continued to play with his hair as I could feel my mind calming down once again and sleep was ready to take over. I moved my fingers upwards towards the base of his bunny ears, my finger came into contact with the soft fur but I quickly pulled them away as I felt Jungkook bite down onmy neck.

I hissed out in pain as I tried to push myself away from him, but he wouldn't let go and he kept his head buried in my neck, his lips still pressed to the spot that he had bit. He pulled me closer to him by my waist, making our bodies flush against each other. My neck tingled on the spot where his teeth had pressed into my soft skin, my breath was caught in my throat as I didnt know how to process what had happened.

"J-Jungkook!" I stuttered out as I kept trying to wiggling my way out of his grasp, but he wasn't having it as he squeezed me harder, refusing to move. I grunted out loudly as I let my body go limp, knowing that there was no way I'd be able to escape the surprisingly strong bunny.

"Bite me again, and you're out of the bed, and I'll start screaming." I said threateningly as I had completely given up on trying to escape, I did my best to wriggle back under the blanket and get comfortable again. I could feel his lips pull into a smirk as they dragged across my skin, he seemed to slightly loosen his grip so I could get comfortable before holding me tight again.

It didn't take long for sleep to consume me, I could still feel the tingle and the dull throb of pain in my neck as I drifted in and out, but it didn't bother me. Jungkook's warm honey and earthy scent smelt stronger than ever from our close proximity, it was invading my system, it smelt so strong that I could almost taste it on my tongue.


I woke up around 2 hours after we fell asleep, the room was much darker now, meaning it was later in the evening, maybe almost time for dinner. I looked around with my tired eyes trying to focus around me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes as I decided to get up, I lifted Jungkook's arm off of me as I sat up and then put it back down on the bed.

I had to climb over him since I was boxed in between both him and the wall. I swung one leg over before pressing my hands into his chest and pushing down to lift me the rest of the way over. He stirred in his sleep as I smirked at him, it was payback for biting into my neck earlier.

I reached my hand up to rub the spot, it didn't hurt so much anymore but when I touched it a dull pain surged through the area. I grumbled about how annoyed I was and dropped my arm down letting it swing back and forth before wrapping it around my stomach and pushing my hand up under my shirt to rest on the warm skin as I opened the bathroom door and made my way inside.

I flicked on the light and had to blink a few times to get used to it. I turned to face the mirror as I dragged my hands down my face before lifting them up to my hair and attempting to tidy it up. As I was playing a round with the ends of my hair I spotted a darker patch of skin on my neck. Curious, I leaned in closer to the mirror to be sure of what I was seeing, I reach to pull the hoodie down slightly as I touched the dark spot with the weird marks around it, my breath stalled in my throat as I pushed myself to stand up straight again as I looked at myself in the mirror, the alarm clear in my eyes as I was taken aback by what I saw seeing.



A/n: Late night chapter! This chapter feels like everything and nothing at the same time to me. Jungkook is an uncontrollable menace to Y/n and I live for it! I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for reading! 💜

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