{Fnaf 2}Toy Fronnie-Inseparab...

By FDoidaDeWandinha

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After several days at the pizzeria,Toy Freddy was starting to like a Toy,but he didn't admit it,Afraid that t... More

Chapter 1-The beginning
Chapter 2-The Prejudice
Chapter 3-The Embarrassing Catch
Chapter 4-Reunion between brothers
Chapter 5-Meeting Shadow Bonnie
Chapter 6-Meeting Toy Golden Freddy and discovering secrets
Chapter 7-Golden Freddy and Puppet trying to reverse the problems
Chapter 8-A sick rabbit
Chapter 9-Problems following each other
Chapter 10-The monster from the forbidden room
Chapter 11-Elena's discovery
Chapter 12-The failed plan
Chapter 13-Revelation+Birth of Elena
Chapter 15-The torture of vision loss
Chapter 16-The arrival of the other newcomer
Chapter 17-A new lesbian couple
Chapter 18-The miracle
Chapter 19-The truth or dare that ended in sex {Part 1}
Chapter 20-The truth or dare that ended in sex {Part 2}

Chapter 14-The bear that went blind

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By FDoidaDeWandinha

Toy Freddy:Now the meaning of our life will change completely...

*Then the Marionette enters the room

Puppet:I'm happy for you two,she's really cute,and Toy Bonnie is already free to go,just stop him from making too much effort

*The bear agreed,and the rabbit got up with the bunny on his lap,and the two left the room,and met the girls on the stage

Mangle:Oh my God...She's so cute!!

Toy Chica:Kk,she looks just like you 2

*Then the bunny opened her eyes and smiled

Mangle:My dad...she has one eye of each color!What a cute little thing!

Toy Bonnie:One green and one blue,I loved it kk

*Our couple hugs,and then the rabbit takes the bunny to rest,but the shorter one was worried that his daughter wouldn't fall asleep without him nearby,so he kept looking from the door,and oddly enough,the little one slept peacefully without the rabbit nearby

*Then he turns off the lights in the room and closes the door,to leave his daughter to rest

*But...what they didn't count on was that...since Green bunny stopped doing bad things to them

*Now...it was Toy Fox who was playing bad jokes with them,and here he went a little overboard,the fox puts detergent on the basement stairs,so the first animatronic falls victim to going down the stairs,ending up slipping,falling and taking a bad fall

*And...Toy Freddy had the misfortune of being this victim,he went down to the basement to store some things,And...As expected,Toy Freddy slipped down the stairs,but... As the stairs were quite large,the bear started rolling down the stairs,and ended up hitting his head several times on the steps and when he reached the end of the stairs,he was passed out and had a slight injury to his head

*In the hallway leading to the Night Guard's room,Foxy had heard someone falling down the stairs

Foxy:Huh...What was that noise?It came from the basement and it sounded like someone falling...

*The fox soon heads towards the basement,as soon as Foxy arrives at the basement,He seeing Toy Freddy passed out at the end of the stairs,but Foxy,who wasn't stupid,realized that the stairs had detergent on them,so he pointed to the He reached for the stairs and took the detergent off the stairs,and ran down the stairs to see if Toy Freddy was okay

Foxy:Toy Freddy!*Hold him*Please wake up!

Mangle:Foxy,What a scream that is-

*The fox goes down the basement stairs and comes across the bear unconscious in the fox's arms

Mangle:Foxy...W-what happened to Toy Freddy?!

Foxy:The stairs were slippery with detergent,so he probably went down the stairs and slipped...Now he's unconscious

Mangle:Oh my god...I'm going to call Puppet,Bring Toy Freddy up here

*Foxy agrees,then manages to lift Toy Freddy and picks him up and takes him to the stage

*There on the stage,the fox puts the bear lying on the stage,and then the Marionette approaches there

Puppet:Foxy?Mangle explained to me what had happened to Toy Freddy in the basement,is he okay?

Foxy:I have no idea Puppet,he's still unconscious...

Puppet:How was that?

Foxy:I don't really know...when I was in the hallway,I just heard something falling in the basement,then I found him there,but...I had seen detergent on the stairs in the basement,so someone probably put detergent on the stairs and he slipped and fell down the stairs...And considering the amount had,I think the person did it on purpose

Puppet:Well...Regardless of what happened,I'll check to make sure nothing serious happened to him

*The Puppet puts his hand on the bear's head and checks inside his system to make sure nothing is wrong

*But then,Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica appeared on stage,because they saw the scene

Toy Bonnie:What happened?!

Foxy:The basement stairs were slippery with detergent,and as soon as I looked at the top of the stairs,I saw Toy Freddy unconscious at the end,so he probably slipped down the stairs

Toy Chica:Oh my god...

Puppet:Well...We'll have to wait for him to wake up,because I analyzed him and didn't see any problems with his system

*Then,the shadow rabbit teleports to the stage,and gives information on who was responsible

Shadow Bonnie:Guys,I just saw it on the cameras here,and it was Toy Fox who put detergent on the stairs on purpose to make Toy Freddy fall

Green bunny:My god...I wasn't enough before...now him?!

Mangle:But you at least apologized,unlike him

*Then,the rabbit notices the wound on the bear's head,and then takes a bandage from his pocket and places it on the wound

*So,everyone was worried that the bear had suffered a very serious after-effect

Green bunny:Guys,Toy Freddy isn't waking up,I'm starting to get worried...

Puppet:He probably got hit in the head really hard,that's why it's taking him so long to wake up

*The rabbit is stroking the bear's head,very worried,then the chicken sees the bear's hand moving slowly and subtly

Toy Chica:I saw his hand moving a little

Mangle:So he's waking up

Green bunny:Thank God...

*Then the bear opens his eyes very confused

Toy Chica:Toy Freddy,are you okay??

Toy Freddy:Ah...who's there?...

Foxy:It's us Toy Freddy,we're very worried about you

Toy Bonnie:I'm glad you woke up,I was already worried...

Toy Freddy:W-What happened?

Foxy:Toy Fox put detergent on the basement stairs and made you slip and fall down the stairs,but what matters is that you're okay,right?

Toy Freddy:But,guys...Why is the light off?...

*No one understood anything at the time

Green bunny:Toy Freddy...The light isn't off,all the lights here are on

Puppet:Wait,Toy Freddy...Do you see us?

Toy Freddy:No...W-why can't I see anything?!W-what's happening Puppet?!W-why can't I see anything?!

Puppet:Calm down!I'm going to call Golden to help me solve this,stay here with him guys,I'll be right back!

*The Puppet gets up and runs to call Golden,and the rest of the guys stay with the bear,trying to calm him down

*Then,the Puppet arrives in the room where the golden bear was and immediately calls him


Golden Freddy:What happened Puppet?

Puppet:Toy Freddy fell down the stairs,and now he woke up,he said he can't see anything!

Golden Freddy:My god...He probably hit his head really hard and ended up affecting his vision,and he ended up going blind,let's try to solve this now,where is he?

Puppet:On stage,let's go!

*The two soon run to the stage,and there the bear began to get desperate,thinking he would be blind forever

Toy Bonnie:Calm down Toy,They're already arriving!

Green bunny:Are you really not seeing anything,Toy Freddy?...

Toy Freddy:No,everything is dark,it feels like I'm in eternal darkness with no way out!

Foxy:That must be horrible...

Mangle:Aside from that,his pupils are a bit whitish...

Toy Chica:Puppet and Golden are already coming,stay calm

Golden Freddy:We're here Toys,Calm down Toy Freddy,let's try to solve this

*The two help Toy Freddy to get up and take him to the repair room

*A few hours later,the two appear next to them with sad faces

Puppet:Toys...We've already looked and seen Toy Freddy's condition,His vision was really affected by falling down the stairs,we're trying to fix his vision system,But...We can't,So Toy Freddy end up going blind for a few days until we resolve this...and that could end up taking a long time or even a few days...

Golden Freddy:So Toys...You're going to have to help Toy Freddy at all costs,until we can fix his vision

Green bunny:Okay,don't get worried

Toy Chica:And where is he?

Golden Freddy:I ​​took him to rest in the room

Toy Bonnie:I'm going there...

*The rabbit left there, and went to their room,and when he got there,he saw the bear sitting on the bed,with his head down,just crying

Toy Bonnie:Love...

Toy Freddy:G-get out of here Toy Bonnie...leave me alone

*The rabbit approaches the bear and hugs him

Toy Bonnie:You won't stay like this forever...I guarantee you won't

Toy Freddy:B-but how am I going to be able to do things from here?...

Toy Bonnie:Me and the rest of the guys will help you do things here,don't worry

Toy Freddy:O-okay...T-thanks Toy...

Toy Bonnie:For nothing kk,just because you took care of me when I was sick doesn't mean I won't take care of you now,especially in this situation

*To be continued...

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