Chapter 14-The bear that went blind

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Toy Freddy:Now the meaning of our life will change completely...

*Then the Marionette enters the room

Puppet:I'm happy for you two,she's really cute,and Toy Bonnie is already free to go,just stop him from making too much effort

*The bear agreed,and the rabbit got up with the bunny on his lap,and the two left the room,and met the girls on the stage

Mangle:Oh my God...She's so cute!!

Toy Chica:Kk,she looks just like you 2

*Then the bunny opened her eyes and smiled

Mangle:My dad...she has one eye of each color!What a cute little thing!

Toy Bonnie:One green and one blue,I loved it kk

*Our couple hugs,and then the rabbit takes the bunny to rest,but the shorter one was worried that his daughter wouldn't fall asleep without him nearby,so he kept looking from the door,and oddly enough,the little one slept peacefully without the rabbit nearby

*Then he turns off the lights in the room and closes the door,to leave his daughter to rest

*But...what they didn't count on was that...since Green bunny stopped doing bad things to them

* was Toy Fox who was playing bad jokes with them,and here he went a little overboard,the fox puts detergent on the basement stairs,so the first animatronic falls victim to going down the stairs,ending up slipping,falling and taking a bad fall

*And...Toy Freddy had the misfortune of being this victim,he went down to the basement to store some things,And...As expected,Toy Freddy slipped down the stairs,but... As the stairs were quite large,the bear started rolling down the stairs,and ended up hitting his head several times on the steps and when he reached the end of the stairs,he was passed out and had a slight injury to his head

*In the hallway leading to the Night Guard's room,Foxy had heard someone falling down the stairs

Foxy:Huh...What was that noise?It came from the basement and it sounded like someone falling...

*The fox soon heads towards the basement,as soon as Foxy arrives at the basement,He seeing Toy Freddy passed out at the end of the stairs,but Foxy,who wasn't stupid,realized that the stairs had detergent on them,so he pointed to the He reached for the stairs and took the detergent off the stairs,and ran down the stairs to see if Toy Freddy was okay

Foxy:Toy Freddy!*Hold him*Please wake up!

Mangle:Foxy,What a scream that is-

*The fox goes down the basement stairs and comes across the bear unconscious in the fox's arms

Mangle:Foxy...W-what happened to Toy Freddy?!

Foxy:The stairs were slippery with detergent,so he probably went down the stairs and slipped...Now he's unconscious

Mangle:Oh my god...I'm going to call Puppet,Bring Toy Freddy up here

*Foxy agrees,then manages to lift Toy Freddy and picks him up and takes him to the stage

*There on the stage,the fox puts the bear lying on the stage,and then the Marionette approaches there

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