Chapter 11-Elena's discovery

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*At the time the bear questioned the puppet about this,as he was very surprised

Toy Freddy:What?!but Puppet,he's a boy,and as far as I know,boys can't get pregnant!

Puppet:Well... I don't know what happened either,I was quite surprised as soon as I analyzed this,I think the child will be born in a total of 30 weeks,or even less,and in the meantime I'll do some research on how this it happened

Toy Freddy:But,where's Toy Bonnie?

Puppet:I took the opportunity and took him to rest in his room,and he was really scared when I told him about it

*So, the bear just sighed and left the repair room and went to see how the rabbit was doing

*Along the way,he comes face to face with the girls

Mangle:So?Did Puppet tell you if Toy Bonnie was okay?

Toy can I say this in a way that won't scare you...

*The two were wondering what it was, then the bear spoke

Toy Freddy:Toy Bonnie is kind of...okay...*Sighs*He's pregnant

*The two of them were scared and confused at the time

Toy Chica:But how is that?!

Toy Freddy:I ​​don't know either,not even Puppet himself knew how this happened,so he went to do some research on how this happened,I'm going to go and talk to him,so if you have anything,ask Puppet

*The bear soon followed the rabbit,heading towards their room

*Then,the bear enters the room,and sees the rabbit sitting on the bed with a scared and very confused face

Toy Freddy:Toy,I heard the news,Puppet tells me

*But the rabbit didn't respond at all,he just got upset and looked away from the bear

Toy Freddy:What was it Toy,do you don't like the news?

Toy Bonnie:It's not that I didn't like it,I really liked the news,But...I'm a boy,and as far as I know,boys can't get pregnant,how could this have happened?!

Toy Freddy:I ​​don't know either Toy,not even Puppet himself could answer how this happened

*The bear sits on the bed,next to the rabbit

Toy Freddy:Regardless of what happened,I'll help you take care of him,or her...we don't know yet

*But then the bear noticed that the rabbit began to tremble without stopping

Toy Freddy:*Hug him*Calm down love...As soon as he or she is born,everything will be fine,I promise...

Toy Bonnie:*Puts head on the bear's shoulder*B-but...I'm afraid we'll end up losing the baby...

Toy Freddy:That will never happen...Just don't think about bad things

*The bear kisses the rabbit to calm him down

Toy Freddy:Everything will be fine,don't be like that Little bunny...

*The shortest one smiles and hugs the bear

*With Toy Fox who not only discovered that the 3 didn't die,but also found out about the rabbit's pregnancy

*He immediately went to warn the rabbit in the secret room of Part's and Service

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