Oleh Winter201117

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What would happen if a good-looking lesbian had swept off a homophobic's feet? An old friend that Winter care... Lebih Banyak

[M]Special Chapter woo-hoo


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Oleh Winter201117

"Yup, I'm already here in the office," Winter confirmed after putting her headsets on. She pushed the car door closed and enabled the alarm.

"Somebody's too early for the office today, huh? It's only 7:17 on my watch."

"I know, but my body was up early, Yunjin. I don't even know why." Winter continued walking towards the exit of the parking lot.

"Pssh. You're just excited to see her..."

"I guess I am." Winter giggled. She feels lucky to find someone whom she can confide everything about Karina. It's easier for her to tell Yunjin about it since they don't have common friends. The last thing she wants to happen is for Karina to find out about her true feelings.

"Do you think she'll like your new hairstyle?"

"I don't know," said Winter, fixing the bucket hat on her head. "I'm just afraid that she won't talk to me if I won't do what she says."

"Oh, come on, Winter. She's not serious about that, trust me."

Winter had her hair short. "I just hope you're right. Anyway, it doesn't matter if she had requested this or not, I really like my hair this way."

"Besides, it's a good way to start the year, right? I can't wait to see you, Winter. I wonder how you look now.

"Don't worry, I'll visit you one of this days," said Winter, stepping into the elevator. She pressed 17 on the floor panel.

"I hope you'll bring along a friend of yours when you do that."

"Haha. I can't promise you that but I'll try."

"I want you to observe her reaction when she sees you, okay? Describe it to me."

"Is that really necessary?" asked Winter, gazing up at the floor signal.




The elevator stopped on the first floor. Winter moved aside to give space to anyone who's about to enter.

"It's for your own benefit, Winter. If you could relay her exact reaction to me I can give you a hint of her thoughts."

Winter was still smiling ear to ear when the door swung open. Her smile faded when she saw the person behind the door. Their eyes met for a second, turning away immediately.

The person is wearing an off-shoulder sweater combined with a black skirt. Winter was so mesmerized that she had to shift her eyes away because she's feeling conscious. The person, on the other hand, was also obviously shocked to see Winter in the elevator.

The person stayed in Winter's opposite direction. The awkwardness filled the area. Isn't it weird how an elevator with a capacity of 15 or more people can be too crowded for it's two passengers right now?

"Winter, are you still there?"

Winter didn't realize that she had forgotten about Yunjin. "Yeah, I'm sorry. The line was jammed."

"Can you hear me now?"

"Yup, loud and clear."

"Can you give me Karina's full name? I'll try to search her on social media.I'm really curious about her looks."

"Uhm, Yunjin, I can't do that."

"Huh? Why? I'm just asking for a name."

"Exactly. I can't give it now."

"And why is that?"

Winter took a deep breath and looked around the elevator, trying to avoid eye contact with her fellow passenger.



"I said, HERE."

"Who's there?"

"My friend."

"Your friend? Who?"Then Yunjin finally got it. "What? Karina is in the elevator with you?"

"Exactly, Yunjin. Bravo. Winter looked around to check Karina's reflection on the mirrored wall, thinking if the latter can hear the conversation even if she's on headset.

"Oh, really? Are you two alone there?"

"Yup." And this is awkward.

"Then why don't you her and kiss her?"

"Ugh! You're crazy, Yunjin, crazy!" A sudden emotion rush through her chest made Winter react so hard.

"I'm just kidding. You're overreacting. Haha! Why do I have the feeling that you're already blushing?"

Winter had no chance to defend herself, and yes, she's blushing. She leaned herself on the wall, defeated. "Oh, Yunjin..."

"How does she look today?"

"Stunning. Beautiful. Always. What's new?"

"Is she looking at you now?"

"Mmm. I don't think so."

"So, what's was her initial reaction when she saw you?"

Winter brought a hand to her face to somehow cover the feeling of being exposed. "I didn't get much of it, but we're both surprised."

"Then why don't you talk to her now, greet her."

"Ugh! I can't, Yunjin."

"You're friends, right? You don't need a reason to greet each other."

"I know. but, I'm shy."

"Ugh! You're so slow, Winter. How about her, did she greet you?"

"No, I told you - - surprised, right?"

"Not even a gesture to say, 'hey'?"

"I'm not sure, Yunjin. Even if she did, I wouldn't have noticed it because I was. you know.." Winter's eyes wandered around. But just like a metal that's always being pulled by a magnet, she can't help but look at Karina from time to time. She turned away immediately when she saw Karina's face on the mirrored wall.

Ugh. Why do you have to be so beautiful.

"Okay, I guess I have to exit the scene now."

"Huh? Why?"

"You can't make a move if you're talking to me."

"Do I really have to make a move now?"

Winter realized that she said it aloud. Her initial gesture was to check on Karina's reaction. To her surprise, Karina was already looking at her. Their eyes met through the mirror reflection.

"Just enjoy your day, okay? Just call me or l'll call you soon. I gotta go.Goodluck!"

Yunjin hung up the phone immediately.

Oh, Yunjin.

Winter felt nervous. The elevator is currently on the tenth floor and Karina and she are on the expressway straight to the 17th floor because there are no people yet that early.

Winter removed her headset to somehow inform Karina that she's over with her phone conversation. "Hey..." she called.

Karina's lips lined a smile when she turned. "Hi, Winter."

Winter almost melted. "You're early, huh?"

"Yeah, I woke up early today."

Winter nods before saying, "Me too."

There was a moment of silence. Winter wanted to say she missed Karina however she's not sure how the latter would take it.

"So, you." there was a bit of shyness in Karina's tone, "you got a haircut."

Winter felt shy and scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah.. well.. the boss asked me to."

Karina laughed softly. "Your boss is a bit demanding."

"Slight. But what can I do, that's her command."

"What a difficult boss you have there."

"Oh, I'm glad you mentioned it. Yeah, she's difficult."

Karina giggled again.

"Do you think the boss will like it?" asked Winter.

Before Karina gets the chance to even start saying something, the elevator door opened. Karina went out first and Winter followed her.

Winter was a bit disappointed to see Karina walk directly to her station. Winter walked straight to her department too. She isn't sure if Karina is in the mood for talk now.


Winter was a bit far already when she heard the call. She turned around and saw the petite lady still standing in front of her terminal.

"Could you take off your hat for a sec?" Karina asked. Without having any idea why, Winter obeyed. Karina folder her arms while observing her. "Hmm. I don't think your boss will like your hair now."

Winter dropped her gazed at the hat in her hand, feeling nervous.

Seeing Winter's expression drew a smile on Karina's face. "But I'm pretty sure she'll love it."

That immediately brought a wide smile on Winter's face. She shook the hat up and down while her eyes were darting around the area.

She turned her eyes back to Karina and put her bucket hat back. She waved her hand as she turned around to walk towards her department. She was so happy that she felt like humming her way there.

YES!!! She loves it! She loves it! Eee!

Karina can't get the smile off her face either. She couldn't believe that Winter did that for her.

Although a bucket hat was worn, there's no way Karina won't notice the difference in Winter's hair because she'd somehow memorized the latter's physical appearance.

She was surprised to see Winter earlier because of two reasons: first, she was not really expecting Winter do to her request, considering that Minju wanted it longer; second, she's caught unguarded because Winter was undeniably irresistible and more striking with her new hairstyle.

That thought froze Karina. She glanced at the graphic department's direction, remembering the conversation she had with Yoon last week.

But then, she immediately dismissed the idea. It's impossible. She knows how it feels to have a crush, to like someone. And what she felt with Heesung before is different than what she's feeling for Winter. Winter could be just a close friend, a special friend who happens to be really beautiful and cute with her new haircut.


Karina smiled when she heard the chat message notification. There's nobody else in the office yet except for the two of them. She surely knows whom the chat came from.

"Hey boss, it's still early. Want to grab coffee downstairs?"

Karina smiled at the new endearment and replied. "Yeah, sure. Pick me here whenever you're ready."



As Karina had expected, the fan girls went crazier this time. Karina was not sure anymore if pushing Winter to get a new haircut is a good idea or not. A lot of them were visiting the graphics department lately. And according to Giselle, there were even new recruits in Winter's fanclub.

It's already past five o'clock in the afternoon and most people are excited to go home for the weekend. Karina is still in her terminal doing some minor work. She's already done for the day however she was hoping that Winter or Giselle will ask her to go out again for a little party like last time.

Ever since that night happened, Karina's weekend started to get boring. The only thing she's excited about the weekend is the fact that she doesn't need to wake up early. Since it's Friday, and it's going to be a hell of two more days before Monday, she was somehow expecting to have a little bonding this time before she goes home.

"Hey, Rin. Did Winter go home already?" asked Yeonjun, fixing his things.

"I dunno. I'm not her keeper." She answered with a shrug.

Although they have been really close lately, it is not something that they share in the office. They don't talk that much when people are around. It's like they had a silent rule to keep their friendship in between them. There was no agreement about it. It just started rolling out like that. It's not like they're going to deny it but they don't want it to make it too obvious either, especially on Karina's part who doesn't want to be pissed by the fan girls.

"I know you're not her keeper but why are you acting so defensive?" He asked.

Yeonjun, hooking his bag on his shoulder.

"Because I don't know anything about her whereabouts. I'm not her girlfriend, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun got confused. "Hey, I'm just asking if you happen to notice Winter. What does it have to do with being her girlfriend? Besides, you don't need to be her girlfriend to notice if she left or not."

"Ugh! Fine! What is this about anyway?"

"It's for our February project. I've printed the materials and sent her the soft copy. She needs to get this copies, said Yeonjun, raising some papers. "I tried to chat her but she's been idle for fifteen minutes now."

"Then just bring materials to her station then leave."

"I can't, Rin. My boyfriend is already downstairs. He doesn't want me to keep him waiting."

Karina smiled. "If your boyfriend cannot wait for you for another five minutes then you should dump him."

"Hmp! It's easy for you to say that. Unlike you, it's not everyday I get someone to like me the way I am."

"Fine. I'll bring them." The truth is, Karina just saw it as an opportunity to go to Winter's department.

"Really? Hihihi! Oh, Karina, you're so great!" Yeonjun said happily.

"Okay, okay. Enjoy your date now."

"Will surely, Rin! Thanks!" Yeonjun hastily went out of the area.


Graphics Department

No one is in the room except for Soobin. Karina walked up straight to him. "Hey, where are the others?"

"Oh, hello there, Rin." Soobin stood up halfway but went back to sitting. "They already left. How can I help you?"

She raised the documents and said, "Yeonjun wants Winter to have this."

"Oh. Let me take care of those." Soobin placed the papers beside his computer.

Karina looked around the area and saw Winter's things still on her table. "Winter hasn't left yet?"

"She was called by the management. The photographer called in sick today and the artists are arriving anytime now."

Karina leaned on the table and folded her arms on her chest. "She's gonna take pictures today?"

"Yeah. It was an emergency call."

"That's nice. So how's your Friday?"

"As usual, busy. There are too many demands for February issues, you know, Valentine's is coming."

"I heard you've been receiving lots of visitors lately?" asked Karina. Her main purpose is to find out what the fangirls are doing when they are visiting Winter."

Soobin laughed. "Oh, so you noticed it too?"

"Yeah, it's too obvious. I mean, Giselle has been feeding me with what she sees in the hallway."

"It's all Winter's fault, you know, and that boss of hers."

"Her boss?"

"Yeah. I heard some of the girls asked what's with the haircut and all she says is that it was a request from her boss."

Karina secretly giggled at that. She couldn't believe that Winter is telling that to her fangirls.

"She didn't clarify if that boss is a girlfriend or what. Those girls are so envious of her." Soobin continued.

Karina pressed her lips together to control her smile. "Maybe it's a special friend of hers."

"Special friend? I don't buy that, Rin."


"I don't think it's just a friend. I'm pretty sure that it's more than that."

"More like what?"

"Well, you know. It's probably Winter's girlfriend."

Karina suddenly felt choked. "W-why do you think so?"

"Girlfriends are those who usually make that kind of requests. And for Winter to obey it, I don't think that woman is just a friend."

Karina felt relieved that Soobin was busy on his computer. She's not sure if she's really blushing but she felt her face getting warm.

"Just their luck," said Soobin, pertaining to the fan girls, "somebody has already won over Winter's heart."

"What's the photoshoot again for, the one that Winter's on right now?" Karina asked immediately to change the topic. She can no longer handle the pressure in her chest.

"It's February issue, Valentine's special. They can't cancel the shoot today because the artists are very busy," Soobin handed the outline of the magazine.

"Who are the artists?" asked Karina, relieved that her heart beat rate is returning to normal.

"I'm not sure. Winter and I haven't looked at the outline yet. But based on what I heard it'll be a couple. The theme for the next month's issue is entitled "The Couple."

Karina ran through the pages of the outline. She scanned the pages one by one.






Her eyes widened when she saw the last page. "Oh my God"

"What's that?"

"Where's the photoshoot happening?"

"Uh, it's in the usual room on the 23rd floor. Why?"

"Nothing. I have to go. Thanks, Soobin." Karina left the outline on the table and hurried outside.

Soobin was still clueless with what Karina had seen. He checked the last pages of the outline and saw the artists pictures and names.

Minju and Minho: Singapore model couple.


23rd Floor - - - Photo Shoot Room

Winter was getting ready for the shoot. She's adjusting the camera settings while waiting for the artists. She heard they arrived fifteen minutes ago and are currently retouching their make-up.

"Hi!" A good looking guy approached her. Based on his looks, Winter knew that he's one of the models. "I assumed you're the photographer?" He pointed the camera hanging around Winter's neck.

Winter smiled and stretched out her hand for a shake. "Yeah. I'm Winter."

"I'm Minho." The angelic-faced-model introduced himself. "Nice meeting you."

They shook hands. Winter felt at ease. Minho's aura is very friendly.

Minho squinted his eyes and stared at Winter for a moment. "Are you sure you're just taking pictures here? I really believe you're more qualified to be a model."

Winter laughed at the compliment. "Now you're kidding me."

"No, I'm serious, really. You're more handsome than I am."

"Haha. Thank you tho, that's too much compliment." Winter tapped Minho on the shoulder. "So, are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm pretty excited. This is the first photo shoot for a magazine I'll do here in Korea."

"Oh, really? Why tho?"

"My modeling career began in Singapore."

Winter remembered something with that. "Oh, really?"

Before Minho could speak, his eyes shifted to the woman behind Winter who's approaching them.

"Hey, Min. I'm ready now. Let's get started," the woman spoke.

Dug! Dug!

Winter furrowed her eyebrows. She felt her heartbeat rose. She knew that voice very well. She could not be mistaken.

"Oh, there you are, Minju." Minho excused himself to approached his co-model. "Come here. I'd like you to meet our dazzling photographer."

Winter turned around and saw how Minho put his arm around Minju's waist to assist her. Minju raised her head and the beautiful smile on her face faded when she met eyes with their photographer. The time stood still.

Tik... Tok...

Tik... Tok...

Tik... Tok...

"Uh, guys?" said Minho.

Minju broke the silence after getting back to her senses. "Win..."

Winter still hasn't fully recovered yet but felt compelled to respond, "Hi, Minju.Fancy meeting you here."

"Uhm, you two know each other?" asked Minho, feeling left behind by the two.

"Yeah. Winter is a good friend of mine. She used to take my photos before when we were in college." Minju asserted.

Winter smiled at the term Minju used.

Good friend. Yeah.

"Oh really? That's cool!" Minho's excitement interrupted by his ringing phone. He took it out from his pocket and glanced at the screen. "Poops. Excuse me, I need to take this."

Winter and Minju were left alone after Minho walked away from them.

"You work her?" Minju started, getting a simple nod from Winter as a response.

"... Uh.. I didn't know you graduated already."

"Just last year." said Winter, pretending to check something on the DSL she's holding.

"Oh, that's good. So, you finally decided to go back to school."

"Yeah, I had to rethink my life." Minju nodded. "So, who was with you during graduation?"

"My dad," said Winter flatly. She remembered Irene promising her before, when they were still okay, to attend her graduation.

"Oh. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it..."

"Don't worry. You're busy with your career. I perfectly understand that."

"By the way, my schedule is really crazy at the moment that's why I haven't gone back to your apartment yet."

"No worries. I'm kinda busy too."

"Oh." Minju looked around first and went back to Winter. "Where were you this New Year's Eve?"


"Your dad is still traveling a lot, huh?"

"Yeah, I don't think he'll ever get tired of that," said Winter, feigning a smile.

There was a moment of silence after that. They both knew that there's so much that they need to talk about but this isn't the right time and place for that conversation yet.

Winter cannot hide her curiosity anymore, so she asked, "Is Minho your-"

"Boyfriend, yes."


"I'm sorry that we have to meet this way. I was planning to introduce him to you sooner after we talk."

"No worries." Winter fake a smile. She doesn't want to look pathetic.

"Are you okay, Winter?"

Winter closed her eyes for a second.

Ugh. Don't use that tone on me, Minju.

The timbre of Minju's voice made her feel like she's talking to the old Minju - the Minju who cared for her, her very own Minju. That's how Minju talks to her during their alone time before. Hearing her talk like that somehow triggered something inside Winter.

Are you okay, Winter?

Are you okay, Winter?

Are you okay, Winter?

Suddenly, flashes of memories appeared on her mind. That was Minju's usual question whatever the situation is. Hearing that same old line from that same old person using that same old tone just made Winter feel something she's not supposed to feel.

"Are you asking me if I'm jealous? I'm not," said Winter, slightly chucking.

"Yeah, why would you be?" asked Minju.

Winter felt her heart tightened. Hearing Minju's way of talking brought back memories when they were still close. It's like her feelings to the girl that has been buried inside just burst out from the depths.

Then she felt envious of Minho. Minju's smile was only hers before; her attention, her care, her affection, everything. All of those things now belong to the new guy. Winter is now close to finally admitting it to herself. She knows she's losing the battle. She felt her knees getting weaker.

"Hey, honey. I've been looking everywhere for you."

Winter snapped back to reality when somebody from behind clung to her left arm. She knew that voice. She turned her head to make sure she's not dreaming. Her eyes widened when she realized that it's for real.


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