By JaneNola

76.4K 2.9K 2.8K

All Rémy Miller has ever known are lies until someone is able to give him the life changing truth. When study... More

✨ Lie nr. 1
✨ Lie nr. 2
✨ Lie nr. 3
✨ Lie nr. 4
✨ Lie nr. 5
✨ Lie nr. 6
✨ Lie nr. 7
✨ Lie nr. 8
✨ Lie nr. 9
✨ Lie nr. 10
✨ Lie nr. 11
✨ Lie nr. 12
✨ Lie nr. 13
✨ Lie nr. 14
✨ Lie nr. 15
✨ Lie nr. 16
✨Lie nr. 17
✨ Lie nr. 18
✨ Lie nr. 19
✨ Lie nr. 20
✨ Lie nr. 21
✨ Lie nr. 22
✨ Lie nr. 23
✨ Lie nr. 24
✨ Lie nr. 25
✨ Lie nr. 26
✨ Lie nr. 27
✨ Lie nr. 28
✨ Lie nr. 29
✨ Lie nr. 31
✨ Lie nr. 32
✨ Lie nr. 33
✨ Lie nr. 34
✨ Lie nr. 35
✨ Lie nr. 36
✨ Lie nr. 37
✨ Lie nr. 38
✨ Lie nr. 39
✨ Lie Nr. 40
✨ Lie nr. 41
✨ Final Truth✨ the Epilogue

✨ Lie nr. 30

1.7K 59 51
By JaneNola


You have some chocolate on your...

I am talking to Peter Martin. The Peter Martin.

Holy fuck.

Not only does he have a Stanley cup to his name, he also has an even bigger treasure to it. He literally passed down his last name to her.

It quickly became clear I had passed Mr. Martin's seal of approval when he patted me on the back over a drink telling me to take care of his daughter, casually adding the or else, but I didn't expect anything less.

We mostly talked hockey, just because, while my gaze drifted off to Céline having fun with Luna and Grace on the dancefloor. She looked so stunning. As soon as I saw her this morning, I just had to tell her at the first chance I got. It was literally on my tongue waiting to spell it out for her. Her makeup was perfect, that lipstick obviously smudge proof enough, not for all, so she claimed. And that dress, what the fuck... I knew Céline was gorgeous, even in the morning without a single trace of makeup on her face and wearing those ridiculously cute satin pj's, but today she just blew my mind.

Speechless, just like the first second I met her.

So of course, I glance at her dancing, smiling, while sipping my drink and talking to her dad. I sure hope Peter Martin isn't a secret mind reader because no dad wants to know whatever I was thinking.

That was, until my brother came up to us with a worried look on his face.

"Sorry to interrupt." Ezra smiled politely. "Has anyone seen Sophi? I can't find her anywhere."

Instantly, my mood shifts from the highs of hockey glory to the concern etched on Ezra's face. I offer a quick glance to the dance floor, hoping to spot her among the swirl of dresses and laughter. No luck. "I haven't seen her either." I admit and shrug, all three of us scanning the room for any sign of Sophia.

Ezra is visibly worried. "I've asked the girls, but no one knows. I don't want to ruin Luna's night, but I can't shake this feeling."

We exchange a look, both understanding the weight of the situation. Without hesitation, I pull out my phone.

"I'll call her," I say, already scrolling through my contacts to find Sophia's number.

"I have tried but I think she left her phone on silent after the ceremony." I nod while calling her and he's probably right as it keeps ringing until I get send to voicemail.

"Yeah voicemail." I sigh as I tuck my phone away.

"Fuck." My brother curses as he scratches the back of his head. "Rém, I have a feeling something is wrong. This isn't right, she wouldn't just leave without telling anyone, without telling me."

"I know." I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him but my attempts are useless.

Ez starts to pace in front of us and Peter gets up from his seat, "We'll look around for her, don't worry. I'll go check outside in the winter garden and the terrasses, maybe she just needed some air."

I instantly put down my drink and get up too. "I'll walk back to the hotel." It's just right next to the venue so she could have been feeling sick or something and decided to rest a little, or change shoes. "Hey." I nod at my brother. "We'll find her."

"Yeah," He bites his lip with worry while his eyes still search the room. "I'll check around here with Levi," desperately he rushes a hand through his hair. "Fuck." He cusses again, his mind probably racing with possibilities.

As we split up in different directions, I make my way out of the venue into the cold air outside. The whole place including the street is well-lit with festive light and street lanterns but not a single trace of Sophia. Pacing fast into the hotel I make my way to the wing where the girls had been sleeping. I glance around, hoping to spot Sophia among other guests or perhaps taking a moment in one of the quiet corners.


The dim light in the hallway casts a shadow, creating an earie atmosphere.

The fucking suspense.

I knock on the bridal suite, nothing.


I knock again, I hear ruffling.


I call for Sophia, she opens.

Thank God!

"Sophia!" I let out a sigh of relief, instantly stepping into the doorway and hugging her. "We tried to call you... Ezra couldn't find you and he's about to lose it back there." I pull back and there something about her, she looks worried and lost. There's tears in her eyes. Why? "Hey Hey." I widen my eyes, whispering softly. "Sophia what's wrong. What's going on?" And then she stars to sob. I grab her shoulders a little, inspecting her face, her arms. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know what to do Mills." She's shuddering, shaking and all I can do is pull her close and let her have a moment.

Sophia's sobs echo in the dimly lit hotel hallway, and my concern deepens as I hold her close. Her tears trigger a sense of urgency, and I gently guide her into the room, shutting the door behind us.

"Sophia, what's wrong? Tell me." I ask again, my voice a mixture of worry and reassurance.

She takes a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. "I don't know what to do, Mills. This wasn't supposed to happen."

My mind races with scenarios, but I keep my focus on her. "Start from the beginning. What happened?"

Between sobs, Sophia begins to share her story. "This morning while Grace was helping Luna with her dress, I took a pregnancy test in the bridal suite... sparing you the details on why..." She takes a deep breath, but my mind is in an instant state of limbo. Oh. Oooh. "I was in the bathroom waiting for the results when Céline walked in, and I left to greet her and then it totally slipped my mind with everything going on... You know the wedding hype and the nerves..." Her story starts to pick up a rapid pace and I can tell she's panicking as she sits down at the edge of the bed, staring ahead of herself. "Then when I wanted to eat a stupid shrimp, I started to feel nauseous and then it hit me, I came back here, I needed to know." She is breathing fast, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Positive. It's positive. I'm pregnant." She looks at me and her entire expression crumbles.


My mind processes the information. Pregnant. The word lingers in the air, and I find myself struggling to see why that's a bad thing. Sophia's worries, however, are etched across her face.

"Why is that a bad thing?" I ask gently, careful to celebrate something she might not want to celebrate. My hand gently rests on her shoulder as I sit down next to her on the bed.

She looks at me, her eyes searching mine. "Because..." she shakes. "I don't think Ezra will be okay with this, Rémy." Another sob comes with the realization and my heart breaks for her. "We were being so careful, but I switched birth control and maybe we weren't careful enough around that time. I don't know. He has always said he doesn't think he's going to be a good dad because he never knew his." Now my heart breaks for my brother twice as hard. The fact he thinks he's not capable of being a dad himself... because of something that isn't in his control... But he's wrong, so so wrong. The way he has been there for me growing up was more than any father could have ever done. "I'm scared he'll leave me Rémy. What if he's not ready. This is a big change?"

"Sophia, we're talking about Ezra." A smile creeps up my face and it erases some of the concern on hers. "I have never seen anyone love someone as much as my brother loves you. He adores you. You are his entire world." I smile more, knowing everything they have been through together in college to where they are at today. "He puts on a fucking tutu for you. Have you seen him. He looks ridiculous in it. Yet he'll proudly wear it to welcome all the little ballerinas at your studio when the new dance season comes around." I laugh and she follows suit as I remind her of how he struts around the place looking like that. How he makes the little kids smile and make their day. He's a tall tough goalie 364 days a year and for one day he'll be a prima ballerina just to please the woman he loves with every inch of his heart and soul. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. "Sophia, if anything he's going to be excited. You should tell him." She's wiping away her tears with a smile. "Tell him he's going to be a dad and he's going to be a fucking excellent one."

"Okay. Yeah." She nods and laughs to agree, wiping all of her tears away now. "I'm going to be a mom?" She looks at me and now there's only happiness, not a trace left of the initial shock. "I mean I'm scared but I'm going to be a mom." She smiles.

I realize something now and widen my eyes. "I'm going to be a fucking uncle." Fuck. A sudden surge of happiness rushes through me. "That little man is going to have the best funcle in the world. I can promise you that!"

"She could be a girl Rémy. Not everything has to be about male dominance." She nudges her elbow in my side and I'm glad she's laughing now.

I cock her a mischievous brow. "Oh if she's a girl, her future boyfriend needs to pass through me and her daddy. Poor sucker." I tease.

Sophia laughs, a genuine sound that cuts through the tension from earlier. "Poor sucker indeed."

"Hey." I tell her. "If you want, I'll go back to the venue and tell Ezra to come here so you can tell him. He's probably having a meltdown right now."

Sophia nods, her eyes filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yeah, go get him. I'll be right here; I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Literally my legs are shaking."

I stand up, patting her on the back before heading back to the venue. The air is crisp outside, a stark contrast to the warmth and emotion inside. As I push through the doors, the lively hum of the party hits me, and I scan the room for Ezra. He's pacing around the place like a headless chicken and as soon as he spots me, I'm his next target, pushing his way through the crowd.

Pretty sure he almost pushed over and eighty-year-old grandma.

Poor lady.

"Did you find her?" He says in a rush and I'm smirking. "What?"

I put my hand son both his shoulders. "Stop worrying." I smile. "She's at the bridal suit, but you need to run over there."

I can tell that only frightens him more, his eyes scanning my face for information. "Is everything alright? Is Sophi okay? What happened? Why is she over there?"

"She's okay," I shrug, patting his shoulders and then ironing the creases out of his shirt. "Just go and see her. Everything's fine," I assure him. He shrugs and when he's still not moving, I roll my eyes at him and overexcitedly start to push him towards the exit of the venue. "Goooo now."

After Ezra finally shifted into sixth gear, I went to find Céline's dad outside, telling him everything was fine and then I went to join Céline on the dancefloor. I smile at her as my hand finds hers and I twirl her around until her back finds my chest, my arms wrapped around her. "So, my dancing ant." I whisper into the side of her face. "How are you enjoying yourself."

"Could have been better." She chuckles as we sway to the music, my arms closing around her waist while I rest my chin on her shoulder from behind. "Where were you? I missed my dance partner."

"Ezra was a little worried about Sophia, so I tried to help."

"Oh, is she okay?" I can sense the concern in Céline's voice.

"Yeah, don't worry." I smile while my lips find Céline's bare shoulder. For a moment there's silence, just us and some quiet music in the background, her skin warm against my lips. "I love you." I whisper, and I mean it. Every word. I love her as much as Ezra loves Sophia, as Jules loves Luna, and Levi adores his Grace, and those are some pretty tough references to beat. The bar is set high by the people around me, but I'm determined to crossbar it and break a record. "I really fucking love you."

"Rém I-"

"Mmh." I interrupt her with a hum that vibrates against her skin. "Don't say anything, I need to say something first." I kiss her shoulder again and then continue the second she relaxes into me, my embrace around her just a little tighter. "My past hasn't really been marked by love, I don't like to look back at it either. Apart from the good memories spending time with Ezra, or my friends at the rink, it's something I don't really want to remember. For a long time, I didn't care for a future either, but since I met you, I feel like I have something to look forward to. Like, there's this story to unfold, a whole map of paths to take and I want to take them with you." I tell her, my hand on her stomach pulling her more and more into my chest. "I finally see something ahead of the now and unlike the past, it is marked with love. Yours, ours."

Céline is silent for a moment, yet she lets herself melt into my body as her heart soaks up every word, and then she turns around in my hands and her gaze instantly scans my face.

"Rémy." She whispers as she stretches on her tip toes and her fingers mesh at the back my neck. "You deserve the world and I'll happily walk it with you." She leans in, surprising me as her lips gently brush along my jaw. "Together." She says, as her nose kisses mine. "I love you." And then she locks down that promise with a kiss.

The night goes on and turns out we love dancing together, any music, as long as I get an opportunity to pull her close, I'm there, right and center, spinning around her or spinning her around. It's making her laugh and I don't care about making a fool of myself, everyone can laugh at me, as long as she laughs with me. Dessert was also a success, I mean chocolate fountains and strawberries, apart from a spectacular cake, are quite the instigator for dirty talk. Who knew. Céline made it a point to seductively lick the chocolate from her finger and my brain just went wild with it, and she sure knew what she was doing when she suggested stealing the chocolate fountain to check something of her bucket list. She either would like to have a special chocolate spa treatment with it, or... we get to check something of both our bucket lists.

It was definitely the latter.

The way she's looking at me right now is also too adorable for words. Elbows on the table, hands folded under her chin, batting those perfectly long eyelashes at me. "Stop." I lean back into my chair with a chuckle. "You're going to give me butterflies." I tell her and lucky for us everyone else at the table is either hitting the bar, the dancefloor or the hotel and I desperately want to do that last one. Something tells me, so does Céline. "And a stiffy."

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do." She mutters softly as her gaze wanders over me, a flicker of playfulness in her eyes. Scratch playful, she's giving me sexy eyes. "If you hadn't noticed, I'm trying to convince you to sneak out of here."

"You're reading my mind," my tongue dances across my lip until it finds the corner of my mouth; "Uhm that's not a family trade, right? The mind reading?"

"Why?" She laughs as she scrunches her nose.

"Because your dad is going to kill me if he read my mind earlier tonight."

"Oh yeah?" She flicks a brow while she suddenly pushes her chair back. As she walks behind me, she trails a finger over my shoulder until her hand finds my hair. So hot. She can put her hands in my hair anytime, I fucking love it. Leaning down her lips brush my ear, while her hair falls over my shoulder. "He's definitely going to kill you if he finds out what we're going to do now."

"And what's that?" I twist my head, my eyes leveled with that beautiful mouth of hers.

"Do whatever you want with me," She says, innocently pecking my lips and I don't know what's hotter... The fact she makes it look so cute and endearing for everyone watching while implying the most indecent acts, or, the fact she just got me instantly hard with six simple words. "Just make it dirty."

I'm a mess.

"Let's go." I chuckle as I get up from my seat, buttoning my suit to hide any possible bulges, thank god this tux is black and the room kind of dark.

Lucky me.

We're laughing as we sneak our way out of the venue and as soon as the cold outside air hits us and I watch Céline shiver, I don't care about the boner in my pants and I instantly take off my jacket, draping it over her shoulders. It's too big on her but that's what makes it look so perfect. She's dragging me by my hand through the hallway, sneaking past the reception to her side of the hotel, giggling. She is searching through her tiny purse, and I can't believe the amount of stuff that she managed to fit in there.

Pandora's box would be jealous.

Finally, she holds up her key card with a smirk. I roll my eyes at that, playfully, and grab it from her hand before my gaze falls slowly on her lips. "Pretty," A silent whisper falls from mine as I step forward, cornering her into the door. "You have some chocolate on your..." I shake my head and rub my thumb across the corner of her mouth, then a little rougher across her bottom lip. She's looking at me with wide eyes until she turns into a docile mess, and I kiss her.

There was no chocolate.


But it was hella romantic, no?

My lips are wiping away any trace of my little white lie, brushing against hers so gently and slow she's begging me for more. Her hands a slipping into my hair as she kisses me back harder, her tongue trying to taste the chocolate I suppose. I'm towering over her somehow as I press her into the door, one of my hands sliding around her throat, kissing her like I want to ruin and save her at the same time. My other hand swipes the card and blindly reach for the doorhandle with luck.

It's hot, how she lets me guide her into her room, how she takes the lead as soon as it closes and pushes me into the door next. She's a little aggressive, but that's what happens when you want to fuck each other so hard for so long and the moment finally explodes in your face and now there's no stopping. "I'm so locking that door." She says before going back to kiss me, her hand turning the lock from the inside.

"Do we need to be quiet?" I whisper into her lips, and she instantly moans.

"No fucking way."

"Good, I want to hear loud and clear how good I'm fucking you." I tell her and at that she aggressively tugs my jacket off her arms and now I know why she wanted to pay for it. She's going to rip the rest of it off me if I don't take it off quick enough.

The jacket hits the floor, and now my tie and shirt are her next victim. She's better with buttons than I am, I'll give her that. However, I we can't help but cackle loudly as she drags my shirt over my shoulders, and we do accidently hear something tear. Still laughing she pushes me back to the bed and it's clear she wants me to sit down.

Who am I to fight her, right?

She steps between my legs, and I can tell she wants to straddle my lap next. As her hands slide into my hair and she lifts up her leg I stop her. "Not yet." I smirk, as I grab her leg behind the knee, then my hand firmly wraps around her ankle to put her foot on top of my thigh. She doesn't even wobble, and the way she confidently stands in front of me, the slip of her dress exposing her entire leg, I'm done. She's all smiles while I'm fidgeting with the strap of her shoe. It's sooo fucking sexy.

Her feet must have been hurting from all the dancing because as soon as I slide it off, she rewards me with a satisfied moan. "Fuck baby girl." I mutter under my breath as she has no idea what the sound of her moan does to me.

Or she does, and she's just evil.

I'm looking up at her, nodding for her to give me her other foot and we repeat it, including a that dick twitching moan at the end. Yet, instead of putting her foot down to the floor I keep it steadily onto of my thigh, surprising her when my free hand traced up the inside of her thigh. I don't hesitate to make my lips join the fun, kissing every inch of exposed skin, sucking and biting a little until I'm so painful hard I'm groaning in sync with her desperate hums and moans. "Keep going." She mutters as her hands have now disappeared into my hair again and she's tugging and pulling me further into her skin.

"You like that, don't you." I say confidently while my finger traces the barely there fabric between her legs. You can't even call it underwear. Jesus. All I know it's already soaked and it fucking needs to go. Kissing the inside of her thigh I pull it aside and instantly coat my fingers, rubbing her clit until she desperate throws back her head with a wanting sigh. "Fuck you're so hot and wet." I mutter into her thigh while slipping a finger inside her, slowly, letting her adjust. "Pretty, what's my name?" I ask, slowly pleasing her with both my thumb and my finger.

"Rémy." She chuckles while I look up at her, my eyes are undoubtfully hooded, filled, and tired with every dirty thought I ever had.

"Then moan it for me." I tell her, my voice teasing, yet I mean it. The way it always rolls off her lips so smoothly and wanting, it drives me nuts.

I smirk plays onto her lips before her gaze daggers mine. "Then fucking make me."

Yup, she's the end of me.

For every dirty thing I whisper to her I get two dirty thoughts back. She wants me to make her, well, then she has to take it. Whatever it is I give to her. For now, I give her another finger, filling her with it, and hearing how she's slowly crumbling as I slowly pick up my pace and go faster. Her leg is starting to tremble on top of mine but I'm not going to let her have it just yet. Not without getting my name from her lips. "More," She whispers when I slow down just a little.

I look up at her, my free hand now grabbing her ass. "I can't hear you." I tease her, my thump still gently rubbing her clit while my fingers fill her and she's slowly becoming a throbbing mess.


"Please." She sighs and fuck I had no idea a simple innocent little please could absolutely drive me insane. "Rémy.Please."

Separate words.

It sounds soooo much hotter.

"That's it." I mutter and my voice sounds muffled as I'm still kissing the inside of her thigh. I don't even have to do a lot more as she's already repeating my name, louder as my fingers go faster. The slapping sound stops when she grabs my hand and makes me slow down. Her legs are trembling, her fingers pulling my hair and her whimpers echo until her entire body relaxes. She's panting when my arm wraps around her waist and I pull my fingers out, only to guide her leg to straddle me, her other one swiftly following. Our foreheads meet and for a second I forget she's sitting directly on my dick, and it wants nothing more than to impale her through my pants. My dick is stupid. It's obvious she needs a moment. "It's okay." I chuckle when she relaxes into my chest, her arms loosely around my neck.

"Fuck." She whispers. "Dirty talking me, definitely works." She's still out of breath and I'll take that is a compliment. The biggest stroke to my ego, that is.

"You're so beautiful, especially when you let me wear you out." I chuckle and our lips meet somewhere between our heavy breaths. I'm pushing back some sweaty strands of here as they cling to the side of her face, feathering my thumb across her cheek. She's blushing, her cheeks hot, like I just gave her a fever. She takes a brave tug of air as she lets a moment of calm pass over us.

Calm before the storm. 

✨ To answer the most asked question. To my knowledge there aren't any Rémy's up for sale somewhere. I think the manufacturing is still under construction. Or it's unethical. Doesn't change the fact we want a REMY for Christmas! 

✨ Had to break up this chapter and the next or else it would have gotten so long, but hey calm before the storm, it that it's a teaser. My weather forecast for the next chapter are some very spicy rainfall. 💀 

✨ Any thoughts? 

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