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Their love story contains a lot of misunderstandings, love, jealousy, possessiveness and ups and downs. Every... More

My lipstick 💄 your car
Najar 🧿🫶💕
First kiss 💋
Trip Day 1
trip day 2
Happy Ending ?


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जो अधूरा होता है, वही सबसे प्यारा होता है..!

Tamanna's pov..

In the evening I woke up and started looking for my phone.

I was scrolling through Pinterest to get an idea of the outfit I have to wear tomorrow.

After sometime I made some coffee for myself then got a call from Shanaya.

"Hey sweetheart what are you wearing tomorrow." She asked me.

" I don't know. I am so confused and I don't even have something to wear."

" Yeah I'm also confused. So let's go shopping."

"Ok done."

" Be ready I will pick you up in 20 minutes."

"Ok done. "

I changed into black tshirt and brown Cargo.

I was waiting for her.

Then I heard a car honk. So took my purse and phone with me.

I went towards the car and saw reyaansh and ayaan were also present there.

They both were sitting in the front.

So I sat in the back with shanaya.

"Hey rey."

"Ohh hiii."

" You didn't tell me they are also coming." I whispered in Shanaya's ear.

" Driver was busy. So mom sent ayaan with me and I told him that Tamanna would not come without reyansh. So he had to pick him also."

She giggled.

" But I never said that. "

" Yeah I know. But he was not giving me permission to take rey also. That's why I had to lie. I'm sorry."

"No. No. It's ok."

Ayaan was so silent throughout the journey.

He was wearing a white tshirt and layered it with black checks shirt and was looking so handsome.

No he was not.

I tried to fight with my inner voice.

But it was all in vain.

Remember tamanna no matter how much good he looks he has a black heart.

No. No. He is heartless

He only cares about himself.

Suddenly someone pinched my arm slightly.

"Where are you lost Tamanna. I was calling your name ."

" Ohh nothing. Just thinking about something. So what were you saying."

" Have you decided what type of dress you are wearing cute , hot or something else."

" I don't know."

" I don't care. We both have to look the best not that Rhea bitch."

Ayaan glanced at her because of that b word.

But wait what Rhea..

"Rhea is also coming. You didn't told me about her." I asked.

" I also don't want her. But ayaan Bhai told me that he would come only if she is coming."

I looked at ayaan whose all focus was on road.

I felt something heavy in my heart.

No matter how much I tried to convince myself. But it hurted.

Ayaan wants Rhea in the party.

Why wouldn't he?

He loves her.

He would.

But why I was feeling sad.

To divert my mind I started talking again.

"Hey rey have you decided what are you gonna wear "

"Not yet. But I think if you are you will help me as you used to do in Delhi."

" It seems like you were really close." Shanaya said.

"Yeah." We both replied together.

"So Rey tell us about tamanna was there." Shanaya asked him.

" You know what she is such a good soul. She used to help people alot. She loves to go to shopping and I have to go with her everytime. Otherwise she would buy the whole market.
She loves jhumkas. So I have to gift her that everytime she was mad at me. That momos date and so much. We used to fight alot."

" So you guys never thought of dating each other." Shanaya asked.

"No. Never. We were always good friends. You know what she has told the whole school that we were dating."

" Why?"

"Because there were a lot of boys who were mad for her. So to get rid of them. She used to lie."

" So you are telling me she never dated anyone." Ayaan asked abruptly in between.

"No. I would never allowed her to date. Because she has such a pure heart. Anyone can use her for convenience. I don't want that to happen. She is like my little sister. I really want to protect her from every bad thing."

" Since when you both know each other." Shanya asked.

"I think we know eachother from our kindergarten days. She will always be my sister and I'm the only person who will find her groom."

"Ohh shutup. Don't try to act oversmart." I said.

" I think we will find you a boy in Jaipur itself." Shanaya said.

"I don't think it would be possible as I'm here only for a short time."

"What do you mean by that."

"As soon as I complete my education. I would move out from here and will never come back."

Shanaya was about to say something but mall has arrived.

So we all went inside and started looking for clothes.

After an hour I brought some clothes and Shanaya also decided her outfit.

"Tamanna I need a favour." She said.

"Yeah. "

"Can you please take ayaan away from here and keep him busy for sometime."

My heart skipped a beat.

" But why."

" I don't want to hide something from you. Actually I think I like reyansh. So I want to spend sometime with him in alone. I want to know him better. Shopping was just an excuse for it. But luck was not on my side and ayaan Bhai also came with us. I hope you can understand. PLEASE give me this favour."

"Ok. But am I gonna tell him."

"I don't know. Please help me."

She started pleading and I can't deny it.

So I agreed to help her.

We both started looking for ayaan and finally found him in the food court.

"Call me whenever you feel something is wrong." She said me and then called reyansh.

They both went to other floor.

Now I have to take care of that stupid ayaan.

Oh God why did I agreed to even come to this shopping.

Please save me god.

I started walking towards ayaan.

But each and every step felt like a mile.

Finally I was standing in front of him.

He looked at him.

"Hey I need your help." I said to him.

Firstly he was surprised. Then after looking my worried expression.

He stood up and took a step towards me to confront me.

"Yeah. Tell me."

" I think I have got my period and I don't even have sanitary napkins with me."

He looked confused but said

"It's ok. It's normal. Just calm down.. I think you should ask Shanaya if she have some."

"I did. But she didn't have. I think I might even got a stain. I don't know what to do "

I don't know why but I saw a glimpse of care and positivity in his eyes.

"It's ok. Let's go outside. We will do something."

I turned and was about to go towards the exit but he stopped me.

He unbuttoned his shirt and wrapped it around my waist.

"Let's go now." He hold my hand and guided me towards the exit.

I again felt that same butterflies which I used to feel in those initial days.

Oh God how can a single person have so many personalities.

Is he some psycho or a mental patient.

I don't know.

This boy is driving me crazy.

Then we went towards the parking.

I was about to sit in the backseat but he opened the front door for me.

I sat and then he took out the phone and asked me for reyansh's number.

I gave him.

He called him and said " hey bro I need your help. Actually me and tamanna have some work so we just went out of the mall. We may be late. So please take care of Shanaya. Be with her. She wanted to watch a movie. So give her a company. We might me late so please drop her at home safely. And apologize to her from my side."

Then he started driving.

He stopped near a convenience and went inside it.

After 15 minutes he came with a big bag.

"What did you bring." I asked.

"Actually there were so many sanitary napkins I didn't know which one did you use. So I brought them all and there are some chocolates, ice cream waffers and some snacks."

"You didn't have to buy these all."

"It's ok. So let's go to find some good washroom for you. Wait there is our cafe at just 5 minutes distance. You can go there and get freshen up ."

Why is this boy acting so good..

Then we went to his cafe.

He said something to the manager and he brought me towards the washroom.

I went there with those napkins.

I washed my mouth and hands fixed my hair and came outside.

Ayaan was talking with some waitress.

I went towards him and told him that we should go now.

" No wait. There is something I have ordered just wait for 2 minutes."

We sat on one of the cosy sofa there.

The vibe of the cafe was so aesthetic.

There were small mirrors everywhere and it was painted with pastel colours while the furniture was painted white.

I would definitely come here some other day to chill.

I was thinking all of that and then suddenly a waitress came and gave me a mug with warm water which was infused by ginger and cinnamon.

" It will help you with the cramp and pain. Drink it then we can go."

I started to drink it.

" How do you know all of that." I asked him

"Just some research and Shanaya used to tell me about all these thinking it might be helpful when I would have girlfriend."

He laughed

"So you would have done all these with your girlfriend also." I asked him.

"No. But I think all of her knowledge helped me today."

I finished that water than again we went towards his car.

"Are you feeling good now." He asked me.

"No. It's still paining."

" Wait I have something."

He started looking in all those things he brought from the store and took out something.

"Take it. It's pain relief patch. Just apply it where it's paining."

Then I did what he said..

Maybe he is not that bad

No he is.

But he is taking care of me so well.

Maybe he is just faking it.

Ohh I'm so tired of all these thoughts.

He passed me a tub of ice cream.

"Have it. Shanaya also have ice cream during her periods. Do you need something else."

"No. Thank you."

" You don't have to thank me."

" I want to pizza."

"Ok let's go to dominos."

He then
" So if you are feeling better. I think we should join them in the mall."

No. No. No.

We can't go to mall this early.

I have to think about something.

"Hey I'm not feeling good. I'm feeling dizzy. Please don't stop the car. Just drive."

"Ok relax. Let's go to a long drive."

He put his hand on mine and started rubbing his thumb.

I wanted to pull my hand but I can't.

I rolled the seat down and closed my eyes to relax a bit.

Ayaan's pov:-

My mom woke me up and said that I have to take shanaya to shopping as our driver was not available.

But as soon as she told me tamanna is also coming with us

So I agreed to it.

I changed my clothes took the car keys and started driving.

She told me to pick reyansh also from his house

I denied that he will not come with us but as soon as she told me that tamanna wanted to take him along.

I couldn't help it so have to agree it.

I didn't liked this guy at all.

But I was so disappointed from tamanna.

I don't even know the reason.

After picking both of them.

I headed towards the mall.

They all started talking about Delhi and stuffs.

Then I came to knew reyansh considers tamanna as his little sister and take care of her.

Maybe he is not that bad.

Soon one more thing was revealed and that was tamanna never dated anyone.

I felt so happy and relaxed.

But a part of me was sad because I broke her trust.

Maybe she wouldn't trust anyone from now on.

After reaching the mall. They all went for shopping.

But I didn't liked shopping. So I was waiting for them to complete their shopping. So that I can go home.

I saw tamanna approached me.

She was looking so tensed.

She asked me for a favour and she told me about her periods.

I don't know a lot about it

But I had the basic knowledge the perks of having sister.

I wanted to make her feel comfortable.

Then I realised maybe she can get stain. So I gave her my shirt.

Then brought her all those things which were required.

In the cafe I asked the waitress that what helps in period cramps and pain.

She then brought that warm water which Tamanna drank.

I hope she is feeling better now.

I gave her ice cream tub as I have seen Shanaya eating a lot of ice cream during her periods.

I started rubbing her hands to make her feel good.

She told me that she is feeling dizzy and having a headache.

So I rolled the windows down and started driving slowly.

After half an hour I looked at her she was sound asleep.

How can someone look so beautiful even while sleeping.

Tamanna's pov:-

I woke up by the sunlight coming through the window.

My back was hurting a little.

I stretched myself and rubbed my eyes.

Then I realised that I was sleeping in ayaan's car and he was sleeping next to me holding my hands.

His shirt was now over me as a blanket.

I woke him up.

" Are you feeling well" the first question he asked me after waking up.

" Yeah. But what are we doing here."

" You slept in my car last night. I didn't wanted to disturb you. So I parked my car here and I tried my best to not sleep. But I don't know when I slept. I'm sorry."

Why is he being sorry.

I should be the one.

He slept all night here because he didn't wanted to interrupt my sleep.

Is he the same ayaan.

" I will drop you to home."

Then he started driving.

He pulled the car in front of my house.

" Go now take some rest." He told me.

I was about to go home but he called

" Wait. These all are for you." He gave me all those snacks he brought for me.

" I don't know how to thank you enough."

" You don't have to. Just take some rest."

He was waiting there until I went inside my house.

I plugged my phone into the charger.

I went to the washroom and saw myself blushing like a kid.

Then I realised I was still wearing ayaan's shirt.

I took a shower.

Changed into something more comfortable.

Then I started to look message and calls in my phone.

Shanaya texted me a thankyou.

I replied back it's ok.

Then I started to think about all those things which happened in the last night.

Soon I drifted into sleep.

I woke up in the evening and realised that I have to get ready for tonight's party.

I wore the outfit.

I know it was a little bit sexy but who cares.

I will enjoy alot today.

Shanaya called me and texted me the address.

I took my car's keys and phone.

I started driving towards the club.

There I saw Shanaya and reyansh on the entrance itself.

I greeted them and wished Shanaya happy Birthday.

Then we went inside.

There were a lot of people.

We all were talking and having fun.

Then I saw himanshu and ayaan coming towards us.

He is looking so hot.

Then all started dancing and enjoying.

I went towards the bar and saw that bitch Rhea being clingy to ayaan

Why the fuck is she here.

I ordered my wine.

1 shot

2 shot

3 shot

And more.

Than I saw ayaan was kissing Rhea but he was looking towards me.

A guy then came towards me and ordered drinks from the bartender.

I started to flirt with him.

He started to being touchy with me.

Then I kissed him.

I don't know what have gotten into me.

Maybe the drinks are doing their magic.

" Let's go somewhere more peaceful." He said.

" Yeah." I nodded.

He hold my hands and took me out from the back doors towards an alley.

He put his hands on my thighs and started rubbing it.

" I'm not feeling comfortable."

" You will love it sweetheart just wait."

He pulled me towards himself by waist.

I started to push him away but he was strong enough.

He put a hand on my mouth.

Now I can't even scream.

He squeezed my hand.

A tear left my eyes.

I thought everything is over. He is gonna take my virginity.

I don't wanna lose my virginity to a pervert like him.

Please somebody help me.

Then I heard a loud thud and saw that guy on the floor with a bleeding nose.

I looked behind me and ayaan was standing there with blood in his eyes.

" Stay away from her or I'm not gonna think twice before cutting those hands off which just touched her now."

He took my hands and pulled me towards him.


बेताहाशा दिल ने तुझको ही चाहा है
हर दुआ में मैंने तुझको ही माँगा है
तेरा जाना जैसे कोई बददुआ
तेरा जाना जैसे कोई बददुआ
दूर जाओगे जो तुम मर जायेंगे हम
सनम तेरी कसम ओ..
सनम तेरी कसम ओ..
सनम तेरी कसम







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