The Unhappy Heart (Book 1 of...

By WhimsiquillWriter

652 160 139

When Andrea King wished she could disappear from the face of the earth, she hadn't meant it literally. But no... More

Andrea King
1. The Luring of the Woods
2. The Phone Call
3. Anruen
4. The Healer's Home
5. The Wolf
6. The Carpenter
7. The King's Dream
8. The King's Soldiers
9. The Young Soldier
10. Fool's Pass
11. The Hunter
12. The Twins
13. Riddle of the Heart
14. The Imperial Library
15. The Scribe
16. Dagen's Story
17. A Discovery
18. A Confession and a Solution
19. Priscilla, the Retired Healer
20. A Temporary Cure
21. Alpha of the Mountain Wolves
22. A Reunion of Three
23. Truth and Lies
24. The Broken Bargain
25. The Riddle's Answer
26. A Conscience Awakens
27. Two Old Friends Unite
28. Ghosts of the Past
29. No Greater Love
30. The Hunter
32. Monsters
33. Home is where the Heart is
34. A New Beginning

31. The Third Alpha

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By WhimsiquillWriter

Andrea stared disbelievingly at the man before her. "You are Therron, the third alpha."

Therron snorted. "You can call me third if you wish, but I am the first and foremost in both age and power." He eyed Andrea for a moment, studying her expression. "You are confused, child. But of course, you are. Even Dagen, had no idea of my identity. You can ask why I kept it from him all these years, but even I could not tell you. Perhaps I was afraid of the questions to follow. Who was she? What was she like? What if she hadn't died? I didn't want to speak about those things. They pained me in more than words could say. I was conflicted enough. Did I love Dagen for being Kiara's son? Or did I hate him being Morten's? Did I blame him for causing her death and being half human? Was I proud of him or was I disappointed? His temper reminded me too much of myself. But his eyes...his eyes were like Kiara's. And they hurt me." Here, Therron paused to take a long breath. "You see, little Andrea. I am not only the hunter who raised Dagen, nor just his alpha. Dagen is the only child of my daughter, Kiara. I am his grandfather, though probably not the one he needed."

Andrea couldn't help but gape at him. "Grandfather?" she whispered. "You are his alpha, mentor and grandfather, and yet he only knew one of those? How could you never tell him? Is all that really true?"

For a moment, Therron was silent again. "Pricilla gave birth to two daughters," he murmured. "I married one and Ulric married the other. How strange it is now to see that three lifelong enemies were all bound by marriage though none knew? I lost my son before he was barely even a man, and I chased my remaining child away. So, though I had hated Dagen for what he was, I could not bear to lose him. But how could I let the kid know that? He had gone through so much already. To tell him I kept him only because he was all I had left of my beloved daughter, would have been a cruel thing. Do you understand now, little one?"

Andrea turned away, gazing over to where Dagen leaned against a tree, his eyes closed in a restless sleep. She looked back at the hunter. "He has to know, Therron."

Therron sighed, rising to his feet. "And he will, come the time. But until then, let it be at that." He put a hand on Andrea's shoulder. "Go rest, Andrea. Tomorrow will not be kind and we must have the strength in us to withstand it." He turned and strode away. 

Andrea stared after him, before turning away with a weary sigh. She smacked straight into a tall figure. Shaking her head to clear her dazed vision, Andrea saw it was none other than the frightened king of Erlenia. Hissing with annoyance, Andrea grabbed his arm and lead him away from the camp and into a thicket of trees.

"Where have you been?" she demanded. "The wolves were out there fighting for your kingdom. We needed you, Dade."

Dade lowered his head in what was either an apology or shame. "I was thinking and-"

"We don't have time for that. We needed you to convince the soldiers."

"I know," answered Dade earnestly, meeting her betrayed eyes. "But-"

"How can we expect you to lead the soldiers when you always run away?" Andrea snapped at him, her fear and frustration bubbling over.

Dade shook his head, his lips trembling. "I am sorry, Andrea. I know I am a coward. And I am also sorry for only telling you this now. I should have said it earlier but I didn't believe it. It was just a legend to me, a myth. But now I fear, that maybe there is a truth to it after all."

Andrea stared up at him, feeling too weak and dazed to even try and comprehend his words. "What are you talking about?" she murmured wearily.

Dade looked passed her, staring into the distance as if re-seeing something from the past. 

"Lord Rane's map. There was a small marker on the castle of a carved dragon. I was confused at first and though, I guessed it's intent, I didn't believe it. But I was so wrong. Andrea, the castle of Erlenia isn't just a home to the royal family. It is the gateway to a dungeon. A dungeon that holds the stolen breed of runen war dragons. Our ancestors stole away several eggs when they were banished. But when the eggs hatched, they found they could not control them. Only an Eastern royal can do that. But because my ancestors were so proud, they refused to throw away what they had found.
So, they locked them away beneath the city. But the strongest ate the weakest and thrived, growing stronger, breeding, and eating whatever came their way. I didn't really believe it, until I thought about Blade's scar. Lord Rane must have sent him in there to see if the dragons were still alive. Don't you get it now? Lord Rane means to release these now that all other plans have failed. So, what if he dies if he brings his enemies down with him? At the beginning all he sought was power and vengeance. To lord over all those who looked down upon him. He meant to find a way to control them. But where is the joy in that when you have no one to share that joy with? For Blade is dead, and Lord Rane has finally seen that he has lost all that really mattered to him. And we must pay for that loss. We are doomed, Andrea. So, listen to me. Go back home. There is no more hope for us. Let you at least survive this."

A heavy weight seemed to press down on Andrea, causing her to fall back on her heels. A wistful sigh left her lips and she couldn't help but give a bitter smile.

"It's too late" she muttered. "I can't leave them. It's to do or die now." She slowly pulled herself to her feet. Reaching out, she placed a hand on the defeated man's shoulders. "Aren't we lucky?" she asked in a soft voice. "We have something worth living for and something worth dying for. Something that makes it hard to let go. I have never had that before. Come, Dade, let's fight one last time. If we die, then so be it. But if we live...If we live, let's let the past lie."

Dade lowered his head. When he raised it again, his eyes held a light that had never been there before. Andrea felt a movement by her side and turned. Dagen stood there, leaning wearily against his sword. He smiled. A genuine smile that lit up his face, causing his youth to shine through.

"No matter the end," he whispered gently. "Let it be together."

The three clasped hands for a moment before Dagen swung about, the two following close behind. They weaved their way through the groups of scattered wolves, until they finally stood in the midst where all the soldiers had been herded together. 

As all eyes were turned to the trio, Dade stood forth, his eyes glinting with determination. He straightened his back and held his head high, as he climbed on top of a fallen trunk. For once in all his life, he truly did look like a king.

"There is something I must explain. Some may know me, some may not. To others I am but a familiar face. I am Dade, King of Erlenia." A loud murmuring swept through the crowd, on all sides alike. "I have come to plead with you. I know you see me as weak and a coward, and rightly so. But one thing I am not, is a disloyal son to our land. And I will not stand by and let Lord Rane bring it to its knees. I know you too fight for your homes, so listen to me now. Lord Rane is none other than one from beyond the mountains. You follow the leadership of a SHAITH!" 

It was almost as if he had struck a blow to each of the soldiers. A sudden death cold silence had fallen over them. Their eyes were fixed upon him, wide with fear. Dade continued.

"I know you have all heard the rumours of a dark being who wandered through the woods and the palace gardens at night, for I have heard them too. Let me tell you now, that those rumours hold every truth. Lord Rane is a Shaith. So, follow me once more and let us defeat him."

"How can we trust you?" called an old soldier, his face burdened with distrust.

Dade smiled sadly. "In a way, you have no right to. I was a coward. I was puppet to our enemy and even now am so afraid. But let me tell you this. It will not be me alone that you follow today, for we will join with our brother wolves, and follow with them. Not above them, nor under them, but with them side by side. For who are we to blame them for their actions when we have mercilessly hunted them down and slain their loved ones. We have both been made pawns of Lord Rane's greater plan and we have both suffered great losses for it." For a moment, he paused. Then as if coming to a decision, he took a deep breath and continued. "And when the war is over, I will hand the throne over to someone more befitting. Someone noble and courageous, someone who will stand tall in the face of danger, and always be a man of his word. I will give the throne to one who both the mage and men trust. So, will you follow me this one last time?"

The old soldier hesitated for only a moment. "To death and a new beginning!"

"To death and a new beginning!" 

The cry was taken up. And what had not happened in many years, men and beast stood side by side.

Andrea glanced at Dade and shot him a brief smile. 

"Now find us some horses," she commanded.

* * * * *

It seemed like forever passed, as Andrea galloped across the plains. Dade and Dagen had accompanied her, as well as the old soldier, who turned out to be none other than a general of the royal guards. The wolves and the rest of the army were to follow behind as quick as they were able. The old general had warned them that though most valued their homes and families, there were some who sided with Lord Rane, having followed him and listened to his lies for too long. But he also suspected that Lord Rane had sent most of the loyal ones out to take down the wolves or die, while he finished his task. And so, it was that the three were on a wild ride, to stop him.

Andrea thanked Francis over and over again in her mind, for having forced her to come spend time with him at his grandfather's paddocks and teaching her to ride. The pale-eyed pinto she rode was swifter than what she was used to, but at the same time, steadier.

The little maid was waiting for them at the secret gate and let them through wordlessly. And as most guards knew the well-respected general and several had glimpsed the king, it wasn't too difficult in making their way through the castle. It was slow progress however, as Dade tried to convince the soldiers that he was to be trusted more than Lord Rane and sent them to spread the word that the throne had been overtaken.

 Some had been led to believe that the wolves had killed him. Seeing him now, they realised that they had been lied to and were outraged. Soon the palace was teaming with soldiers, trying to hunt down the usurper and bring him to justice.

Andrea and her three companions continued on. Dade had a rough idea where the dragon dungeons might be, so he led them deeper underground. As they came to the end of a flight of stairs which they hoped to be the last, Dagen held up a hand.

"I thought I heard something" he whispered, glancing about. 

His eyes were squinted as they stared into the darkness ahead. Andrea stepped down beside him, knowing that she had the better sight of any there. As she peered at the dark hall ahead, she thought she saw a glimmer, a flickering light. She squeezed Dagen's hand and he shot the other two a warning look, while pushing Andrea behind him.

 The light was growing as it came closer. It was the flame of torch. Who held it, Andrea could not see. The flame was lowered, and without any warning, a large fire burst up all around them. The hall had a lined pit on either side to light the way. Now burning vigorously, the entire room was lit. It was not one before them but several. And nor were they human. Andrea could never put it into words. Tall and majestic, they seemed to tower over them all. Their skin was pale and their eyes black, and as their gaze fell upon the small group, an icy cold seemed to spread despite the heat of the blazing fire.

Dade gaze a strangled grasp. "It's the Shaith."

Andrea quivered, her eyes widening in petrified fear. Her eyes met the gaze of one of the beings and in an instance, she was captured in their depth. It was if she had stopped breathing, as she fell deeper and deeper into the dark void of their eyes. It was Dagen who stopped her as she was pulled forward against her own will.

"Don't look at them, Andrea" he snarled, in a mixture of fear and anger.

Andrea found herself gasping, as her panicking body gulped in the much-needed air. She couldn't help but glance at the Shaith in fear, realising now why their names were whispered in fear.

The shaith at the lead smiled a cruel and cunning smile, before putting a hand to his chest and bowing low. 

"My Master bids me to send thee greetings." He straightened again and to Andrea, it seemed he stood taller than before. "Now that the formalities are given, I warn you to turn back. You will lay no hand on the Lord Rane this day, nor while we breathe. Go now, while we have mercy."

Dade laughed mirthlessly. "Is it mercy to have us flee while death chases behind? I for one would rather meet it face to face." He turned to Andrea and gave a sorrowful smile. "I am sorry we could not finish it together, Andrea." He put his hand on her shoulder, grasping it tightly. His gaze was earnest as he stared deep into her eyes. "I entrust you with the ending of this chapter. Let it be a victorious one, full of triumph. And Andrea," his hand moved lower, resting over her heart. "Remember this. What Blade said was true. Home is where the heart is. Look deep and you will see." He turned away, briefly patting Dagen's arm. "Look after her, brother."

He sprang forward, sword raised high. 

The shaith leader met him halfway, the clashing of metal echoing deafeningly through the cavern walls. The general never hesitated at he followed his king. The Shaith closed in about them.

 Dagen grabbed Andrea's wrist and dragged her forwards towards the dungeons below. Her hand around her mouth, so she wouldn't make a sound, Andrea felt the tears falling. Between the tall dark figures, she could see him, his eyes alight with determination. He was fighting for them, for his kingdom, but most of all, for a brown-eyed boy.

With that thought and with the memory of that encouraging smile that had begun it all, Andrea turned to the large iron gate ahead. 

Standing before it, unlocking the last bolt was Lord Rane.

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