how i became a sex addict

By dolly6castillo

215K 964 33

my name is Victoria Bush and I was a total loner and virgin,then we got together and I became a sex addict an... More

chapter 1: hunter Anderson
chaper 2: About him!
chapter 3: My first time
chapter 4: after sex!
chapter 5: his friends!
chapter 6: Horny for the first time !!
chapter 7, shopping with the girls!
Chapter 8 ?Yamina Williams
not a new chapter!!
zaMeeting Yamina part 1
meeting yamina willliams(part 2)
Wanna play?

chapter 9 ,Yamina Williams (part 2)

7.8K 48 0
By dolly6castillo

Recap: " her parents don't blame me but, I,I blame myself"

I couldn't believe it, we were sitting on the sofa ,surrounded by sex .condoms,porn,what I was wearing and he was telling me this story.I couldn't believe it , I had one job as a girlfriend, be loyal,helpful,kind and don't do this, yet here I am dressed like a porn star, on him while he retells the story of how he became a sex addict and how he turned some girl into one who is nowww is now in a mental hospital. Wow that is a lot to take in,
"Do you ever go visit her there or send her flowers ,or call her on birthdays?"
I wasn't asking because I am the kind of person who would allow him to go ,I just wanted to know.hunter swallowed nervously,
"Yea, yes, I visit 3 times a month, call on her birthday and send flowers once a week...."
" that so sweet of you to do... But you really should blame your self babe."
Then he looked at me like I was crazy, I rose an eybrow.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked confused
"Nothing, its just, I thought well, you would be pissed or something"
Pissed why would I be pissed , I thought to myself,
"Nah babe its cool"
Hunter, smiled, it was I smile like nothing I'd seen before, it was happy, relived and filled with love, it just ,looking at it made my heart beat fast,it made me feel like if he smile like that means I got to be doing something right.

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