The Second Act » Tyler Galpin

By the-misfit

16.3K 539 26

Raised in the infamous Addams Family, a household shrouded in mystery and darkness, Libitina had always been... More



293 12 1
By the-misfit

The truck ride had taken Tyler and Libitina to the outskirts of Jericho. The quiet hum of the engine faded away as they thanked the truck driver and found themselves standing on the edge of a seemingly deserted neighbourhood. The houses, remnants of a once-thriving community, now stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time.

Tyler, ever resourceful, led Libitina down a narrow street, pointing out an old house at the end. Its worn facade hinted at the years it had weathered. The lock on the front door was clearly broken, swinging loosely as if inviting them to step inside.

Libitina hesitated, her eyes scanning the desolate surroundings. The wind whispered through the empty streets, carrying with it a sense of abandonment. Tyler sensed her unease and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"It's just for a little while, Libby," he assured her. "We'll figure things out here."

Taking a deep breath, Libitina followed Tyler into the house. The air inside was thick with dust, and the creaking floorboards under their weight echoed through the empty rooms. They explored cautiously, discovering remnants of the lives unfolding within those walls — faded wallpaper, forgotten trinkets, and a lingering sense of melancholy.

Settling into a wooden chair that sat in the dining room, Libitina sighs as Tyler takes a seat at the opposite end of the table. Libby's hair was a wreak from their journey, her clothes still dirty. "Do you really want life to continue this way?" She wondered. "Always running back and and hiding." 

Tyler leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on a cracked painting on the wall. The flickering light from a solitary bulb above cast dancing shadows across the room. "It's the only way I've known, Libby. Running, hiding, trying to stay one step ahead. It's survival."

Libitina's eyes met his, searching for something beyond the words. "But what kind of life is that? Always on the edge, always watching over your shoulder."

A heavy silence settled between them, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the quiet town. Tyler sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "I never wanted this for you, Libby. You got caught up in something you never should have."

She reached across the table, her hand finding his. "And what about you? Do you want this for yourself?"

Tyler met her gaze, the weight of his past etched into his features. "I don't know any other way, Libby. There's...something I've been hiding from you."

Libitina held her breath, a mix of anticipation and concern etched on her face. "What is it, Tyler? What have you been hiding?"

He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "There's a reason they think I'm dangerous, Libby. It's not just about running away or being on the run. There's a darkness in me, something I can't control."

Her grip on his hand tightened. "Tyler, I've seen things. Back at Nevermore, at Willowhill. What happened?" She now knew that the supernatural world existed due to the students who were admitted to Nevermore Academy. 

Tyler looked away, his eyes focusing on a faded photograph hanging on the wall. "I'm not entirely human, Libby. There's something inside me, something that's always been there. It's why they fear me, why I've always been an outsider."

Libitina absorbed his revelation, her mind racing to make sense of it all. "What are you, Tyler?"

He met her gaze again, a mix of vulnerability and regret in his eyes. "I'm a hybrid, a mix of human and something else. It's why I can't stop running. This thing inside me, it's unpredictable."

Libitina felt a chill run down her spine, the weight of Tyler's confession settling on her shoulders. "And you brought me into this, knowing?"

He nodded, his gaze falling to the table. "I never wanted you to be part of this life, Libby. I wanted to keep you safe, but I can't outrun what I am."

The room fell into a tense silence as Libitina withdrew, a storm of conflicting emotions brewing in her eyes. The revelation of Tyler's hybrid nature added an entirely new layer of complexity to their already tumultuous situation. She paced the room, her steps echoing the turmoil within her mind.

"Tyler, you can't just drop something like this on me," Libitina finally spoke her voice a mixture of frustration and fear. "Hybrid? What does that even mean?"

Tyler sighed, acknowledging the weight of his confession. "I'm a Hyde, a dangerous creature that many seek to kill me."

A surge of conflicting emotions swept through Libitina — fear, confusion, and a hint of sympathy. She stopped pacing, staring at Tyler as if seeing him with new eyes. "So, the incidents at Willowhill, Nevermore... that was the Hyde?"

Tyler nodded again, a shadow crossing his features. "Whenever I lose control or feel threatened, it takes over. It's why I've been on the run, trying to protect others."

Libitina's mind raced with questions, but a realization cut through the chaos. "And that's why they're after you. Not just for running away but for what's inside you."

He met her gaze, a mix of sadness and resignation in his eyes. "Exactly. I wanted to keep you safe, Libby, but now you're in the crosshairs because of me."

Tyler hesitated, his gaze falling to the worn floorboards. "It's complicated, Libby. The Hyde... it's a predator. When it takes over, it seeks danger, and... I've hurt people. I can't fully control it."

Libitina's expression hardened a mixture of fear and disappointment. "So, I've been running with a monster?"

Tyler's eyes pleaded for understanding. "No, Libby, you've been running with someone who's trying desperately not to be a monster. I never wanted you to get caught up in this."

She took a step back, distancing herself from the weight of Tyler's revelation. "How can I trust you now? How do I know you won't lose control and hurt me?"

His response was genuine, a raw vulnerability in his eyes. "I'd never forgive myself if I hurt you. That's why I've been trying to keep my distance."

The room echoed with the tension of their unspoken fears and uncertainties. Libitina grappled with the harsh reality that her world had become, entangled with supernatural dangers she never imagined. As the storm raged outside, it mirrored the tempest within her own heart.

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