Running From The Past

By PolinaPaulou

1.1K 33 8

It is often said that you can run from everything but you can't run from your past. When the rescue team was... More

Tracky's Discovery
The Guests
First Signs
Collecting information

Rising Tension

175 6 1
By PolinaPaulou

Freezing white snow was falling from cloudy sky onto the ground, now covered in cold fluffy substance. A black woman was standing in front of a police car, who was standing in the doorway. Behind the the officer in dark uniform were standing two other cops and a black and white robocar. Inside the headquarters were the rescue team members with their families. All of them were starting at the newcomers and their leader for Ebony has just announced that Poli would leave the town.

In the awkward dread of silence Amber's voice was finally heard.

"What... Do you mean Poli will leave?"

"I said I don't want any more questions-"

"Hey, hey, hey! C'mon calm down" Poli quickly spoke. "I know you're not in the best mood but how about we all come inside and explain everything."

"Yeah! I wouldn't mind a good explanation!" Stated Helly while Molly tried to hush him.

Ebony gave Poli a tired look. She wasn't too excited about spending any more time with these strangers but she knew that they owed the guys a proper explanation for they left them a bad, sudden first impression she wanted to make up for.

She nodded and with a quick hand gesture she called the rest of her gang inside.


Now everyone were crowded inside the building. Sure the atmosphere here was way better to have a conversation.

Jin gave each of the newcomers a cup of tea, probably to fix their bad mood.

Poli was standing near Ebony's gang facing his own team. He let out a couple of coughs to get the needed attention and spoke.

"So... As I already said earlier, this is my old friend Ebony, officer of the Lemcon Bay police department." He gently pointed with his hand at the young officer as he mentioned her.

"From what she said, and from what I understood, I am required to go to Lemcon for hopefully not a long time to work on a case."

As he was saying these words it was clear he was uncomfortable with the situation yet Poli tried to sound as confident and calm as he possible.

His team, now that they got a clarification from the police car, were looking unsure of the news. Sure they were happy to be more invested in things but everything just felt too sudden.

"And what about you guys?" Asked Zoe quietly.

"Let me introduce them." Spoke Ebony as she looked at the old white van.

"This is my fellow friend and co-worker Rodger. He will replace Poli for as long as needed. Now since Rodger was working only as a policeman he may need some time to adapt to his new role so I hope you understand."

"Sup guys." Greeted Rodger. He tried to sound friendly but his voice was sharp and cold.

"Hello Rodger!" Replied everyone.

Ebony looked much more sure in herself. Even though she and her team were the ones to cause trouble, she acted like if she had a full control of the situation with her voice expressing nothing but pure confidence.

Now her gaze fell on the married couple. Poli looked at them but he was quick to avoid any eye contact with the two men. Once Ebony started to speak he looked more uncomfortable.

"Here we have-"

"Clyde and Hon Abbott!"

Dave could not help but interupt the officer. He was excited to see the couple. From what it seems he knew something about the two.

"Dad please!" Roy was quick to silence his enthusiastic father, who now was embarrassed by his own behaviour. "Excuse him, please go on."

The young women looked thankfully at the firefighter and continued.

"Here we have Clyde and Hon Abbot. They will currently work with us on the case."

Hon looked at the crowd in front of him and politely waved while Clyde gave a simple friendly nod. Neigher of them preferred to say anything.

"So now that we know each other, why do you need Poli specifically?" Questioned Jin.

"Apparently an old man from your tomn said that one of the missing people was his relative and he suggested to include in case a "policeman from my hometown". We didn't expect it would be Poli but what's the deal with him leaving the place?" Said Rodger.

"Well, it isn't the first time that we work outside the island but it's not like we are used to work without our leader." Announced Roy.

Hearing these words made Ebony quickly turn at Poli. Clyde and Hon did the same thing. All of them looked very surprised.

"Leader huh?" Exclaimed Ebony as she looked more serious at the light blue police car.

"Eh, yeah? He's been our leader since we started working together, in other words around five years ago. Didn't you know that? You said you are old friends." Said Helly curiously.

"And it's true! It's just been a really long time since we last talked to each other... Right Poli?" Said the black women as she looked somewhat threatening at the car

Poli could not help but notice. The look on her face was unpleasant to him yet she looked a little offended by something.

"Yeah, right..." Whispered the blue car. "So when are we leaving?"

"We are leaving tomorrow early morning. We should at the port by 5 and we'll reach Lemcon the next day's afternoon so you better start packing. Now if you'll excuse us, we'll head at our hotel."

"Um, Ebony. Hon and I will stay here for a little while if you don't mind."

"It's ok just make sure you take a good rest. We haven't paid for the cabins so sleeping on the chair will be uncomfortable."

"Got it!"

With those words Ebony and Rodger left their teammates behind at the HQ. Once again, an awkward silence filled the room...

Well, that was until an enthusiastic father spoke up again.

"So, mr. Clyde, mr. Hon, I'm so glad you're staying! Oh, I heard so many things about you!"

Molly and Roy now shared the same look on their faces. A mix of annoyence and embarrassment caused by Dave who clearly was pressuring on the couple without even realising it.

"I'm flattered I guess..." Mumbled Hon.

"Oh I am so sorry to hear your department doesn't work anymore."

Now that's interesting!

Poli looked in the men's direction. His gaze was full of curiosity. How many things did he miss and how much was going to happen today?

"Wait, so you're not running the place anymore? What about our- uh, I mean your sons' room?"

Great, that was close.

Poli's and the couple's gazes finally met. He nearly spilled out things he shouldn't. He could tell that the two did not expect to see him but so didn't he.

The light blue car was showing a more closed body language. Clyde and Hon clearly wanted to talk with him about something and he knew damn well about what. That was the whole reason they chose to stay. He tried to make it as clear as possible that he wasn't ready to talk about it right now. Not in front of everyone at least.

"Hey guys, I think that's enough questions from us. Let the fellas take a break." Spoke Jully this time.

"Oh please it's all fine. We'd love to chat a little bit. Um, the place... Let's just say things went downhill the last decade so yeah." Ensured Clyde as he awkwardly rubbed his hand behind his head.

"Oh, well... Sorry to hear that... You know what I should start packing now. See you two later I guess."

With those words Poli was quick to leave the place and go to his room. He expected to be alone for some time to pack his things and gather his thoughts. But he was not meant to be alone.

Jin who made an excuse followed her leader to his room.

She found the car preparing some documents that he would take with him.


"Oh, hey Jin! What are you doing here?"

"Uh... You know came to pay a visit and help you with suitcases and stuff...!"

Poli gave her un untrusting look. She really didn't sound convincing at all.

"Alright, alright you got me! I wanted to talk about these people... Specifically about Hon and Clyde."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Just... Did you have to do anything with them before. You seemed uncomfortable around them."

"Oh believe me, I was uncomfortable around all of them!"

"Then why do you choose to work with them?!"


"Poli, who are they."

Poli looked at the documents he had placed in the suitcases. He didn't look too happy to talk about any of these. He took a deep breath and faced Jin.

"Look... I don't talk easily about this stuff but... Clyde and Hon are my parents. We had some stuff going on in our family that had to do with my brother. Let's just say we didn't end things on a good note as I ran away from them. It's similar with Ebony. She is on a way higher rank than me so if I quit helping her she may fire me. Then it's someone from our town who asks for help, I can't just say no."

"And what about Rodger?"

"Honestly, I don't know the guy but he really gets on my nerves for some reason. Maybe it was his attitude that left a bad impression on me or maybe it's the fact that he is going to replace me."

"Well you don't usually mind people taking your place if you find them trustworthy... You don't trust him, do you?"

"... No. You?"

"Not really. He just seems a little off or something."

For a miere moment there was silence in the room. Poli raised his eyes at the dispatcher. He turned around only to give Jin something. It was another document. Kept separately from others, it was in a neat state.

"Do you remember when we first met? How we made a promise that when I'm not around you'll be in charge of things?"


Once Jin answered he carefully placed the paper in her hands.

"I don't know who this man... I want you to be the leader of the RT for the time of my absence. Do you think you can do it?"

"I think I'll manage."

"Good. Thank you so much Jin."


The night passed by very quickly.

Poli, Clyde, Hon and Ebony now were both on the board of the ship that woul carry them to their destination.

The couple were staying inside the ship as they prefered to stay warm.

Ebony and Poli were at the stern of the ship, watching how they were slowly sailing away from the port.

The black girl was covering her nose and mouth with her dark blue scarf. Despite choosing to stay outside she wasn't too fond of the weather. The robocar assumed that she wasn't used to such cold temperatures.

She looked in his direction and spoke.

"So that's where you've been all this time."

Poli faced the officer. Something about her voice was allerting to him.


"You ran off to a small island, joined some stupid rescue team and became their leader! Very interesting I must say..."

"They are not stupid!"

"Well, anything that has to do with you is stupid, so?"

"Look I know you don't sympathise with me and I know for a fact that you wouldn't have chosen to work with me if you could and I am somehow ok with it but-"

"Oh so you're ok with me cursing you? You're ok with the things that you did? With the consequences?! I mean the only somewhat good thing would be the last one but the rest?"

"That's not what I'm saying"

"Oh really?"

"I can swear on it!"

Ebony exhaled angrily and turned away. The blue and white car took a deep breath of cold air to calm down and continued.

"Anyway. What I was trying to say is that you should not think of everyone as total freaks and idiots just because they have to do with me."

There was a tense moment of silence. It was just a moment but it felt like forever. That was till the women's voice was heard again.

"You know... Maybe you're right. It's not their fault they happened to have a leader as bad as you. Should probably be more chill with them. But I still don't think of you as a good person and I don't think I'll ever will."

"That's... Ok by me. But maybe if you gave me a chance to explain some things."

"Don't worry about it Poli. We'll have plenty of time and you'll have many chances. The question is, will you take 'em?"

Once she said her last words she turned around and proceeded to go inside the ship, leaving Poli alone with some other few strangers.

He stood there for a while thinking about what Ebony has just said. Soon he raised his head to look at his home, which at this point was barely seen, one last time and then too left the stern, turning his back on the island and preparing for the things that were waiting for him.

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