cara mia || tommyinnit

By jojodeliva

45.2K 1.1K 514

chiara has always been known as chichi, a famous punk pop singer known by millions. what happens when she sta... More

act 1
act 2


705 28 45
By jojodeliva

A three-day-old cup of iced coffee sat still on Tommy's desk, along with an empty bowl of dry rice and a fork semi-stuck inside. The ice had fully melted, and the dilution turned it into a disgusting slush, but Tommy still took a sip before he got onto his PC to start his day.

The boy had no idea how long he could avoid the situation but it was always getting mentioned somehow. Whether it was because Billzo was on FaceTime with her mid-stream or because the donations all asked questions about Ara, she was everywhere.

Not like he ever complained. His delusions were getting the best of him as every lone brunette girl passing by reminded him of her. Whenever he'd see a frozen lake or TikToks of tiny kittens, he'd have the subconscious urge to send her a text before holding back.

You're a child, Jack Manifold had told him the previous night when he was over to console him. This is your first relationship, and I get that, Tom, but you aren't ChiChi's first. I know you want rainbows and unicorns, but it can't always be like that even if your girlfriend is a popstar. Especially that. You may have fallen in love with her as indie gamer and streamer Ara, but to the rest of the world, you date international popstar ChiChi.

Maybe he was right. He had unblocked the girl first thing in the morning, but no amount of blocking could accommodate the swirling number of rumors going around, all of which weren't true.

He was in the middle of editing a new video when his phone started blowing up. He hesitated to pick it up, as the last time he ever did, his whole world exploded.



non-smelted brick:
should we buy
tickets orrr

samsung refrigerator:
ara has to give
it to us for free

hey now we dont
wanna assume

samsung refrigerator:

we've earned
infinite concert tickets
from chichi now
considering we have enough
blackmail against her as her
friends to last a lifetime

wilby dirty crime boy:
wonderful way of
words nick

we have to pick a
place and day that works
for all of us and then we
can collectively beg
her until she feels bad
and gives it to us

samsung refrigerator:
and u think IM insane

duck deez nuts in yo mof:
of course her white ass
had to pick only
american dates...


He didn't bother to add his input as he could probably guess what they were talking about. His phone continued to buzz as he exited out of his editing software and opened up a tab for Instagram. It took him two seconds to search for ChiChi and see what the fuss was about.





chichi hope u were miserable before this announcement <3 cannot wait to see u guyssss (international dates to come !1!1!1!!!) link in bio
liked by tatemcrae and 3,263,116 others


And miserable he was. It was terrible. Not only did this instill a reminder of just how far they were from each other, but Tommy's entire music taste was playing as his girlfriend's openers and he was unsure if he should even go.

There was no way Ara had any time to sort out their issues with a tour on the way.

He remembered the first ChiChi show he had ever been to. The girl's stage presence was incandescent, and even if her music was a reach from what he'd typically listen to, he loved it regardless. Maybe it was his brain telling him he would love her regardless.

Since their little dispute, Ara slowly stopped streaming as frequently as she used to, stopped texting in group chats that she had been so heavily interactive in, and overall just put her side gig off to the sideline. It was very evident the girl had begun prioritizing her identity as ChiChi over her as Ara, and people were not happy.

Some even wonder if her face reveal was worth it. Before, Ara's little spurs and breaks in her career would have been brushed off, but now that everyone knows what and who she really is, they can't stand it when she takes even a day off gaming.

I miss the old Ara, they'd say.

The face reveal ruined everything.

It's like she doesn't care anymore the way she used it.

Now we know she's a different person, we can see it in the way she prioritizes us, which is that she doesn't at at all.

Tommy wanted nothing more than to be there for her. To tell everyone to fuck off and mind their business. The lover boy even made a Tweet about it, basically telling everyone to fuck off, which unfortunately made the drama even worse.

He left it alone for a few hours and practically forgot about it until he received a retweet notification from a mutual.

*@raratata liked and retweeted your tweet!*

Like life couldn't get better, he received another notification.



light of my life:
hey, thanks for that tweet

u  didnt have to do that

my loser:
yes  i did

u dont deserve
the shit people
have been saying
abt u

if anything it
should be divided
between us two

congrats on the
tour announcement btw

light of my life:
thank u amore mio

if u want tickets
just say the word

nick and george are
currently having a mew
off to try and get tickets
for a cambridge show
that i have yet to announce

my loser:
george would win
that battle any day

and ill buy a
ticket like a
normal person

light of my life:
why would u ?

u̶r̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶b̶o̶y̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶ 
ur my best friend of
course u can get in free

my loser:

im not ur boyfriend

light of my life:
tommy u know
that's not what
i mean

it's just been weird

my loser:
no one's reading
our texts ara
u dont have
anything to prove

at least i hope
no ones reading these

light of my life:
my career doesn't
control my life
entirely, tom

my loser:
yeah well i need to
see  it to believe it

light of my life:

my loser:

i cant even take this
argument seriously
considering its
on the fucking phone

and i bet ur too
busy to call


yeah okay just
stop replying to
me when it gets hard

u wouldnt be
able to do this
if i was in front of u


The doorbell rang and Tommy checked the time to see 1:29 PM. His parents wouldn't be home until near 5 and he wasn't expecting anyone so he left it alone, assuming it was some package.

He threw his phone on his bed when he realized she wasn't going to respond and sat back into his chair, putting his headphones on and going back to editing.

When the doorbell rang again he looked out the window to see the top of some person's head staring hard into the window. 

The probability of it being a fan was slim to nothing, but not impossible. He sighed and threw his headphones on his desk.



my loser:
if i  get murdered
in this very moment
just know u were the
last person i texted
and i blame my death
on only u


He walked down the stairs and opened up the streamer group chat, where they were still talking about the concert tickets.



my jawlines

samsung refrigerator:
kys mine is

wilby dirty crime boy:
u guys are mentally
ill and insane

my jawlines much sharper


He picked up a fork from the kitchen and was in full defense mode as he constantly checked his phone, hoping for Ara to ask him what the fuck he meant and asking if he was okay. Just as a few text message bubbles appeared from Ara his phone died, making him curse out loud.

"My fucking luck these days, mate," he mumbled to himself as he walked up to the door and hesitantly opened it.

Tommy stood in a fighting pose as his hand holding the fork was up near his shoulder ready to pounce when the door flew open to reveal who it was.

His hand dropped down as well as the fork onto the ground, unable to utter any words.

"You... you,"  was all he could utter.

"If I was a murder I'd be a terrible one, y'know. I patiently waited minutes for you to open the door when I could have just broke in—"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"


sooooo... its been a while... again


im so fr i alr have the ending planned and everything dont u worry ur little butts

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