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book iii of the reality stars series. two sisters find themselves on a show where they find love and new foes... More

i. episode one, part one.
ii. episode one, part two.
iii. episode two.
v. episode four.
vi. episode five.
vii. episode six.

iv. episode three.

891 53 15


Hoodbaby was trying hard to keep up with Chanelle and her efforts were working even though Chanelle had the upper hand over her. Her punches came quick and heavy enough to force Hoodbaby back a few steps. The first person to try and break up the fight was Sapphire once she saw what was happening.

Chanelle yanked one of Hoodbaby's ponytails before the fight was broken up. She used her leverage to land one more hit.

"Stop fucking trying me, bitch!" Chanelle screamed as she was pulled away from Hoodbaby by Security.

"I'm gon' keep trying you!" Hoodbaby yelled back.

Sapphire looked at Hoodbaby with a disappointed and judgmental look once the girls were separated.

INTV: SAPPHIRE: "One fight or two was acceptable because this is what these girls are trying to learn from, but five fights all in the first four hours is not a good start."

Daniella apologized for her sister fighting as she walked past Sapphire.

INTV: SAPPHIRE: "And when I brought Daniella and Chanelle on here, the new girls, I wasn't expecting them to be the main ones in some mess!"

Naj, Moni, and Lacey walked into Chanelle and Daniella's room to talk about the fight that happened in the kitchen. Moni sat next to Daniella on her bed while Lacey and Naj sat on Chanelle's bed.

"What even happened?" Shabba asked as she walked into the room with Queen D.

"Man, look! Me and Daniella in our room, minding our business, whatever you wanna call it, but Hoodbaby come in here. She basically tried to press me and asked if 'I'm gon' keep talking about her behind her back', and that shit confused me 'cause I haven't said nothing about her since our fight outside the photoshoot!" Chanelle explained while taking her extensions out.

"I can already tell that the bitch is here for the drama! She on some weird shit." Naj added in.

A few minutes later, the girls could hear Hoodbaby going off downstairs while on the phone. "I'd send somebody to this bitch to bomb this bitch before I let a motherfucker talk shit 'bout me when Ian do shit!"

All of the girls rushed to the room door and watched as Security stopped her from leaving the house. After a few arguments with Production, she was allowed to leave through the front door.

"Lame." Daniella shook her head.

After Hoodbaby's outburst, a new girl entered the house. A white girl named Abbey who came from another show called Deja Vu. In the middle of the night, once most of Sapphire's gems were asleep, Hoodbaby re-entered the house because of a talk with Production.

The next day, the girls spent their first morning in the The Academy house. A few of the girls went outside to talk while Chanelle and Daniella did their morning routines in the bathroom connected to their bedroom.

Chanelle brushed her teeth and Daniella applied a thin layer of makeup.

"So how do you feel about the other girls?" Daniella asked after putting lipgloss on.

"Hoodbaby and Heaven are already on the hit list 'cause of everything that happened yesterday. I haven't really talked to the other bitches so I hope I get that chance today, I just want those two to stay out the way." Chanelle said.

"Mhm." Daniella agreed. "And if Heaven wants to dead our issue then we can do that. I'm not here to keep fighting these girls, I'm here to win the money."

The two of them went back to their routines before the conversation started up again.

"Lacey told me that you and Naj was kind of arguing on the way here yesterday. What happened?" Chanelle asked Daniella.

"It wasn't shit. I didn't know how me and Naj would vibe but we ended up being cool once we got in the car. It got weird once she said that Heaven should've been able to beat me up easily and I just didn't like that. I'm not worried about it."

INTV: CHANELLE: "I was looking forward to just a lil' something with Naj, but it's nothing to take a few steps back if she's gonna get into it with my sister. No bitch on this show would come before my own blood. I just hope Naj don't end up on the hit list."

Out of the blue, ET rushed into the bathroom.

"Queen D 'bout to fight!"

"Who?!" Chanelle asked enthusiastically.

ET shrugged before leaving the room and motioning for the girls to follow after her. Daniella hopped off of the counter to follow her. When they got downstairs, they saw Queen D swinging on Larue, a new addition to The Academy.

"She just got here and she already fighting?" Daniella wondered as she watched the girls fight.

INTV: DANIELLA: "I know I'm the last person to say this because I was the first person to throw a punch, but didn't we come here to grow? A girl just got here and she's already tussling."

The fight was broken up and the two of them went back for another round. Chanelle kept quiet during the fight since she didn't know either girl well, whispering with Daniella about it as it happened.

The night following Queen D and Larue's fight was eventful. The girls participated in their first challenge which was a cooking challenge. Before that challenge happened, it was revealed that one of Sapphire's gems, Zoey, was pregnant. She was kicked off of the show after the announcement.

After two days in the house, the girls started to form relationships with each other. Daniella, Lacey, Moni, and Chanelle bonded as a group, Hoodbaby and Naj made up after their fight, Moni and Daniella continued to flirt with each other, and Chanelle started to get closer to ET.

All of the drama died down in the house, except for the issue Queen D and Larue had with each other. The two of them ended up fighting again the next morning which woke up all of the girls.

INTV: DANIELLA: "I came here to have a good time and win some money, so I'm glad none of the girls are stepping on my toes after what happened the first day. Me and Heaven are keeping our distance, Chanelle and Hoodbaby are keeping their distance, so hopefully our paths don't cross again."

Before the second challenge began, Hoodbaby, Naj, Moni, Heaven, Daniella, Lacey, Chanelle, Shabba, and Jess sat outside smoking. They gave their opinions on the fight that happened between Queen D and Larue.

"I ain't even see them fight, I just heard a bunch of screaming. Them hoes woke me up out my sleep." Chanelle said before passing her blunt to Moni.

"All I saw was Larue popping the shit out of Queen while her back was turned," Hoodbaby told her.

"I saw the fight and it was kind of the same as Daniella and Heaven's. It was cool, but I expected them to really connect more hits." Naj shrugged.

Daniella fought the urge to roll her eyes and took the blunt from Moni. "Let's not start that back up." She chimed in.

"I'm not starting nothing back up, we was talking 'bout Queen D and Larue's fight," Naj responded.

"And you found a way to bring up me and Heaven's fight, so like I said, let's not start that back up."

"And like I said, I wasn't tryna start anything back up," Naj replied with the same energy.

"Calm down, y'all..." Chanelle intervened.

INTV: DANIELLA: "Before filming even started, me and Naj went back-and-forth on Instagram because she threw shade under a post about me. I felt like we moved past that because she was cool at the photoshoot, but I'm noticing her throwing slick shots here and there."

All of Sapphire's gems were dressed in their The Academy uniforms as they got into the van that would take them to the location of their second challenge.

INTV: CHANELLE: "Production tells us that this next challenge is gonna be a fashion challenge and I'm excited because that's right up my alley."

All fourteen girls, Chanelle, Daniella, Moni, Queen D, Lacey, ET, Shabba, Hoodbaby, Heaven, Naj, Luccy, Larue, and Jess found a seat inside of the van.

INTV: DANIELLA: "As soon as I stopped thinking about my little argument with Naj, I heard her ranting to Heaven in the front of the van."

"Ain't no bitch on this cast gonna stop me from saying what I wanna say because this is my mouth! That's what I want everybody to understand!" Naj yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

Daniella tightened her grip on the water bottle in her hand.

"I'm gon' feel how I wanna fucking feel! I made my mark on NowThatsTv already and everybody know who the fuck Naja Million is! A bitch that just stepped on this network ain't stopping shit!"

INTV: DANIELLA: "I'm sitting in the back wondering why she's this bothered because I checked her about continuing to bring up my fight! She keeps going on and on."

"It's nothing but space and opportunity!" Naj screamed once again.

That was all it took before Daniella threw her water bottle towards the front of the van. In the process of throwing it, her water spilled on Naj, Heaven, Larue, and Jess.

"Stop talking!" Daniella screamed as she emptied the bottle out.

A few girls jumped in the way of Naj and Daniella to stop them from fighting. Daniella tried to reach over Moni and swing on Naj, but Moni pushed her back before the hit could connect.

"You just got me wet, bitch!" Heaven yelled.

Daniella tried to hop over a row of seats to reach Naj. Out of nowhere, Jess threw a cup of liquor in Daniella's direction.

"The fuck?!" Chanelle hopped up.

"Don't throw shit else!" Jess warned Daniella.

"She wasn't even aiming for you, bitch, what's the problem?!"

"It don't matter who she was aiming for!" Larue chimed in.

INTV: CHANELLE: "I don't know Jess like that, so when I saw her throw a drink at my sister, I was ready. Let the issue stay between Naj and Daniella! I don't give a fuck if you got wet or not. Larue and Heaven clearly feel some type of way about it too."

The van arrived to where the challenge would take place and Production started to let all of the girls out. With Daniella and Naj still trying to reach each other, Daniella was sent back to the house to avoid a fight between them. Chanelle decided to go home with her.

INTV: CHANELLE: "I was ready to do the fashion challenge because I already know I would've did my shit, but I'm not letting my sister go home by herself."

INTV: DANIELLA: "Production tells me I have to go back home because most of the girls are ready to tussle after a little bit of water splashed on them. All I'm thinking is... bet."

"I already knew this some shit like that was gonna happen 'cause the house been way too calm. These bitches been waiting for an opportunity!" Daniella told Chanelle as they walked back in the house.

Chanelle went into their room to change out of her uniform while Daniella tied her hair up in the bathroom.

"I just wanna get this shit over with tonight and then I'll be right back on track tomorrow," Daniella explained.

"Throwing liquor 'cause you got hit with a drop of water? That big bitch gon' have to run that." Chanelle said, referring to Jess.

Three hours later, Chanelle heard the van pull up. She rushed to their bedroom window and saw that Naj was the first person to get out of the van.

"Daniella, get ready!" Chanelle called out.

And the front door opened.

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