Chills & Thrills | Brance

By samswattpedia

6.8K 103 170

In which Vance is an out of place person, like usual. He gets held back twice, and when he decides to tell br... More



325 5 6
By samswattpedia

Bruce just finished washing his hands in the schools bathroom. He forgot to go at his house so he went before the bell told him he had to be in the class. Before he could walk out, Vance entered.

"Hey," Vance said. Bruce said a small and simple hi back.

"Remember when you kissed me?" Vance suddenly said. Bruce's eyes widened with shock as he attempted to say something in response to that.

"Kind of hard to forget, I guess," Vance shrugged and began walking closer to Bruce. "Want to do it again?" He asks, getting real up close to Bruces face, holding an evil smirk.

Bruces eyes suddenly shoot open and he realizes it was just another dream. A very strange dream. He sat up and attempted to rub the sleep from his eyes. He looked to his alarm clock, seeing it was only ten thirty.

Bruce's head then turns towards his door, realizing that a knocking was what really woke him up. It was probably Amy, since Bruce never explained what he said he would.

He got up and pulled open his door, seeing it was in fact Amy. She didn't wait for Bruce to allow her in, she just walked right in and sat at his desk.

"Were you sleeping? Weirdo," Amy said, then began spinning in circles on the chair.

"Yes because I was tired. Get out of here," Bruce said, yet he made no attempt in getting Amy out of his room besides telling her.

"Don't worry, you don't have to explain much. I didn't want to say it this morning, but I saw you kiss Vance before you came inside. Were you sneaking around with him?" Amy spoke while slowing her spinning.

Bruce immediately shut his door and stared blankly at Amy. "Uh, I didn't-"

"Stop lying, Bruce. I know what I saw, and I don't really care. I'm just going to ask you one question at a time so your brain doesn't malfunction. Are you still with Stella?"

"Jesus christ.. No, i'm not," Bruce said and sat down on his bed.

"Were you sneaking out to go see him?"
"No, I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and he happened to be out too."

"Right, okay. Are you like friends?"
"I think so, yeah," Bruce nodded.

"Yup, yup. Why'd you kiss him?"
"What? I don't know," Bruce said, sounding a bit too angry with the question.

"Anything happen since then?" Amy asked, ignoring how annoyed Bruce looked.

"That's funny, hilarious even," Bruce told her sarcastically.

"Yeah. Right then, you can go back to sleep," Amy said, then promptly left Bruces room and closed the door behind her.

Bruce stared at his closed door before looking back at his clock. Ten forty-three. Bruce knew his parents would awake, and he also knew he didn't want to stay in his house. Bruce turned to look at his window next.

He stood up and opened his window. He would be able to get down somehow, it might just result in him getting a little hurt. Before he made any commitments, he pulled out an
old pair of shoes from his closet and put them on. Then, it was right back to the window he went.

Bruce took hold of his window sill and lowered his body until he was able to place his foot on a small ledge. He tried reaching over to grab a hold of some bricks that seemed easier to grab, but that just resulted in his foot slipping off the ledge. Which ended with Bruce lying on the grass, groaning in pain.

He sat up, hoping he wasn't too loud that his parents would hear. Bruce didn't hesitate in walking quickly down the sidewalk, ignoring the pain.

Although he regret leaving last time, that was only because he ran into Vance, which resulted in Bruce kissing him.

He didn't want to sit down anywhere since there were still a few people out, so for now he kept walking.

Amy walked downstairs and towards their living room with the intent of watching a movie. She knew her parents were downstairs, she was just hoping they forgot that she should be asleep.

"Amy, go to sleep," Her father said the second she popped up in the living room. Amy groaned in annoyance.

"Hold on, do you know if Bruce is awake?" Her mother asked. Amy left Bruce's room prior to her adventure downstairs.

"Yes, but I think he was going to go back to sleep," Amy shrugged.

"Alright, i'm going to go check. Amy, you come too, you need to get rest," Her mom said while standing up.

The two walked upstairs, Amy leaving to her room while her mom went to Bruces.

"Bruce?" She spoke softly and tapped on his door. No answer. She opened the door a little, expecting to see Bruce asleep in his bed, but she saw nothing.

She pushed the door all the way open and turned on light. Bruce wasn't anywhere.

"Bruce?" She called out again, this time a bit louder. Her eyes darted all around his room before landing on his open window.

She hurried over to it and peered out, not seeing Bruce anywhere. She pulled his chair up to the window where she'd sit there for four hours waiting for her son to come home.

At midnight, the people began disappearing, and it seemed to be just Bruce as far as he could see.

He was sitting against a tree that was a little way away from where he was last night. He figured this way he'd be more hidden from anyone who sat on the bench. He had a perfect view of the moon.

Bruce did wish he brought music, but the nature sounds were just as satisfying for him. He was then startled by the sound of police siren driving by. He poked his head out from behind the tree and saw two cop cars turning down a street, and the lights and noise eventually faded.

Twenty minutes later, Bruce heard someone running in his direction. It stopped, and Bruce could tell someone was sitting on the bench.

He stopped moving entirely, and held his breath without realizing. He couldn't see who it was, he just hoped they wouldn't be looking for a fight.

As carefully and quietly as could, Bruce tried to look behind the tree to see who was there. He froze when a twig snapped after he applied too much pressure to it with his palm. The sound echoed through the silence, and Bruce knew the person heard him.

He stood up and peered around the tree, seeing Vance standing too with his eyes darting around the trees, his stare quickly landed on Bruce.

"Hah, guess you do come here often then," Vance laughed to himself before he sat down again.

"Shush, I couldn't sleep again," Bruce said, walking towards the bench and sitting next to Vance, further away this time. "Why're you here?"

"Because two cop cars pulled up outside my house and I had no clue if they were after me, so I ran away and came here," Vance shrugged.

"Why would the police be after you?" Bruce asked.

"Who knows," Vance sighed. He did know why, but after none of the officers even cared that Vance ran, he knew they were there for his dad.

"What's with you not being able to sleep? Did you try closing your eyes?" Vance suggests. "Yes, idiot. I've been having these weird dreams," Bruce tells him. Vance then turns his head towards Bruce, noticing he was already staring.

"Right," Vance looks straight again before standing up. "I'm out of here," He spoke, sounding a bit angry even though Bruce didn't do anything. He started to walk away.

"Wait up!" Bruce said, quickly standing and walking after him. "Why're you leaving?" Bruce asked.

Vance stopped walking and turned to face Bruce. "Because. You're being stupid," Vance said, not trying to walk away this time.

"I didn't do anything?"Bruce said, confused. Vance sighed, "For starters, you kissed me and then-"

"I told you I was sorry! If you're waiting for me to say I didn't mean anything by it, you're going to be waiting for a long time," Bruce cut him off. "You said you didn't even care."

"I don't care. If you let me finish now, you did that and were acting all freaked out and you keep apologizing. I'm not looking for an apology, I like you," Vance spoke, still holding on to his anger.

"You do?" Bruce asked. lowering his voice.

"Yes!" It was silent for a moment. "Whatever, man, i'm going home," Vance said.

Before he could walk away, Bruce spoke up, "Wait!" He said, then put a hand on Vance's arm to keep him from leaving.

Bruce looked at their surroundings, and after spotting no people he stared at Vance. "I like you too. That was obvious, ok. Can I kiss you?"

Vance nodded, not hesitating to bring a hand up to the back of Bruce's head, then pulling him in for a kiss. It went on for a few seconds before Bruce pulled away to catch his breath.

He smiled at Vance before dropping his arm back to his side. Vance smiled back before putting his arm around Bruce's shoulder and walking the two back to the bench. They sat exactly how they were yesterday night.

"Hey, Bruce?" Vance suddenly spoke. He turned towards Bruce, only to see he'd fallen asleep.

i need to get better at ending this chapters.. i was originally gonna make the kiss a lot more uhhh it was supposed to be pretty intense but then i was like no bro at least they did it.. maybe later though (maybe not) 🐠

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