
By LifeBlood93

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Thomas Morgan has been single for about a year since he got out of a relationship where his trust and faith i... More

Character Info
Chapter 1: Coming Around
Chapter 2: Father And Son Bonding Time
Chapter 3: A Night Out Interrupted
Chapter 4: The Pursuit Continues
Chapter 5 Part 1: Takeover
Chapter 5 Part 2: Titles and Hearts
Chapter 6: The First Date
Chapter 7 Part 1: Bad News
Chapter 7 Part 2: Katherine
Chapter 7 Part 3: "I Love You"
Chapter 8: The Tour
Chapter 9: Ablaze
Chapter 11: Leaving The Hospital
Chapter 12: Outside Fisiticuffs
Chapter 13: The Day After
Chapter 14: Appreciating Her
Chapter 15: The New Place
Chapter 16: Workplace Visit

Chapter 10: The Aftermath

221 6 0
By LifeBlood93

Tom had just woken up in the hospital after having a near death experience due to falling down to the main floor of his house due to the flooring in his bedroom collapsing when his house was completely ablaze.

The doctors were surrounding him and one of them whose name is Dr. Shaw.

Dr. Shaw: hello ? Mr. Morgan ? Can you hear me ?

Tom could only manage a weak nod in response and so Dr. Shaw continued to make sure that Tom was as okay as he could be.

Dr. Shaw: Mr. Morgan ? I'm going to need you to not move okay, just relax as much as you can and conserve your energy, we will get you some water as soon as you're strong enough to sit upright.

Tom tried to speak but all he could manage was a weakened grumble, he couldn't move much even though he was trying to move and so Dr. Shaw tried to get him to stop moving.

Dr. Shaw: Mr. Morgan please, don't move and just stay calm.

Tom over heard Dr. Shaw talk to his colleagues about all the injuries that he sustained from the house fire.

Dr. Shaw: okay so we have a 30 year old Caucasian male with black hair and facial hair and dark brown eyes, he's sustained multiple wounds, bruises, his right leg is broken and he's fractured some ribs on his right side and a dislocated right shoulder and has suffered a stage three concussion and has only woken up here at the hospital.

As he heard what the doctor said, Tom thought "bollocks, I guess that means I'm out of fucking work thanks to that bastard fire, well done you silly twat... mind you, Cairo is okay and no one else is hurt, so there's that".

Tom grunted as he heard Dr. Shaw talking to him.

Dr. Shaw: hello ? Mr. Morgan ? Are you still with us ?

Tom: (weakened grunt)

Dr. Shaw: okay Mr. Morgan, we're going to get you straight to the operating room so we can get you fixed okay ?

Tom: (weakened grunt)

As Dr. Shaw and his colleagues took Tom to the operating room, Priscilla, Josh and Taylor, Charlie, Michael, Daniel and Andrea were all in the waiting room and they were all nervous for as they all wanted to hear some good news about Tom and not have to hear the worst.

Priscilla was sat on a chair next to Taylor and Josh and he leg was bouncing out of anxiousness and her arms were folded and the tears on her face were starting to dry and all she could think about was Tom and she was hoping to see him again but she couldn't escape the thought of Tom possibly not making it out this alive and everybody around her could tell.

Josh: hey Priscilla ? Are you alright ?

Priscilla: the man I love might not possibly make it out of this, how do you think I'm doing ? I'm worried sick about him, Josh.

Josh: and you don't think I'm worrying about him ? He was my brother long before he was ever even a thought in your head so don't even think about it.

Charlie: hey hey hey, let's not get into an argument okay, Tom wouldn't like that we're arguing.

Taylor: that's true, he'll be okay, won't he ?

Andrea: he will.

Daniel: yeah, that's right.

Michael: he's mine and Andrea's best friend, I've known him the longest and have seen him at his worst in the past, what a lot of you here won't know is how tough he really is, back when his and Josh's mom had passed away, he was trying his absolute best to put on a tough face for his dad and Josh so that they didn't have to worry about him so much, even though they could tell that he wasn't okay, he'd just lost his mom but he was still trying to make sure everyone else was okay.
One day, I saw him crying by himself in the boys restroom in high school during lunchtime and when I was inside there, he came out of a cubicle and he stopped in his tracks when he saw me stood there looking at him.
He quickly made his way to the sink and washed his face with water and then as he went to leave, he wouldn't look me in the eyes but I could tell that there was some pain there, he'd been bottling it up ever since he was a kid.

Andrea: that's not good.

Michael: no, but I didn't saying anything but I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him that I wouldn't tell anyone and i didn't, until now.

Daniel: damn.

Charlie: he shouldn't have to feel guilty about having emotions, I've always raised him to believe that men have emotions too and that he wasn't weaker for crying.

Josh: I've heard a saying before that people who cry aren't weak, they've been strong for far too long.

Priscilla realised that how she spoke to Josh and she apologised.

Priscilla: I'm sorry Josh.

Josh: it's okay, we're all worried about Tom and it's nice to know that you love him as much as you do.

Priscilla: I do, I love him so much.

Charlie: if I know my son, he's probably more worried about us and his dog too.

Priscilla: he didn't even give it a second thought about darting past the firefighters and into his house that was completely on fire to rescue his dog.

Taylor: he's very obviously got a good heart, because not every one would do that just to rescue their pet.

Josh: he's always had a soft spot for dog breeds that were misunderstood, like pitbulls.

Charlie turned to Josh with a smile on his face.

Charlie: do you remember how he used to go over to any dog and ask to pet them whenever he saw them out in public.

Josh: yeah, he used to volunteer at the dog shelter when he was still a teenager, I remember walking in one day and seeing him there, I was surprised to see him there and when I called out to him, he had this look on his face like "what are you doing here ?" I had the same look on my face because he never told us he was doing that until then.

Andrea: i remember when I was going through a terrible break up with my abusive ex had been hitting me and when he found out about it, he got Dan and Mike her me to go and keep me company and he didn't tell them but he went and got all my things out of his place.

Priscilla: was your ex there ?

Andrea: not at first but he found out that Tom had take all my stuff and brought it back to me and he found out where I was and he started trying knocking the front door down and then Tom, Mike and Dan all went outside and dealt with him.

Josh: did they kick his head in ?

Andrea: a little bit yeah but they stopped after a little bit because they knew that I wouldn't want them to get into trouble on my behalf.

Daniel: you'd have been mad at us and proud at the same time.

Charlie: you three are like protective brothers when Andrea is concerned.

Michael: ain't that the truth Charlie.

Daniel and Michael put their arms around Andrea to help comfort her and she smiled at them both, Andrea was indeed the little sister of the group and she had never felt so safe as she does with best friends like Tom, Michael and Daniel.

Priscilla smiled as she saw how Tom's friends were with each other and it was nice to know that the man she loves has such a supportive group of people around him, she cares so much about him and after hearing all the stories about Tom, she realises that she loves him so much more than she already did.

Then, as they were all starting to smile again, Charlie spotted a doctor who introduced herself as Dr. Melnik was walking up to them and so they all stood up and prepared for the worst.

Dr. Melnik: hello are you the family and friends of Mr. Thomas Morgan ?

Charlie: yes, I'm his father.

Josh: I'm his brother.

Priscilla: I'm his girlfriend.

Michael, Daniel and Andrea: he's our best friend.

Dr. Melnik: hello, my name is Dr. Melnik and my colleague Dr. Shaw is currently in the operating room with Mr. Morgan.

Charlie: is there anything that you can tell us doctor ?

Dr. Melnik: well from what we know, Mr. Morgan has suffered multiple wounds and bruises over his body, his right leg is broken and he's fractured some ribs on his right side and he has a dislocated right shoulder and has also suffered a stage three concussion.

Josh: has he woken up at all.

Dr. Melnik: he woke up here at the hospital.

Priscilla: when can we see him ?

Dr. Melnik: unfortunately, you won't be able to see him right now obviously with him currently having surgery to repair all his broken bones and the dislocated right shoulder so what I would advise you to do is go home and get some rest and then come back tomorrow and then you can come and see him.

All Priscilla wants is to be able to see Tom to know that he's okay and Dr. Melnik could tell that Tom means a lot to everyone and so she tried to ease their nerves a little bit.

Dr. Melnik: it is obvious that he means the world to you all, I can't promise you anything but we will do our absolute best to make sure he's okay.

Josh: thanks doctor.

Dr. Melnik nodded her head gently and she went back to where Dr. Shaw is with Tom.

Meanwhile, Charlie realised that Tom would want them to get some rest and so he started walking with them.

Charlie: come on let's go, Tom would want us to get some rest.

Josh: yeah and besides, we all still stink of smoke from the fire so it'd probably be best that we all go home and wash it off.

Priscilla, Charlie, Michael, Andrea, Daniel and Taylor: (chuckles) yeah.

As Charlie was driving Josh, Taylor and Priscilla back to their homes, they all knew that they would be passing Tom's house and so they decided to go and have a look if they could get close enough.

As they were driving up to the street that Tom lives on, they stopped as they saw not only the fire fighters who were now only just starting to pack up and leave, but there were also some police officers who had arrived at the scene while Priscilla and everyone else was at the hospital but what they could manage to see was that Tom's house was no more, it was nothing more than a pile of ash, burnt wood and shards of glass.

Charlie and Josh got out of the car and they went over to one of the police officers.

Josh: hey officer.

Officer: move along please.

Charlie: that house belonged to my son.

Josh: my brother.

Then, one of the firefighters had noticed Josh and Charlie and they let the officer know.

Firefighter: it's okay officer, they're right.

Then the officer turned back to Charlie and Josh and told them only what he could tell them at this time.

Officer: unfortunately, what i can tell at this point is that there is no chance of the house being rebuilt.

Charlie: do you know what caused it ?

Josh: or who ?

Officer: unfortunately we're not able to say at this specific moment as the investigation is still currently going on, I'm sorry guys, look it's probably best that you go home.

Charlie and Josh nodded and then just as they were heading back to the car, they were called over by an elderly woman who introduced herself as Ada and she lived next to Tom.

Ada: hello, my name is Ada and I'm Tom's neighbour.

Charlie and Josh shook her hand.

Charlie: hello, I'm Charlie, his father.

Josh: and I'm Josh, his brother.

Ada: do you know anything about out Tom at all.

Charlie: well we've just come from the hospital as a matter of fact and from what we've been told, he's currently on the operating table having surgery and so they've told us to go home for now and then come back tomorrow.

Ada placed a hand on Charlie and Josh's shoulder.

Ada: okay, please do let me know if there's any news about him, he's such a sweetheart and I'd hate for anything bad to have happened to him.

Charlie: will do.

Ada: thank you, now you go and get yourselves home , Thomas wouldn't want you guys to be tired now would he ?

Charlie and Josh chuckled.

Charlie: no he wouldn't.

They said goodbye to Ada and then they got back in their car where Priscilla and Taylor were sat waiting.

When they got in the car, Priscilla was the first to ask what was going on.

Priscilla: what's going on ?

Josh: they can't say too much so early on but obviously, Tom's house is gone.

Taylor: do you think it could be rebuilt ?

Charlie: maybe.

Priscilla thought to herself about how he may not want to move back here and that he would want to live elsewhere so that his neighbours will be safe but she wouldn't say that out loud just yet as herself and Tom would be the only ones that would currently be able to know who could most likely have done this and that it could be none other than Tom's ex, Lindsey that had something to do with this, however though, they would need to have some solid proof of this before they go to the police but maybe the police will have found some proof.

A little bit later, and Charlie, Josh and Taylor said goodnight to Priscilla and told her to contact them if she needed anything.

Priscilla waved at them as they drove away and then she went inside her home and closed the door behind her.

The facade that she kept up in front of everyone quickly disappeared and a look of sadness emerged on her face and she headed upstairs for a shower.

After her shower, she dried herself off and then she got into her bed but for a little while, she couldn't get to sleep as she was worried for Tom.

In the middle of the night, she decided to grab her phone as her phone background had a photo of her and Tom snuggled up together on one of their dates and this photo managed to make her smile through the tears on her face.

Eventually, she managed to get some sleep, though not many hours of sleep was had for Priscilla.

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