A Court of Queens

By EmoryBrownAuthor

537 67 15

In this dark fantasy reimagining classic 'Fairytale Princesses are 'Blessed Queens' the matriarchal rulers of... More

The Map
A Princess and a Thief
Daughters and Dynasty
Rags to Royalty
A Night Out
Tunes and Tall Tales
Real Talk
Night Terrors
Night Terrors pt. 2
Be Careful What You Wish For
The Silvertongue
Welcome to Assax
Celena: The Queen of Assax
Be Our Guest
A Heart to Heart on Horseback
Willkommen in Batavick
A Queen a Thief and a Fishman walk into...
A Deep Dive
Snow White and her Seven Brothers.
The Seventh Son
Auslander (Snow's POV)
A Family Reunion
Family Secrets
Foreign Aid
Foreign Aid pt.2
Brother Where Art Thou?
Bon Voyage
Bienvenue à Gallia
Girl's Night
The Ice Queen
Winter Wonderland
A Remembrance of Red
Smooth Sailing
Under the Sea

Breakfast at Celena's

15 3 0
By EmoryBrownAuthor

Jazlyn and Aldini were awoken by the sound of a meowing cat outside the door. Aldini opened the door and the cat walked inside. "Awh," Jazlyn said.

The cat opened its jaw as if to yawn but Celena's voice spoke from its body "Breakfast is ready, come down whenever you feel like."

Jazlyn shuttered at the feline, Aldini opened the door again so the cat could leave.

During breakfast, Jazlyn couldn't help but stare at two portraits hanging on the wall. One was a man wearing a royal mantle. The man had brown hair, striking green eyes, and a sharp nose. The other portrait was of the same man standing behind Queen Celena as she sat on the throne. She looked younger in the portrait maybe by a decade but the painting itself looked to be a century old if not more. All the other portraits in the manor were in ruin, either by neglect or intention. Covered in dust and dirt. But these two paintings were kept pristine in a glass frame that was dusted regularly.

"You can ask about him if you'd like." Celena offered as if she read Jazlyn's mind.

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare," she said.

"No it's okay. Handsome lad isn't he?"

"Yes indeed. Who is he." Jazlyn asked.

"Kit Wiley. My husband. The king."

"Oh, will he be joining us." Jazlyn asked looking around the manor.

"No, he passed away." Celena hung her head and twisted her fork. There was an awkward silence for a moment while Celena thoughts wandered.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Do you mind if I ask what happened to him?' Jazlyn finally asked breaking the silence. Aldini could understand bits and pieces of the conversation. Husband, king, love, death but their expressions and posture told the whole story. He had grown quite familiar with the sight of someone discussing a painful or uncomfortable topic and Jazlyn obliviously refusing to shy away from it. Aldini kicked her shin under the table.


"Oh no sweetie, I don't mind. Kit, he passed peacefully in his bed" Celena said

"That's a cold comfort I'm sure," Jazlyn said.

"It is, but he had grown old, it was his time," she said.

"Of course," Jazlyn said, assuming that Celena had simply outlived her partner. She pictured herself in Celena's shoes, watching Aldini grow old before her eyes. Jazlyn's heart ached for Celena.

"I do have one regret though. I wish the... politics didn't get between us the way they did." Celena swiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "Anyway, that's enough about dead loved ones and paintings, I'm sure you're tired of hearing of that by now." Celena said cheerfully with a wink.

Jazlyn stared at Celena; wide-eyed, slack jawed, and slightly terrified. Jazlyn cleared her throat and regained her composure. "I guess I am tired of talking about that," Jazlyn said, she sat in silence for a moment. Aldini guessed that Celena had said something offensive in the exchange that caused Jazlyn to withdraw. Aldini followed suit, keeping his eyes attached to his plate.

"You should bring more than one soldier," Celena blurted out, breaking the silence.


"If you're going to meet with another Queen you should travel with more soldiers. Even if you're allies or you're cordial, you should bring more soldiers." Celena said.

"I didn't really think about that when I left," Jazlyn mumbled, scratching her head. "How would I find soldiers to travel with?" she said.

Celena motioned all around her. "This forest is crawling with bandits, runaways, smugglers. I'm sure a few of them will be able to dress the part. Follow directions. That sort of thing." Celena said.

"Alright, can we go recruiting after we finish eating?" Jazlyn said.

"No way, not right now." Celena yawned. "I need to rest but we'll go later tonight." Celena stood up from her chair and walked away from the table. "Oh yeah and if you guys get hungry just write down what you want and the chefs will serve it," she said.

"What'd she say?" Aldini asked.

"She's tired she's going to sleep," she said.

"She must have slept poorly last night," Aldini said.

A raccoon and a groundhog crawled up on the table to retrieve Celena's plate and utensils.

"So what do we do now?" Aldini asked.

"Let's take a walk." Jazlyn dropped her fork on the table glowering at the rodents picking dishes, cutlery, and napkins off the table. "I've lost my appetite.

Jazlyn and Aldini went to the back courtyard and strolled through the garden, but calling it a garden would be polite. It was a jungle of thick wild hedges, overgrown vines, and wildflowers. A blanket of dead leaves covered the stone walkway. They walked over to the farthest corner of the garden, where there was a pavilion covered in moss with a decaying pillar. They sat on the wooden benches.

Jazlyn leaned closer to Aldini and whispered into his ear. "She- Celena knows what happened back in Agrabah," she said.

"What? What do you mean?"

"At breakfast, she said umm let's stop talking about loved ones and paintings something like that, then she winked at me," she said.

"Ah, the energy in the room got really awkward out of nowhere, was that it?"


"So how do you think she figured that out?"

"Maybe she can read minds." she said.

"Hmm there's probably a simpler explanation. Maybe she just hears well with her Blessing."

"But we haven't talked about it since we've been here, have we?" she said. Aldini thought for a moment and then shook his head. "Maybe I said something in my sleep? Do I talk in my sleep?"

"Yeah, a lot actually. But it's complete nonsense," he said. Jazlyn covered her mouth in embarrassment, feeling a little insulted he hadn't mentioned this habit before.

"What does it matter if you trust her enough to stay here though?" he said.

"I guess it doesn't but she's just... scary as shit. Right?"

"Yeah she's terrifying, I'm glad I can't understand what she's saying." he said with a smile. Jazlyn felt comfortable knowing she wasn't the only one who found the Queen of Assax off-putting. "I'm really dreading going back into that forest, especially at night." Jazlyn shuttered.

"Why do we have to go at night? He said.

"I dunno that's just what Celena said," she said.

"Did she say why?" he asked. Jazlyn shook her head and shrugged. "Maybe it's because she has to go at night." Aldini speculated.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe that's why she sleeps during the day, so she can use her Blessing at night," Aldini said.

"Ahh, that's the trade-off. Of course! How'd I not see that before?"

"They must have left that part out of the songs and ballads," he said.

"So what should we do now."

"Explore the castle I guess there's nothing else to do."

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