Wither & Bloom

By reachingthemoon11

1.2K 62 5

Two souls tendering to a bond that fills their hearts to the crest - this is how it is when living with love... More

I - Seedling
II - Hazard
III - Considerate
IV - Page Turner
V - Relapse
VI - All Things End
VII - Homecoming
VIII - Screw Up & Scrutiny
X - Wedding

IX - Taking Shots

112 6 0
By reachingthemoon11

It was a typical Monday. Suzy just got home from the hospital after her shift. As soon as she was near the driveway, she was met with Joohyuk standing outside, wearing smart casual clothes with his hair down, matching it with a black-framed specs.

"Why are you out here? Did something happen?" Suzy asked worriedly while approaching him.

"Let's have dinner outside." Joohyuk told her, his eyes smiling while he said the words.

"Ne? Gapjagi? Wait, I'll get Sujin ready." She dismissed him and turned her back, walking to the door.

"We visited my parents earlier, I left him with them for the mean time. I said we will be back to pick him up after our date." He informed her.

"Date?" Suzy repeated, looking at him as if he was saying nonsense.

"Ne," he replied, flashing a wide grin.

She just rolled her eyes and shook her head, opening the door. Joohyuk followed her from behind, still smiling like a high school boy who's courting his crush.

"Why are you dressed like that?" she asked while putting down her bag and coat for a moment.

"Wae? It doesn't look good on me?" Joohyuk retorted.

"I did not say that."

"So, can I take you out on a date?"

"You really are serious." She mumbled.

"I am very much serious."

"You did not tell me you went to your parents with Sujin."

"I sent a message though, and I tried to facetime with you."

"Oh..." she replied briefly, all her accusations held back when her phone lit up while charging it, bearing unread notifications.

"I guess you were busy the whole day."

"Ne. Mian. And I forgot that my phone ran out of battery."

"Gwenchana. I know how tiring your job is. So how about a dinner out?"

"You're persistent, huh?"

Joohyuk did not speak a word but casually fixed his hair that was let down, apart from his usual look, trying to make Suzy notice the difference.

"You ran out of pomade?" she asked, failing to come up with a better response.

"Not really. Just trying a different style."

"And the glasses?"

"Just felt like wearing them. I'll take them off if they don't look good."

"They look fine. And I didn't say anything about the clothes."

"So I look good?"

"Ya, what are you trying to hear from me?" Suzy asked bluntly, not mad but chuckling.

"Maybe say that I look good so I would stop being annoying?" Joohyuk told her as his eyes formed small crescents, his dimples showing.

"Ne, you look good. Happy?"

"Very." He grinned as she finally gave in.

"How about the dinner? You haven't said yes yet." He asked again while leaning forward, tilting his head slightly to the side. His gaze not leaving hers.

Suzy's eyes narrowed at him, trying to stop herself from bursting into soft laughter. "Ya, what are you doing?" she asked.

"What?" Joohyuk innocently replied.

"Stop it."

"I'm not doing anything"

"I can see what you're trying to do. Don't flirt with me."

"Just trying to look cute for you"

"Ani. Stop"

"Wae? Not cute enough?"

"It's not working. You look like... a fool."

"Ah, I see. I see." Joohyuk chanted, grinning widely with small nods. "That's why you're cheeks are blushing."


"I can see them getting redder"

"Ani," Suzy dodged calmly.

Joohyuk laughed a little and finally took a step back, giving her space. "I'm not really trying to flirt with you. Not even a little."

"Yeah? Whatever makes you sleep at night," She replied nonchalantly.

"Can I have an answer to my question earlier?"

"You're seriously asking me out?"

"I am."

"Why do you want to do that? You've been here for like a month already. No need to woo me."

"Just felt like it. Do I need a reason?"

"Well, you have a lot of workload lately. Don't waste your energy."

"I'll only go out of my way to have some alone time with you."

"We can spend time at home too."

"With Sujin in the middle?"

"I guess"

"Then we won't really be able to talk freely and comfortably. Like we are right now."

"Ya, you're just so random. What do you want to talk about anyway?"


"About what?"

"Everything. How's your day?"

"It was fine."

"How about your week?"

"Same as the previous one."

"And the month?"

"What is this, an interview?"

"It's called having a conversation."

"We can do that without the fancy clothes and glasses"

"So the date's off?"

"Why do you have to ask me out all of a sudden?"

"Is it a crime to ask my ex-wife out?"

"It's weird."

"Weirder than sleeping with me?" He teased.

"Ya! It's not like we're doing something. We just literally sleep beside each other. You own half of the house too, half of the room, half of the bed, half of everything." She countered defensively.

"So does that mean I have the right to have half of your heart too?" Joohyuk asked.

"Ani! What is wrong with you?"

"What?" He asked, chuckling.

"I didn't think you'll ever act like a flirty teenager."

"Am I being successful though?"

"You're being annoying."

"I guess it's fine to become one as long as I can make your cheeks and ears get more red."

"Stop that."

"Why are you blushing though?"

"Because it's hot inside"

"Jinjja? Your face is really getting redder"

"Molla. It's really getting warm. Stop looking at me."

"But I can't help it."

"Ya! Are you done teasing me?"

"Not yet"

"I'll just go upstairs to change my clothes. Give me a moment."

"Ne," Joohyuk happily responded, proud of his antics to make her come with him.

"I can't believe this is happening." She said under her breath as she walked past him.

"I'll wait here." He assured her, smiling.

- - -

"Didn't we take up too much time?" Suzy said as she can't help but glance at the clock while Joohyuk is driving. They are now headed to his parents' home to pick up their son.

"Don't worry. Sujin will be fine. He approved of this." He reassured her.


"I asked him first. If it was okay for us to go out for dinner tonight without him."

"And what did he say?"

"He said yes."

"Did he also approve of your look?"

"Ne. He said appa looks handsome"

"Aigo, my aegi is really too innocent for this world."

Joohyuk just chuckled at her remark, on which she ended up laughing too. As their giggles subsided, he suddenly thought of a question to ask.

"Suzy-ah" he called her name softly, his face turning serious.

"What do you dislike about me?" Joohyuk asked straightforwardly.


"Just asking. You know, we said we'll try to be more open with each other and communicate better."

"Ah, maja. Why ask that question specifically though? What if I really list out the things I don't like about you?"

"Are they that many?" Joohyuk asked with a soft chuckle.

"Well, I didn't say that." Suzy mumbled, feeling shy.

"Then go ahead and tell me." He urged her, taking a quick glimpse of her face before focusing back on the road.

"It's just that... your questions are weird. Where is this coming from anyway?"

"I don't know, just curious"


"Ne. I just want to hear it from you."

"I really can't think of anything"

"Try harder..."

"Ani, I mean it. It's not that I have a lot of criticisms to throw at you. If you're trying to ask me why we divorced, you know that already."

"Please tell me. I want to know. It's okay no matter how honest you get."

"Uhm... well... this is not really a bad thing but, I think when it gets too much... it's a little frustrating."

"Ne... I'm listening. Go ahead, just be honest Suj."

"You love your work so much. I mean... that's a good thing. It's also one of the reasons why I found you attractive then. You're so passionate at what you do. But you know... like for example, the other week, when you forgot our anniversary."

Joohyuk nodded as he listened intently to her answer.

"Well, it was like that before too. You would sometimes prioritize your cases over us. Like we are not as important. When you're on a tight deadline and we're planning for a vacation or something, you would cancel on us. But I didn't ever complain or anything because I understand. But when it came to Sujin's... uhm... never mind."

"No, tell me."

"Aniya, never mind"

"Suzy-ah," he called her, and reached for her hand to hold it. "You mean the accident? Ne... ara. It was really my fault. I know that."

"That's not what I meant. I'm not blaming you. It's just that..."

"Gwenchana. I was prepared to hear that. I initiated this conversation first, didn't I? So it's fine. I just want to hear your thoughts honestly." Joohyuk said, taking his time to look at her for a moment and smile, as if to say he's really fine.

"Mianhae..." Suzy muttered.

"You don't have to say sorry." He replied as his other hand left the steering wheel and gently moved towards hers.

"I didn't tell you that because I wanted you to feel guilty. It was just that... maybe you should learn to balance your work and family, because when you don't... when we don't come first, it's frustrating." Suzy elaborated, her hand intertwining with his, which surprised him.

"Ne, I'll learn from my mistakes. I promise, Suzy-ah. I'll give my best." He replied, holding her hand comfortably tight.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you not to enjoy what you're doing. Because it's one of the things I liked about you. And I'm proud of you when it comes to your career."

Joohyuk smiled upon hearing her say it again.

"You think I'm hot when I'm workaholic? Wae? I can work more if you like that." He teased, and she slapped his shoulder lightly, laughing.

"Ya! I really don't get you. One moment you were serious then the next, you're being all cheesy." She complained, making him laugh along.

"Just trying to lighten up the mood. I'm afraid you're feeling guilty for telling me those things. I'm really happy you're being honest with me." Joohyuk said, bringing their intertwined fingers up to his lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

"Let's make this a better relationship, hmm?" he asked.

Suzy nodded in response, her eyes still glued on the side mirror, not wanting him to catch her smiling.

"Suzy-ah," he uttered softly.

"Hmm?" she responded.


"For what?"

"For everything. For always putting up with me. For being the mother of my son. For loving me and our family. For being the person I love the most."

"Stop being so vocal... it's... positively weird for me."

Suzy was not able to hold back her soft chuckle anymore. She can't help but let it out. She is still not used to this new version of Joohyuk, but she's slowly getting there.

"I love you," he spoke again.

"I'll answer when I'm ready."

"Take your time. I'm just glad I can hold your hand again and kiss it when I want to. I can't believe this is real, Suzy-ah."

"You're being overly sweet. It's not like this is the first time we went on a date."

"It's the first since we tried getting back together."

"So that's why you're acting like this. This is so new."

"Isn't it great?"


"But we're not mad or uncomfortable. That's a good thing."

"Yeah... I think so too. It's just... a little overwhelming."

"On a positive note?"


Joohyuk just smiled, satisfied at her vague answer.

"Suzy-ah... why are you holding my hand so tight?"

"I am not."


Suzy took a glance at their joined hands, and sure enough, her fingers are squeezing his tightly.

"Sorry," she muttered while pulling her hand away.

But Joohyuk quickly caught it back. "I'm not complaining. I love it."

Suzy did not say nor do anything anymore. She just looked out at the window, trying to hide her flushed cheeks.

- - -

"Appa, you and eomma's date, eottae?" Sujin blabbered as he was playing with his toys while Joohyuk massaged his hair as he poured shampoo on it.

"It was nice. Gomawo, adeul. For letting me have some alone time with eomma" his father answered, tickling his neck a little.

"Appa, where did you go when you were always not at home before?" The boy asked, catching Joohyuk by surprise.

"Ah... that... eomma told you I had overseas business trips, right? Appa was busy going back and forth."

"Where did you stay?"

"Here and there. Everywhere. Why?"

"Wae? Why did you stay somewhere else? Neomu bogo shippeo appa"

Joohyuk's heart warmed up at the statement. "You missed me? I missed you too, a lot."

"Appa... don't go on a business trip again"

"I won't. I promise."

"Ne? You're not leaving eomma and me anymore?"

"Never. Never again."

The boy shouted cheerfully, his tiny palms clapping.

"Kaja, let's finish this bath. Eomma's waiting for us." Joohyuk announced, then gently splashed water on his son's shoulders, making him squeal.

- - -

"Suzy-ah" Joohyuk called out her name softly while he was lying beside her on the bed. Sujin is fast asleep already.

"Hmm?" she mumbled.


"What for?"

"For giving us a chance again. I promise to be better this time around."

"I know you will. I'll be better too." She replied, and reached for his hand, their fingers entwining.

"Sujin begged me not to go on a 'business trip' again."

"Mian. That was the only excuse I could tell him over and over again. He kept on asking me where you are and when you'll come home. I don't know how to answer him so I just made up stories."

"Ne. No more made-up stories. Just making out... maybe?" he whispered the last words.

"Ya!" she shouted.

Joohyuk laughed and stirred closer towards her. He wraps his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Is this okay?"

"I guess"

"You're not moving away from me."

"Just don't get any ideas."

"I won't"



"Why is your face so close?"

"Because I like it here."


"Because this is where I should be"


"What? I'm serious."

"Eottoke... this man won't behave"

"You're not saying it's weird anymore"

"It's not like I can stop you from being mushy. You can be sweet if you want to."

"So it's okay if I do this?" Joohyuk asked, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

She did not say a word and just closed her eyes.

"You're not complaining..."

"Molla. Just... sleep already"

"Too much? Mian..." Joohyuk said as he slowly pulled away, maintaining a safe distance.

"Why is it so cold tonight?" she spoke, turning her body around and snuggling into him. Her head resting on his chest.

Joohyuk's nostrils flared up, not expecting her to move even closer.

"Ne... why is it so cold tonight... it's so cold..." he went along, then wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her into a warm hug.

"Don't read too much into this. I'm just feeling cold." Suzy mumbled with her eyes closed.

"Cold... yes, cold." Joohyuk agreed, unable to suppress his smile.

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