You Are My Sunshine

By ChriannaLovaa

733 53 47

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine! You make me happy when skies are grey." More



35 2 2
By ChriannaLovaa

9:30am, October 10th

It was Robyn second surgery day and she was nervous. Chris slept with her once again just to keep her mind off today. They watched movies until it was 12 in the morning and talked for a little while before Robyn felt tired.

For the past few days Robyn has been feeling more tired with the medications and with the cancer itself, Chris sat on Robyn's bed after he got them some breakfast. Even though Robyn wasn't hungry Chris is going to make sure she eats something.

Robyn's next round of chemotherapy isn't till this afternoon, so hopefully the food would have gone down by then.

"Rob, come on sit down and eat something." Chris told her before he pulled her onto his lap.

"I'm not really feeling too hungry."

"Please eat something. I'll feel bad if I just left you hear without anything to eat." Chris told Robyn before she rolled her eyes.

"Fine, I'll eat something." Robyn said before she gave Chris a peck on the lips.

Ohh yeah. They made it official last night!

"Thank you." Chris said before Robyn got up from his lap.

Robyn looked over her shoulder at Chris as he checked his phone. She picked up a peace of toast before starting to eat it.

Chris got up from the bed and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He gave Robyn a kiss on the cheek before he told her he needed to go speak to Sean about hopefully getting out of the hospital for one weekend so he and Robyn can finally have a date night.

Robyn watched as Chris made his way out of her room. She went into the bathroom to hop into the shower and to get dressed for the day.


Meanwhile Chris made his way to Sean's office. Chris took a breath before he knocked on the door.

"Come in?." Sean said before Chris opened the door to the office. "Chris? Um? Is everything okay? What's-"

"I'm okay Sean! I um. I just wanted to ask if I could maybe take Robyn to my parents's cabin when she's feeling better and if her surgery goes well?." Chris questioned before he sat down on a chair.

"Um? If you both are feeling better maybe close to this weekend, maybe you could yeah. I don't see no worries in that. But just let me know when you will be going so I can let my manager know."

Everyone at the hospital knows Robyn is now taken by Chris. And the doctors and nurses are happy that they found each other and found love to keep them both positive to want to work harder on keeping themselves alive.

"Um? Could I maybe go home at some point? I'm feeling so much better Sean." Chris said as Sean looked at him.

"We'll see how you get along this week and if we like the results then you can go home and keep coming back here for scans." Sean told Chris before Chris smiled a little.

Chris took a breath. He can't wait to hear these results and finally get to go back home, and hopefully Robyn will get to go with him so they can finally start working on stuff for their futures.


Robyn woke up, she's been asleep for almost 2 hours and she now hopes her surgery has gone well. She looked over to her side to see Chris sitting by her bedside once again.

"Hey you!" Chris said before kissing Robyn's cheek.

"Hey babe-" Before Robyn could speak any more they heard a knock at the door.

Sam came in with a smile on her face seeing that Robyn was finally up. She shut the door before pulling a chair out to sit next to Robyn.

"I got some good news for you both." Sam said looking to Robyn then to Chris. "You both can go have that little weekend away." She told the both of them before Chris smiled a little bit.

"Really?." Robyn said.

"Just promise me one thing. If you both feel unwell at any time come back straight away or call me or Sean to come pick you up."

"We promise!" Chris told Sam before she got up from the chair.

"Chris? You wanna let Robyn get some rest?."

"Yea, I'm gonna head back to my room and get some sleep." Chris told Sam before he kissed Robyn's cheek and stood to his feet.

"I'll see you later baby!" Robyn told Chris before she let go of his hand.


As Chris and Sam made their way out of Robyn's hospital room Sam stepped into Chris's room so she could talk to him.

"You will look after her won't you?." Sam questioned Chris as he sat on his bed.

"Yes Sam. I will! You don't have to worry and I promise if we feel unwell we'll come straight back." Chris told Sam before she turned to head for the door.

"I'll see you later Chris!" Sam told Chris before she opened then closed the door after she made her way out of Chris's room.

Chris took his shirt off before his pants leaving him only in his boxers. Chris took a moment to himself as he laid in his bed with his hands under his head. He thought about everything he and Robyn could do now that they were going to have a weekend away together.

Chris knew it was going to be the best weekend of their lives as they both have only been stuck in the hospital. So whatever happens Chris wants to make this weekend special for Robyn in any way he possibly can.


Robyn and Chris sat outside it was cold but they didn't care. Chris got them a blanket from his drawer so they are both snuggled up under it. Chris has his arm around Robyn's shoulders as she rests her head on his chest.

"I can't wait for this weekend!" Robyn told Chris before he smiled a bit.

"You sure you're okay to go? And you shouldn't be out here-"

"You my dad?." Robyn questioned before Chris bit down on his bottom lip. "Don't be thinkin' dirty right now Christopher! I said dad not the other one." Robyn said before she looked up at him.

"Damn your accent is hella sexy."

"Chris!" Robyn said with a raised eyebrow. "And to answer your question. Yes I am fine!" Robyn told Chris before she turned her head to face the garden again.

"I ain't kiddin' that accent of yours is sexy." Chris said causing Robyn to giggle a little.

"Do you ever shut up? Wait don't answer that!" Robyn said knowing how dirty Chris's mind can get.

"Choose your words carefully next time mama. Come on let's go back inside." Chris told Robyn before she groaned a little before they got up.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? Please?." Robyn begged giving Chris the puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go!" Chris said before they both headed inside the hospital.

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