Emberholde Academy

By ImmortalKissvv

12.9K 685 62

True love. Mates. The very backbone of the werewolf species. But what happens when your Alpha mate rejects... More

Prologue - Defeated
1 - Exiled
2 - Change
3 - Starting Anew
4 - Unease
5 - Adjustment
6 - Friendly
8 - Show of Power
9 - Moonlight Meeting
10 - Shelter from Harm
11- Feel It All
12 - Kindred Beings
13 - Stress Reliever
14 - Ignited (18+)

7 - Shocked Surprise

869 57 12
By ImmortalKissvv

Eden's POV

I walk behind Valleth, my heartbeat pounding loudly in my ears, my senses in overdrive.

He's going to kill me, I'm sure of it.

Execute me, painfully, sadistically, make me beg for death...

"Eden." I snap out of my panicked thoughts and stop abruptly as Valleth stands in front of two large black ornate doors. I don't even know where I am right now, having followed Valleth mindlessly, not paying attention to my surroundings in the slightest. I know we're still in the academy, but no idea what floor, at all. I'm assuming the topmost floor, but as I quickly glance around, there isn't much up here aside from the doors were standing at and a few other doors down the hall.

I swallow loudly. Valleth sees my discomfort and offers me a small smile.

"His reputation precedes him. He's not as bad as everyone else makes him to be, just breathe."

I nod, and she opens the doors wide and walks in, me following behind.

I realize now that this is his office. It's breathtaking, and I can only assume it's a reflection of himself professionally, and maybe a bit personally? It's hard to tell considering I haven't met him yet, only heard rumors of who he supposedly is as a person.

It's dark, but almost seductively so. The first thing I notice is the large abstract painting behind his desk area, it being the focal point of the room. White paint splatters the canvass artfully and brings a little bit of lightness into the surrounding black and grey tones of the rest of the room. There's a small bookcase to my left with another door further left to that which is currently closed. A bathroom maybe?

On the far right is a large open pane window that looks out to the courtyard, and I notice the academy crest statue where Adelaide and I first stopped when we arrived here.

So, we are on the top floor in the dead middle of the academy building.

Almost like he enjoys overseeing everything. Like an Alpha should.

As I glance back, there's a small seating area with two leather chairs around a smaller glass table in front of the second door and as my eyes trail over his desk, there is minimal things scattered about, a notebook, laptop and some pens and regular office supplies.

Valleth stands in front of his desk, her cloak settling nicely around her, which I've noticed happens all the time. I'm sure I'd trip over it if I wore one. I stand nervously, threading my fingers together and pulling at them as I wait for the pin to drop.

Suddenly, the door beside his desk opens and I jump a little. Valleth chuckles lightly before turning to face in the direction of the door. The man that enters makes my breath hitch in my throat. Rieka stirs in my mind, her anxiousness and excitement overflowing into me.

Oh no.

My heart picks up in anticipation, but I know this feeling from her. The same feeling that we felt back at Moorgrey...

His dark eyes meet mine and it's then it snaps into place as the realization hits him as he stares at me.

Before I know it, and have any chance to stop myself, the word escapes my mouth as soon as it does his.


Dante's POV

As the word leaves our lips in acknowledgement, her scent hits me, and I can sense the anxiousness and worry seeping out of her.

I can't believe it.

It's hard but I break my eyes away from her to look at Valleth, and her expression says it all. She's just as surprised as I am, and for once, words escape me. I look back to my mate and she shakes her head, and her voice trembles as she speaks. Her voice is heavenly but tinged with worry and panic.

"Not again..." She trails off and backs away, looking to Valleth. "I can't do this again, please."

Can't do what?

I watch as she gets more and more irritated standing there, looking back and forth between me and Valleth with panicked eyes.

What beautiful eyes.

I want to go to her, but I know based on her body language, she isn't receptive to me now, and her next question solidifies to me that she's overwhelmed and out of her comfort zone.

"Can I leave?" She asks quietly, lowering her head and I nod, not wanting to make her feel any more uncomfortable than she is. I can tell she wants to bolt, but she's being respectful of Valleth and I, which I can admire.

"Thank you. Uh...." She pauses, trying to pull her words together. "I will come see you again regarding my punishment, I just need some time to process this, please."

"Of course. Please take the time you need." I try to keep my voice steady, but I know finding your mate can be a shock to the system, and I'm sure as hell feeling it right now.

With a nod, she turns and walks out quickly, and I turn to Valleth. She speaks first.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that." I shake my head. "Neither was I. I was convinced that I didn't have a mate."

"And how many times did I tell you that you did have one and to have faith?" I scoff in response. "I know." I go and sit down at my desk and Valleth sits in one of the chairs in the sitting area. "I was bringing her here to discuss her gift with you."

"Her gift? You mean..."

"She's the wolf with access to magic."

No fucking way.

"She had another incident and hurt one of the other students. She was protecting a friend who was being treated unfairly though so I can't blame her."

"It's her first offence, I wouldn't have punished her for it." I run my hands though my hair and lean back in my chair looking at the ceiling.

"Is there a reason she looked so terrified of me?"

"Did you read her admission file yet?" Valleth counters and I shake my head. "No, it's literally in my desk drawer here to review. Moorgrey's Alpha just stated that she needed to be transferred immediately and then I had to leave, so I hadn't looked through it in detail yet."

"I would, and then try to speak with her again. Some of the things in there seem highly fabricated from Moorgrey's Alpha though. Eros thinks the same, but there is something there and I think in all honesty, you'll need to hear it from her to be the truth."

There's a brief pause, but then Valleth smiles at me. "Congratulations Alpha, you found her."

I can't help but smile as well. "I did."

But how well will this go?


 - mate reveal!! I am so excited to get into this more.

 - See you in the next one!! - vv

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