The Illusion Of Us

By KLastella

373K 6.1K 2K

In "The Illusion of Us," Ava and Ethan are the embodiment of a perfect love story. Celebrating six years of s... More

A Note to Readers
...Let Me Know...
It's Done!


14.6K 259 7
By KLastella

Ethan and Ava were cuddled together in their bed, basking in the warmth as they watched the snowflakes gently fall outside. Ava had always been enchanted by snow; every time it snowed, she would draw back the curtains of their expansive glass window, allowing her to watch the snowfall until she drifted into sleep.

"This is perfect..." Ava whispered, snuggling closer into Ethan's broad shoulder. His natural scent was like a signature perfume to her, comforting and familiar. Wrapped in his arms, she felt an overwhelming sense of security and love.

Ethan, with Ava's hand resting on his chest, smiled tenderly. "You've always loved being held like this, babe. It seems to be the magic trick to get you to sleep," he said with a soft chuckle. His laughter was like music to her ears, adding to the tranquility of the moment.

"Are you complaining, Mister Ethan Williams?" Ava teased playfully, looking up at him. "Remember, you're the one who got me used to this." She then playfully tickled his side, causing him to burst into laughter.

Their playful banter quickly turned into a tickle fight, both of them leaping out of bed and engaging in a joyous, childlike game. Since moving into their Manhattan apartment two years ago, Ethan and Ava's life together had been filled with such moments of spontaneous joy and happiness. Their home was a haven of love and laughter, a perfect world they had created together, away from the rest of the world.

As they paused, panting and laughing from their playful escapade, they shared a look that conveyed unspoken words. In that instant, Ethan closed the distance between them, capturing her lips with a kiss that spoke of deep longing. Ava responded with equal fervor, the intensity of their kiss reigniting a familiar, passionate flame.

Before they knew it, they found themselves back on the bed, lost in the heat of the moment. The room was filled with the sounds of their shared desire, an unbridled expression of their love and connection. The world outside faded away as they became wholly absorbed in each other, their bond as strong and fiery as ever.

Exhausted yet content, they lay there catching their breath after a night filled with passion. Neither had the energy to get dressed; instead, they simply pulled the blanket over themselves, covering their bare skin. Ava snuggled back against Ethan, who warmly wrapped his arms around her once more.

"I love you, Ethan," she whispered, her eyelids growing heavy with the pull of sleep.

He responded with a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I love you too, babe." In the comfort of each other's embrace, they both drifted off to sleep, a perfect end to their night together.

The morning sun streamed through the curtains of Ava and Ethan's bedroom, casting a warm glow over the room. Ava slowly opened her eyes, the clock on the bedside table showing that they had overslept. "Babe, wake up! We overslept!" she exclaimed, gently shaking him awake.

Ethan jolted upright, a look of surprise on his handsome face. "What? Oh no, I have an early shift at the hospital!" he blurted out, scrambling out of bed in a hurry.

The bedroom was suddenly a flurry of activity, with both of them rushing to get ready. Ava dashed to the kitchen to quickly make some breakfast. "Toast it is!" she declared, popping slices of bread into the toaster while Ethan hurriedly got dressed in the other room.

Ethan emerged from the bedroom, trying to tie his tie while simultaneously searching for his hospital badge. "Have you seen my badge?" he asked in a slightly panicked tone.

"Check the living room, I think you left it there last night!" Ava called out from the kitchen, flipping the toasts onto plates.

Ethan, finding his badge on the coffee table, let out a relieved sigh. "Found it!" he announced, rushing back to the kitchen.

Ava handed him a plate of toast, trying to suppress a laugh at his disheveled hair. "You might want to give your hair a quick comb," she teased.

He glanced at his reflection in the toaster. "I look like a mad scientist," he joked, quickly trying to tame his hair with his fingers.

They shared a quick, affectionate kiss, laughter still in their eyes. "Have a great day, Dr. Williams," Ava said with a playful salute.

"You too, babe," Ethan replied, grabbing his toast and rushing out the door.

Ava watched him go, a smile on her face. Despite the rush, mornings like these were filled with a simple, joyful chaos that she cherished. With a contented sigh, she grabbed her own breakfast and headed out, ready to tackle the day at her patisserie. The hurried start only added to the charm of their busy, happy life together.

As Ethan dove into the demands of his residency, Ava found herself immersed in the whirlwind of wedding planning. With Ethan entrusting her with the decision-making, she embraced the role with enthusiasm and creativity.

The journey of finding the perfect wedding venue turned into a bonding experience for Ava, her mother, and Ethan's mom. They spent several weekends visiting potential sites, each with its own unique charm and appeal.

"I want it to feel like we're stepping into a midsummer night's dream, even though it's winter," Ava said with a determined smile as they entered the grand conservatory. The indoor space was a masterful emulation of a lush garden, with rich greenery and vibrant flowers in full bloom, all under the shelter of a translucent glass dome that let in soft, natural light.

Her mother nodded in approval, "An indoor garden setting is perfect for a winter wedding. It's cozy and warm but still has the charm of an outdoor celebration."

As they toured the conservatory, Ethan's mother was drawn to a delicate gazebo adorned with ivy and twinkling lights. "This could be a magical spot for the ceremony," she remarked, the warmth in the conservatory making it easy to forget the chill of winter outside.

They discussed everything from the ceremony layout to the reception arrangement, scrutinizing every detail. Venue coordinators presented them with various options, talking them through seating configurations, dance floor placements, and lighting that would create the perfect enchanted evening ambiance.

Upon discovering the venue that seemed to check all their criteria, a wave of elation swept through them. It was a graceful indoor sanctuary that brought the essence of summer gardens into a winter setting, with elegant ballrooms that opened up to vistas of frosted nature. The enthusiastic venue coordinator offered a detailed tour of the spaces.

Ava's mother, thinking ahead, suggested, "Why not use a combination of tall willow branches and low floral arrangements for the tables? It would make the room feel like an enchanted forest."

Ethan's mother, perusing a portfolio of floral decorations, pointed out an arrangement. "Imagine these white roses and hellebores complemented with sprigs of holly and draped ivy—it would be like a winter garden brought to life."

Ava's eyes gleamed with the image in her mind. "And if we add strings of soft white lights among the greenery, it would look like a starlit garden," she added excitedly.

The coordinator jotted down every detail with precision. "We'll capture the warmth and beauty of a garden in full bloom, ensuring your winter wedding is nothing short of a fairy tale," she assured them, as they planned to bring the magic of the outdoors into their winter nuptials.

Feeling content with their choices, they concluded the day with a celebratory lunch, excitedly talking about the next steps in the planning process. The venue had been chosen, a canvas ready to be painted with the colors of Ava and Ethan's love story.

In their cozy living room, Ava and Ethan were surrounded by a sea of wedding catalogs and lists. As they sifted through names and designs, Ava couldn't help but notice the weariness in Ethan's eyes, a testament to his long hours at the hospital.

"You know, you don't have to help with the invitations right now," Ava said gently, concern lacing her voice. "You're always so exhausted after your shifts. Maybe you should rest."

Ethan looked at her, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Baby, I might be tired, but being here with you, helping plan our wedding, it's the best part of my day. Seeing you so excited and happy about our wedding preparations... it means everything to me."

Ava's heart swelled at his words. "Are you sure? I don't want to add more to your plate."

"I'm sure," he assured her, his hand reaching out to caress hers. "Besides, I can't let you have all the fun. I want to be part of this too, every step of the way."

Reassured by his words, Ava smiled, her eyes shining with love. They returned to their task, discussing the old university gang and Ethan's cousins from Ohio. As they finalized the guest list, Ethan suggested a classic design for the invitations, with a nod to their garden theme.

"That's perfect," Ava agreed, her mind already racing with ideas. "And since we're getting married on Valentine's Day, maybe we can subtly incorporate a love theme?"

"February 14th, our day of love," Ethan echoed fondly. "I can't think of a better date for us."

As the evening wore on, they decided to cover the cost of their wedding party's attire, a gesture of gratitude towards their closest friends and family. Ethan's unwavering support and willingness to share in every detail of the planning filled Ava with an immense sense of gratitude and love.

Their discussion was more than just about invitations and attire; it was a tender exchange of support and partnership. Each decision, each moment spent planning together, only deepened their bond, a beautiful testament to their journey towards a life shared as one.

The cake tasting at Ava's patisserie, La Belle Époque, was not just another wedding task, but a delightful adventure. As the owner, Ava took pride in showcasing her establishment's best offerings. The shop, with its cozy ambience and inviting aroma of freshly baked goods, was a testament to her passion and skill.

"Welcome to my favorite part of the shop," Ava said with a bright smile, leading Ethan to a beautifully set tasting area. A variety of cakes, each a work of art, awaited their verdict.

"Let's start with the classic vanilla," Ava suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She expertly sliced a piece, offering it to Ethan. His reaction was immediate delight.

"This is heavenly," Ethan commented, savoring each bite. "But we have a lot more to taste, right?"

"Absolutely," Ava replied, her laughter echoing in the warm space. They moved on to a rich chocolate cake, a tangy lemon zest delight, a lusciously layered strawberry, and even a bold caramel sea salt.

With each sample, the decision became increasingly difficult. Ethan, with a teasing glimmer in his eyes, exclaimed, "They're all so incredible! How can we possibly choose just one?"

Ava, thoughtfully tapping a fork against her lip, said, "What if we create a cake that represents both of us? A blend of our favorite flavors?"

Inspired, they envisioned a multi-tiered cake that symbolized their union. The final design was a culinary masterpiece – a bottom layer of sumptuous chocolate, a middle tier of smooth vanilla, and a top tier of exquisite raspberry filling, each one an embodiment of their shared tastes and experiences.

As they tasted and laughed, Ava's staff looked on fondly, sharing in the couple's joy. The decision to have the wedding cake made by La Belle Époque added a personal touch to their special day.

As they prepared to leave, Ava's heart swelled with happiness. "This was perfect. Thank you for being here, for making every step of this journey so special," she said, her hand finding his.

Ethan squeezed her hand gently, "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

Before they exited, Ava turned to him with a hopeful expression. "Did you manage to take a day off next week? We need to visit the bridal boutique for my gown and your tuxedo."

Ethan nodded, his smile reassuring. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I can't wait to see you find the perfect dress."

Hand in hand, they left the patisserie, each step they took together filled with love and anticipation for the life they were about to embark upon. It was moments like these – sweet, simple, and filled with love – that they cherished the most.

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