By WilliamsTerryann

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Her marriage haven't been going well for a while now her husband was upset because she wasn't able to have ch... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four

chapter seven

5 1 0
By WilliamsTerryann

Toni finally got to clean the front porch after finishing in the garden she then took a shower settled down and try calling her husband again, he had said he would let her know by Thursday if he was coming she haven't heard from him and she have been calling and nothing,
Chris phone rang Emma look at him as she was able to see who it was that was calling,
"You still haven't told her?" Emma asked
Chris look at her
She frown
Chris ignored the second ringing Toni was force to leave another voice mail
"Chris I've been calling you so many times what's going on I was expecting you to be on your way coming to me if I had given you an address I would think you're giving me a surprise call me please I want to hear what you're going to do for if you don't come I'll just come down tomorrow in the afternoon"
She waited a while but he didn't call so she thought since she's going tomorrow she could go see one last glimpse of the town and see Hariel she has fallen so much in love with her only a pity she can't take her back to new York, she took a shower dress in one of her God mother's cowboy boots a thigh length jeans and a fancy top she came down the stairs went to the kitchen door where the men has started working,
They have hoe the surface around the pool mix the cement but haven't started the pavement just yet,
"Hey" she said from the door
They turned to see her dressed up
Noah widen his eyes roll them, he wiskle at her,
"Stop that" Eddie bound him
He chuckled heavily
Toni look his way with a smile, "I am going out for sometime you men have all you need?"
"Not all of us" Noah said shooting his mouth at Eddie
Jack smile
Eddie shook his head,
"Anything I can get while I'm out?" Toni asked
"We're fine" Eddie said
"He's not fine that's him lying through his teeth" Noah said
Eddie look at him
"Well I'm going to leave you if there's anything let me know Eddie you got my number so call me up ok" Toni said Eddie nod
"See you later" she said waving to the others
"Be careful out there that the boys don't take you away" Noah said
"I'll be careful" Toni said she left them there her van was hear driving away when they started working,
Eddie had the feeling she was going to get her man to take to the house he was expecting him to be here since yesterday thinking maybe there was a delay he so want to leave before they come although he know she's married and got her man he don't want to see them together,
Toni stop to look around for some things she saw selling here she wouldn't find in Manhattan, Manhattan was known for having everything but she didn't see nothing such as the fine art work and cowboy boots fancy painting she got a few for the house for there was only one heavy expensive one on the wall that cover the safe she wouldn't know that was there if it was her by herself for she would just paint where was reachable, the house feels so comfortable she wish to get a swim before she leaves tomorrow she haven't really gotten to enjoy the place as would love to she still wish her husband took some time from his busy days to come even for few hours she decided to call him again
Chris was no longer with Emma or the little girl but he was at a house showing someone around they want to move in for Christmas and he was seeing how best they will like this one,
The phone rang in his hand before he noticed who it was he flip the call open, "hey" he said
"Chris where are you I haven't heard from you you didn't call" Toni said
"Toni I'm working you know what it's like this time of year I am trying let me call you when I'm done here" he said
"Will you call?" Toni asked
"Just need some time to sort out ok"
"Ok" Toni said
She hang up and continue to do what she was she have a feeling she was going to just go home she wasn't going to force her husband to abandon his work and come out to just sit here doing nothing, she cash her things and left the store she wanted to see Hariel so she went by the lounge sit with her and Dorothy for a while talking,
Eddie and his friends work constantly to get the poolside done it was looking perfect to them they have pave it tile it and had put a border around the pool it self for it was just flat it was now looking like a pool side, the part where the table and chairs kept was where they covered to ward the sun off when they're laying down, the plants fall in the right places make it perfect,
"We have done a good job" Noah said
"Yes I agree" Jack said
"Thanks I couldn't do it without both your help" Eddie said
"That's what friends do for each other we help them out" Noah said
"Couldn't agree more Jack said
They smile,
"I'm hungry" Noah said
They heard his belly roar
"That's the result of too much drinking" Eddie said
They laugh,
"seriously guys I could eat" Noah said rubbing is belly
"We have to wait until we got to aunt Dorothy" Jack said
"We're not painting this today?" Noah asked
"Of Crouse" Eddie said "Let's just get it over and done"
"We have enough paint?" Jack asked
"I want to think so" Eddie answered
"Let's kick it off, man I need to get out of here" Noah said
"Alright then let's finish up" Jack said They got back into working mode they were working quietly Noah stop "You think she'll come soon with some food"
"She told Eddie to call" Jack said
"It's almost done we'll leave soon no need to call now" Eddie said
Toni and Hariel walk around looking at things she could buy to take home most of what they did was window shopping
They went by a pet store a pup bark on seeing them
Hariel stop, "Wow Toni she's is pretty" Hariel exclaimed
"She really is pretty, you like puppies?" Toni asked
"Yes, I do like puppies, Dad never let me have a dog he said we're all busy people and a dog needs care and I have to go to school"
Toni smile she hug Hariel's shoulder "he could be right but we all need to be responsible for something at some point"
They move on and Toni took her to by a milkshake they sat out door at the corner stop
"You going to spend Christmas at your mom?" Toni asked
Hariel shook her head. "I won't leave my dad" Hariel said
"Even if your mom wants you?"
"She doesn't want me"
"What make you say that?"
"She don't for she don't call often or come see me ever" Hariel said
"You don't miss her?"
"This much" Hariel said making a small margin with her fingers "my dad cares a lot about me"
"Your dad is a nice guy I've not met anyone like him he's so charming and sweet" Toni said with a smile
Hariel look on her face and much as she was only eight she could understand the look of love in Toni's eyes,
Toni smile reach out to touch Hariel's cheek "and look at the previous girl who calls him dad"
Hariel grin
Toni recall he haven't called she wondered what they were doing now the time on her watch have her thinking they must be long gone it was now four thirty she should go home now and see to things, "I should go home now" Toni said
"You're going home to pack up to leave tomorrow?" Hariel asked
"Oh yes jut I'll come again and I'll call you I will save your dad number and call for you every day" Toni said
"Every day!?" Hariel asked
"Yes every day" Toni said Hariel hug her tightly she almost felt tears, they went back to Dorothy's grocery lounge to say good by to Dorothy, "have a safe journey home" Dorothy said as they hug
"Take care Dorothy it was nice meeting you" Toni said
"Just the same" Dorothy said
Hariel watch Toni leave she cry when she left
"Hush dear I told you she would have to leave" Dorothy said
"But I miss her" Hariel said
"You'll get to see her again soon" Dorothy said unsure if it was so
Hariel hope she get to for she love her so much.
"Is the key under the mat or something?" Noah asked "She didn't leave a door open or so?"
"Why man?" Jack asked
"I'm hungry I could make a sandwich or something" he said he turn the door of the kitchen and it open Jack and Eddie look Noah grin "this slaves the problem" he said he left his shoe by the door and went in to look around the place was nice and kept neatly he didn't want to do much moving around so he only look in the refrigerator and found a half a tuna sandwich Toni had made and cut in half eating half and leaving the next Jack came to the door for Eddie was adding the final touch to the sheltering
Toni came in the garage and head down to the kitchen the cowboy boots she wore echo as she walk in Noah has just heated the sandwich about to eat when she did he became frighten and it fell "shit" he cursed
"I'm sorry I wasn't sneaking up I didn't know you were in here, I'll clean it up" Toni said
Eddie and jack come in to see what happen, "What's going on?" Eddie asked seeing the sandwich on the floor
"I was about to eat that" Noah said
"That's cat food now" Eddie said
"I'm sorry" Toni said once again she clean the mess and threw it in the bin, she saw the work they had put in and marvel it was a work well done to think they did it in a day, she smile at them "it's so nice thank you so much I love it,
"You're welcome" Noah said
"Definitely" Jack said
Eddie nod
"How about I fix you something quickly I know you must have had a long day judging from the work you put in, what you guy say?"
"I'm hungry" Noah said
"I could eat" Jack said
They both sat down Eddie sat too but didn't say nothing
"What you won't eat?" Toni asked
Eddie smile,
Toni smile back shook her head, she turned away from them going to the refrigerator while she fix the meal the guys talk to each other, in no time Toni fix some fish dinner slice fish steam in sweet and sour sauce vegetable rice and ripe plantins for the side dish she dish it for them and serve some cold fresh lemonade Eddie look up at her while Jack and Noah had already started eating Toni heard them individually grace their food and started eating
Toni took a small amount for she had a long cup of milk shake with Hariel not too long ago,
"You only eat that small amount?" Noah questioned
"I'm not so hungry now I'll eat again before I go to bed" Toni said
"You eat this small amount to be able to eat again later?" Noah asked wirh a smile,
"I had a large milk shake that left me kind of full so I'm waiting to free space"
"You went out just to have a milk shake by yourself?" Noah asked
"I went with Hariel" Toni said
Eddie look at her
"Is Hariel?" Jack asked pointing at Eddie
"Yea" Toni said
"Sweet girl ah" Noah said
Toni smile she nod her head, "very good company too"
Noah and Jack agree
"By the way the food is good" Jack said
Just as Eddie was thinking it,
Noah nodded
"Thanks" Toni said
"It's ok to have a second serving?" Noah asked
"Sure go on" Toni said Noah got up and Jack went with him,
Eddie eat as he avoid looking at Toni, Jack and Noah come  back to sit
"So who's the contractor?" Toni asked
"Neither of us" Jack said
Toni ease back with open mouth
"We know the feelings but we are both engineers" Jack said pointing to himself and Noah
"Not bad" Toni said
"He's the electrician" Noah said he point to Eddie
"I was told that but he's good at everything" Toni complement Eddie smiling
"You can bank on it" Noah said
Eddie look around on them,
"So how much I am to pay?" Toni asked
"Shame on you we're friends you are a friend of Eddie right?" Noah asked
Toni look at Eddie who look at her quickly then turn away,
"I didn't want you guys working for nothing"
"Pay it forward" Jack said
"Pay it forward" Toni laugh, she nod "I'll send you both a Christmas card"
"That we'll appreciate" Noah said
Toni like them both but she has developed a deeper feeling for Noah he's a bit more jovial than Jack is but both are nice
"Thanks for dinner" Eddie said getting up,
"You're not leaving or you for I want to talk to you" Toni said
Eddie sat back,
Noah roll his eyes blink it at Eddie
"Well we will leave you catch up tomorrow" Jack said
"Make a stop by the lounge and give nana a hand let her know I'm a little late"
Jack nodded he and Noah got up "anything for you friend" Noah said turning to face Toni "Toni thank you for your hospitality" he said
"And thank you for your courtesy"
She shook hand with them both,
Noah put his shoe on to go gather his tools
"You can walk them out I'll clean the table" Toni said
Eddie did as she said
"I believe you're going to get paid tonight" Noah said
"Paid?" Eddie asked
"Yeah by getting laid" Noah said
Jack smile with wide eyes he shrugged but didn't speak
Eddie hissed at Noah, "call me man" he said
Noah nod pat his shoulder Jack did the same
"Remember my grandmother ok" Eddie said
They both replied "we will"  he watch them off before going in to the house Toni was near finish she lay the last of every thing down and went to the living room with Eddie she offered him some of the red wine,  she had   open it but haven't drank much since she bought it two weeks ago in Dorothy's place she turn on a little trilling music,
"You dont mine do you?" Toni asked
"What the music? No I dont mine" Eddie said
Toni sits inviting Eddie to do the same,
They sat side by side,
Eddie felt trimmers having the feeling it's because of what Noah had said about him getting laid he isn't going to lie to himself if he does to anyone he crave for a little of her body she was so sexy and he wish to get in to her,
"I want to ask you to look into things here or maybe if you find someone suitable enough I'll pay them" Toni get to the point
Eddie nod if he couldn't he knew he can find someone so it wasn't any worries where that is concerned
"I have no problem handling that for you" Eddie said
"Thank you I really appreciate everything you did for me"
"It was nothing"
"For you, but for me it's everything you didn't even let me pay you that's much more than generosity"
"It was a good deed" Eddie said
"One I am thankful for"
Eddie nod,
"So your man didn't make it, I mean your husband?" Eddie asked
"We talk today he is to call me back" Toni said
"So you won't leave tomorrow anymore?" Eddie asked when he didn't want to
Toni nod, "I promise Hariel to call you everyday so we can talk, I really love her she's such a sweet girl"
Eddie smile,
Toni pour another glass for them both they drink and talk for a little longer, Toni mentioned Hariel's mother but Eddie didn't care to hear from Evelyn he didn't think of forcing his daughter he was frank about it Toni didn't try to push it he must know the reason,
It was getting a little late when Eddie got up,
"Ready?" Toni asked
"I should go now" he said
Toni nodded she touch his chest Eddie felt it in his back as if he would reach an climax and it was his shirt her hand was on, "maybe one day while you're looking in you can paint the gates for me" Toni said
Eddie mod,
"you think the pool is ready?"
"For you to take a swim?" Eddie asked
"I would love one" she rub across his chest
"You can go a head" Eddie said shakeyly
Toni look up at him the look in his eyes got her feeling nervous she trimble as she slid her palm from him,
Eddie took then both in his holding on to her fingers rubbing then over, he lean in to kiss her a sweet soft kiss, though Toni felt his lips more than once this time her knees were shaking he let go her hands to hold her butt cheeks bringing her closer to him, Toni ease her head back to look at him, "What are we doing?" She asked
"I don't know" Eddie said
Toni wasn't sure either but she lift his shirt over his head rubbing him down as they were so allover each other Eddie was about to take her blouse off when her phone on the coffee table rang,  they both  look to see who  it was, "it's  my husband" toni said
Eddie nod "you should take it" Eddie whispered
Toni nod easing up she kiss him another time he stepped back she took the call and he took up his shirt and left quietly, Toni look to see his back going out the door wish he wasn't going, she sat down and relax her breathing was the calmest everything else was racing and beating fast, she was listening  to her husband telling her about the work load he has to be doing now,
"So you won't be able to come, not even for a day?"
"Not even for a day Toni I'm so tied up I don't make it home some nights, for the next two weeks I'll be on the road"
Toni was getting use to him not making it home some of the night because of work he said it's been really a long time that they spend a good night with each other she wanted to mention that it's been a while but she let it be,
"I am going to be honest I might not be home for another few days, it's a possibility I won't even get Christmas day off" Chris said
"Really Chris you're canceling Christmas for work, Chris you know you're the only family I have am I to just come home to the empty house to spend Christmas a lone"
"It's my job Toni, you are into interior design you know what it is to be busy all season long" Chris said
"I also know what spending Christmas with family is like and I always make it a point of duty to spend it with my family" Toni said
"Toni what you talking about it's you and I where is the family two people don't classifieds as family we need children that's what we need children and it's only bad you can't have children so what's the point of fighting it when you and I know that they won't be any"
"We talked about adoption Chris"
"I know but will that be my child?"
"Daddy" a small voice said in the back ground
Chris look around to see Nellie running in the den her mother behind her,
"Who's that?" She asked
"Toni, Toni" Chris said
"I already explained to you what I'm doing"
"Someone with a child buying a house?"
"Exactly" Chris said
"Oh alright don't let me keep you from what what's important" Toni said
"What does that supposed to mean?" Chris asked
"I'm saying how important your job is so get to it, Chris I'll see you" Toni hang up
"Toni" Chris called but the tone was already beeping
Chris hissed furiously throw the phone on the sofa
"Dad what happened dad?" Nellie asked
"I am alright  baby nothing happened come to daddy" Chris said picking her up he kiss her a lot make her tickle so she grin,
Emma look at him she widen her eyes turned and left him there with the baby, half hour later she falls a sleep and he puts her to bed then joined Emma in the bed room,
"Did you tell your wife you won't be home for Christmas?" She asked
"I did" Chris came up behind her kissing her shoulders " now can I have a little loving?" He asked Emma turn and grin at him "I'll consider it tonight"
"It's been a few days" he said
"I know"
Chris grin "I love you" he said
"Don't say you love me, you love your wife you're only here because I gave you what she won't able" Emma said
"You don't believe I love you"
"Divorce her if you love me and want us to be a family, I can always have more babies for you" Emma said
Chris smile he love the sound of more children, he nod "anything you want" he lay her down and they make love to each other,
Although Emma knew that Chris didn't get her pregnant she was willing to go the extra mile to have him believing that Nellie was his that way he keep the cash flowing she got a house and a nice car so she just going to keep having her way with him.

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