بواسطة xmoonlight_dahyunx

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Third Kpop imagines book. I write male idols in this. I take requests so if you have any please leave in comm... المزيد

Welcome- Requests
💖 Juhaknyeon- The Boyz 💖
💜 Sungjun- BLANK2Y 💜
💙 Jinyoung- GOT7 💙
❤️ Minho- SHINee ❤️
🧡 Suil- LUMINOUS 🧡
💛 Jihoon- Treasure 💛
💗 Taerae- Tempest 💗
🤎 Jewon- NINE.i 🤎
🖤 Jaechan- DKZ 🖤
🤍 Jin- BTS 🤍
💖 Hyunjin- Stray Kids 💖
💜 Eddy- RoaD-B 💜
💙 Iden- Megamax 💙
❤️ Jay- iKON ❤️
🧡 Khael- MIRAE 🧡
💛 Chan- TO1 💛
💚 Xiumin- EXO 💚
💗 Naoki- OCTPATH 💗
🤎 Kanghyun- ONEWE 🤎
🖤 Dann- Kingdom 🖤
🤍 Sunghyuk- TAN 🤍
💖 Sunyoul- UP10TION 💖
💜 Kai- EXO 💜
💙 Jackson- GOT7 💙
❤️ Minho- SHINee ❤️
🧡 Keigo- JO1 🧡
💛 Jihoon- Wanna One/ Soloist 💛
💚 Baekseung- EPEX 💚
💗 Junseok- ATBO 💗
🤎 Youngjae- GOT7 🤎
🖤 Johnny- NCT 🖤
🤍 I.M- Monsta X 🤍
💖 Kyuhyun- Super Junior 💖
💜 Seunghwan- ATBO 💜
💙 Eunjun- AIMERS 💙
❤️ Winnie- NINE.i ❤️
🧡 Hwon- Kingdom 🧡
💛 Wooyoung- AIMERS 💛
💚 Yeojeong- TO1 💚
💗 Kyuhyun- Super Junior 💗
🤎 Eunho- NTX 🤎
🖤 Harua- &TEAM 🖤
🤍 Hyeop- DRIPPIN 🤍
💖 Hanbin- TEMPEST 💖
💜 Seowon- NINE.i 💜
💙 Hamin- TRCNG/ BXB 💙
❤️ Yungyu- 8TURN ❤️
🧡 Yunmin- THE7 🧡
💛 Imchan- 24K 💛
💚 Jeonggeun- HAWW 💚
💗 Hongseok- Pentagon 💗
🤎 Havit- TRENDZ 🤎
🖤 Dongjun- GHOST9 🖤
🤍 Yujun- Xikers 🤍
💖 Vari- NINE.i 💖
💜 Thanatorn - The Wind 💜
💙 Dohyon- LUN8 💙
❤️ Key- SHINee ❤️
🧡 Jinsik- Xikers 🧡
💚 Brian- AMPERS&ONE 💚
💗 Kyuhyun- Super Junior 💗
🤎 Zhang Hao- ZeroBaseOne 🤎
🖤 Eunseop- LUN8 🖤
🤍 Seungeon- EVNNE 🤍
💖 Gyuvin- ZeroBaseOne 💖
💜 Hanjin- TWS 💜

💛 Yorch- POW 💛

46 1 3
بواسطة xmoonlight_dahyunx

This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is based on Favorite by POW

Me and my first cousin Snow have been friends with Yorch for years. He is my cousin and Snow's brother Prince's friend and we have known him for years. I've always had the biggest crush on Yorch. Snow liked him too and we often fight over him. I think Yorch is quite popular with the girls as he is a very good looking guy. Snow is more bothered about looks than personality. I'm the other way round. Looks don't bother to me. She is into makeup and into designer things. I couldn't give a shit about those kinda things. Yorch is really nice and sweet too. Not just good looking. He has a warm personality too. I like a guy who is kind, sweet and funny and Yorch is all those things. I've known him for years so I'm comfortable around him. I don't know if I should confess my feelings to him before Snow does. Tonight Snow and I are going to a party. Prince said it's at a friend of his house and it'll be fun so he persuaded us to go. I don't go to parties often. It's more Snow's thing but I thought I'd go this time. Prince and Yorch are going to be there soon. I'm over at Snow's place and we are getting ready now for the party. She's insisted on doing my makeup and doing my eyes. I told her I don't like heavy makeup but I know she'll go heavy. Snow is doing my makeup now. "Sit still or it'll go wrong" she said. "Sorry. It tickles" I reply. "I want you to look attractive, Y/ N" she smirks. I didn't say anything. She does my eyes and ours eye shadow and mascara on. She did it in about 20 minutes. "There you go. Damn, girl" Snow says. "Oh okay. Thanks" I say. I didn't really like what she'd done but I didn't say anything to her. "You don't like it?" she asks. "No I never said that" I reply. Anyway Snow and I get ready for the party and get off as soon as we were ready. The party had just started when we arrived at the house. Snow takes my hand and we walk in. "Drink? Y/ N" she said. "Ummmm whatever you're having I guess" I reply. She grabs a fruity punch can for herself and one for me too. "I need to find my brother" Snow said. We spot Prince in the other room. "Hey, girls. You made it" he said. "Of course we did, dummy" Snow said hitting Prince on his arm. Them two are always teasing and messing with each other. I was looking around for Yorch but I couldn't see him. Snow sees a couple of girls she knows and she goes to talk to them. I liked the drink I had so I went to get another one. Yorch was in the kitchen getting himself a drink too. "Hi, Y/ N. I didn't know you would be here" he said. "Hey, Yorch. Yes I thought I'd come with Snow" i reply. "How are you?" he asks. "I'm good thanks. Are you?" I reply. "Yep the same as you" he replies. I laughed. I looked at him and there was an awkward silence for a second. "I didn't think parties were your thing, Y/ N" he said. "They're not really my thing but Snow kinda made me go" I reply. "Thought she would. I only just recognised you when you came in with you'd makeup on" Yorch said. I blushed for a second. We talk for a bit longer

I spoke to Yorch for a while then I found Snow after. She was still talking to those girls and I was looking for her. It took me a few minutes to find her as she was in a different place. "Hey" I said to her. "Hey, cuz" Snow said. "I thought I couldn't find you" I say. "No I'm still here. I haven't gone. I thought you took off actually" she laughs. "No no not yet. It's good. I'm enjoying the atmosphere" I reply. "That your second drink?" she asks. I nod my head. I stick with Snow for a bit before I go wondering for more food and drink shortly. I look out for Yorch and I spot him talking to some of his guy friends who are there. I was a bit too shy to go up to him when he was in the presence of other guys so I just sat in the same room quietly with my drink in my hand and some food. Yorch sees me and smiles at me giving me the eyes. I gave him a smile back. I was too shy at first. "Y/ N, why don't you come over here" Yorch said. "Okay" I smile. "These are some of my mates. Guys, Y/ N is someone I've known a long time. My best mates cousin actually" he said. He introduces his friends. I talk to Yorch and his friends for a while and they were nice enough. Snow is with those girls again. Yorch and I walk outside together to the garden where there was no one. "So are you enjoying the party?" he asks. "Yes it's good actually I'm glad I came even though Snow forced me to" I reply. "Well that's just her. Isn't it?" Yorch said. There then was an awkward silence between us. "Ummm Y/ N there is something I want to say to you" Yorch said. "Okay sure" I reply. Snow kept on ringing my phone just after but I ignored it. "Why don't you answer her?" he asks. "No no I'm with you at the moment. Out here enjoying it. Anyway what do you want to say to me?" I ask. He thinks about what he's going to say for a second. "Y/ N, I-I like you. Hmmm more than a friend" he said. "You do? Really? I didn't think you'd be my type, Y/ N. Thought you'd go for a pretty girl like Snow" I reply. "Y/ N, you are a pretty girl. Don't even say or think that" Yorch said. "Well I think she is prettier" I say. "Nonsense she isn't. Beauty is on the inside too" he said. "I guess" I reply. "Y/ N, there's something between us. Something unexplainable with words" Yorch said looked at me and leaned in and kissed me on my lips and I kissed him back and yes it felt good. My first kiss was on that night with Yorch. I will never forget that moment

It's been a couple of weeks since the party that Yorch and I were at. We spent the night together the night after at his place. He invited me over for pizza and I ended up staying the night and losing my virginity to him. It all happened quickly and I didn't have time to think. I didn't even tell him how I felt back after the night of the party. It was on my mind but I didn't get a chance to tell him how I feel about him. I am kicking myself I didn't say it right there, right then. I haven't seen Yorch since we spent that night together. I didn't want things to be awkward for us. I feel bad for not calling him or admitting my feelings to him after that night. He'll think he's done something wrong but he hasn't. Snow thinks I've been acting strange for the past week or so but I haven't told her what went on with Yorch and I because it's not really any of her business. She'll go on about it too much and start causing trouble for us. Anyway I'm gonna get in touch with him soon and clear the air. I am just on my way back from work and all I wanna do is go home and chill after a long day working and things. I am thinking I should call Yorch tonight just to get it out of the way. I am almost home but I had to stop at the gas station for gas and something so then I go home. I pulled up the drive and bizarrely noticed that there was someone waiting for me on the doorstep. I drove closer and it was Yorch sitting on my doorstep. What I think to myself? I get out of the car and look at him in confusion. "Y/ N, sorry. I just wanted to see if you were okay. You haven't been in touch with me since you know that night" Yorch said. "But you should've at least told me that you were gonna show up on my doorstep when I finished work" I say. "Sorry I just wanted to make it up to you. I know I maybe went too far with everything" Yorch said. I had to think for a second. "Can we talk inside please?" I ask. He agreed and we went inside. "It's a good job no one is home yet" I say. "Y/ N, please don't be mad at me. I really really like you. There's no one else for me and i wanted to make that night special for you" Yorch said. "No I'm not mad. I just wish you would've called me sooner and we could've spent another night like that together" I say. "So you enjoyed it. I know it happened suddenly quickly" Yorch said. "Yes I did" I reply. "Can we start over again soon" he said. "Yes we can start over" i reply. Yorch smiles at me and steps closer to me and looks into my eyes. He pulls me in and kisses me. "You're my favourite one, of all my favourite things" he whispers to me. Then he asks me to be mine and I said I would be his.

Yorch and I have been a couple for about a month. We are keeping our relationship a secret for a bit. We don't want to tell Snow just yet as she might not be happy with the situation as I know she's always liked Yorch but he chose to be with me and I hope she accepts that when she finds out. Yorch is over at my place today. The house is quiet. Only us around. Nobody else. The plan is there is no plan. Just chilling and spending time together. Yorch helps himself to food from the kitchen like he always does when he's over at my place but haha I don't mind at all. I think it's kinda funny. We are watching a k drama on Netflix at the moment. "It's nice just to chill after a busy few days" Yorch said. "Yeah I know. That's so true" I reply. We were into our show, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. I peak out the window and see Snow's car. Why is she here? "Shit it's Snow. What should we do? She's gonna see you" I say. "It's fine, Y/ N. Don't be scared of her. Let her see us" Yorch said. He stays on the couch and I go to the door and open it. "Oh hey, Snow. What brings you here?" I say. "Hi, cuz. Ummm just dropping off your straightener I borrowed sometime ago. I was having a clear out at home" Snow said. "Oh thanks. I forgot about that" I reply. "What are you up to?" she asks. "Nothing much" I reply. "You're acting weird, Y/ N. Is someone over?" Snow asks. Before i could answer, she barged past me and saw Yorch sat on the couch. "Hey, Yorch. Y/ N, didn't say you were here" she said looking into his eyes. "Oh she didn't" Yorch laughs. "So what do you need to tell me?" Snow said. We both hesitate for a moment. "Hmmm well Yorch are seeing each other. We are boyfriend and girlfriend" I say. "And you didn't think to tell your own cousin" she said. "Well, Snow hear me out. We didn't want to get that far. It's only been a few weeks. This relationship is new to us both" I reply. "Well you know Yorch I've liked you all these years. My brothers best friend and I've had to hide those feelings and you choose my cousin instead. Well I hope you're happy together and there is someone out there for me by the name of Kim Taehyung" Snow said. She has these fantasies about V from BTS. "Well I wish you luck with that, Snow. All the best" I laugh. "Anything can happen, hun. Don't worry. Anyway I should get going now and leave you two in peace to do whatever you're doing" she said heading for the door. I lock the door behind her. "Well that didn't really go down well" I say. "She wasn't happy. That's for sure and I kinda got the hint she liked me. She can be very flirty" Yorch said. "Trust me, Yorchie. She's my cousin, we grew up like sisters. I know what she's like. All the boyfriends she had in school and I only had one. She was trying to get me fixed up with everyone and I wasn't interested then but that's just Snow" I say. "Don't tell her but I'm glad I didn't get involved with her. Y/ N, I'm so glad I chose you. Baby, you're my favourite" Yorch said. "Baby, you're my favourite too. Let's forget her" I smile. "Indeed" he smiles back planting a kiss on my cheek. Yorch and I snuggle on the couch and I feel like drifting off to sleep. I'm so glad I'm his favourite and he chose me

A/ N: guys I'm so sorry it's been so long. I've had a lot going on lately but I'm gonna try and keep up to date as much as I can even though I have this new fanfic idea for Ricky of ZeroBaseOne that I might start amongst my other books. I'll just not to neglect things this time

Yorch is from POW a new boy group who recently debuted. They are good. I like their song Favorite which this imagine is based on. Thank you yanagirenjiidealtype for this request. Sorry for taking so long. You know I'll always get round to doing your requests despite it taking a long time

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