Bound by Fate an Unchangable...

Por KiraKirigakureKeinz

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What happened after Darren removed himself from Destiny? Who took he's place in this messed up tragic tale? A... Más

Chapter 2~||Its Settled Then, to the Cirque||
Chapter 3~||Mr. Tall||
Chapter 4~||The Wolf-man||
Chapter 5~||Unexcepted Voice..||

Chapter 1~||Home||

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Por KiraKirigakureKeinz

Where should I start the story telling? I guess it's not much of a story telling thing... hmm... Anyway, some or all of you people read the story of Darren Shan, right? How he became a vampire and how he had to kill his ex best friend for what he did, Steve Leonard. How he was traped in an unchangable destiny, that Desmond Tiny webed togother, right? I was there to witness everything, but I wasn't part of anything and didn't know anything about it, until... I took Darren's place in his destiny. Darren managed to trick destiny and escape what Mr. Tiny fortold him.

When Darren was brought back from the lake of souls by Evanna. She explain no matter what one does to remove a person from the present time. The univers will produce someone the same, but wrose! Darren removed himself from that destiny. He found that peace he was looking for. That's where I come in.

My name is Aya Leonard. Yes that makes the Vampaneze Lord my little brother. But I'm not like him! I'm different, but I'm not a vampaneze either... With that said I'm going to tell my story now. For now I'm about to be 19 and I came back from a trip over seas, that's pretty much what I have to say for now.

*Story starts now*

I stared out at the windows of the airport, staring at the rain drops hitting the windows and the plains and also the payment. I'm waiting in the lifeless airport for my mother to pick me up. I was about to turn 19, and she wanted me to come home so she could celebrate my birthday. I didn't want to, but I didn't want to make her feel bad...

One thing of being back home was my brother, not in a bad way. When I'm here I can't help me controling my brother, so he could be a bit more respectful to her. I do my best, but it makes him more violet towards her when I'm gone.

1:34 p.m. my watch saids. She should have been here by now, but I guess something came up.

I stared at the rain again. I remember me not liking living here. It was so boring... nothing really good to do. I just... dunno why I'm like this. When I won a trip over seas for a week I went without a doubt in my mind. A week over there trun into almost a year! I loved it there! It was always full of new amazing stuff! So I decided to stay and I eventually found work, rented a small apartment. And yea that's what I did! Until a week before my birthday she called me and wanted me to come home. And so I did... -_-

"Aya!" I looked around and to my surprise I see Darren! And right behind hime is Steve!

"Darren! Steve! How you been you rascals!" Darren smiles at me and Steve trys to act cool and saids,

"Welcome back sis, man your getting old, you hag!"

"Steve be nice to your older sister." Darren defenes me.

"Thank you Darren, I see one of you still keep his manners hmm..."

"I don't care, so what you bring back with you?" Steve asked me quickly, with delightness in his eyes!

"Well, that's the only thing you really care about right?"

"Just tell me what you got!" I sighed heavaly. Steve really needs to change...

"Ok for you my beloved little brother, I got you the complete set of Hellsing manga and well the dvds.

"Awesome!!!" Steve cheered!

"Darren I got you a three set book of really rare spiders and it comes with ten figures of rare spiders. I also got you a pet spider its not a killer! And whenever you want to see it I could let come feed it and play with it if you want? Do you like it?"

"You shouldn't have Aya! Thank you so much your the best big sister!"

"..." Steve glared at me and then at Darren.

"I didn't forget your sister, I got her a japanese tea set. A beautiful doll dressed in a Kimono, and I got her a matching Kimono too! Hope she like it?"

"She will! And thank you again Aya!" Darren went up to hug me! I smiled and hugged back and I was expecting Steve to hug me too, or say thank you for the gifts... but nothing.

"Why..." Steve began.

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why get him more cooler stuff then me huh? I'm your brother! His not!"

"Darren's stuff where easier to find and not that expencive like your! Plus I thought you love watching and reading horror stuff like Hellsing? And your stuff where wroth more!" I explained to him.

"Still! His stuff are way cooler! I hate you!" He turned around and headed straight to my mom's car waiting for us outside.

"Steve!" Darren tired to go after him, but I stopped him.

"Let him... he'll be all right." I walked to the car and got in quietly. I talked to my mom, but Steve kept quiet whenever mom or Darren tired to talk to him. I started to feel a bit guity for what was happening, but Steve had to learn right from wrong... even if he started to hate me.

"Sweety, I just realized I have the dinner ready, but there's no drinks home so, could you please buy some if I drop you off at the minimart?" my mother asked me.

"Sure, i dont mind." With that she took a turn to our left half a block away from our home. The mini market was good to have around when a situation like this happen.

We got there and I had to make a run for the front of the market, sense it was rainning. I made my way through the convinet store, found the sodas. Now it was time for the hard part, which favors? Well, i guess to make up to Steve i'll get him his favorite, Darren too and mom too. I guess that wasn't that bad.

Once i paid, i waited outside, but under the shelter the roof of the minimart. I wasn't going to let myself get wet.

So yea, for some reason she wasn't coming.

"Where is she?" I asked myself, but as a whisper.

"It is beautiful day, is it not my lady?"

"Huh?" I turned to my right, and standing there was a man wet to the bone, and covered by a huge coat.

"I am sorry i scared you, but you see I was only trying two find shelter from this rain." the man said.

"..." who is he? And how did he get here without making a sound?

Dats all for nw, hope you all like it

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