A Dance of Chaos And Harmony


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Enter the realm of creation woven by the unknown Creator, the architect of the universe who birthed Chaos and... More

Act 1: A Folktale Told.
Act 3: Local Fuss.
Act 4: A Deep Mystery.
Act 5: Questions.
Act 6: Answers.

Act 2: The Town he once held.

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"The town of Delteria; A town I once held so dearly to my heart. The lives that lived it... I miss it."

The town was buzzing with life, everyone had a place to go! Everyone was friendly, but one thing is quite odd. They all had masks. It was like living through a masquerade! The children played and sang songs, the guards were patrolling the town, and the adults were working and cleaning.

However, one would always look down from his window, staring at the bustling town. He was never the social one. He closed his window with a click and walked out his bedroom, he looked left and right. Noticing his father standing out on the balcony, staring into the blue sky. His father seemed to be daydreaming as he stared out into the blue.

K: "Father..? What are you doing out on the balcony? Is everything alright...?"

Kai called out to his father, Damien. He seemed confused at him staring out into nothingness. Kai felt odd to peer upon him, so he approached and tugged at his shirt. Damien would turn his head and stare down at Kai.

D: "Ah- Kai. Hello.."

Damien looked back up, patting Kai's head. He sounded drained, stressed, and in deep thought. He let out a long, tired sigh. Then lifted Kai and sat him on his lap.

K: "Father- is something the matter? You're not yourself today. . . Tell me about your day"

Kai spoke out in his local's tongue, intellectual for someone being the age of 9. He sounded worrisome. His father would solely keep him in an embrace for now.

D: "Do not worry about it, Kai. It's a day's worth of thought that you should not hold onto yourself at such an age."

Damien spoke out in a comforting tone. He did not want to open up about his worries, for the sake of his son. So he contemplated some more, but his thoughts would be cut off by Kai taking his own mask off, and gazing rather deadly into Damien's eyes.

K: "Father, you mustn't worry about welfare when it is us talking about problems! It is us."

Kai kept a firm stance, and Damien would notice it, so he took off his mask as well, his face representing the tone he spoke to Kai. As he returns a similar glance to Kai, he places the mask down onto his lap.

D: "You act quite mature for your age. . . You impress me, but I insist-"

Damien would pause for a beat

D: "Say. . . Have I talked to you about your mother, Kai?"

Damien acknowledged Kai's maturity. He gave Kai a pleasant smile, patting his head once more. He then changed the topic to something more personal for Kai.

K: "No, I don't think so. . . I'm curious, what was she like? I wondered about her for some time!"

Kai, without skipping a beat, lends his eyes to Damien with a starry accent, as curiosity flooded his mind. Damien placed him down onto the floor, and took out a book. Kai hopped back onto Damien, sitting back down.

D: "This book right here, contains memories that we shared. It holds meaning, and it holds the many letters she wrote down, but let me tell you about her first. This book only holds fragments."

Damien sets the book down, placing it onto the table. He thought for a minute before he spoke out.

D: "Your mother wasn't like any other, Kai. She was unique and modest... Everyone knew her for her leadership, She cared for our people, and she cared about you. She kept in the palace's walls in fear of you getting hurt before your birth."

Damien spoke out with emotions, to which Kai responded with his ears; completely hyper-focused on what his father spoke about, listening to every word he said. Damien continued:

D: "She wanted to bear a child ever since we were newlyweds, but it was hard work; it took us way too long. So when you came to be, she was ecstatic. I have never seen her so excited about something since I proposed to her. Heh.."

Damien chuckled at the memory. Remembering that day brought a smile to his face. Kai only focused, eyes wide. His face beamed with interest and curiosity.

D: "Things changed quickly right after. She began writing more, created art, she. . .wrote a lot of letters to you. She was more selfless. I didn't understand, but she told me to worry not."

Kai tilted his head, wondering what he meant. He seemed to have drifted off a bit. Damien kept talking, but he was eventually cut off.

K: "Letters? For me? How? Also. . . I think you drifted off a bit. . . Oh!— I forgot to ask: did Mother have any magic? Is it like ours?"

Kai asked. His eyes shimmering with wonder and curiosity. Damien would let out a sigh, but kept a smile on his face. He then answered:

D: "She wasn't like any of us, really. Her magic isn't like any of us, either. Aqua moves like silk. It was something none of us have seen before. No one could ever touch her, a mirror. She was capable of absorbing forces beyond what we assumed was even possible, and reflected it right back! Unfortunately, it fatigued her."

Damien spoke with pride about the power of his wife, his love shimmered as he spoke. Kai chuckled and smiled. Damien would grab the book, and place it into Kai's arms.

D: "Here. This has the other fragments. There's a box of letters in your cabinet and– I almost forgot! She asked me to give this to you."

Damien pulled out a locket, placed it around Kai's neck. It was in the shape of a heart, and had a purple crystal in the middle. Kai lifted the locket, admiring it with awe. He looked up at Damien, unable to hold his smile. He embraced Damien.

K: "THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you! I will read every letter she'd written for me! Is there anything else? Tell me!"

Kai was hopping in excitement. Damien would chuckle, giving him a pat and a kiss on his head.

D: "That's everything I should tell you, Kai. You will learn more about your mother once you grow older. For now, read what is given, the rest will come with time. The letters are what she wanted to tell you."

Kai would nod and give a smile, running off to his bedroom. Damien let out a sigh, and walked back to the balcony, staring at the now setting sun. He sits back on his chair, and a tear would shed from his eye.

D: "....He misses you too, Avelina. He does not feel it yet, though."

The town slowly falls silent as night hits. Damien would be the only one awake, staring into the night sky before he got up himself and headed back in. He closes the door behind him, and with another Click... The day was over.

End of Act 2.

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