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Dec 24th 11:00am

╰┈➤ OWEN was shaking in anticipation as ava only got closer with the camera.

"Okay! DanTDM!"

The group was currently sat in the warm and holiday decorated living room, filming their last advent calendar video of the year.

Her code word, DanTDM, meaning: "I'm recording" instantly turned on his fake facade for the video, striking an astounded pose and facial expression.

"Guys! It's time for the last... last... ADVENT CALANDER CHOCOLATE!" He exclaimed, slapping both of his hands on his cheeks with a wide mouth.

Ava turned the camera towards her face.

"I... wonder what shape it'll be! What are your guesses guys?"

She pointed the camera at bethany.


she thought, with her index finger tapping on her chin.

Ava started aiming the camera towards clog, getting impatient.

"You're taking too lo-"


Ava rolled her eyes.

"Okay, whatever. I'm giving you five seconds." She asserted.

Bethany soon pointed her finger up in the air. 

"I'm pretty confident that it'll be an ornament!" She happily exclaimed.

scarlett made a doubtful face, looking Bethany's way. "Yeah... it'll definitely be an ornament." She muttered sarcastically. 


"Ooookay.." ava muttered, "so scarlett, what do YOU think it'll be?"

"Well." Scarlett looked up to think, as if she were staring into her brain. "Based on personal experience, I'm pretty sure it'll just be Santa's face. Not an ORNAMENT." She pointed at Bethany.

"Good one... Zoey?" The camera was turned towards her.

Zoey just shrugged and got up from the couch. "Uh, Hinata? I don't know bro." The Haikyuu obsessed girl guessed.

"Oh yeah because we totally got a Haikyuu themed advent calendar."

"Who is Hinata?"

Five confused voices filled up the audio of the video.

"Uhhh... okay. Clog?" The camera was turned yet again.

Clog also shrugged, "like a mistletoe or something?"


She was ignored, and the camera was turned to owen again.

"I'm just going to assume that it's a snowman. Owen?"


"Oookay. You know what to do owen!" She exclaimed, zooming the camera in and out.

He dug his fingernails into the dotted lines of the square, pulling the thin cardboard off as slowly as he could.

"Oh no....!" Bethany worried.

He hastily ripped it off a few moments later, covering the chocolate with his palm.

"Are you guys READY?" He asked.

"YES!!" Everybody yelled.

He took his hand off, revealing a chocolate with a Santa hat.

"Oh." Everyone disappointingly muttered.

The video was stopped.


1:00 pm

    "So, did you ever end up posting the video you made earlier?" Clog asked, hopping over the ice patch to walk in the snowy trail.

Her eyes trailed over to clog. "I was gonna, but should it wait until Christmas day, or should I post it today?"

"I don't know man. I think I would just post it."

Scarlett and Bethany suddenly made it their way, almost slipping in the wintery weather from their fast pace.

"Damn, why are you guys in such a rush?" Zoey questioned.

Scarlett was huffing and puffing, completely unable to answer. Hence her lung issues and winter allergies. She probably should've brought her inhaler.

On the other hand, Bethany was able to catch her breath after a short while. 

"Well-" she started, her quick and heavy breaths being visible in the chilly air. 

"Owen was being a little bitch so we decided to run away from him. After a bit he started yelling and said that he slipped in the ice, but we thought that was just a huge lie, so we kept running... but he might've actually fell because he still hasn't caught up... we didn't even run that far." She explained.

After a bit of suffocating silence-- letting their imaginations run wild, both Bethany and Scarlett imagined Owen falling face flat into the snowy ground. Their laughing fits immediately overpowering the furious, cool wind. 

Bethany harshly nudged Scarlett whilst obnoxiously bark laughing, resulting in her plummeting into the deep snow.

Scarlett eventually stood up with the help of clog pushing her up. Once she found her balance, she brushed the snow off of her clothes, the smile was no longer evident on her face.

"Let's go find Owen!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air and taking cautious steps in the dented snow, making sure she's retracing her steps correctly.

Everyone followed behind her silently, keeping their peepers out for Owen.

"I'm right here guys."

A voice called out from behind them,

Heads were turned.

The first thing everyone saw was Owens blood-stained face, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"I've been walking behind you guys for quite some time, I was wondering when you would notice." He muttered.

Bethany's mouth slowly went agape, "So you DID fall?" She snickered, hiding the laugh behind her hand.

"Damn, did you fall in the ice or the snow?" Scarlett asked.

Tears started welling up in his eyes. He attempted to speak, but his throat closing up from his pent-up humiliation didn't allow him to. he took a deep breath out and stormed off due to embarrassment. 

Everybody watched him slowly take gigantic steps in the full seven-inch snow, stumbling on his own feet every now and then.

"What." Both Zoey and Clog deadpanned. 

"I don't know." Scarlett admitted, shivering. "Oh my goodness, what are we even doing outside? My ass cheeks are sliding off of my legs as we speak. From coldness." She spoke, patting the lower part of her body.

Ava nodded, looking everyone's way.

"Right, my teeth are literally chattering right now."

Zoey joined in, "Because we were just going to go on a walk. It's your fault that you didn't wear an actual jacket that gives you warmth." she mocked, rolling her eyes.

Clog gave zoey a quick look of disapproval.

"Well- right now my outfit looks like it would be worn by a music teacher in elementary school. With the jacket on I looked like a math teacher." She scoffed, "like what if I see someone hot?" 

Zoey looked down at her multiple layers of jackets, sweatpants and ski pants, gloves, boots, scarves, etc.

She frowned, "well... I think the person I love should like me for me, not my looks?" 

The wind furiously howled at them, as if it was trying to speak.

Everyone started freezing, including Zoey.

"Maybe we should go to a shop or something... I'm sick of being outside."



    AFTER a few more minutes of strolling, they made it to their local mall.

Ava tilted her head in confusion.

"They're open? it's literally Christmas eve."

They all happily entered the mall, instantly being enveloped with the warmth given by the built in heaters and the lively chatter. They all visibly untensed, their noses getting less cold.

The group looked around the store, seeing the hanging holiday decorations, deals, items, clothing, and listening to the faint Christmas music ringing in their ears.

Scarlett happily reminisced and grinned, "This reminds me of all the hallmark Christmas movies I watched this month. I hope one day I can find a man that loves me like they do in hallmark movies..." She hunched down.

Zoey sighed, "no literally. They act in the movie as if they could treat a woman right, but I'm assuming the second the camera stops recording they beat their wi-"

"shh." Ava shushed.

Zoey rolled her eyes to the back of her head and lightly scoffed, putting her hands in her pockets and walking further into the store.

Everyone silently followed, taking in the jolly-- Christmas feel.

"Y'know," Scarlett started.

"As fun as it is waiting for Christmas eve, it's such a depressing day in general. Like its cool to be excited about because that means Christmas is tomorrow, but that's also partly the issue. Like it kind of dawns on you on Christmas eve when you're like 'oh wait. today is Christmas eve. tomorrow I have to wait 365 days again for a fun 24 hours and a depressing rest of my winter. how fun.' but I guess I am being gifted things tomorrow, so I can't complain too much." She yapped.

She was looked at with supportive-- judgmental looks.

She gave up the topic, shaking her head and continuing to walk.


     They were all strolling in the mall, only sparing glances at the oncoming scenery and stores, pointing at the cute decorations every now and then.

Everyone kept quiet, just basking in the almost silence that fell through the mall. Hence it being the day before Christmas, everyone was home and celebrating with their families.

In attempt to break the silence, Clog pointed at the big Christmassy looking man in the near distance.

"Wait is that Santa?" They asked, almost jogging to the sat down man.

Clog got closer to him, giving him a nice smile and wave. And of course, Santa smiled back.

Bethany tilted her head to the side, looking at her close friend.

"Not gonna lie?" She muttered, "I can slightly see his facial features behind the beard, and I can TELL hes hot."

Scarlett just pursed her lips and slightly squinted, knowing that her best friends 'hear me out' claims can get a little wild. She shrugged her shoulders whilst also tilting her head to the side to give herself a better look.

"Huh, maybe. If you can manage to sit on his lap you can try to pull it off?"

Zoey was stood quietly behind the two, mouth fully agape.

"Wouldn't that like... totally get you guys in trouble though?" She muttered, her shoes fiddling with themselves in an anxious manner.

Bethany looked over to Zoey and started stroking her chin in thought, furrowing her eyebrows in the process.

Bethany scratched her head. "Maybe, but I'm down. How would it effect you?" She asked, now fully turning the rest of her body to face her friend.

She looked away, "Like if the cops get involved or something... I'd be interrogated."

Both Scarlett and Bethany turned to look at each other in disbelief.

"Babygirl," Bethany started. "They don't even take most serious cases seriously. I doubt they'll see us pull off a fake Santa's beard and think 'AHH I NEED TO INTERROGATE.'" She mocked, slapping her palms on her cheeks in a fake-shocked manner.

"Literally." Scarlett agreed. "There's nothing to interrogate either. We're on camera and it's not like it's some traumatizing shit took place."

Bethany waltzed away from the two and nudged her way into the short line only consisting of about five people-- including parents.

"So, about your hallmark dream guy..." Zoey mentioned, "I think I know the perfect guy for you."

Scarlett's face almost instantly lit up at the words Zoey sputtered out. Trying to hide the cheesy grin that threatened to appear on her face, she covered her mouth, attempting to feign disbelief. 

"No way! - really? What's his name?" She asked excitedly.

"Cloud Strife."

Bethany tore her eyes off of her phone, wondering how much longer she has to wait to meet the man. As she looked around, she now saw that she was the only person in line. It was finally time for her to face the mystery guy.

Not even trying to hide the large smile on her face, she clicked her feet on the small and thin steps on her way to Santa's small chair that could hardly even fit him alone.

She was face to face with Santa-- due to the close proximity she caused, she could sense a good smell of the chocolate chip cookies and whole milk wafting off of his pale skin.

She lightly chuckled, "Heh... did you deliver the presents earlier this year?"

As for Zoey and Scarlett, they were now sat at one of the public benches in the middle of the mall, forgetting all about their other friends.

"Wait, so what does he look like?" Scarlett asked, shuffling closer to Zoey so she could get a better look at her screen.

"Well." Zoey paused, looking up.

"It's a bit difficult to explain, but- I'll just find a picture."

After a whole lot of scrolling, mis clicks, screenshots, photo backstories, and chuckles, Zoey finally found the photo.

Clicking on it, she cautiously looked back at her friend.

The said friend was sat there, mouth and eyes wide open.

"You know that guy?" She asked, slowly shifting her sight towards Zoey.

She slowly nodded with a squint, clicking on the power button with her middle finger, putting the phone on the bench.

Scarlett's shock mostly vanished, as she was now asking Zoey thousands of questions about him.

As time only ticked by, Bethany was now fully sat on Santa's lap.

Santa was lost in his own world, staring in Bethany's eyes as he talked about his wishes and plans for the future-- a small smile on his features.

He was explaining how becoming Santa for different malls around the world isn't what he originally thought his business would entail, telling her that his dream was to become a cop.

She slowly nodded, taking in his appearance.

"Well-" Santa interrupted his own speech, "this isn't a very appropriate conversation right now. So Bethany, what would you like for Christmas?" He asked, the grin on his face only growing wider.

She sat up on his lap, repositioning herself to get closer to his face.

The man slightly blushed, brushing his soft red and white coat.

"Y-you can tell me what you want! I won't be rude." He locked eye contact with her, explaining that sometimes people wish for irrational things.

While he was distracted, the girl gripped his long and soft white beard, harshly tugging it and breaking the elastic band.

"Oh-!" The man instantly rose his hands up in attempt to cover the lower half of his face, but the female gripped his arms and forced them down.

She longingly gazed into his brown eyes, glancing down at his paper-thin lips every few moments, resisting the urge to lean in and capture them in a kiss.

She hesitantly backed away, looking at the shock shown evidently on his face.

She playfully smiled, sitting back down and putting a fake-thinking face on.

"Well... my number one wish is to get a 39-inch dragon dildo, but I know you can't get that for me... so... what about your name?" She grinned.

"U-uh well..." He stuttered, looking everywhere but at her face. He was insanely confused, was he dreaming? What is she talking about?

"My name is Connor...?"

She nodded, "coolio, what about your number?"


   Both Clog and Ava just spared glances to each other every once in a while, also being on the lookout for any cops or oncoming civilians.

They heard the sound of four footsteps heading their way.

Clog turned her head to see Zoey and Scarlett, supposedly done with what they had been doing for the past fifteen minutes.

"Why do you look so joyous Scarlett?" Asked Clog.

Scarlett was only able to giggle. As she tried to reply, she got rudely interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Yeah, he WAS hot." Bethany came in, totally disrupting the calm atmosphere. She looked up at everyone, flashing a smug smirk.

"You guys may hate me, but someone has plans with the hot Santa tomorrow!" She exclaimed, thumb hitting her chest whilst rubbing her successfulness in everybody's faces.

Scarlett shrugged, "I'm not too upset this time. Zoey also set me up with a guy tomorrow!" She smiled, pointing at Zoey-- who also had a proud look on her face.

Clog grimaced and groaned, "Bethany I don't want to wait until 12:00 pm again JUST to open Christmas presents because you'll be busy having sex with your new guy of the month."

She then looked to Scarlett.

"I trust you though."

She smiled, "thanks! I'm not really the type to have sex on the first day."

Bethany frowned. "Well, we met today... so it'll be on the second day this time." She corrected, now trying to water the topic down by walking to a different part of the mall.

"Do you guys want to go to the back of a Spencers?" Zoey asked, taking the leadership of the group and walking ahead of everyone.

Bethany then gasped, a large smile on her face. "NO way you just said that. I was just talking to my man on Santa's chair about how I want a 39-inch dragon dildo."

Everybody then had their own comments to add to that, making Bethany tell them everything that went down as she was sitting in his lap.

"Yeah, and then he-"

"We're here!" Zoey exclaimed, waving both of her arms up in the air in a dramatic manner.

Traveling through the depths of the Spencers, they made it towards the sex toy area of the small store.

"No way on EARTH this dildo has a Santa hat on it." Clog pointed out, laughing.

The rest laughed along with her, until Bethany found something of her own.

"Holy shit, they have a 39-inch dragon dildo!"


3:00 pm

THEY all left the mall, soon feeling regretful by the cruel realization they had walked instead of driving, meaning they had no other transportation to home other than by foot.

Each of them also had their own fair share of bags from the amount of stores they stopped by at. Some being last minute Christmas gifts, just as some stuff was also from pure desire.

Like bethany buying the dragon dildo.

"My feet are on FIRE" Zoey complained, slumping down and putting a hand on her forehead.

"Ughhh." Scarlett groaned. "My SHOULDER is killing me. It feels like I just got shot in the shoulder blade."

Just in the corner of their eyes there were family's enjoying the chilliness. Ice skating, kids whipping out their tongue in attempt to catch snowflakes in their mouths, couples holding hands and kissing under the mistletoe. but they were all in despair.

They were dying.

About fifteen minutes into the walk, they saw the sweet sight of their messily Christmas decorated home in the distance.

"OH MY GOODNESS FINALLY." Clog gasped out, a large smile forming on her lips.

Everyone silently cheered, getting the energy to speed-walk slightly faster to the villa. Although they were slightly tripping over their own feet, hence the slippery ice thickly coating the salted sidewalk.

Unlocking the front door, everybody pooled into the home as if it were a Walmart during a black Friday in 2016.



Everyone's new belongings were now all sorted in their appropriate areas, except for the new clothes being washed in the distance.

They were all laid down on the long family couch-- watching a wholesome hallmark movie with their hot cocoa, one propel, and the Christmas snacks they prepared yesterday, along with a bundle of blankets and pillows.

Scarlett grinned, clutching her mug of hot cocoa closer to her chest for extra warmth. Looking to Zoey, she asked, "You really think I'm fit for playing the woman role?"

Zoey nodded, reciprocating the look. "Yeah, half of the women on here have an absent father." She laughed.

The girl just pursed her lips and stiffly nodded her head, taking a sip of her cocoa and solemnly looking back at the tv.

The quiet room was filled with the sound of the large fireplace crackling, the animals fiddling with the ornaments on the tree, the occasional, "can you pass a cookie?", and the end credits of the movie.

Owen was sleeping on the couch while ava took sneaky pictures of him, Clog was sat at one of the corners of the couch, conversing with Zoey. Including Bethany and Scarlett being in their own personal havens.

Clog sat up and yawned, "guys I'm new to this time zone... I'm getting pretty sleepy." She announced, stretching almost every joint in her body.

Bethany sighed, "lucky you! I'm literally not gonna be able to sleep tonight." she moaned, uncomfortably shifting in her seat.

"Maybe you could... with my help!" Scarlett jokingly offered, opening her arms for her Babygirl.

Bethany then dramatically gasped, "OF COURSE!" She exclaimed, getting closer to scarlett.

"STOP. This reminds me of the google translate incident." Scarlett wheezed, turning to her side to relieve the pressure in her lungs.

Bethany bark laughed.

About thirty minutes later, clog tricked everyone into thinking she was tired but in reality, she just needed an escape to go wrap a last-minute present.

While that was happening, everyone just abandoned owen in the living room and went to their separate rooms, texting the group chat.

fnaf taco nut + ava

10:20 PM

Cloggy: 10:21 PM

Mouths: 10:21 PM

Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 10:22 PM

Mouths: 10:22 PM

Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 10:22 PM

Putty: 10:22 PM╰┈➤ Cloggy: OKAY GUYS IM NOT TIRED ANYM...

Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 10:22 PM

aeyvawh: 10:56 PM
anyways im gonna go watch the dantdm christmas videos last minute.

 Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 10:57 PM
ive been wwtching fusion.

Mouths: 10:57 PM
ofc u have.

Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 10:58 PM
kill yourself.

Cloggy: 11:00 PM


Mouths: 11:00 PM

Cloggy: 11:00 PM╰┈➤ aeyvawh: anyways im gonna go wa...

aeyvawh: 11:01 PM

Mouths: 11:02 PM
well... see you guys in less than an hour!!


They were all separately basking in the warm silence that fell through their bedrooms, only hearing the close to silent sound of cars passing by their windows, each watching their own series'.

That was pretty much short lived though.

fnaf taco nut + ava

Mouths: 12:00 AM

Cloggy: 12:00 AM
kys u did it before me.

Mouths: 12:00 AM

Putty: 12:02 AM

Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 12:02 AM

Putty: 12:03 AM

Mouths: 12:03 AM

Putty: 12:03 AM



December 25th: 11:00 AM

The excitement wafting off of everyone's bodies filled already the present filled room, forcing them to only feel the happiness clinging off of everyone else.

Everyone-- except for Clog.

"I literally physically cannot wait a SECOND more to open these presents." She groaned, her leg repeatedly tapping the floor impatiently. 

Scarlett frowned, "this just happens every year... we have to get used to it." She said, referring to the duo raw dogging it upstairs in Bethany's bedroom.

The other slapped her arms down on her legs, "I get that, but damn! There are other people in the house. Couldn't she be more considerate?"

"Bethany? Considerate?" Zoey lightly joked, sitting on the couch with her newly brewed iced tea.

"Literally." Ava agreed.

December 25th: 12:00 PM

Cloud came over, and they were still going at it.

December 25th: 1:00 PM

Not done.

December 25th: 2:00 PM


December 25th: 2:30 PM

Bethany and Connor walked down the stairs, both looking heavily disheveled. Almost as if they just picked them up from a homeless shelter.

Ava nodded at Scarlett. Taking the hint, she picked up the remote to the tv and pulled up the Spotify Christmas playlist.

'Mistletoe' By Justin Bieber faintly played, simply just for background noise.

The fireplace was also on yet again, just to fuel the Christmas feelings that were very much lacking in the house.

Bethany looked around in confusion, stopping at Clog.

"Why do you look so pissed off?" She asked, genuinely confused.

"It's Christmas! Be happy!!!" She continued.

Clog just scoffed, only making her more quizzical.

Zoey sighed. "She's rightfully pissed off because you invited a random guy over and fucked him for like six hours."

"Oh." Bethany deadpanned.

Connor was then kindly invited out of the home, much to Bethany's dismay. She was hunched down while walking back to the floor with a frown, trying to feign sadness to make the rest of the group feel bad. (It wasn't working)

Once everybody was sat in a close circle, it was officially time to open the presents!

"Let's get to opening!!!" Clog grinned.


The snow started to pool even more outside, fueling the Christmas mood and lifting everybody's emotions.

Scarlett got a few hand-crafted gifts, hence asking for them, also probably being the cheapest choice on the whole list.

Clog got TONS of bsd merch.

Scarlett and Bethany, as a duo, got Miguel tickets from Zoey.

Bethany also got a handwritten letter from Scarlett, and a shark dildo from Zoey.

Ava got nothing.

And Zoey got Haikyuu plushes, funko pops, shirts, etc.

After around 40 minutes all of the presents were opened-- minus one present. That present being Bethany's, gifted by Clog.

Bethany's eyes widened, ogling at the insanely large box with wrapping paper around it. "This is for me?" She asked, pointing to herself.

Clog nodded.

She puffed up her cheeks, wondering if she should rightfully take it, or be nice because she caused such a ruckus earlier.

"Uhhh, do you think anyone else would enjoy this present?" She hesitantly asked.

Everybody turned their heads and eyes towards clog, awaiting an answer.

"No- definitely not. Only you would like it." She assured.

She internally cheered, knowing that she fixed the problem and got to keep the huge present.

She unwrapped the paper, noticing that the box was way too heavy for her to even attempt to hold. It felt like as if it was 176 pounds.

"Jeez clog, what did you get me?"

She shrugged back, hinting for  bethany to keep opening the present.

The girl diverted her attention away from Clog, now undoing the tape on the cardboard box. Lifting up the flaps, she saw a pale flesh color.


She pushed the box and it knocked it over, letting whatever was in it fall out.

A bit of waiting gave the gift an 'okay' to come out of its confinement. 

Everybody's eyes widened at the figure that crawled from within the box.




fnaf taco nut + ava

Aeyvawh: 11:59 PM
Merry christmas i guess

Mouths: 11:59 PM

Putty: 11:59 PM

Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget: 11:59 PM

Cloggy: 11:59 PM


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