
Per T0fficial

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Mar Nelson comes back home from her world wide tour to finish her last year of high school. Coming back to tw... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

11 1 0
Per T0fficial


Liked by Jam3sss, ummDj, thatgirl_Shawna, and 12,529,441 others
Had the best time with @iamm_Trent @Codi__ @Just_in and @nerdd_Harold 🤩🩵


Harold: gosh your so cool!!

Harold: we should do this again sometime

Lashawna: get out this girls comment section! Such a embarrassment
Duncan: what Shawna said!!

Justin: missing you already babe 💜💜

Noah: ... I was present as well

Mar: oh yeah...

Sierra: OMG CODY!!!!

Sierra: I can't believe your cheating on me!!!!!

Mar: umm?
Duncan: just ignore it

Emma: Aw that's so cool! Wish I had made it to the gym in time

Cody: had sooo much fun!!!

Gwen: ohhh is that a dimple I see 👀

Trent: it is 🤭
Duncan: I gave it to him 🤭
Gwen: what does that mean?!?!! ☹️

Alien046190: look at you making friends!!!

Alien862: such beautiful hands

Sierra: HES MINE!!

Alien323: you hang around a lot of attractive people Mar, hope you aren't cheating on me

Alien9279: wish I saw you instead, if these other humans will do

Mar: ... im deeply confused

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3rd POV

Mar walks through the halls mindlessly with her current read in her hand. She plans to have a study session in the gym before she goes off to a interview.

The book she has taking a strong liking to is called The Fear by Natasha Preston. A book about how a small town is sharing a meme of their biggest fear. Mar has been exploring the psychological-thriller genre of shows, movies, and books lately and is starting to really enjoy it.

Mar discovers that the gym is being occupied by a group of people on stage. She couldn't make out who they were from how far she away she was so she decided to keep it that way and climb the bleachers.

As she starts pulling out textbooks and her computer she hears a familiar voice echo throughout the gym.

"Testing, testing,"

"Justin?" Mar asked quietly and squinting her eyes towards the stage.

Once she sees the figure that has the same frame and clothes Justin had on a smile breaks out on her face. She leaves her things behind and walks to the other side of the gym where Justin was.

"Justin!" Mar called out getting everyone's attention as she approached the stage.

"Oh hey Mar," Justin said climbing down from the stage to hug her.

"What are you doing at school so late," she asked once they pulled apart, not paying any attention to the other people who froze.

"Practicing for the assembly next week before we go on Thanksgiving break. Trent said he told you about the band," Justin mentioned.

"Yeah, I did. A bit confused as to why you never brought it up," Trent said walking up to the two and hugging Mar.

"Yeah, are you like embarrassed of us?" Cody asked playfully when walking up with Harold and Noah.

"Well now that you mentioned it," Justin said playing along and rubbing the back of his neck making them laugh.

"Hey, I'm Mar. I just realized we didn't get a proper chance to meet yet," Mar said with a smile.

"I'm Harold," He said nervously without making eye contact.

"Nice to meet you Harold," Mar said smiling and going in for a hug which he quickly accepted.

"Cody," he said accepting Mar's hug gracefully.

"Noah, and I don't do hugs," He said holding his hand up jokingly before putting it down and hugging her.

"Don't be mean Noah," Cody mumbled and hit his arm.

"It good," Mar said with a small smile as Trent continued to put his arm around her shoulder. "So all of you are in the band?"

"Absolutely not," Noah said dramatically.

"You must be PMSing," Justin said making Trent chuckle then stop once he sees Noah's face.

"Boys please don't start in front of royalty," Cody said rubbing his forehead.

"So this is like a meeting?" Mar asked Trent as the other four start bickering ignoring Cody's comment.

"Yep, going over different songs we plan to perform next Friday. Wanna stay and give some expert advice?" Trent asked.

"Sure, but I gotta be out of here in like 30 minutes to go to this interview," Mar said checking her phone.

"Got it, I can drop you off," Trent said not giving her the option to decline his offer. "Alright boys! Let's give Mar a little preview,"

Mar sat on the gym floor in front of the stage as they started tuning up their instruments.

"Here," Noah said walking over with two chairs.

"Thank you," Mar said adjust hers to be right beside Noah's, who side eyes her while she returns it with a smile.

"This is called, This one way," Trent said standing at the microphone with a guitar.


"Whoo!!" Mar yelled while clapping and cheering the band on after their fourth song.

"Whoo," Noah said more dryly and less enthusiastic.

"Gee thanks Noah," Cody said with a eye roll as they started packing up.

"Mar, how soon do you need to be there?" Trent asked.

"Um, in like 25 minutes but it about 10 minutes away," Mar said calmly with small shrug.

"Take her where she needs to go. I'll finish up here," Justin said to Trent.

"Got it. Thanks!" Trent yelled jumping off the stage and collecting his backpack and jacket.

"No problem. I'll call you tonight Mar!" Justin said as Trent and Mar made their way out with a final goodbye wave.


"Mar! Welcome, feel free to take a seat! We're starting in about five minutes," says the host of the show, Zach Sang, as he breezes by her in a rush.

"Pretty sure he's rushing to the bathroom and it'll definitely be taking more than five minutes," Dan, the co-host says with a small chuckle from beside Mar.

"Hey Dan! How's it going?" Mar asked as they share a small hug.

"Good, all is well. How about you? And your friend?" Dan said pointing to Trent who stood awkwardly beside Mar.

"I've been fine. This is my ride to and from this interview, Trent," Mar introduced the two.

"Nice meeting you Trent, I'm Dan," Dan said holding his hand out for Trent to shake.

"You too," Trent said shaking his hand.

"I'm going to go and check on Zack. Catch you on air! See you later Trent!" Dan said walking off in the same direction as Zach minutes before.

"Hey you okay?" Mar asked rubbing Trent's shoulder as he looked around at his surroundings, analyzing the chaos of the crew.

"Um, yeah I'm fine, I'll be alright," Trent said breathing out deeply.

"Trust me, thing's will cool down once we get on air. I'll have someone bring a chair for you, you can sit just out of camera shot and we'll still see each other," Mar said hoping to put him at ease.

"That'll work. Thanks," Trent said smiling softly at the gesture.


"... and I hate to bring this up Mar, but the world is still kind of confused as to why all of your brothers are white then there's you who's like, an visual outsider. Do you want to clear that up real quickly?" Dan asked as they neared the end of the interview.

"Yeah. So um, buckle your seats because there's a whole story for it," Mar said trying to put her words in place.

"Take as long as you need," Zach comforted making her smile.

"Basically, after the second youngest, Duncan, my mom and dad thought that's all the kids they wanted. Six children, let alone six boys was by far enough, yet two years later that seemed to not be the case and they wanted to try one more time for a girl. Obviously that meant a surrogate. Turns out that surrogate was black. Now I'm not sure what the exact mindset was or anything into making this decision but they chose her. Um, the process was fulfilled and nine months later, out I came. My birth mother didn't make it, but my mom and dad have always showed me photos of her and told me about her from what they knew of those nine months," Mar said.

"Oh, that is lovely. RIP your birth mom," Zach said with his hand over his heart.

"That's great. And like, did your brothers understand that growing up or ever treat you differently?" Dan asked.

"Nope, our mom and dad definitely told them about it when it happened and how it worked. They've always showed us to not see color and my brothers treat me exactly like what I am, their little sister. Even if we fight over whatever we are fight over, we've always been right and had each other's backs," Mar said.

"I love this! I don't want this to leave," Zach said making Mar giggle at his pouting and sneaking steal a glance over at Trent who seemed to have calmed down throughout the interview.

"Don't mind him. Attachment issues," Dan said jokingly.

"Got it," Mar chuckled.


After the interview ended and Mar said he goodbyes to Zack and Dan, she joined Trent by the exit and begin walking out to his truck.

"Here's your purse and phone. Sarah has been texting you, something about a emergency meeting," Trent said handing her her things.

"Oh no," Mar mumbled checking her text messages.

Trent unlocks the door and opens it for her then goes to get in on his side. Mar huffs out in annoyance and throws her head back.

"Send me the address," Trent said softly giving her a small smile which she returned.


"Mar we talked about this! If there is a boy you are even remotely interested in, I need to know about him so I can protect you!" Sarah said pacing back and forth behind her desk.

"There isn't! I went to a museum with a friend and I'm not into anyone at all right now!" Mar said frustrated.

"You sure about that? I mean anyone, even one night stands," Sarah said stopping to examine Mar.

"God no, never that," Mar said crossing her arms.

"Fine," Sarah said with a few sigh not believing her completely. "Media is a shit show with that museum event and your annoying ex,"

"I've heard," Mar said with a roll of her eyes.

"You know that post you made wasn't a good move," Sarah said making Mar roll her eyes.

"There is no way I'm just letting him get away with bashing my name," Mar says defensively.

"I know but I was dealing with it," Sarah said walking around her desk to stand in front of Mar.

"Not fast enough," Mar muttered looking away.

"But it was getting dealt with. The post is getting taken down," Sarah said making Mar groan in frustration. "Don't be like that. You know you would have regretted it years later down the line,"

"Nu-uh," Mar says still not look at Sarah. "How was the trip?"

"We are talking about you, not I. You have nothing scheduled for the next week or two but  right before Thanksgiving you have a interview with all of your brothers for Buzzfeed. Since it's Christmas focused after thanksgiving you and a artist of your choice are going to be doing a commercial for Sprite," Sarah says reading off her planner.

"What about Shaq?" Mar questioned since he does it yearly.

"Don't know, don't care. I'm your manager not his. That commercial will be running through Christmas and stops at the New year. Sign these," Sarah said handing Mar two papers and a pen.

"Nothing planned or the New Year as of right now so no need to song write unless you want to," Sarah continued as Mar skimmed through the papers before signing them.

"Done," Mar said standing and handing the papers and pen back. "If that is all," Mar paused till Sarah nodded. "Then I will continue on with my day. See ya!" Mar said as she walked out the door to meet Trent who sat in the hall.

"Ready?" He asked standing and following her fast pace towards the exit.

"Take me home please," Mar said running a hand through her hair making him chuckle.

"Sure thing,"


"Thanks for riding around the city with me," Mar said leaning in the window after shutting Trent's door.

"Anything for you," Trent said with a smile.

"Check your cash app for the gas money," Mar said with a wink and walked away towards her front door.

"Mar! There's no way!" She heard Trent yell as she enters her home.

Mar smiles to herself at Trent's reaction as she makes her way up the stairs to her room.

When she enters, her shoes, jacket and dress all come off immediately and she slides a cut up shirt on with pajamas pants and crawls into bed. Her phone starts to ring when she reaches for her light switch.

"Hello?" Mar asks tiredly.

"What have you been doing all day to make you this tired, hmmm?" Mia asks making Mar crack a smile.

"Working," Mar said making everyone on the FaceTime call boo.

"Okay can someone catch me up on the tea?" Justin asked.

"What tea? Why was I not aware that there is tea?" Heather asked.

"Because you pay attention to Alejandro more than us now," James said making everyone 'ohhh'.

"Well I'm here now smart pants and like you can talk Ms. Grimmy sucker. I wanted to call you last night but noooo. You just had to talk with Nick," Heather replied.

"Ladies please, before you hash it out. I want the tea bitch," Justin said stopping Heather and James.

"Shit, what tea?" Mar asked with her eyes halfway closed.

"On Trent and Mar," Justin said making the call go quiet.

"Huh. Didn't know there was any tea," James said.

"You should have seen the way he had his arm around her earlier during rehearsal. What's going on there?" Justin asked.

"Nothing is. We're friends," Mar shrugged.

"Maybe to you, but ion know. He was looking at you like he wanted to cuff you down," Justin said.

"Uh-oh, kinky," James said making everyone laugh quietly.

"You guys do give power couple when you're standing next to each other," Heather said.

"I see that but Trent's all about Gwen," Mia said.

"Ugh, please don't bring up her name," Heather said rolling her eyes.

"Well mostly about Gwen, remember what happened last Wednesday," James brought up.

"What happened last Wednesday?" Justin asked with Heather agreeing.

"Trent slept with a girl and she was there in the morning, as was Gwen," Mar said keeping it short.

"Yep, I heard them arguing all the way upstairs! She was pissed," James said.

"Damn, can the man live a little? It's not like they are even together," Heather said.

"Right, especially with the way she was acting when Henry was here," Mia brought up.

"I'm guessing that's the Australian guy Trent brought up," Mar mumbled on her way to sleep.

"Princess is on her way to sleep!" James said dreamily making everyone 'Aw'.

"Goodbye," Mar waved weakly then ending the call on her side.


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