The Avengers: Next Gen Rising

By Willkeisler

340 23 0

On Earth 747, twelve years ago, the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes had defended the Earth from countless... More

Prologue: Introducing A New Generation!
Introducing: The Second Generation Arises
Fall Of Asgard! Deirdre's Tragedy Reaching Earth!
A Dastardly Threat! Loki's Devastating Assault!
Building A Team Part One: One Heart For The Team!
Building A Team Part 2: Seeing The Sting Of Defeat!
Avengers: Assemble! Part One: The Rescue Mission!
Avengers: Assemble! Part 2: United They Stand!
Avengers: Assemble! Part 3: United They Fall!
Avengers Assemble! Part 4: United They Rise Again!
The Avengers Expand! Learning Secrets and Entering War!
Start Of Teamwork! The Children Assemble!
Trouble! Avengers vs Adaptoid!
James's Stand! The Adaptable Avenger vs The Adaptoid!
An Avengers Victory! The War Has Only Begun!
Hydra's Advances! Raising An Empire Further!
Attack Of Atlantis! Defending The Land And Sea!
Allies At Last! Proving The Doubters Wrong!
Building a Stronger Union! Land and Sea Truly Uniting!
Darkness Descends! Magic of Hydra!
An Enchanted Encounter! Strange Team Ups!
Avengers and Magic! Quest For Dormamu's Fate!
Perfect Shot! Hawkeye's Worth!
The Man With A Different Power Suit!

Reconnecting With Yourself! Focusing The Anger!

9 1 0
By Willkeisler

James and the rest of the kids all go to Banner, who was still somewhat in hiding in case a Hydra soldier popped out of nowhere. But when James told him it was safe, the gamma scientist sighs in relief before clutching his own head, an expression of guilt painted along his face. Thoughts were constantly racing through his mind about the last while. It was all his fault that the rest of the Avengers were captured, that the kids weren't ready to fight Hydra, and that Clint was recently taken. All because he wasn't strong enough to fight save his control the Hulk, and especially because he was such a coward and refused to fight, holding back the green giant every chance he got. If he didn't do that, there would be a chance that his friends would be here now.

But then he took a minute to was also on the Hulk. He was the one being stubborn and not coming out! He could've easily helped his friends from being captured, yet he was refusing to do anything! Instead, he just stayed hidden, almost like he was a child pouting in his room after not getting what he wanted. It made him so angry that the green giant was doing this, and he knew he had to talk to him. But not just talk to him, stand up to him, show him he wouldn't be treated the way Hulk had for so many years. So he closed his eyes, almost as if meditating, and prepared for what he was about to experience.

As soon as James and the others arrived, everyone saw Banner deeply focused on something. Pym was about to poke the scientist, until Azuri and James grabbed his arm. "Not a good idea Pym. Not while Dr. Banner is like this......" James told him calmly before turning to their older mentor. "He's trying to get in contact with his green friend. So that we can get his help. But we can't risk getting him angry, or else we risk losing him as an ally." He then told the group.

Deirdre stared at James, surprised by what she just saw and heard from him. He..... actually knew what he was talking about, and about what was going on......he knew how to handle almost everyone there. It was true he was still learning about her, but she had a feeling he could learn a lot about her in no time. Also the same could be said about Ekaterina, but they seemed to get along fairly well so far, like they understood each other based on small details and continued to learn from there. ""

"Because everyone just assumed that Yvonne would be the leader given her fighting abilities. She was trained to fight exactly like her mother and father, so everyone assumed that she would have the necessary capabilities to be the leader....I followed suit thinking I should give her a chance .... however......I always knew James had the potential." Torunn explained to her calmly while getting her sword ready for the fight that may come. "I've studied him, his training, his determination and how he knows our skills. He knows how to match us up and how we can work together...... Yvonne did not...... because she wasn't used to that......she will be ready one day though......" she added on while smiling at James.

Meanwhile, with Bruce, he opened his eyes in a flash. But instead of seeing the children and the battlefield around him, he could see green mist around him, with the ground being a strange brown color. He looked around and began to realize where he was ......he was inside his own head. Which means that he'd find the Hulk in no time. Especially since he could hear the growls of the mighty avenger coming from ahead of him. He immediately walked up to the Hulk, practically speed walking toward him and soon was three feet away from him. "HEY! HULK!"

Hulk growled upon hearing his weaker human self call him like that. He quickly turned his attention to Banner with a meaner scowl than usual and slowly stepped toward him, towering above the puny man. "What puny Banner want from Hulk now?" He asked Banner with rage in his voice.

Bruce was a little intimidated by Hulk at first, but he refused to back down when he was this far in his goal. "What the hell is your problem Hulk?! Why are you refusing to come out?!" He asked while raising his voice at the massive green monster.

Hulk simply grunted as he kicked Banner down to the ground and pressed his foot down on Bruce's body. Thankfully for Bruce, he couldn't kill him in his own mind. Something Hulk absolutely hated about this, but he knew that he had to talk to Bruce or else he'd never leave him alone. "Of course that's all you want. I'm just a tool to you huh?!" Hulk growled out, gritting his teeth at Bruce. "Just some monster the Avengers use when Goldie Locks ain't around.....your best......not caring about what Hulk want, not seeing me for anything more than the monster...." He added on, his finger now closer to Bruce's face.

The scientist let Hulk say what he had to say. When he finished, Banner realized....Hulk wasn't entirely wrong. They did rely on Hulk a lot didn't they ...? Using him for muscle......but they knew that was what Hulk liked about being on the Avengers.....being the strongest and being able to prove that. But they never meant to make him feel like that was all they see him as. Banner had to show him that. But upon closer inspection of the Hulk, he could see many scars along Hulk's massive body....he had been hurt by so many things through his life. The injuries healed, but many scars formed because of being cut by villains, machines, mutants, and everything that he had been through with the Avengers.....while Banner never had a single scar, Hulk took all of them. "Hulk .....I-I I'm sorry.......I didn't know you-"

"Took the scars so you never had to? Well.... now you do puny Banner." Hulk responded before letting him stand up again.

Banner soon placed a hand on the green giant's back, surprising him. "I'm sorry for... everything we put you through..... especially myself......and for not treating you like you should be......but you're wrong about one are a valued member of the Avengers're a hero to so many people......" he told Hulk, who seemed to be listening very closely. "Captain America always believed in you, and so did the others when they saw you help do I after everything I've seen you do .....but ....I should've helped you......done more to be sure we can work together....." He told Hulk while trying to get hulk to say something, anything.....

The beast kneeled down to Banner with a serious expression on his face. "We both treated each other like a pest.....bout time we did something about that." He bluntly said to Bruce while starting into his eyes.

Banner smiled as Hulk said that. It was then and there that Banner knew he had to say something to Hulk, to show he was serious about what he had said earlier. "What do you say we combine our best attributes together....make one ultra powerful brains, intellect, people skills and articulate skills....."

"With my muscle, strength, anger, and battle experience..... along with some of the other Hulks in here....."

"To make one ultimate Hulk...." They say in unison before taking each others hand to shake it. With their agreement, their bodies began to glow and merge together to make another Hulk....just as they had described, one that was more in control, but still able to maintain the power he possessed.

Back in the outside world, the team could see Banner's form start to change. The difference this time was that Bruce wasn't angry, or at least wasn't showing it. But he was turning green much faster, his muscles growing tremendously, and the Hulk was now in front of them. Deirdre stared at amazement....she had heard of stories of this beast, but never thought them to be true....but here she was,  staring at the Hulk ....but she was extremely worried that he'd attack everyone here and now ......but James wasn't. He walked up to the green giant and cautiously had his hand up. "Dr. Banner? You in there?" He asked carefully in case he angered the Hulk.

Hulk opened his eyes to see James and immediately recognized who he was thanks to Banner's knowledge on the kids. "Yeah..... along with the Hulk ......" Hulk responded for them. He then smirked at James, ready to follow orders without question. "So.....who are we smashing today Rogers?"

(Editor's note: I really needed to perfect this chapter to do it justice! Hoping I did it right! I also hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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