Naomi Nelson

By EmilyAbrams9

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Naomi is Nicks twin sister when Nick realises he's bi he turns to his sister for help. follow along as Naomi... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Season 2
episode 1
episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Bonus Chapter

Episode 5

66 1 0
By EmilyAbrams9

Naomi's pov:
The next week at school went without a hitch. Me and Charlotte tried to get to know each other a bit more but not infront of the girls wich let me tell you was HARD. That Saturday mum said me, Tara and Darcy could have a sleepover, I would have also invited Elle and Charlotte but they were having a sleepover with Charlie, Tao and Isaac. Nick obviously joined and we played some Mario kart, watched some movies and just goofed around. Elle sent a video of Tao dancing and captioned it with " See what I have to put up with?" Me, Tara and Darcy start laughing and show Nick the same video.
Charlotte's pov:
When Elle, Tao and Isaac left on Sunday me and Charlie were sat in his room. He was on his drums and I was just scrolling through my phone. " I know i said I wanted to invite Nick on Saturday, but we could invite Naomi too." Charlie. " It's your birthday thing thats up to you." Charlotte. " Well me and her get on, yeah why not ask her on Monday for me?" Charlie. " Ofcourse I'll ask, thankyou Charlie." Charlotte. " Yeah well I've never seen you as happy as you are right now so why not." Charlie. " Mario Kart?" Charlotte. " Is that even a question? I'm going to thrash you." Charlie.
Naomi's pov, the next day.
Mum dropped me amd Nick off this morning, I was sat with Nick, Harry and the others. Nick tried to talk to Imogen about the date but Imogen  started talking about her dog that died. Obviously I felt bad for her. I saw Charlotte get off the bus, I ran over to her quickly saying goodbye to Nick. " Hey, I have some exciting news." Charlotte. " What is it?" Naomi. " Its Charlies birthday on Saturday and we are going bowling with Elle, Tao and Isaac. Charlie has already said he's inviting Nick and he asked me to invite you too." Charlotte. " I would love to but you are going to have to come to the mall with me probably Thursday for a gift, because I am not coming empty handed." Naomi. " Why don't you and Nick just gey him a joint one?" Charlotte. " No let Nick figure it out by himself." Naomi. " Okay the mall on Thursday sounds like a plan." Charlotte. At home after school. Nick was upstairs in his room, I was practicing one of the songs for the school show. " Hey Mimmi, how was your day?" Sarah. " It was good mum me and Nick got invited to go bowling on Saturday can we go?" Naomi. " Of course you can im working though all day." Sarah. " We can walk or get the bus, also I'm going to the mall on Thursday with Charlotte to get Charlie a present. I think we're going to go straight after school." Naomi. " Well get yourselves there and then let me know when your ready to be picked up and I will come and get you both." Sarah. " Okay mum thanks." Naomi. " Anytime baby, wheres your brother?" Sarah. " Upstairs in his room." Naomi.
The next day.
We walked to Truham as per usual and we sat there when Harry came over to us. " Alright mate hyped for you date on Saturday?" Harry. " Date on Saturday?" Nick. " Yeah. Imogen told me you were "meeting up" on Saturday. Like she's telling everyone actually." Harry. " Uh yeah. Yeah, I forgot." Nick. I roll my eyes Nick now has to make a decision. I see Charlie, Charlotte and Tao wlaking up to us talking so I wait a little bit its still early anyways. " Oi boys and girl watch this." Harry. He grabs a piece of paper and throws it straight at Charlie obviously he puts his hands up to defend himself. Everyone arounds us laugh apart from me and Nick. " Watch out dicknozzle." Tao. He purposely bumbs into Harry. " You alright mate?" Harry. " There was no need for that not everyone found it funny." Naomi. " Who do you think your talking to?" Harry. " Harry don't start." Nick. " What are you two best friends with these wierd little year 10's now?" Harry. " Just stop picking on people for no reason." Nick. I feel quite proud of Nick it takes alot for him to stand upto Harry. " Its 2021 Harry the world is changing just stop being so homophibc." Naomi. " Awww is Nick gay for them?" Harry. Clearly my last comment went straight over his head, everyone around us laughs again and Nick looks defeated. I want to punch Harry so bad right now one day its going to happen. " Classic Harry resorting to homophobia when you can't think of a good comeback." Tao. Yes Tao I couldn't have said that any better. " Mate are you in a mood today?" Harry. " Are you? serious question, life must be really hard when your only personality trait is rich bell-end." Tao. Charlie doesn't know what to do or who to look at he look between me, Nick, Tao, Harry and Charlotte. I don't blame him its way too early for this. But I am enjoying seeing Tao rip peaces off Harry. Tao grabs Charlie by the arm and they walk into Truham. I hug nick and whisper " Have a good day bro I love you." Naomi. I walk to Charlotte and we walk upto Higgs. This is going to be a long day for me, my anxiety and ADHD are fighting each other right now. As expected I only make it to second period I go to see the principal and he calls mum and I end up being sent home. Mum has to go to work that afternoon so she calls my grandma to come and sit with me until Nick come home. This is what I hate about ADHD mum and Nick can't really leave me alone because otherwise I could end up hurting myself. Nick come home and comes running upstairs. " Mimmi im sorry I should've known, I shouldn't have aggravated the situation more." Nick. " No i'm glad you did I like Charlie he's a friend we need to stick up for him he needs more friends." Naomi. He ruffles my hair before going downstairs releasing grandma of her babysitting duties, grabbing two drinks and coming back upstairs and we decide to play wii sports to get some energy out. Nick calls a takeaway for dinner and when we are eating I get two Instagram messages and a messenger notification.
Instagram message 1
Charlie Spring:
Charlotte said you had to go home early I hope that wasn't because of what happened this morning with everyone. I'll talk to you more tomorrow hope your okay.
Instagram message 2
Charlotte Spring:
I hope your okay Mimmi, I missed you at school, Tara and Darcy said that this just happens some times. Will you be back at School tomorrow? Are we still on to go the mall? Let me know ❤.
Messenger notification
Girls squad:
Elle: Hope you feel better soon Naomi, you've got all of is by your side.
Wow I have some of the greatest friends. I reply to all of them and put my phone on charge before heading downstairs where Nick is sat at the kitchen table. Mum comes in " Hey you two, had a good day Nicky?" Sarah. " mmm." Nick. " Oh what's up?" Sarah. " I sort of agreed to go on a date with this girl but I also agreed to go to Charlie's birthday on the same day." Nick. " Oh do you like this girl?" Sarah. " Well her dog died." Nick. Me and mum just look at each other with confused looks " uhmm I'm not following." Sarah. " She was really upset, and I felt bad. And she asked me out a-and I didn't know how to say no. And I tried to tell her that we probably shouldn't go out, and I couldn't. Because I didn't want to upset her when she was already crying about her dog." Nick. " Oh okay." Sarah. " I mean..... alot of people are expecting us to get together but I don't think I like her like that." Nick. " He means all his so called friends." Naomi. " Nick you know shouldn't go out with someone because you feel sorry for them, and especially not because your " Friends" want you too." Sarah. " Yeah I know." Nick. " Dont worry. The right girl will come along just you wait." Sarah. Nick looks at me as if asking  for help I just sheke my head and go upstairs.
The next day, Naomi's pov:
School went okay on Thursday and right after me and Charlotte went to the mall. She helped me pick out a birthday card for Charlie and a song book so that he could play the songs in the book on the drums. I get a new T-shirt to wear tomorrow one that will go with my jeans. We get a Starbucks and then I call mum and she comes and picks me and Charlotte up and we drop Charlotte of at home. When we get home I hang up the new shirt, wrap the present and write on the card. I put the card and present on my desk before going to see Nick. I knock on his door and hear a faint " Come in." Nick. I open the door and close it behind me. " Are you okay?" Naomi. " Help me decide what to do please your wiser than I am." Nick. " Go with your heart what feels right to you?" Naomi. " You and mum said it yourselves I am more myself around Charlie than when I'm with Imogen." Nick. " Then you have to text Imogen and tell her." Naomi. " Your right, thanks Mimmi." Nick. " And about what mum said, you know she didn't mean anything by it its just that she doesn't know." Naomi. " I know, can you help me wrap this for Charlie im not the best." Nick. " Give it here, have you already written the card?" Naomi. " Yeah here." Nick. " There done your ready." Naomi. " your the best sister a brother could ask for." Nick. " Dont make me cry Nick. I'll see you in the morning." Naomi. " Yeah night." Nick. Friday goes by with out a hitch and before we know it its Saturday. Me and Nick head to the bowling alley leaving plenty of time to get there, or so we thought. As we were walking Harry came up behind us. " Matesss, you know I was only joking the other day right? None of you have spoken to me since." Harry. " Harry wether you meant it or not you did it you said it and you can't take that back." Naomi. " I don't know why you have to pick on Charlie Spring, he's gay so what it does not effect you in any way shape or form." Nick. " Anyway come on Nick we are very very busy." Naomi. This put us behind by quite a bit and as you can probably tell this made me very anxious and nervous. When we walk in Charlie is stood there just inside the door. " You came." Charlie. " Yes ofcourse we did." Nick. " Happy Birthday." Naomi. " I told Nick you didn't have to get me anything." Charlie. "And I ignored you." Nick. " Do you really think I'm going to come without a card or present? Absolutely not." Naomi. " Come on." Charlie. We start walking over to the bowling lanes. " Are we the first ones here?" Nick. " No you're actually the last, we're over there Lane 17." Charlie. " We would have been here on time but we ran into someone who put us behind schedule." Naomi. I look over and see Tao and Elle talking. Charlotte see's me and comes running over. " Hi." Charlotte. " Hi." Naomi. " I feel like I know her from somewhere?" Nick. " Thats Elle, she used to go to our school, she would have been in your year." Charlie. " But she moved to Higgs." Naomi. " Thats Isaac he doesn't say alot but he's really nice." Charlie. " I can second that I already met all these people haha." Naomi. " Excuse you?" Nick. " And you know Tao, sorry in advance if he says anything rude to you, thats just the way he is." Charlie. "Okay." Nick. Tao and Elle turn and seem to finally notice us. " Ready to meet them?" Charlie. " Yeah." Nick. " Everyone, this is Nick and Naomi." Charlie. " I didn't know you were coming to this?" Elle. " Yeah I did say I would invite Nick but then I knew Charlotte was close friends with Naomi so I told Charlotte to invite her." Charlie. " We are all friends." Naomi. " We're just choosing fun names for the board." Elle. " Fun names?" Nick and Naomi. " And before you say anything Elle smells was Tao's idea." Isaac. The game starts and the order is: Charlie, Isaac, Elle, Tao, Charlotte, Nick, Naomi. Charlie scores 0, Isaac scores 3, Elle score 4. Once it gets to Tao's go he looks like he's composing himself. " What are you doing?" Charlie and Elle. " Yeah well done Tao." Naomi and Charlotte. " Thats it I'm not doing it anymore. No more, No more, no more." Tao. Tao scores 0. Charlotte goes and gets a score of 6. Nick goes and gets a score of 7 then its my turn I get a spare so my score goes to a 10. " Yes come on." Naomi. " You did it!!" Elle and Charlotte. All 3 of us girls hug which turns into a group hug. The game goes on and towards the end Nick gets a strike. " Yes come on." Nick. " You did it." Only i saw that they almost hugged but stopped themselves. At the end of the game Nick had won. " Nooo I was so close." Elle. " Why are the chips so good?" Charlotte " They're so good." Elle. " You definitely cheated." Charlie. " Oh yeah how?" Nick. " You have strong rugby arms." Charlie. " Strong rugby arms?" Nick. " You've got an unfair advantage." Charlie. " I thought you liked my arms?" Nick. " Shut uppp." Charlie. " Is everyone ready for round 2." Isaac. " Im just going to find the bathroom. Charlie. Me, Nick, Charlotte and Isaac started setting up for the next game. Tao goes off after a while and Elle comes over to join us. " Where did Tao go?" Charlotte. " Just to the bathroom." Elle. " I'm going to get some more chips, does anyone want anything?" Nick. " Can you get me a coke, I'll pay." Elle. " No don't worry I've got it Isaac?" Nick. " I'll also have a coke if your paying." Isaac. " Okay, girls?" Nick. " Just a slush please Nick." Naomi and Charlotte. " Okay, I'll be back." Nick. " Do you want some help?" Naomi. " Uhmm yes please." Nick. When we get to the counter we hear " You know he's just an attention seeker like Harry and rest of his mates." Tao. " Nick doesn't even like Harry. Nicks basically risking everything by hanging out with me, so-" Charlie. " Wow. I feel so sorry for the popular rugby lad who's almost getting picked on because he dares to hang out with someone below his popularity status." Tao. " You know thats not what I meant." Charlie. " Now you're going to tell me I'm being jealous because you made a friend and I'm scared of being alone?" Tao. I zoned out and started ordering the food whilst Nick carried on listening to the conversation. A little while later Nick comes back over to me. " Dont listen to what Tao says he just doesn't know you, but you do need to choose between Charlie and Imogen." Naomi. Tao and Charlie come out of the bathroom, They look towards us and I hear Tao say " Ugh just go." Tao. Charlie comes over to me and Nick and I go back to the lane with Tao. I made sure no one else was looking and watched them closely as they hugged for a really long time. We played the second game of bowling with more cheering and laughs. Me and Elle finished the second game on a draw. We all headed into the arcade after bowling. Tao and Elle pushed past us and ran over to the dance machine. Isaac went off playing the 2p machines and Nick and Charlie went off to them robbing grabber machines. Me and Charlotte went to play air hockey. " You know Nick and Charlie really don't think they're being careful do they?" Charlotte. " You know about them?" Naomi. " Only because I've known Charlie like forever, you didn't know about them?" Charlotte. " No i knew about them i just didn't think anyone else did?" Naomi. " They're trying to be sneaky like us but there not as sneaky as we are." Charlotte. " Definitely not and between you and me, Nick really does like Charlie." Naomi. We all met up again at the end and me and Nick walked home together just as mum was getting home from work. " How was the bowling?" Sarah. " It was good Nick won the 1st game and me and Elle drew on the last." Naomi. "I'm glad you had a good time. Got any plans for tomorrow?" Sarah. " No not me, movie day i think." Naomi. " I'm going to meet up with Imogen at the park." Nick. " Ahh thats okay I'm on an afternoon so you'll just have to meet her in the morning Nicky." Sarah. " Yeah mum I'll sort it out now." Nick.
On Monday Morning I was sat with Nick and Imogen but I had my headphones in ignoring the other people around me until I heard Harry, over my music might I add he's very loud. " So how was your date?" Harry. " We decided we were better off as friends." Imogen. There was a chorus of ohhhh's. " Alright what did Nick do?" Harry. " Nothing, I just think I can do better." Imogen. This of course causes all the immature boys around us to laugh. " Your proper thick about girls sometimes aren't you mate." Harry. I'm about to say something when Nick just shakes his head at me. I grab my bag and walk over to the bus stop just as the bus pulls up and me and Charlotte walk upto Higgs. 

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