Do I know you? Five Hargreave...

By alimentoishere

15.3K 471 57

This is gonna be for males and this is the first time I'm writing something like this so... I don't own any c... More

October 1, 1989 (rewrite)
Everyones ability (rewritten)
Meet the family...sort of
Five Hargreaves
What happened before the death day
His brother's mother
 We're going on a trip
Unwanted memories
I'll do anything for you
Harlans mistake and y/n's loss
Hello sensei
Five...just go
A tattoo and a talk
Lets go back to the Academy 
Not a chapter


704 30 0
By alimentoishere

(I don't care what anyone says but this song hits different I'll sing this in front of the whole world that's how good it is and If you don't like it💥📯🤛🏻🏃🏻💨
If it doesn't show it's the miraculous ladybug, theme song)

"How do you know me, and tell me everything"

Five stayed quiet while I stared at him with a intense glare I wanted to know why he knew me and why was i getting these weird memories with him

"Answer do you know me"
I said again with a little more force in my voice it was killing me not knowing why

"...In my original timeline we were stuck in a apocalypse"
Five said and I listened intently not wanting to miss any information

"I time traveled because i wanted to prove that I was ready and that I practiced my jumping. After my father said I wasn't ready I left jumping through time i didn't know how long i jump but some how I ended up in ruins everything was destroyed no survivors. I tried going back but i couldn't"
He said his voice sounded shaky like he didn't like talking about it

"That wasn't until a couple of years in the apocalypse you suddenly appeared me and you were the only survivors, so we stayed with each other a few years in our friendship. I told you i liked you and you felt the same way. But i didn't know that i would lose you at the age of thirty I began to go crazy being alone"
Five said never looking at me when he spoke

I looked away from him and sat back in my seat But this all felt weird why was i getting all these weird memories if i died why am I here all these thoughts were going through my head that i didn't know that five moved the car somewhere else so we weren't in the way of people

We stayed quiet i looked out the window thinking of what I should say

"So...what was he like"
I asked I kind of wished i didn't ask but I wanted to at the same time five turned to look at me and I looked at him and gave him a quick awkward smile

"Well he liked reading, he went into danger head first, he was annoying, there's a lot to say about him that i just can't explain"
As five told me about his y/n I smiled because it reminded me of myself it was like nothing changed it felt like...I was his y/n but how

"He's just like me then"
I mumbled to myself five heard and chuckled i looked at him and gave him a confused look

I asked he shook his head looking away from me
"Not really"
"What how"

"You have powers and he didn't, he didn't want to kill me when we first"
He said and my mouth widened in surprise I moved my hand to hit his shoulder but he quickly moved his hand to grab mine when he did that i couldn't help but laugh and he laughed along with me it felt like we been friends since forever and i kind of liked it

I took my hand away rolling my eyes I looked at him more to his perfect neat hair to his beautiful green eyes to his clothes his clothes

"Why are you dressed up like a old man"
I said covering my mouth to quiet my laughter five looked at his clothes confused

"What are you talking about"
Five asked looking over his clothes of course he'll dress like a old man he's fifty eight for crying out loud
"You dress like a old man"
"Because I am old"
"No your not you gotta be the same age as me"
"No I'm being serious I'm fifty eight"
"I don't believe you know what when Klaus comes back I'll ask him"
"Alright but I'm telling the truth"
"Ok whatever"
We talked until I wanted to get out the car for a little when I did that I walked over to pet the cows I was playing with them for a few minutes until

3 pov

Screams were heard from y/n as he ran back to five and the car yelling out curses

"Oh shit fuck god damn it what the fuck just happened I want my mommy"
Y/n screamed as he was running back to the car five had felt a shake when he was sitting in the back of the car he came out to see no cows where he last seen them

"Can I get one fucking day off"
Five said to himself as y/n ran behind him going back into the car he was not gonna deal with disappearing shit five walked back to the car seeing y/n in the spot he was just sitting in

"The fuck"
Five said looking at y/n but y/n just shrugged not knowing what to say
"Help me find a marker"
Five said as he got in the front seat looking for something to write with y/n helped as well finding something and gave it to him a few minutes past as y/n watched five do some math he looked confused not understanding what five was writing he was never good at math in fact he hated it (confession I'm not good at math/algebra and geometry😬)

Y/n was to invested in the math that he didn't hear someone calling there names

"Five! Y/n! Five! Y/n start the car would ya"
Klaus yells trying to get there attention Klaus got even closer "five! start the car y/n start the car"
Y/n heard his name being called he was pretty sure five heard as well because they both turned around

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry"
Klaus said waving his hands in the air in a hurry five quickly opened the back door for y/n to get in "why can't you just get along with people"
Five shouted running on the other side of the car to get in the driver seat

"I tried. really, I did. I tried"
Klaus said as he got to the car five was about to get In but heard someone Klaus heard it as well
"Wait, wait, wait!" A amish woman said "hold on a second" Klaus said going towards the woman y/n opened the door looking at Klaus "come on! Get in the car Klaus"
Five yelled "Klaus now" y/n yelled seeing the Amish men coming closer he got back in the car locking his door not risking it "Klaus it's now or never, Klaus" five said getting into the car Klaus finally got into the car and five sped off

Y/n looked back at the Amish man who stopped chasing them he sat back into his seat putting his hands on his heart mid panic attack
"I thought Amish people were nice" y/n said as he leaned closer to five and Klaus "I know I thought so too" Klaus said reading through a book

"This whole timeline's chock-full of riddles. get this. My mom died here before I was even born!"
Klaus said making five push hard on the brakes making Klaus and y/n fly forward mainly y/n getting in between the front seats before going back into the back seats they could hear the screeching in the wheels

"What did you just say" five said giving Klaus a dead stare "yeah" Klaus said showing him the book the lady gave him

Y/n's pov

We drove back to where ever they were staying I looked at the book Klaus had and I wanted to look through it "hey Klaus"
"Yeah y/n" Klaus said looking back at me "can I have a look at the book" i asked leaning forward he looked hesitant like he wanted to keep looking at the book or looking at his mother
"Please it will only be a second" i said giving him a kind smile putting my hand out for the book
"Ok here make sure nothing happens to my mother's picture" he said giving me the book carefully

"Promise" I said taking the book from him carefully I looked through it reading what i could from the siblings mother's i soon got to five's

Efa place of birth Ireland
I looked through it seeing a picture of his mother she was a butcher oh...that's nice i couldn't help but giggle a little I leaned up in my seat to show Klaus something
"Klaus look" i said pointing at something Klaus looked and giggled along with me "five your Irish" Klaus asked five just gave us the side eye he didn't say anything just continued driving I closed the book but me and Klaus continued laughing

"Is someone upset" i asked leaning closer to him he ignored me just continued to stare at the road "five...hi-" i tried to say hi to him but he back handed me but not to hard just to shut me up Klaus continued to laugh


We finally made it to the place they were staying at we made it inside and i looked around the place looked nice I was mesmerized by the chandelier but I was out of my trance when i heard five talking I quickly made my way back to them

"Ok, gather round people" five said but looked around "where is- where's every- where's Luther?" Five asked and everyone said they haven't seen him "anybody know where- okay you know what be got bigger problems to worry about right now" five said as I stood next to him i could tell his siblings were looking at me

"Yeah like why is this sparrow here" the one of his siblings said the man looked like he was trying to intimidate me "he's not important-"
Five said but I cut him off I put my hand out to shake the smaller ones hand "hello I'm y/n"
I said giving him a soft smile "hey I'm victor" Victor said shaking my hand but five separated our hands

"No time for introductions. This is important"
Five said looking through the book i could tell that two people kind of had there eyes on me but I chose to ignore it "who are they" Viktor asked looking at the book "these are our mothers" five tells them as he flipped through the pages until it got to Klaus's mother

"That one's mine" he said we all stayed quiet before five spoke again "there all dead, they all died in the exact same day. October 1st, 1989."
Five tells them looking at all of them "that's our birthday." "I mean I wouldn't say that. I mean they all died before you guys were even born"
I said looking at Viktor "that's dumb. If we weren't born, how can we exist" the one that tried to intimidate me said

"Exactly" five said looking at him "what are you guys trying to say" Viktor asked me and five I kind of knew what was happening but not to much of the details because I always went to the library to learn things many time paradox stuff

"I'm saying when we jumped here, we created a time paradox. Alright not just any paradox this is the grandfather paradox" five tells them but one person in particular was confused

"what the hell is a grandfather paradox"

(Hello have a nice thanksgiving ugh I'm gonna have to help tomorrow maybe not but i hope you like the story and have a good day or night until next time bye✌🏼

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