Till Death Do Us Part

By PowerRings

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*CHAPTER 7 UPDATED* *Sexual themes in chapter 6. Inspired from Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Amy and h... More

This Life Without You
His Presence
Talk To Me
Getting Comfortable


237 2 1
By PowerRings

**Sexual Themes mentioned in this chapter. 18 OR OLDER PLEASE.**

Amy started to doubt her relationship with Shadow again, especially after that night. She confided in Tails the following evening, "am I making the right choice, Tails? Perhaps, I shouldn't even be dating at all." It was unusual to see Amy doubt herself, and it was bothered Tails. "But, he's so good to me..." Amy gave a deep sigh, hugging a pillow close to her chest as she opened up to her the twin-tailed fox. She noticed that Tails had stopped tinkering with some strange device, he put it aside and laid the tools beside it on the coffee table. She watched him clasp his hands, in deep thought. "I'm sorry, Tails. I know you're busy I shouldn't bother you -" Tails shook his head. Not at all bothered with Amy's company, nor bothered by her expressing her concerns.

"Ames, I always have time for you." He waved a hand, dismissing the idea that he was too busy for her. "I don't like Shadow too much, Amy. You know that. But, I can see he cares about you." Tails fiddled with a tool in his hand,  "I have wished you could have dated anyone else but him." He gave a weak laugh, "I'll be honest, though, I've seen a change in him." Tails met her gaze. "I'm not as worried about you being alone with him, Amy." The fox really hated to admit that, "I'm not great at dating advice. But, quite frankly.. you shouldn't give up on the relationship you two have." Tails shook his head, still in disbelief that they were even having this conversation even months later since the two have been dating. "I can't make this decision for you." He reached out a hand and squeezed hers in comfort, "that's up to you to decide, Amy. I just want the best for you and the kids." 

Immediately, the pink hedgehog started crying and embraced the fox tightly. He was absolutely right, in the end, this was her decision to make concerning her relationship with Shadow. She didn't want to replace her late husband; someday Lily will see that and perhaps start to even grow fond of the mysterious hedgehog. Amy thanked Tails for his advice, just being present and listening to her. When they finally returned home after another night at Tails' place, the family was relieved to be back in the comforts of their own home. Over the next several days, the family returned to their day-to-day routine. 

In a few weeks they will be having their Christmas break. Early December, Amy started to plan gifts for the teachers, and some small items for the kids in the classroom. She felt guilty last year she didn't give the teachers any gifts, but she was barely even able to come to the kids' Christmas program. Of course the teachers understood, but Amy knew how hard these teachers worked and how overlooked their job was, they deserved each gift received. Like last year, the kids will be having a Christmas program on the second week of the month. Amy noted this on her calendar. They always did so good, and she couldn't be more proud of them. Of course, she invited Shadow to come if he was available, and their family already planned to come. Unfortunately, the children did end up following sick with a bad case of the flu. Amy was not surprised in the least since it was quite common this time of the year. The kids missed a whole week of school, Mach got the worst of it and he even had to take a trip to the emergency room because he couldn't get his fever down, and couldn't keep anything down. With some antibiotics, and some fluids to keep him hydrated he was back to himself after a 48 hour stay at the ER.

After Mach fully recovered, Amy and Shadow were able to catch up once more. Just the two of them. Rouge had told Shadow about an Italian restaurant that was popular in the area, Amy almost want to just order a glass of water because of the menu prices, but Shadow didn't concerned about money so she was able to get whatever she wished to get. It was a nice evening, the pair ventured off into the city so Amy can get some early Christmas shopping done. The streets were decorated with lights wrapped around the streetlights, some outdoor Christmas trees were setup infront of various stores. Amy always wished these decorations could stay up all year, but she knew that the city wouldn't do that. The couple hit a few more stores, before finally arriving to Shadow's apartment. She had asked that Shadow hide the children's presents here, he stored them in the hallway closet while she played with Echo. Shadow's chao really started to enjoy Amy's company each time she came by; honestly, Shadow presence was ignored when she was around. 

They sat on the couch for a couple hours, Echo was resting on Amy's lap while the couple continued on with some small talk. She kept noticing that Shadow's phone kept going off, and when he got a third text he rolled his eyes and sighed.  "Mr. Popular tonight, huh?" He shook his head. 

"It's just Rouge." He explained. Tossing his phone aside, and turning his ringer off. Amy raised a brow, slightly jealous that Rouge was texting her boyfriend during their night out. "She keeps going on about this stupid Christmas party." 

"You've never mentioned a Christmas party?" Without a word, he handed her a card. It was an invitation to the annual Christmas party; provided by the Guardian Units of Nations. Shadow admitted he never goes, but if she wanted to go with him, he would be open to the idea.

Oh, she loved the idea. From the info provided on the card there will be a buffet provided, and expensive wine, dancing (this part really got Amy eager to go), and well-known band will be playing during the party. "Well, if you're asking me to be your date. I'd love to go, Shadow." The dark hedgehog opened his mouth to speak, but instead was greeted with a kiss. Around 11 that night, the couple traveled back to Amy's home. "And you're sure you won't be able to go to the program at the school?" It was clear that Amy was disappointed that Shadow would be missing out on seeing her kids sing. 

"I will try, Rose. Now, goodnight." He kissed her on the forehead, seconds before disappearing in the darkness.


It was the week before Christmas break, Amy was busy getting the kids prepared for the Christmas program. Finishing up the teacher's gifts, and the rest of the gifts for their classmates. The school held a party for the students, and invited the parents. Amy luckily was able to leave work to join Mach and Lily for the special meal at the school. They toured their classrooms, and Amy was given various Christmas keepsakes that her children made for the holiday season. Mach's gift was a handprint with a poem, while Lily's was a personalized ornament something that Amy knows will cherish especially when they grow up. 

The next day Amy helped pack the kids outfits for the Christmas program, giving them encouragement about that evening to soothe their nerves. They both hated standing before a crowd of people, but Lily was starting to handle it a lot better now that she had a few more experiences in these types of performances. 

That evening, Amy caught up with her in-laws, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, Cream and Vanilla. They found a spot in the theatre. Hoping that Shadow would show, she saved a spot for him to the left of her. They were given pamphlets that displayed information in how the program will be lined up. Mach's class would up first. They would be performing Jingle Bells with their own little colored-coded bells, and also will be singing Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. After their singing performance, a mix-up of ages will be performing their own adaption of  A Christmas Carol. Then, the kindergarten through 5th grade will be singing to end the show. 

During the performance that Mach was in, he waved out to his family and followed along with his teacher's guidance and performed perfectly alongside his classmates. They sung loud and proud, and then was escorted off. The curtains closed, while they played some music as they assembled everything for the play. Amy quickly checked to see if Shadow had texted her, when she saw there were no messages, she assumed he was not coming afterall. She sent him a couple snapshots that she captured of Mach on the stage.  She was startled when she felt a tap to her shoulder. It was none other than Shadow. Relieve flooded her, when he sat next to her just in time to see play was starting. 

Throughout any parts that Lily had to speak, Amy mouthed Lily's lines to herself, after she practiced with her daughter since early November she could remember word for word. As expected, Lily did wonderfully. All of the kids in the play did great. The play came to an end, and everyone clapped, all around them parents were capturing pictures, and videos, pride in their eyes after their children's performance. The principal came on stage to thank them for coming, and then the children were brought back out to sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas and finished in unison, a polite bow towards ended the performance as the curtains slowly closed, and the lights dimmed. When everyone was dismissed, all the students were eager to get out of their fancy Christmas outfits and back with their parents. Christmas break would begin after today and they could not wait any longer! 

Shadow disappeared, he said he had to leave to finish out a shift back at the club. The rest of the family gathered together, Mach and Lily said their goodbyes to their teachers. They all agreed to meet together at the local diner, their grandparents promising them ice cream or whatever sweet treat they desired. While at the diner, Mach passed out on the booth tuckered out from the hectic day at school. Amy gave him some time to catch some shut eye before they left to go home. 

On Saturday, Amy and Tails took the kids to see Santa. Lily didn't want to do it so she stayed behind with Tails. While Mach was talking to Santa, Amy was able to catch a few snapshots of them. After they finished some shopping, and a quick bite to eat Amy gathered the kids, and Tails to stand infront of the big Christmas tree in the middle of the mall. Although, it was kinda crazy with all the shoppers, she overlooked that and simply enjoy the time together as a family.


On Sunday, the day of the Christmas party with Shadow's coworkers. Throughout the afternoon, she battled with what to wear tonight, frantically going through her closet of various dresses, none of which appealed. She cursed under her breath, perhaps she should have looked for another outfit while they were at the mall on Saturday. With a pile of different choices of outfits resting on the edge of her bed, she called Cream in defeat. Perhaps she had something in mind? Cream said she had something she could pull from her new line of clothes, that was in fact perfect for the season. Cream came by and brought her a dress that stopped just at her knees. It was white with a light blue hue to it, with a blue bow in the back. Amy immediately fell in love. She found her wallet, and searched through it for some cash to pay her friend. Cream quickly turned it down, "it's a gift, Amy." Cream smiled warmly, the pair embraced and squealed in excitement as if they were young teenagers again. 

She found a pair of heels that she rarely liked to wear, but given the special occasion, it went well with the dress. Amy already explained to Mach and Lily that she's going to a Christmas event with Shadow, Lily didn't say much about it however, she didn't look very impressed. Cream volunteered to stay with the kids until she came back that night. For the rest of the afternoon, Amy took time to catch up on some chores around the house. Lily helped her with some laundry, and the dishes that were piled up. Not a lot was spoken between them, but Lily did keep prying about what she was gonna get for Christmas. As typical, her mother kept that a secret. Later, Amy tried to get Mach to go through some toys to get rid of for those children that are in need. Finally getting the upper hand of the argument, Amy and Mach managed to load up several of his toys, and a couple pairs of shoes that he refused to wear. Once they dropped it off by a toy bin, the family dozed off in the living room. 

It was about 5:30 that evening when Amy was startled awake by her alarm, she had to get ready! Shadow would be there in 10 minutes. Leaving the kids downstairs, she hurried to get ready. She went light on the makeup, and slipped on her new dress for tonight. There was a knock on the door as she struggled to get her shoes on. Downstairs, Cream answered the door and before her stood Shadow in a velvet red suit, with a white collared shirt underneath, black pants, and black dress shoes. Which were very uncomfortable to him compared to his usual pair of hover shoes. Mach or Lily didn't acknowledge them as they were too focused on a Christmas film, and playing a board game that Cream started with them. "She'll be down in a minute." Cream explained to Shadow. He just gave a nod, and waited by the doorway. A moment later, he saw Amy appear at the top of the stairs, she looked nervous about wearing the heels down this set up of stairs. He caught a glimpse of her slipping her shoes off, and carrying them downstairs with her, while she carried a black satchel in another hand. 

Amy froze when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Shadow looked so damn handsome in his attire. She felt her heart hammer in her chest, as she stepped closer to the dark hedgehog. She hung on to the side of the island in the kitchen as she slipped her shoes back on. She knew they had to leave in a haste, so she told Mach and Lily she loved them, and snuck a kiss on their foreheads. Lily gave Shadow a look before they left the house, and then sulked on the couch. It seemed like her mom and this jerk of a date were growing closer and closer, and she didn't want to accept that.

"Wow. Nice ride, Shad." Amy inched closer to the passenger side of the car. It was a black Mustang with a stripe of red along the hood, Shadow held the door open for her and helped her inside. He may have been cold sometimes, but he still had manners - at least towards her. It was only about 10 miles until they reached their destination. She was in awe when they stopped infront of a white building that probably had 5 or 7 floors. It looked to be some sort of government housing. Down the pathway, the bushes were covered in white lights and above them hung more lights. Waiting near where they pulled up, a guy dressed up in a red blazer took Shadow's keys to park his vehicle. Amy grabbed Shadow's hand as they walked closer to the entrance. Unlike earlier in their relationship, Shadow didn't pull away or feel awkward. Luckily for Amy, she didn't have to deal with a huge flight of steps leading into the building. 

Before they entered, Shadow filled out his signature and then the greeter welcomed them indoors. Amy's eyes squinted slightly when they entered the manor, more lights hung all through the building, they were guided into the ballroom that were filled with Shadow's colleagues, and their dates, Amy caught a glimpse of Rouge with Knuckles. Although she no longer worked with G.U.N the couple was invited to attend. Rouge and Amy embraced one another when they caught up to each among the crowd. Knuckles just simply nodded in Shadow's direction. The crowd regrouped in another room, in this room was a table in the middle of the room where various types of food and drinks were spread out before them.  It was a long wait before they could sit a table, and partake in their meal. After awhile, they found their assigned table with Rouge and Knuckles, and two other G.U.N colleagues. 

She watched Shadow throughout the night, he would occasionally have a short conversation with another coworker of his, but he didn't go looking for a specific individual to spark a conversation with. The couple sipped on some wine as they were encouraged to watch the band play. The taller girl in the band was playing a cello. Some people lingered around to watch the band perform, a few couples here and there would dance slowly to the music, while others just talked amongst themselves, or left to get more wine. Amy glanced over at Shadow, when the band started a new song. "Can we dance?" Shadow almost choked on his wine, when she asked. 

"... Are you sure?" He wasn't very talented, he hated to admit. The Ultimate Lifeform was great at everything, right? But, dancing with a beautiful lady like her? Not a cl

Amy rolled her eyes, grabbed his hand and put his wine glass down on the table nearby. She pulled him onto the dancefloor. She carefully guided his hand to her waist, while she rested her arm on his shoulder. The couple finally started to become comfortable in each stride they took. Slowly, and awkwardly they started to get really into the next song. It was a faster one, and more upbeat but it wasn't long before the two wasn't accidently stepping on each other's toes. As the song started to slow down, Amy inched closer to Shadow, and rested her head on his shoulder. His warm body against hers making her wish she could just rip his clothes off. They have waited for almost a year now. What harm would it do, if they gave in to their desires?

Maybe it was the wine talking, but Amy really wanted to be alone with Shadow right now. No fancy clothes restricting their deepest desires. The pair shared a quick but passionate kiss, then Amy whispered. "Can we go somewhere private?" Her eyes was filled with want for him. Heat traveled to his face. Without a word, Shadow grabbed her hand and the two left the ballroom. He wasn't sure whether his apartment was the right for tonight, but what the hell? 

Instead of taking his car, Shadow used Chaos Control to teleport them back to his place. Amy steadied herself once they reappeared in his apartment unit, she brought Shadow into a passionate kiss once more. When they reached his doorway, he hesitated to go further. "Are you sure?" Shadow couldn't catch his breath after that kiss. No matter how much Shadow wanted her, he still wanted to respect her wishes before it was too late. Amy nodded, her cheeks burning up. She tugged at his collar, and removed the tie and started unbuttoning his shirt after his velvet red blazer was removed. Shadow wrapped his arms around her waist, inching closer to his bed. When they reached the edge of his bed, he stopped his advances to slip her dress over her head. He kissed her neck, and planted faint kisses down her shoulder, he stopped at her collarbone, as he removed her undergarments. Inching closer to the head of the bed, both of them never parting for what felt like an eternity. That night the couple made love twice that night, letting all their emotions go, and giving in to their feelings toward each other without a care in the world. Around midnight, Amy fell asleep on Shadow's chest, while he held her tight against his body. Both finding comfort in each other's company.

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