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**Sexual Themes mentioned in this chapter. 18 OR OLDER PLEASE.**

Amy started to doubt her relationship with Shadow again, especially after that night. She confided in Tails the following evening, "am I making the right choice, Tails? Perhaps, I shouldn't even be dating at all." It was unusual to see Amy doubt herself, and it was bothered Tails. "But, he's so good to me..." Amy gave a deep sigh, hugging a pillow close to her chest as she opened up to her the twin-tailed fox. She noticed that Tails had stopped tinkering with some strange device, he put it aside and laid the tools beside it on the coffee table. She watched him clasp his hands, in deep thought. "I'm sorry, Tails. I know you're busy I shouldn't bother you -" Tails shook his head. Not at all bothered with Amy's company, nor bothered by her expressing her concerns.

"Ames, I always have time for you." He waved a hand, dismissing the idea that he was too busy for her. "I don't like Shadow too much, Amy. You know that. But, I can see he cares about you." Tails fiddled with a tool in his hand,  "I have wished you could have dated anyone else but him." He gave a weak laugh, "I'll be honest, though, I've seen a change in him." Tails met her gaze. "I'm not as worried about you being alone with him, Amy." The fox really hated to admit that, "I'm not great at dating advice. But, quite frankly.. you shouldn't give up on the relationship you two have." Tails shook his head, still in disbelief that they were even having this conversation even months later since the two have been dating. "I can't make this decision for you." He reached out a hand and squeezed hers in comfort, "that's up to you to decide, Amy. I just want the best for you and the kids." 

Immediately, the pink hedgehog started crying and embraced the fox tightly. He was absolutely right, in the end, this was her decision to make concerning her relationship with Shadow. She didn't want to replace her late husband; someday Lily will see that and perhaps start to even grow fond of the mysterious hedgehog. Amy thanked Tails for his advice, just being present and listening to her. When they finally returned home after another night at Tails' place, the family was relieved to be back in the comforts of their own home. Over the next several days, the family returned to their day-to-day routine. 

In a few weeks they will be having their Christmas break. Early December, Amy started to plan gifts for the teachers, and some small items for the kids in the classroom. She felt guilty last year she didn't give the teachers any gifts, but she was barely even able to come to the kids' Christmas program. Of course the teachers understood, but Amy knew how hard these teachers worked and how overlooked their job was, they deserved each gift received. Like last year, the kids will be having a Christmas program on the second week of the month. Amy noted this on her calendar. They always did so good, and she couldn't be more proud of them. Of course, she invited Shadow to come if he was available, and their family already planned to come. Unfortunately, the children did end up following sick with a bad case of the flu. Amy was not surprised in the least since it was quite common this time of the year. The kids missed a whole week of school, Mach got the worst of it and he even had to take a trip to the emergency room because he couldn't get his fever down, and couldn't keep anything down. With some antibiotics, and some fluids to keep him hydrated he was back to himself after a 48 hour stay at the ER.

After Mach fully recovered, Amy and Shadow were able to catch up once more. Just the two of them. Rouge had told Shadow about an Italian restaurant that was popular in the area, Amy almost want to just order a glass of water because of the menu prices, but Shadow didn't concerned about money so she was able to get whatever she wished to get. It was a nice evening, the pair ventured off into the city so Amy can get some early Christmas shopping done. The streets were decorated with lights wrapped around the streetlights, some outdoor Christmas trees were setup infront of various stores. Amy always wished these decorations could stay up all year, but she knew that the city wouldn't do that. The couple hit a few more stores, before finally arriving to Shadow's apartment. She had asked that Shadow hide the children's presents here, he stored them in the hallway closet while she played with Echo. Shadow's chao really started to enjoy Amy's company each time she came by; honestly, Shadow presence was ignored when she was around. 

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